PES 2018 PlayStation & Xbox Discussion Thread

Ive not played ML yet, so cant comment on the gameplay differences due to the TS impact. However i think some people do exaggerate the problems a bit.

Yes there are passages where the AI will ping it about and the backheel/flick animation comes into it. But its not constant, no where near it... i dont like it when it happens, but its not unstoppable and its not all game.

The lofted balls over the top outwide, well I cant deny they try it as I see it. But in my games (top player) the AI over hits at least 1 in 3 out of play... and of the others, I can cut them out or at least be on the player the minute he brings it down. I dont see any dramatic disadvantage to the AI doing it and again its not all the time for me and believe me, im looking for this crap as im easily put off a game and will soon let it collect Hard drive dust :D

As for human ping passing, on full manual I cant do it. Im not a joypad jockey, so im sure there are players who can scratch their balls, eat a Chinese all whilst rainbow flicking the ball up and down the pitch 30 times non stop... but I cant, so none of that (if its there) affects my experience and being 'not great' at the game actually helps, as you find things more of a challenge.

I dont care if people dont like it, i wouldnt care if i was the only person in the world playing the game if i found it fun... and my comments are not for people who own the game, as you have already formed your opinion during your playtime. But for those looking for information before buying... then

- The backheel/flick ping pong passing does happen, its not constant and its not unstoppable. Infact the more you play position, rather than high tempo pressure, the less it happens as the AI dosent have players in space instantly to knock it around.

- Balls over the top out wide are attempted, again its not the only AI approach, far from it. Are they unstoppable... no. Are they 100% accurate... no.

I do not fiddle with tactics for my team or the AI, just play it as i see it so far. ML may well be different, thats another bridge for me to cross. But its good, really good imo and I didnt play Beta or Demo, wasnt even going to buy it as im burnt out, but gave it a go and here we are.

Enjoy it or dont.... but just be honest with yourself and when you post. Its not just PES owners here, haters or lovers... but there are people out there who will want an independent voice, from those who have the game, play it as it is and say it as it is.

Great post Mehuk.
I dont care if people dont like it, i wouldnt care if i was the only person in the world playing the game if i found it fun

Enjoy it or dont.... but just be honest with yourself

I keep reading comments like this (not aiming this at you directly @mehuk, I promise you!) - comments that read to me like they're saying "you can't tell me what to do", "you can't ruin it for me", "I don't care if I'm the last one playing it". But I don't think that's anyone's motivation - it'd be weird if it was!

There have been a few isolated one-line troll posts (in-fact I deleted one of them in the thread earlier), but aside from those instances, I really don't think people bother to take the time out of their day to log in and post their opinions (or make things up) because they want to cause some kind of anti-PES uprising and stop you from playing the game. It's all just different viewpoints, coming from having passion for the game (if it wasn't there, they wouldn't bother logging in).

Don't get me wrong, I see why it wouldn't be much fun if you're loving the game right now, and you log in to see pages of "I don't like XYZ" and "I agree". I can also understand why it might feel that the positive voices are being lost a bit. (Just throwing this out there, would an "I love PES 2018 because" thread help?)

But discussion of all this stuff is what the forum was created for, and I enjoy reading everyone's opinion - and I genuinely love reading that people are enjoying the game, because why wouldn't you be happy about that?
I keep reading comments like this (not aiming this at you directly @mehuk, I promise you!) - comments that read to me like they're saying "you can't tell me what to do", "you can't ruin it for me", "I don't care if I'm the last one playing it". But I don't think anyone is trying to do that!

There have been a few isolated one-line troll posts (in-fact I deleted one of them in the thread earlier), but aside from those instances, I really don't think people bother to take the time out of their day to log in and post their opinions (or make things up) because they want to cause some kind of anti-PES uprising and stop you from playing the game. It's all just different viewpoints, coming from having passion for the game (if it wasn't there, they wouldn't bother logging in).

Don't get me wrong, I see why it wouldn't be much fun if you're loving the game right now, and you log in to see pages of "I don't like XYZ" and "I agree". I can also understand why it might feel that the positive voices are being lost a bit. (Just throwing this out there, would an "I love PES 2018 because" thread help?)

But discussion of all this stuff is what the forum was created for, and I enjoy reading everyone's opinion - and I genuinely love reading that people are enjoying the game, because why wouldn't you be happy about that?

I think you'd have more success with a I hate PES 2018 because Chris ha ha.. . . probably 5 of us would show up in the I love thread.
I think you'd have more success with a I hate PES 2018 because Chris ha ha.. . . probably 5 of us would show up in the I love thread.
I don't know so much - I do have to concede that there could be a little bit of intimidation from people who are loving the game, to post in a thread that's so negative.

Just trying to think of things that might make the forum - or at least a piece of it - a better place to hang out for the guys who are a bit fed up of the balance in here.

We're always open to suggestions!

I think we need a general feedback thread with only the absolutely essential fixes needed to the game.
- fixing passive AI defenders when going up the wings
-dramatically reducing transfer activity in Master League
-removing the corner flag golf celebration

I like the idea - my fear would be that there would end up being a mini-riot in here when someone posted a negative opinion, who would be told to "post it in the negative thread n00b" - and that it would just become that "negativity thread". But it could be worth a go if it can be kept on-topic.

Feel free to start it and we'll try to support it!
I don't know so much - I do have to concede that there could be a little bit of intimidation from people who are loving the game, to post in a thread that's so negative.

Just trying to think of things that might make the forum - or at least a piece of it - a better place to hang out for the guys who are a bit fed up of the balance in here.

We're always open to suggestions!


I like the idea - my fear would be that there would end up being a mini-riot in here when someone posted a negative opinion, who would be told to "post it in the negative thread n00b" - and that it would just become that "negativity thread". But it could be worth a go if it can be kept on-topic.

Feel free to start it and we'll try to support it!

I don't think a thread is necessary. .there's only the odd fight.
It's promising that they are taking comments on board for improving Master League next year.

Has it been suggested whether they will be fixing anything this year? It desperately needs it.

Anyway, I have a big rant planned for Master League so I'll be popping into the useful threads created by Chris as some point.

To summarise, I got the game on Thursday and absolutely love(d) it, then binged on Master League all Saturday and the excitement as gone already. It feels like I've had the game for a year because essentially the mode is still the broken mess it was last year (that's a lie, it's worse).

A career mode should not be something that kills your enjoyment of a game, in fact it should be the opposite and help get he most out of the game.

There so much shit that needs changing with it, it's hard to know where to start. In fact, I wish they would just scrap it all together and a create mode with a blank canvas based on our feedback.

I guess this turned into a mini rant in itself.
Whats broken in ML? I assume that TS impact is destroying the gameplay?

I know the off field stuff isnt great, never really has been... but I get my 'realism' kicks from Football Manager, there I expect better as teh game is built to be a simulation of the footballing world. Thats not to say I wouldnt want Konami to make PES better in this regard, however I sort of like the little world you get/create.

Its a small sample size, you get a few competitions, you get the extension of the Champions League etc and you get minimal but just enough management stuff.

I could easily hate Master League, easily. I think ive just grown to accept it and be ready for it to be my own little world, where I wont get a FM like representation off the pitch, so just immerse myself in whatever comes along.

I just hope the gameplay isnt borked based on TS, I know why its in there... but i dont want to be treading water for the sake of it.

I don't know so much - I do have to concede that there could be a little bit of intimidation from people who are loving the game, to post in a thread that's so negative.

Just trying to think of things that might make the forum - or at least a piece of it - a better place to hang out for the guys who are a bit fed up of the balance in here.

We're always open to suggestions!


I like the idea - my fear would be that there would end up being a mini-riot in here when someone posted a negative opinion, who would be told to "post it in the negative thread n00b" - and that it would just become that "negativity thread". But it could be worth a go if it can be kept on-topic.

Feel free to start it and we'll try to support it!

You make a good point Chris. I would post on this thread but don't want to come across as a 'hater'. Actually maybe i am as i havent bought it yet.

But reading what people say, watching videos (like yours), and not really liking the demo and the beta. I would love to post some videos of older PES games to show where the game needs to improve or go back to.

Maybe a thread (a bit of a moaning thread) entitled "I wish PES2018 had this in it...' and maybe we could post videos of what used to be in the game.

For example you showed a video of someone on Twitter that scored a ping pong team goal that some would love and some would call "soul less". I almost scored a goal that was kinda pingpongy on PES2008 PS2 but the player skyed it. But it had so much life in the move because it took me so much effort. I would have posted the video in this thread but thought it would cause a riot.

Hope that makes sense :)
Played the game for 4 days now...and i really enjoy it! Agree there is a few issues with the game but no game breaker. I would say the worst thing is the transfers in master league....whats that all about?? Strange thing to f*ck up. The lofted through balls is a bit of a problem, but as someone wrote..u can handle those. Its worse a few games when they find the early cross to the middle to get one on one with keeper. Doesnt happen very often so not a big problem.

But the good stuff are a lot more. Big improvement from 2017.
Well that's not condescending at all. This place these days.....
Bloody hell Zee, we can't win - people complain the thread is full of negativity. I try to come up with a solution (only a half-idea) and that's condescending.

EDIT: Look at this post:

This is why I stay away from threads like this. Check it for the first time in forever and people are pissing and moaning about it.

So a thread without negativity/"moaning" seems like something people want. No debate. I really don't think it's a bad idea - in-fact, we've had similar threads in the past. But feel free to come up with something better, because:

I've backed of in this forum,because I don't recognise this game when described,really don't.

We don't want people to feel like that, I personally don't want people to leave the thread/site because they feel they can't post their experiences - and the only other solution would be to make everyone agree with each other. Good luck with that.
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Whats broken in ML? I assume that TS impact is destroying the gameplay?

I know the off field stuff isnt great, never really has been... but I get my 'realism' kicks from Football Manager, there I expect better as teh game is built to be a simulation of the footballing world. Thats not to say I wouldnt want Konami to make PES better in this regard, however I sort of like the little world you get/create.

Its a small sample size, you get a few competitions, you get the extension of the Champions League etc and you get minimal but just enough management stuff.

I could easily hate Master League, easily. I think ive just grown to accept it and be ready for it to be my own little world, where I wont get a FM like representation off the pitch, so just immerse myself in whatever comes along.

I just hope the gameplay isnt borked based on TS, I know why its in there... but i dont want to be treading water for the sake of it.


I don't think the TS implementation is all that bad. It's certainly something I could put up with compared the ML functionality itself.

As far as the immersion goes, I try so hard every year to accept the way it works but I just can't. New features are being added to ML every year but the application is always poor and immersion breaking.

I've said it before but I really think that everything we find 'broken' about Master League is by design.

The mode is not intended to be realistic - it's an arcade minded approach to a career and I think it functions exactly how they wanted it to.

For example, I refuse to believe that the poor implementation of release clauses is down to a lack of knowledge of real world transfer markets. It is more simply an added block to work with their existing structure, based on a real life aspect of football, to then act as a new feature in master league (which is why I think the mode needs to be completely remade).
This game's soundtrack is somehow even worse than last years. There's only 13 songs and they're already unbelievably repetitive and the game hasn't even been out for a week. I know we can just use Spotify on PS4 or edit the music on PC but it's honestly such a minor thing that if you address it alleviates a frustration that people are already pretty vocal about on Twitter / Reddit.

FIFA 18 has 41 songs - either don't try and sign the license for a big name song / artist and instead use slightly smaller artists that also have brilliant songs or go back to the old PS2 era of music and the electronic rock from Konami's own employees!

I'm enjoying the game, I like what happens on the pitch (obviously some flaws) but the rest of the game just feels lazy. Presentation, leagues, fixtures etc. No trophies in celebrations, managers by the pitch looking nothing like the one you created in ML mode.

They didn't change the fixture order for teams for the fourth game in a row. I have started every season against Stoke when I play as Chelsea since PES15. Man Utd always start against Arsenal. Something as simple as just changing up the running order for fixtures would be such a blessing.
i had my first PESleague match last night. searching for an aopponent took some time (like 5-7 min) and the match wasnt lag free. i experienced better matches in the beta. ill have another PESleague match tonight just to check on the performance.
i lost that match 3:0 (the opponent was using PA1, i was using fm). i had nearly no problem playing him (control sheme wise) but the lag did cause some frustration!
i had my first PESleague match last night. searching for an aopponent took some time (like 5-7 min) and the match wasnt lag free. i experienced better matches in the beta. ill have another PESleague match tonight just to check on the performance.
i lost that match 3:0 (the opponent was using PA1, i was using fm). i had nearly no problem playing him (control sheme wise) but the lag did cause some frustration!

Is it totally free to choose PA in PESLeague? I mean, could u face someone with PA3 when u play fuma?
This game's soundtrack is somehow even worse than last years. There's only 13 songs and they're already unbelievably repetitive and the game hasn't even been out for a week. I know we can just use Spotify on PS4 or edit the music on PC but it's honestly such a minor thing that if you address it alleviates a frustration that people are already pretty vocal about on Twitter / Reddit.

FIFA 18 has 41 songs - either don't try and sign the license for a big name song / artist and instead use slightly smaller artists that also have brilliant songs or go back to the old PS2 era of music and the electronic rock from Konami's own employees!

I'm enjoying the game, I like what happens on the pitch (obviously some flaws) but the rest of the game just feels lazy. Presentation, leagues, fixtures etc. No trophies in celebrations, managers by the pitch looking nothing like the one you created in ML mode.

They didn't change the fixture order for teams for the fourth game in a row. I have started every season against Stoke when I play as Chelsea since PES15. Man Utd always start against Arsenal. Something as simple as just changing up the running order for fixtures would be such a blessing.
i like the new songs. much more modern... but yes, the list is even smaller than list years.
i used to like that spotify feature on ps4... its easy to handle (ps menu from everywhere) and you have plenty of good playlists at your disposel.
It´s hard to read up 10 pages at once here :P

Played a lot of myclub (waiting for a good OF yet) and really enjoying that game!

I could save moments and situations, animations, goals all day but I´m so damn lazy uploading all that stuff.
My settings: cam, 0, 6, 6 (actually love angle 10 but it´s quite hard for me on manual), full manual, speed 0.

A few pages I read about Watford being too hard and it really made me laugh.

Watford in my PES 2017 ML was my most feard opponent. They always kept slashing me whereas Barca or Bayern Munich been very easy to beat.
This problem is existing for years....I remember that being in even in PES 2010 and it never changed.

Sitting in the office here, reading all your impressions as it´s the only way spending time on PES....can´t wait for tonight....Mrs is giving ZUMBA classes for a couple of hours so I can play a few matches.

Couldn´t agree more...specially on the bold parts.
I love how players react and move on the pitch. Animations are really really good and ball physics as well.

About the SIM thing. I think it´s really hard finding a good balance between SIM and a game that you can enjoy.
Realism is great but not in every field.
Best example to me is when people asking for a handball implemention.
That for example is something that I personally never ever wanna have in this game as it is something only the CPU can control and not you. Now if we moan about momentum or scripting, handball should be the last thing we want to have in this game. Just my opinion.

I´m a little scared when I read they are looking into fouls and trying to fix that in a few months.
When I play this game, I never wonder why I don´t get fouled. In fact I do get fouled more or less....maybe not often enough.
I just don´t want them to go from one extreme to another. I remember PES 2014....every little push was called and you didn´t have any gameflow, because there have been interruptions every second minute.

But if they find the right balance or better yet...adjust that on different refs or teams...I´m fine.
I hope they can...
Yes,handball should never be implemented in this game,just because of what you just said Chief.
I've backed of in this forum,because I don't recognise this game when described,really don't.
Hope you find a good option file mate:)
And the Watford thing,I've had the same problem with Sassuolo since 2015.
Bloody hell Zee, we can't win - people complain the thread is full of negativity. I try to come up with a solution (only a half-idea) and that's condescending.

EDIT: Look at this post:

So a thread without negativity/"moaning" seems like something people want. No debate. I really don't think it's a bad idea - in-fact, we've had similar threads in the past. But feel free to come up with something better, because:

We don't want people to feel like that, I personally don't want people to leave the thread/site because they feel they can't post their experiences - and the only other solution would be to make everyone agree with each other. Good luck with that.
If Konami were to take this place seriously, how about a feedback section? There we can have different topics for whatever needs to be fed back. And whenever Konami asks for feedback we can simply have a look in there, collect all the info in a word doc or simply link them to the feedback section and we're done.

Edit: feedback topics with polls.
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Remember the demo,and people having it on both Xbox and PS4.
Does anyone in here have both copy's of the full game?
I feel like I'm completely fucked in the head for loving this this games gameplay.
Issues for me are mostly off the pitch,and I can live with those,it's a game!
Feel free to shit all over my enthusiasm for it,it's been done before,don't really care,small people,small minds.
Anyway,first question,if anyone knows,and HAS tried them both,would love to know.
And honestly,hope they release that other fucking game soon.
If my language and tone offends anyone,don't really care about that either,feel free to do what's suitable.
I'm done in here
Remember the demo,and people having it on both Xbox and PS4.
Does anyone in here have both copy's of the full game?
I feel like I'm completely fucked in the head for loving this this games gameplay.
Issues for me are mostly off the pitch,and I can live with those,it's a game!
Feel free to shit all over my enthusiasm for it,it's been done before,don't really care,small people,small minds.
Anyway,first question,if anyone knows,and HAS tried them both,would love to know.
And honestly,hope they release that other fucking game soon.
If my language and tone offends anyone,don't really care about that either,feel free to do what's suitable.
I'm done in here
Lol. This place can get funny at times. Calm down man :D
Feedback would be nice. it will be better if we follow konamis feedback format if one remember... easier for them to read.. also top priority for potential fix by patch. Not asking for something that is not offered at all in the game.
Feel free to shit all over my enthusiasm for it,it's been done before,don't really care,small people,small minds.
Rock, genuine question, who is "shitting all over your enthusiasm" directly?

You're not the first to say this - as I said earlier, I get the feeling that a few people feel like they're being told their opinion is wrong and/or they're being told to hate the game, or not to play the game.

I genuinely might have missed it because I'm usually not active at weekends, but if you feel like that, send me a PM or whatever and we can look into it. I'm a little distressed at this idea that people are thinking they can't post their (positive) opinions.

If Konami were to take this place seriously, how about a feedback section?
That could be a great idea. Single threads for every issue, duplicates closed. That'd provide a list that could be potentially perused and/or debated.
Remember the demo,and people having it on both Xbox and PS4.
Does anyone in here have both copy's of the full game?
I feel like I'm completely fucked in the head for loving this this games gameplay.
Issues for me are mostly off the pitch,and I can live with those,it's a game!
Feel free to shit all over my enthusiasm for it,it's been done before,don't really care,small people,small minds.
Anyway,first question,if anyone knows,and HAS tried them both,would love to know.
And honestly,hope they release that other fucking game soon.
If my language and tone offends anyone,don't really care about that either,feel free to do what's suitable.
I'm done in here
honestly rock, most of those that complain probably just played a game or just watched videos and havent even played it, cbf most of the time in here either, my issues with the game is the prehistoric ML mode and the other modes, fine tuning this game with the issues found by lami and chris will take this game to anothel level again.
Making noise is right, but if i didn't play Pes 2018 i would think it's one of the worst football games ever, considering how much complaints there are on here and how little people speak about what is good.

The constructive criticism will always drown out what is actually good in the game.
Be interesting to take a poll to compare
Ive not played ML yet, so cant comment on the gameplay differences due to the TS impact. However i think some people do exaggerate the problems a bit.

Yes there are passages where the AI will ping it about and the backheel/flick animation comes into it. But its not constant, no where near it... i dont like it when it happens, but its not unstoppable and its not all game.

The lofted balls over the top outwide, well I cant deny they try it as I see it. But in my games (top player) the AI over hits at least 1 in 3 out of play... and of the others, I can cut them out or at least be on the player the minute he brings it down. I dont see any dramatic disadvantage to the AI doing it and again its not all the time for me and believe me, im looking for this crap as im easily put off a game and will soon let it collect Hard drive dust :D

As for human ping passing, on full manual I cant do it. Im not a joypad jockey, so im sure there are players who can scratch their balls, eat a Chinese all whilst rainbow flicking the ball up and down the pitch 30 times non stop... but I cant, so none of that (if its there) affects my experience and being 'not great' at the game actually helps, as you find things more of a challenge.

I dont care if people dont like it, i wouldnt care if i was the only person in the world playing the game if i found it fun... and my comments are not for people who own the game, as you have already formed your opinion during your playtime. But for those looking for information before buying... then

- The backheel/flick ping pong passing does happen, its not constant and its not unstoppable. Infact the more you play position, rather than high tempo pressure, the less it happens as the AI dosent have players in space instantly to knock it around.

- Balls over the top out wide are attempted, again its not the only AI approach, far from it. Are they unstoppable... no. Are they 100% accurate... no.

I do not fiddle with tactics for my team or the AI, just play it as i see it so far. ML may well be different, thats another bridge for me to cross. But its good, really good imo and I didnt play Beta or Demo, wasnt even going to buy it as im burnt out, but gave it a go and here we are.

Enjoy it or dont.... but just be honest with yourself and when you post. Its not just PES owners here, haters or lovers... but there are people out there who will want an independent voice, from those who have the game, play it as it is and say it as it is.

Great post. The passion shown over the last few pages is testament to the passion shown by by the guys on here for PES.

I know superstar/legendary are super scripted especially in ML. Does playing on top player solve any of the issues present? Haven't played it in 2018 yet. I found on 2017, Exhibition/Cup etc were so much different than ML whereby ML sucked the life out of the game with different gameplay due to the different variables being present. However I remember similar variables present back to the PS2 days with scripting and stuff so nothing new there.

Also would changing tactics/opting up pressure etc sort out the issues where at times easy teams are hard to beat and vice versa?
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