PES 2018 PlayStation & Xbox Discussion Thread

Also would changing tactics/opting up pressure etc sort out the issues where at times easy teams are hard to beat and vice versa?
Personally speaking, I see the "easy teams being hard to beat" issue as one caused by them playing less direct football, but with amazing pass accuracy on those shorter passes (I saw Burnley string 7 first-time passes around at the edge of my box last night, finishing with a first-time backheel to a striker - which you'd accept as a one-off, but it happens so often and it's so jarring).

I'm sure that if you changed your tactics, possibly to close them down more to break those passes up, you could "combat" it - but for me, that is overlooking how problematic that is from a realism point of view (play Man Utd = don't worry about it, play Burnley = mark every player).

However... Option files that change all the default tactics could go a long way to helping in this regard (though I've read that any advanced tactics you set for the AI are ignored/replaced, which doesn't help).
its unacceptable that people (fair play to them) are having to mend something that is glaringly obvious. Some of the ML transfers and fixture stuff is unbelievable that has gone thru testing.

Same goes for Fifa too, they have added sliders, but how is it acceptable that people have to go to great lengths to make it simulate football
Rock, genuine question, who is directly "shitting all over your enthusiasm"?

You're not the first to say this - as I said earlier, I get the feeling that a few people feel like they're being told their opinion is wrong and/or they're being told to hate the game, or not to play the game.

I genuinely might have missed it because I'm usually not active at weekends, but if you feel like that, send me a PM or whatever and we can look into it. I'm a little distressed at this idea that people are thinking they can't post their (positive) opinions.

That could be a great idea. Single threads for every issue, duplicates closed. That'd provide a list that could be perused and/or debated.
Hey Chris,it's not really an issue,sometimes you just get singled out if you are positive about something that others deffo aren't,facts,personal opinions,nitpicking,highlighting an issue ten times over,making it an unplayable product.
It's fine,but the biggest issue is tons of people that comes on here looking for info,reading about this game,wonder what they think?

And it's not a single person,I can take that,don't want to snitch or report any of those,they'll be back and keep doing what they like doing soon enough
You @Lami @superleeds1 @Tom does a fantastic job in here,for the community, no need to trawl and search the forum for different opinions,and how they behave,everyone is entitled to their opinion,and that's cool.
What I feel a bit down about is the fact,that if you have a strong belief,could be anything,and when people start to nitpick that,and starts to pick everything apart,never ever highlight what's good,that's my issue,if you just pick out the bad and never ever the good,I'd like to think that's something very strange about that behaviour,and I would call that behaviour in an different situation/subject on social media by its right name.

First thing I do when reading something online/social media
1 read
2 reflect
3 answer,if necessary.
4 if the poster repeats the same behaviour,has the same type of behaviour,repeats the same "catchphrase" over and over again,if proven wrong or right by others or not,I'd say that poster has alternate motive to do what he does.

Have you noticed that all the things that were bad in the demo,suddenly aren't?
But I have never seen any poster that were shitting all over the demo,actually come out and say,"yeah don't like the full game,but boy was I surprised that they actually fixed the OP shooting!"
That behaviour doesn't exist for some,go in and shit on something,if people prove them wrong on that point,move on,don't apologise,next target.
My mind,being on social media,both when it comes to football/politics whatever,I have a name for that behaviour,and I don't need to explain what that's/those are called.

Sum it all up,this forum is great when it's great (sound a bit daft) and you guys mentioned above are doing a tremendous job,sorry if I forgot someone,but every year around this time,it's open season for some people.
Maybe I'm sensitive to what I feel how people should conduct them selves in a gaming community,yes a gaming community,not pros and cons about brexit/immigration/football/politely issues where the worst of the worst creeps out
A gaming community.

This isn't really what I feel is my evo web anymore,shits been hitting the fan in here since the release of Pes 16?
From passionate Pes players yes!
From people who are on the fence yes!
From people who absolutely hate this game oh yes!
All above is a personal opinion,and some might feel that they recognise this,some don't,some will go ape shit.
But my personal opinion.
honestly rock, most of those that complain probably just played a game or just watched videos and havent even played it, cbf most of the time in here either, my issues with the game is the prehistoric ML mode and the other modes, fine tuning this game with the issues found by lami and chris will take this game to anothel level again.
I totally agree Jimi,and what they do,is invaluable to this community,and hopefully the company will listen to,never ever doubting the hard work and dedication of these guys
Remember the demo,and people having it on both Xbox and PS4.
Does anyone in here have both copy's of the full game?
I feel like I'm completely fucked in the head for loving this this games gameplay.
Issues for me are mostly off the pitch,and I can live with those,it's a game!
Feel free to shit all over my enthusiasm for it,it's been done before,don't really care,small people,small minds.
Anyway,first question,if anyone knows,and HAS tried them both,would love to know.
And honestly,hope they release that other fucking game soon.
If my language and tone offends anyone,don't really care about that either,feel free to do what's suitable.
I'm done in here
Not long to go and I will be last man standing :D
Hey Chris,it's not really an issue,sometimes you just get singled out if you are positive about something that others deffo aren't,facts,personal opinions,nitpicking,highlighting an issue ten times over,making it an unplayable product.
It's fine,but the biggest issue is tons of people that comes on here looking for info,reading about this game,wonder what they think?

And it's not a single person,I can take that,don't want to snitch or report any of those,they'll be back and keep doing what they like doing soon enough
You @Lami @superleeds1 @Tom does a fantastic job in here,for the community, no need to trawl and search the forum for different opinions,and how they behave,everyone is entitled to their opinion,and that's cool.
What I feel a bit down about is the fact,that if you have a strong belief,could be anything,and when people start to nitpick that,and starts to pick everything apart,never ever highlight what's good,that's my issue,if you just pick out the bad and never ever the good,I'd like to think that's something very strange about that behaviour,and I would call that behaviour in an different situation/subject on social media by its right name.

First thing I do when reading something online/social media
1 read
2 reflect
3 answer,if necessary.
4 if the poster repeats the same behaviour,has the same type of behaviour,repeats the same "catchphrase" over and over again,if proven wrong or right by others or not,I'd say that poster has alternate motive to do what he does.

Have you noticed that all the things that were bad in the demo,suddenly aren't?
But I have never seen any poster that were shitting all over the demo,actually come out and say,"yeah don't like the full game,but boy was I surprised that they actually fixed the OP shooting!"
That behaviour doesn't exist for some,go in and shit on something,if people prove them wrong on that point,move on,don't apologise,next target.
My mind,being on social media,both when it comes to football/politics whatever,I have a name for that behaviour,and I don't need to explain what that's/those are called.

Sum it all up,this forum is great when it's great (sound a bit daft) and you guys mentioned above are doing a tremendous job,sorry if I forgot someone,but every year around this time,it's open season for some people.
Maybe I'm sensitive to what I feel how people should conduct them selves in a gaming community,yes a gaming community,not pros and cons about brexit/immigration/football/politely issues where the worst of the worst creeps out
A gaming community.

This isn't really what I feel is my evo web anymore,shits been hitting the fan in here since the release of Pes 16?
From passionate Pes players yes!
From people who are on the fence yes!
From people who absolutely hate this game oh yes!
All above is a personal opinion,and some might feel that they recognise this,some don't,some will go ape shit.
But my personal opinion.

Great post Rock.
The one problem for me with the positive/negative thing is the attitude. It feels like this. .. .Negative =clever people out to improve the game but need to reinforce their view 400 times. .Positive= dumb naive fools who are allowing the game go to rack and ruin and would play any old piece of crap with PES written on it.
The fact that Burnley, Crystal Palace, Sunderland, etc plays like Barcelona/Real Madrid is a game breaker for me. Can't get into the game.
The one problem for me with the positive/negative thing is the attitude. It feels like this. .. .Negative =clever people out to improve the game but need to reinforce their view 400 times. .Positive= dumb naive fools who are allowing the game go to rack and ruin and would play any old piece of crap with PES written on it.
My mum gave me some good and solid advice when I was four.
"Don't eat the crayons"
Wish everyone would have got that advice.
I only have one grip with the PES series, since PES 5 etc...
Once I get the grip of it, I always end up with around 60-70% posession. Well, always might be too much, but maybe 95% of the times. It doesn´t mean it gets easy... I still have to work hard to get those goals in, but the posession stats are off most of the times. In the end I know that the game is running a background script so that posession doesn´t translate in lots of goals, sometimes with supersaves all the time, sometimes with my forwards beeing dumbed down,etc. I would prefer a game with less chances and more effective ones, but hey, that would be really hard to code, because what´s hard for me might easy for others. Still, I enjoy the series overall and for some reason, we all keep coming back and hoping for the best, year after year.
If you have an issue with the game which totally breaks it for you, it´s okay to post here...without trying to drag people over who made different experiences or don´t see it as bad as you do.

But if you enjoy the game and can live with the flaws (who would be me), just don´t let yourself being influenced by negative posts.
Since 2013 I managed that here...thx god :)

But when I see a rant post, mostly I keep scrolling to the next one, unless it´s well written or well explained and either I can agree or I just don´t.

Tbh, all those posts about positioning...I respect and understand if it bugs people and I really wish you find a fix or workaround.
But whenever I see that I keep scrolling on because it doesn´t bug me.

Just find your priorities and respect each other :-*
Have played this a lot now.

Exhibition games are great. No fouls or penalties but they're interesting matches.

As soon as I play Master League the game stinks. It's a mess from top to bottom.

Konami are one very strange outfit.

I have to agree with this.
I'm totally in love with the gameplay. In every mode EXCEPT in Master League.

It amazes me how much it changes from Champions League Mode or an Exhibition match, or a full League Mode to Master League. Suddenly dribbling feels weird, everything becomes unresponsive and it's like the game is forcing you to attack in 2 or 3 ways. And got me to think - "Wait... I've just came from playing lots of incredible matches in that other mode in which anything could happen. There was a total feeling of freedom. Expect the unexpected. And now... in Master League, I feel like I'm repeating myself everytime I have the ball!".

And it has nothing to do with Team Spirit.
I tried starting a ML with Manchester City and the real squad, just to see if good players changed this. But no. I have 93 Team Spirit. And still I can attack and have clear goal scoring chances with no luck, until the AI attacks me ONCE and score in a very cheap way. Of course that happens in real life too. Actually, that happened A LOT to Manchester City last season. But when it happens to you in 3 or 4 matches in a row, that's when things start to smell fishy.

I repeat: I am shocked at how much I love the game outside of Master League. So I guess I'll just have to accept that and quit ML mode and play the other modes, without the chance of buying/selling players. It's a shame though.
The fact that Burnley, Crystal Palace, Sunderland, etc plays like Barcelona/Real Madrid is a game breaker for me. Can't get into the game.
They really did try to play like Barcelona though. They just couldn't score a goal or win a game. And De Boer lasted 77 days. But the effort was there.
I have to agree with this.
I'm totally in love with the gameplay. In every mode EXCEPT in Master League.

It amazes me how much it changes from Champions League Mode or an Exhibition match, or a full League Mode to Master League. Suddenly dribbling feels weird, everything becomes unresponsive and it's like the game is forcing you to attack in 2 or 3 ways. And got me to think - "Wait... I've just came from playing lots of incredible matches in that other mode in which anything could happen. There was a total feeling of freedom. Expect the unexpected. And now... in Master League, I feel like I'm repeating myself everytime I have the ball!".

And it has nothing to do with Team Spirit.
I tried starting a ML with Manchester City and the real squad, just to see if good players changed this. But no. I have 93 Team Spirit. And still I can attack and have clear goal scoring chances with no luck, until the AI attacks me ONCE and score in a very cheap way. Of course that happens in real life too. Actually, that happened A LOT to Manchester City last season. But when it happens to you in 3 or 4 matches in a row, that's when things start to smell fishy.

I repeat: I am shocked at how much I love the game outside of Master League. So I guess I'll just have to accept that and quit ML mode and play the other modes, without the chance of buying/selling players. It's a shame though.

ML is like a story written for the season for your team and you have to follow the script ..doesn't seem to be any way to change it.
So a thread without negativity/"moaning" seems like something people want. No debate. I really don't think it's a bad idea - in-fact, we've had similar threads in the past. But feel free to come up with something better, because:

You know that wouldn't work Chris.
One thing leads to another and we'll be right back at where it started.

I guess what Rockstrongo is trying to say (because I've been through it myself, in fact I quit this Thread for a long time until the full game came out and I started noticing a better attitude in here) is that, it's a lot easier for the 'complainers' to come here and fill the thread with negativity, than for the people that are happily enjoying the game to come and express themselves.

Picture this: You've never been to a PES community before, because you've been a FIFA player for the past years (hence, no need for option files, kits, etc) but you got to try PES 2018, you genuinely loved it and made the switch. You just got PES 2018 on your consoles. You love it very much. But... you want to get the kits, logos, etc because you feel it's a big missing part that kills the immersion. You go to your PC, google for an option file and somehow you land on Evo-Web. Start browsing and see this thread - You think "Good chance to introduce myself and share my experience!", but when you start reading and going through 200+ pages in which 190 are about negatives.... you simply decide to back off, look for the option file and get the hell out of here. How can you express your love for it when you'll probably be called a Konami PR, or people will get suspicious because you've just registered yet you love the game... how can you love the game? Don't you see there's so many broken things in it? How dare you, newbie, come here and say everything's good in Wonderland?.

To be honest I don't know how to fix this situation though. People who can't enjoy the game because of the little (or big) annoyances are fully entitled to vent out their frustrastions here. But that leaves no room for people like Rock or Zee or me, who are having a great time with the game, even if we know there are things that could be better to make the game even more "perfect" (we can all agree there will never ever be a perfect football game. I'm just using that word to describe it). Like more fouls, better positioning, better atmosphere, better presentation, more depth in Master League, less scripting, better Tactics/Strategies depth, etc. We are all familiar with those. But still we enjoy it and we would love to share that in this great community. But it'd seem it's easier share the hate than spread the love.
The one problem for me with the positive/negative thing is the attitude. It feels like this. .. .Negative =clever people out to improve the game but need to reinforce their view 400 times. .Positive= dumb naive fools who are allowing the game go to rack and ruin and would play any old piece of crap with PES written on it.

I agree with this in general, but I've also seen (and this is just my opinion) a bit of a tendency for defenders of the game to take criticism and negativity almost a bit personal, as if someone else's judgement should have any impact on how they enjoy the game themselves. Just because someone is criticising the game doesn't mean they're criticising the people that likes the game. The mantra goes a bit like "if you don't have anything positive to say, don't say anything", which I can't really agree with. We love PES here, otherwise we wouldn't take the time to criticise the game. I would never logon to a Linkin Park website just to tell everyone there that I think their music suck (interestingly, I've had the "battle symphony" track constantly on my mind for the last few days, haha). "Love it enough to criticise it".

I think it's interesting to hear people's opinions, good and bad, as it makes me look for those in the game myself and see if I agree or not. The wing problem for instance - I honestly haven't really noticed it at all, so it's interesting that it's such a big deal for other people. Likewise that guru83 over here says he doesn't like ML, and really likes the exhibition matches - my experience is the complete opposite! That's pretty interesting to note, in my opinion, and wouldn't be things I would think about unless people aired their frustration. Through airing the frustration, a lot of people also seem very keen to find solutions to tackle the problem (through fixing tactics and whatnot), which is another testament to the general love of the game, in my opinion.

I really like the idea of a feedback forum, it would be very interesting to structure the criticism of the game, and that would no doubt be more interesting to the game developers as well.

Anyways, just my two cents. I'm really enjoying PES 2018 in ML at the moment. I've found a thing that works for now, and I'm really happy about that. I understand that a lot of people are frustrated though - I agree that the game could be so much better had there only been a few adjustments here and there. Hopefully they can come in future DLC's!
Wow, I just caught up with this thread from over the weekend and there was a lot of great discussion, I had about 12 posts ready to quote and reply to before i realised it would be an unintelligible mess :D So instead I stuck with this one post

But I'm seeing a divide as to what people think makes a great football game. I saw this on Twitter earlier: Twitter goal

Jesus Christ this goal makes me want to throw up :CENSOR::CENSOR::CENSOR: really awful thing to watch! :LOL:
You know that wouldn't work Chris.
One thing leads to another and we'll be right back at where it started.

I guess what Rockstrongo is trying to say (because I've been through it myself, in fact I quit this Thread for a long time until the full game came out and I started noticing a better attitude in here) is that, it's a lot easier for the 'complainers' to come here and fill the thread with negativity, than for the people that are happily enjoying the game to come and express themselves.

Picture this: You've never been to a PES community before, because you've been a FIFA player for the past years (hence, no need for option files, kits, etc) but you got to try PES 2018, you genuinely loved it and made the switch. You just got PES 2018 on your consoles. You love it very much. But... you want to get the kits, logos, etc because you feel it's a big missing part that kills the immersion. You go to your PC, google for an option file and somehow you land on Evo-Web. Start browsing and see this thread - You think "Good chance to introduce myself and share my experience!", but when you start reading and going through 200+ pages in which 190 are about negatives.... you simply decide to back off, look for the option file and get the hell out of here. How can you express your love for it when you'll probably be called a Konami PR, or people will get suspicious because you've just registered yet you love the game... how can you love the game? Don't you see there's so many broken things in it? How dare you, newbie, come here and say everything's good in Wonderland?.

To be honest I don't know how to fix this situation though. People who can't enjoy the game because of the little (or big) annoyances are fully entitled to vent out their frustrastions here. But that leaves no room for people like Rock or Zee or me, who are having a great time with the game, even if we know there are things that could be better to make the game even more "perfect" (we can all agree there will never ever be a perfect football game. I'm just using that word to describe it). Like more fouls, better positioning, better atmosphere, better presentation, more depth in Master League, less scripting, better Tactics/Strategies depth, etc. We are all familiar with those. But still we enjoy it and we would love to share that in this great community. But it'd seem it's easier share the hate than spread the love.
so all other modes than ML play better/different!?
is there a scenario you can recommend so i can test this!?
so all other modes than ML play better/different!?
is there a scenario you can recommend so i can test this!?

So far I've tried Friendlies, Champions League Mode, League Mode and Master League (with real life squad).

I can without a shadow of doubt affirm, the matches are far more attractive in all those modes, except ML.
You know that wouldn't work Chris.
One thing leads to another and we'll be right back at where it started.

I guess what Rockstrongo is trying to say (because I've been through it myself, in fact I quit this Thread for a long time until the full game came out and I started noticing a better attitude in here) is that, it's a lot easier for the 'complainers' to come here and fill the thread with negativity, than for the people that are happily enjoying the game to come and express themselves.

Picture this: You've never been to a PES community before, because you've been a FIFA player for the past years (hence, no need for option files, kits, etc) but you got to try PES 2018, you genuinely loved it and made the switch. You just got PES 2018 on your consoles. You love it very much. But... you want to get the kits, logos, etc because you feel it's a big missing part that kills the immersion. You go to your PC, google for an option file and somehow you land on Evo-Web. Start browsing and see this thread - You think "Good chance to introduce myself and share my experience!", but when you start reading and going through 200+ pages in which 190 are about negatives.... you simply decide to back off, look for the option file and get the hell out of here. How can you express your love for it when you'll probably be called a Konami PR, or people will get suspicious because you've just registered yet you love the game... how can you love the game? Don't you see there's so many broken things in it? How dare you, newbie, come here and say everything's good in Wonderland?.

To be honest I don't know how to fix this situation though. People who can't enjoy the game because of the little (or big) annoyances are fully entitled to vent out their frustrastions here. But that leaves no room for people like Rock or Zee or me, who are having a great time with the game, even if we know there are things that could be better to make the game even more "perfect" (we can all agree there will never ever be a perfect football game. I'm just using that word to describe it). Like more fouls, better positioning, better atmosphere, better presentation, more depth in Master League, less scripting, better Tactics/Strategies depth, etc. We are all familiar with those. But still we enjoy it and we would love to share that in this great community. But it'd seem it's easier share the hate than spread the love.
Thanx bro,I know how you feel,and a big thanx for you knowing the other way around
So far I've tried Friendlies, Champions League Mode, League Mode and Master League (with real life squad).

I can without a shadow of doubt affirm, the matches are far more attractive in all those modes, except ML.

How about last year?
Did you feel the same way?
I agree with this in general, but I've also seen (and this is just my opinion) a bit of a tendency for defenders of the game to take criticism and negativity almost a bit personal, as if someone else's judgement should have any impact on how they enjoy the game themselves. Just because someone is criticising the game doesn't mean they're criticising the people that likes the game. The mantra goes a bit like "if you don't have anything positive to say, don't say anything", which I can't really agree with. We love PES here, otherwise we wouldn't take the time to criticise the game. I would never logon to a Linkin Park website just to tell everyone there that I think their music suck (interestingly, I've had the "battle symphony" track constantly on my mind for the last few days, haha). "Love it enough to criticise it".

I think it's interesting to hear people's opinions, good and bad, as it makes me look for those in the game myself and see if I agree or not. The wing problem for instance - I honestly haven't really noticed it at all, so it's interesting that it's such a big deal for other people. Likewise that guru83 over here says he doesn't like ML, and really likes the exhibition matches - my experience is the complete opposite! That's pretty interesting to note, in my opinion, and wouldn't be things I would think about unless people aired their frustration. Through airing the frustration, a lot of people also seem very keen to find solutions to tackle the problem (through fixing tactics and whatnot), which is another testament to the general love of the game, in my opinion.

I really like the idea of a feedback forum, it would be very interesting to structure the criticism of the game, and that would no doubt be more interesting to the game developers as well.

Anyways, just my two cents. I'm really enjoying PES 2018 in ML at the moment. I've found a thing that works for now, and I'm really happy about that. I understand that a lot of people are frustrated though - I agree that the game could be so much better had there only been a few adjustments here and there. Hopefully they can come in future DLC's!

So highlighting a couple of problems with the game and saying it's unplayable or broken is fine is it? I must go over to the Fifa thread and throw up a bit of evidence of why it's unplayable for me. .I'd say I would be welcomed with open arms and thanked for my brilliant observations and invited back anytime I feel like contributing in such a helpful and constructive manner. . .do you see now how it looks sometimes? Nobody is against a balanced forum just be fuckin honest in what your motives are . .. that includes everybody.
So highlighting a couple of problems with the game and saying it's unplayable or broken is fine is it? I must go over to the Fifa thread and throw up a bit of evidence of why it's unplayable for me. .I'd say I would be welcomed with open arms and thanked for my brilliant observations and invited back anytime I feel like contributing in such a helpful and constructive manner. . .do you see now how it looks sometimes?

Deco, man. It's the same over there. (But with less people posting - because this is a PES site first and foremost - and with a few "disenchanted" people slipping over there almost as a protest vote to PES and say FIFA's the "best ever" - it doesn't fill up with criticism quite so quickly. But it's the same.)

Frankly it's the same cr*p by EA, No fouls, No handballs despite thembeing turned on. AI passive on higher difficulties and all players and teams play the same way.

I'm genuinely absolutely gutted, because this ONE THING spoils the entire game against the AI, and they're not going to change it, because they've done it on purpose.

Is anyone else a bit fed up with the constant pressing of every AI team in the demo? I must admit, as much as it is technically very impressive, there are some things grating my nerves about the FIFA 18 demo, especially comparing it to a fully tweaked FIFA 16.

In short - we all hate every football game ever. :D
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