PES 2018 PlayStation & Xbox Discussion Thread

Perfect post. I loved ML that year... I actually had something to do outside the matches. I had to actually manage my squad, and there was a purpose for that! Now, it feels really stupid because all I see are some random arrows showing a random form... Things like, I´m loosing a ton of matches, and then, I finally win one important match, and the result is half team out of form for the next one. Also happens before cup matches and derby ones. I really don´t get it yet. I could never understand the reason of random form and this is the kind of things that removed immersion and depth. This is why Fifa has all the bells and whistles. It´s not that great on the pitch, but has all those things going on in the backstage, like realistic player emotions and reactions, season objetives etc...

Also, people are sometimes saying this game needs sliders. I believe that, the day PES has sliders, is the day I´ll stop enjoying it. For the purists, it might make some sense, but for the majority, it will only leave us in a huge rabit hole. Once you know it, your stuck in a never ending search for the perfect slider set, instead of actually enjoying the game. I knew Matt a couple years ago because of sliders, I started following him and I really still appreciate his energy in trying to make things better. But, don´t take me personal Matt, I believe he also has a obsession with this. He actually has fun in tinkering things here and there, he´s an explorer and kind of a scientist... he should be working on game developing and testing, but then drags us into this never ending story. I certainly don´t wanna go that route. I´ve tried it once and its not for me.

Currently still playing PES 2017, and it has changed throughout the year. I can only imagine that PES 2018 will get better along the year also.

Great post xicpanad.
I saw the most beautiful thing today where the CPU actually scuffed their shot from inside my 18. It was Albrighton with his weaker foot. Have yet to see that again, but it made me chuckle and then cry because I didn't save the replay.
This is very much back, not all players can rip shots which is what we have all been asking for , so well done konami. Game is addicting for sure
Playing manual passing Online is fantastic, I'm having som much fun playing others with the same settings. Also, it's quite clear that "manual" isn't totally manual, stats still come inte to play, I can string passes around a lot easier with PSG than Anderlecht, but not in a pingpong way. Lovely!

Have Adam or anyone else said something about the fact that a lot of italian teams have old kits and/or without sponsors?
I'm not really seeing this "all teams play the same" theory. Yes they all do hit the high balls out wide a lot but that's just one thing and doesn't mean teams aren't differing in other ways.
I'm 4 games in to a Premier league season and all my opponent's have deployed different tactics against me.
First two games, i lost both 1-2 at home to Huddersfield & Swansea, both really tough exciting matches.
Huddersfield had quick direct passing, hit me on the break twice then shut up shop instantly. I struggled to break them down after this as they were just happy to defend.
Next game up was Swansea who played a lot of possession football (unlike Hudders) and picked me apart to go 1 nil up, they continued to play this way and i equalised early in the second half and so i pushed for a winner, left myself exposed and gave away an 87th minute penalty, Game over.

My last game was away at Stoke and i completely dominated from start to finish which was nothing like my other games, Stoke were completely toothless and didn't threaten me at all. I just couldn't score though..... until Costa popped up in the 83rd minute to poke home a winner!!

What was lovely to see after i scored was Stoke instantly threw Peter Crouch on from the subs bench and preceded to hoof the ball high from everywhere looking for him. I was under siege for the last few minutes after completely dominating the match.
The high balls weren't being hit out wide either, they mostly came from Stokes CB's and were hit central and directly at Crouchy. This is exactly what Stoke did yesterday at Newcastle and it nearly paid off. Lovely to see it in the game.

Now the A.i aint perfect (it never is) but I'm finding these matches have all felt different beacuse of my opponent's tactics. Yes they all hit a few chipped through balls out wide....but they all did plenty of other things that stood out from each team.
I can honestly live with them all doing the odd repetitive thing if there's this kind of variety elsewhere.
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Playing manual passing Online is fantastic, I'm having som much fun playing others with the same settings. Also, it's quite clear that "manual" isn't totally manual, stats still come inte to play, I can string passes around a lot easier with PSG than Anderlecht, but not in a pingpong way. Lovely!

Have Adam or anyone else said something about the fact that a lot of italian teams have old kits and/or without sponsors?
If I'm not mistaken,that was the case last year an the year before that.
Not very professional (kits)
Perfect post. I loved ML that year... I actually had something to do outside the matches. I had to actually manage my squad, and there was a purpose for that! Now, it feels really stupid because all I see are some random arrows showing a random form... Things like, I´m loosing a ton of matches, and then, I finally win one important match, and the result is half team out of form for the next one. Also happens before cup matches and derby ones. I really don´t get it yet. I could never understand the reason of random form and this is the kind of things that removed immersion and depth. This is why Fifa has all the bells and whistles. It´s not that great on the pitch, but has all those things going on in the backstage, like realistic player emotions and reactions, season objetives etc...

Also, people are sometimes saying this game needs sliders. I believe that, the day PES has sliders, is the day I´ll stop enjoying it. For the purists, it might make some sense, but for the majority, it will only leave us in a huge rabit hole. Once you know it, your stuck in a never ending search for the perfect slider set, instead of actually enjoying the game. I knew Matt a couple years ago because of sliders, I started following him and I really still appreciate his energy in trying to make things better. But, don´t take me personal Matt, I believe he also has a obsession with this. He actually has fun in tinkering things here and there, he´s an explorer and kind of a scientist... he should be working on game developing and testing, but then drags us into this never ending story. I certainly don´t wanna go that route. I´ve tried it once and its not for me.

Currently still playing PES 2017, and it has changed throughout the year. I can only imagine that PES 2018 will get better along the year also.

I never said I wanted sliders in PES. I want gameplay customization. If PES perceive that as sliders, then so be it, but I'll take whatever they can do to make that a reality. In its current state, in my opinion, PES is designed for 10 minute matches.

Even then, what harm does gameplay customization OPTIONS bring to the table? You choose to use it or not. You choose to adjust one thing, or you don't. FIFA doesn't even talk about it, yet it's the reason why millions purchase that game. NCAA did it, Madden did it, 2k does it...all very successful.

It's baffling to me that people write off gameplay customization in PES. It is a purist mentality, but is it so bad to not want to wait another patch, another year, for the issues that I feel are important TO ME, to be able to adjust with ease? As if putting in user customization is such a bad thing, yet you see the PC section of this very forum and you can see how In-Demand customizing the gameplay is.

I think pride gets in the way of a lot of good things that are possible in PES. From the Devs all the way to PR.

I'm tired of hoping to be heard, at this point I'll just ask for them to give us the control so we can just do it ourselves. Everyone's perception is different, providing that chance to express it would put the longevity and playability of this series to legendary days.
People go on about they do t want sliders yet they are already there in a very basic function..PA0 , PA1 is essentially a passing slider is shooting basic, manual and just needs more in detail
I can't remember but I think you're right, hopefully it comes with a DLC soon.

On a side note; hope you guys beat Malmö tonight! ;)
Thanx mate,yeah me to fucking hate them.
I remember a few updates on the logos last year,or was it 16,on the kits.
Needs an update,tons of old kits in this one
People go on about they do t want sliders yet they are already there in a very basic function..PA0 , PA1 is essentially a passing slider is shooting basic, manual and just needs more in detail

None of these is a passing slider, doesn't have any effect on the CPU.
Only global editing could be the answer, but passing stats don't even matter this year.
Someone left this review on Amazon and it's amazing...

Dear reader, I stress that this is not a genuine interview. These are all my own words. This is simply the best way in which I can review/critique this game. Also, a disclaimer- this 'review' is based solely on Pes 18, PS4, offline vs AI on Superstar and Legend. I do not play online.

If I had a sit down interview with a rebel developer from Konami who is disenfranchised with the direction the game has been going in since moving to next-gen consoles, it would go something like this.

'Hello, Mr Pes developer.'
'Hello, loyal Pes player.'
'Thank you for taking the time to talk to me about Pes 18.'
'You're welcome.'
'Okay. Let's start at the top. You have said in the run up to this game that you have spent the past three years developing this iteration and that it was a much slower, more measured approach.'
'That is true.'
'Right. So why is the final version so different to the demo? The demo was indeed slower and more measured, but the final version is as frantic as ever. Why so?'
'People complained about the demo, so we ramped up the pace for the final version. '
'Oh. Okay. So the three year development cycle went straight out the window?'
'Yes, that is correct.'
'Moving on, could you tell me about the new difficulty settings, please?'
'Again, people complained that Pes 17 was too easy, so we decided to punish them by making Superstar and Legend mode on Pes 18 completely impossible.'
'Interesting approach. How did you go about that?'
'It's simple really. We just make the AI players much stronger and much faster than the players you control, so the AI physically dominates you, no matter what. They are relentless and they never fatigue.'
'So you can't overcome that with tactics or skill or strategy or intelligence?'
'Absolutely not. The computer can score when it wants and it will stop you when it wants. There's nothing you can do.'
'What if I play as Real Madrid vs say, a one star rated team from the Spanish second division?'
'It doesn't matter. Stats and individual player ratings mean nothing. The AI are all robots. They are faster and stronger than you and will destroy you.'
'Wow! That sounds tough to overcome.'
The Konami developer shakes his head. 'It's not hard to overcome. It's designed to be impossible. I told you it's punishment for saying it was too easy.'
'What if I practise. Can I get better and eventually defeat the AI on a regular basis?'
'No. There is no let up.'
'One other small thing regarding the difficulty setting. Why have so many alternate settings? Why not just have fewer options, but make the easiest setting a little more difficult and then advance from there?'
'That would make more sense. Maybe we'll do that in the future.'
'Great. Now, a question regarding vernacular.'
'Sure, fire away.'
'In Japan, is the word 'Legend' a synonym for scripted?'
'Not as far as I know.'
'Thanks for clearing that up.'
'That's ok.'
'On a lighter note, Konami always talk about simulation. The crux of Pes is its realism, right?'
'That is true.'
'So why is Usain Bolt in the game? He's a great athlete, but he has nothing to do with football.'
'That decision was not down to me. I agree he's a great athlete, but personally I would not have him in the game. It makes no sense. Unless...'
'No, come on, you were going to say something.'
Konami developer leans forward and speaks softly. 'Unless, they're just trying to make money.'
'Ah, I understand. Are there any plans for other athletes or celebs to be in Pes 19? Could we see Valentino Rossi, or Roger Federer, Matt Damon, maybe?'
'It's possible.'
'You could make Valentino a winger and put him on his bike and he could be even faster than Bolt.'
'True. He would be faster than Bolt.'
'Sorry, I digress, Back to matters at hand. There is so much running in this game and so little passing. It's very end-to-end. Much more like basketball.'
'This is a very complicated issue. I'll be frank with you. The engine that we use is not designed to be used in a football game. It just isn't. In retrospect we made a grave error. We haven't produced a good Pes game since we moved to the next-gen consoles. We can't do much until we change the engine and design it from the ground up and cater it toward a football game.'
'Is there any chance that could happen soon?'
'Sorry, this decision is out of my hands.'
'Thank you. I appreciate your honesty. It's just that all that seems to happen since Pes changed engine is that everything operates on a grid. When you attack, players just run forward mindlessly in a straight line, and when you defend they just aimlessly run backwards in a straight line.'
'It's the best we can do for now.'
'It used to be so much better on PS2 and PS3.'
'Tell me about it'
'Make the ball do the work right?'
'Not any more. We make the super strong, super fast robots do the work.'
'The subtlety has gone.'
'Yes, it has.'
'Are goalkeepers really better than they used to be?'
'No. A lot of people think they are. But they're not at all.'
'Yeah, we just made the shooting rubbish.'
'Every shot either goes straight at the keeper or wide. Did you notice that on the higher difficult settings?'
'I did. Straight at the keeper or wide of the post.'
'Precisely. On the higher difficulty settings, we don't reward good play. We don't like goals.'
'That explains a lot. So whether I have a great striker or a bad defender shooting?'
Konami developer cuts across me, wagging his finger. 'It doesn't matter. Stats are irrelevant. Shooting is just inaccurate.'
'I tell you, I did notice that shots always have the same power, and they never curl or swerve or dip. They are just blasted at the keeper or wide at exactly the same trajectory with a weird toe-punt technique.'
'We made a conscious effort to make shooting worse after people complained that goalkeepers were bad in Pes 16. Again, we couldn't make goalkeepers better with this engine, so we just made shooting worse.'
'It makes for a pretty unintuitive and frustrating experience.'
'I'm sorry you feel that way.'
'Going back to the simulation element, if I may. How on earth do you spend three years developing a football game and forget to put fouls and penalties in the game?'
'Honestly, that is not my department. But this omission is truly beyond me.'
'It's staggering, isn't it?'
'Do you have any last thoughts?'
'Look, gaming has changed a lot over the past five years. In the past, the Pes team could work solely on gameplay. And when I say gameplay, I mean MAN vs AI. Things are different now. People want to play online. The root philosophy of MAN vs MAN is very different to MAN vs AI. The reality is that the market online is bigger now, much bigger, so we have opted to totally neglect the evolution of the AI from a technical and intuitive standpoint. To make up for intelligence we just add ridiculously overpowered physical attributes. The end result is that the Master League community has been left behind and we are now only interested in catering toward the online community.'
'That figures. It's a shame though.'
'That's the way the cookie crumbles. Isn't that what you say?'
'That's more of an American idiom, but you said it correctly. All that I have left to do is to thank you for your time. You have been most forthright.'
'Thank you, sir. I'm sorry you don't like Pes anymore, but please whatever you do, don't play F**A.'
'Don't worry, I won't'
'You promise.'
'I promise.'
but imagine the kind of deepness that could come from having not only players, but even club owners and managers as characterized personalities that interact with you, and between themselves.. it would finally make a truly alive and highly replayable career..
Ask and you shall receive ;)





These are from PES Management, a PS2 game from 2006. If only they let us control the players and not just watch...
That Amazon review is pretty much spot on.

Best way I can some up PES is when it's good it's amazing, nothing beats stringing passes together and finding that killer last ball to score a nice goal.

Then there are moments that make you want to tear your hair out:
Dumb AI, terrible switching players off the ball, every slide tackle results in a foul, no fouls/penalties given away by the AI, AI players not going on runs off the ball.
I'm not really seeing this "all teams play the same" theory. Yes they all do hit the high balls out wide a lot but that's just one thing and doesn't mean teams aren't differing in other ways.
I'm 4 games in to a Premier league season and all my opponent's have deployed different tactics against me.
First two games, i lost both 1-2 at home to Huddersfield & Swansea, both really tough exciting matches.
Huddersfield had quick direct passing, hit me on the break twice then shut up shop instantly. I struggled to break them down after this as they were just happy to defend.
Next game up was Swansea who played a lot of possession football (unlike Hudders) and picked me apart to go 1 nil up, they continued to play this way and i equalised early in the second half and so i pushed for a winner, left myself exposed and gave away an 87th minute penalty, Game over.

My last game was away at Stoke and i completely dominated from start to finish which was nothing like my other games, Stoke were completely toothless and didn't threaten me at all. I just couldn't score though..... until Costa popped up in the 83rd minute to poke home a winner!!

What was lovely to see after i scored was Stoke instantly threw Peter Crouch on from the subs bench and preceded to hoof the ball high from everywhere looking for him. I was under siege for the last few minutes after completely dominating the match.
The high balls weren't being hit out wide either, they mostly came from Stokes CB's and were hit central and directly at Crouchy. This is exactly what Stoke did yesterday at Newcastle and it nearly paid off. Lovely to see it in the game.

Now the A.i aint perfect (it never is) but I'm finding these matches have all felt different beacuse of my opponent's tactics. Yes they all hit a few chipped through balls out wide....but they all did plenty of other things that stood out from each team.
I can honestly live with them all doing the odd repetitive thing if there's this kind of variety elsewhere.
Someone left this review on Amazon and it's amazing...

Dear reader, I stress that this is not a genuine interview. These are all my own words. This is simply the best way in which I can review/critique this game. Also, a disclaimer- this 'review' is based solely on Pes 18, PS4, offline vs AI on Superstar and Legend. I do not play online.

If I had a sit down interview with a rebel developer from Konami who is disenfranchised with the direction the game has been going in since moving to next-gen consoles, it would go something like this.

'Hello, Mr Pes developer.'
'Hello, loyal Pes player.'
'Thank you for taking the time to talk to me about Pes 18.'
'You're welcome.'
'Okay. Let's start at the top. You have said in the run up to this game that you have spent the past three years developing this iteration and that it was a much slower, more measured approach.'
'That is true.'
'Right. So why is the final version so different to the demo? The demo was indeed slower and more measured, but the final version is as frantic as ever. Why so?'
'People complained about the demo, so we ramped up the pace for the final version. '
'Oh. Okay. So the three year development cycle went straight out the window?'
'Yes, that is correct.'
'Moving on, could you tell me about the new difficulty settings, please?'
'Again, people complained that Pes 17 was too easy, so we decided to punish them by making Superstar and Legend mode on Pes 18 completely impossible.'
'Interesting approach. How did you go about that?'
'It's simple really. We just make the AI players much stronger and much faster than the players you control, so the AI physically dominates you, no matter what. They are relentless and they never fatigue.'
'So you can't overcome that with tactics or skill or strategy or intelligence?'
'Absolutely not. The computer can score when it wants and it will stop you when it wants. There's nothing you can do.'
'What if I play as Real Madrid vs say, a one star rated team from the Spanish second division?'
'It doesn't matter. Stats and individual player ratings mean nothing. The AI are all robots. They are faster and stronger than you and will destroy you.'
'Wow! That sounds tough to overcome.'
The Konami developer shakes his head. 'It's not hard to overcome. It's designed to be impossible. I told you it's punishment for saying it was too easy.'
'What if I practise. Can I get better and eventually defeat the AI on a regular basis?'
'No. There is no let up.'
'One other small thing regarding the difficulty setting. Why have so many alternate settings? Why not just have fewer options, but make the easiest setting a little more difficult and then advance from there?'
'That would make more sense. Maybe we'll do that in the future.'
'Great. Now, a question regarding vernacular.'
'Sure, fire away.'
'In Japan, is the word 'Legend' a synonym for scripted?'
'Not as far as I know.'
'Thanks for clearing that up.'
'That's ok.'
'On a lighter note, Konami always talk about simulation. The crux of Pes is its realism, right?'
'That is true.'
'So why is Usain Bolt in the game? He's a great athlete, but he has nothing to do with football.'
'That decision was not down to me. I agree he's a great athlete, but personally I would not have him in the game. It makes no sense. Unless...'
'No, come on, you were going to say something.'
Konami developer leans forward and speaks softly. 'Unless, they're just trying to make money.'
'Ah, I understand. Are there any plans for other athletes or celebs to be in Pes 19? Could we see Valentino Rossi, or Roger Federer, Matt Damon, maybe?'
'It's possible.'
'You could make Valentino a winger and put him on his bike and he could be even faster than Bolt.'
'True. He would be faster than Bolt.'
'Sorry, I digress, Back to matters at hand. There is so much running in this game and so little passing. It's very end-to-end. Much more like basketball.'
'This is a very complicated issue. I'll be frank with you. The engine that we use is not designed to be used in a football game. It just isn't. In retrospect we made a grave error. We haven't produced a good Pes game since we moved to the next-gen consoles. We can't do much until we change the engine and design it from the ground up and cater it toward a football game.'
'Is there any chance that could happen soon?'
'Sorry, this decision is out of my hands.'
'Thank you. I appreciate your honesty. It's just that all that seems to happen since Pes changed engine is that everything operates on a grid. When you attack, players just run forward mindlessly in a straight line, and when you defend they just aimlessly run backwards in a straight line.'
'It's the best we can do for now.'
'It used to be so much better on PS2 and PS3.'
'Tell me about it'
'Make the ball do the work right?'
'Not any more. We make the super strong, super fast robots do the work.'
'The subtlety has gone.'
'Yes, it has.'
'Are goalkeepers really better than they used to be?'
'No. A lot of people think they are. But they're not at all.'
'Yeah, we just made the shooting rubbish.'
'Every shot either goes straight at the keeper or wide. Did you notice that on the higher difficult settings?'
'I did. Straight at the keeper or wide of the post.'
'Precisely. On the higher difficulty settings, we don't reward good play. We don't like goals.'
'That explains a lot. So whether I have a great striker or a bad defender shooting?'
Konami developer cuts across me, wagging his finger. 'It doesn't matter. Stats are irrelevant. Shooting is just inaccurate.'
'I tell you, I did notice that shots always have the same power, and they never curl or swerve or dip. They are just blasted at the keeper or wide at exactly the same trajectory with a weird toe-punt technique.'
'We made a conscious effort to make shooting worse after people complained that goalkeepers were bad in Pes 16. Again, we couldn't make goalkeepers better with this engine, so we just made shooting worse.'
'It makes for a pretty unintuitive and frustrating experience.'
'I'm sorry you feel that way.'
'Going back to the simulation element, if I may. How on earth do you spend three years developing a football game and forget to put fouls and penalties in the game?'
'Honestly, that is not my department. But this omission is truly beyond me.'
'It's staggering, isn't it?'
'Do you have any last thoughts?'
'Look, gaming has changed a lot over the past five years. In the past, the Pes team could work solely on gameplay. And when I say gameplay, I mean MAN vs AI. Things are different now. People want to play online. The root philosophy of MAN vs MAN is very different to MAN vs AI. The reality is that the market online is bigger now, much bigger, so we have opted to totally neglect the evolution of the AI from a technical and intuitive standpoint. To make up for intelligence we just add ridiculously overpowered physical attributes. The end result is that the Master League community has been left behind and we are now only interested in catering toward the online community.'
'That figures. It's a shame though.'
'That's the way the cookie crumbles. Isn't that what you say?'
'That's more of an American idiom, but you said it correctly. All that I have left to do is to thank you for your time. You have been most forthright.'
'Thank you, sir. I'm sorry you don't like Pes anymore, but please whatever you do, don't play F**A.'
'Don't worry, I won't'
'You promise.'
'I promise.'

Can't wait to see his critique of Fifa. .. let's see. .Fifa has more fans, any problems can be fixed with sliders . ..have you seen the licences? . . .Go back to Wimbledon and Uncle Bulgaria. Sorry Goldstone didn't mean to include you in that post ..don't know what happened there.
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How to improve gameplay, AI are too fast when I'm a cheetah and they are snails, snails are still faster lolololololol so stupid
Ask and you shall receive ;)
These are from PES Management, a PS2 game from 2006. If only they let us control the players and not just watch...
Jesus, I remember that game. It was unbelievably terrible, I remember getting it and thinking that it'd be awesome, loved Football Manager / Champ Manager and I loved PES so the combo was gonna be perfect. Anything but, it was just such a ridiculous game.
I never said I wanted sliders in PES. I want gameplay customization. If PES perceive that as sliders, then so be it, but I'll take whatever they can do to make that a reality. In its current state, in my opinion, PES is designed for 10 minute matches.

Ah Matt don´t get me wrong! I only mentioned you because of sliders talk, and you are, no matter what, the Guru in sliders conversations all around the social networks. I totally agree on some level of customization, but not sliders... not the way they are implemented currently. One thing I´ve noticed with the years, games don´t bring specific manuals now, it´s like you have to guess what certain options are for, sliders included. I tried to change the pass sliders, thinking it would change pass ability, only to find it changed something else too. Tey are just depending too much on other sliders, as a whole system. I get it, but it´s not smart or eficient. There are also too many options to work with.
Basically, I won´t agree with that kind of customization, because it messes with team ID´s, even if they are not well represented on the game. If a game was well designed, it would never need sliders to correct things, maybe for fun, but not to correct. In a near perfect game, we will only need dificulty levels, and the higher it goes, the closer to the real thing it could get... The CPU should be able to play their game out of the box, no matter what level... then, the higher you go, the more eficient CPU should be.

The flaws we are experiencing is not an option or a customization flaw, it´s a design flaw. Some of the flaws are consequences, other are lack of focusing from Konami. Eventually, PES will get there. The years it's taking to get there is the worrying part. I understand they might not want to lauch the perfect game now, and exploit things slower year after year, it´s a economic strategy after all. But come on, Konami are shooting in their own foot with this, and could still have so many other things to improve afterwards if they had launched a "perfect" on the pitch game this year.

Still, will buy it for sure, it´s not there yet but it´s the one game that has shown a bigger will to improve things, instead of living up to the standard online mode frachises.
Ah Matt don´t get me wrong! I only mentioned you because of sliders talk, and you are, no matter what, the Guru in sliders conversations all around the social networks. I totally agree on some level of customization, but not sliders... not the way they are implemented currently. One thing I´ve noticed with the years, games don´t bring specific manuals now, it´s like you have to guess what certain options are for, sliders included. I tried to change the pass sliders, thinking it would change pass ability, only to find it changed something else too. Tey are just depending too much on other sliders, as a whole system. I get it, but it´s not smart or eficient. There are also too many options to work with.
Basically, I won´t agree with that kind of customization, because it messes with team ID´s, even if they are not well represented on the game. If a game was well designed, it would never need sliders to correct things, maybe for fun, but not to correct. In a near perfect game, we will only need dificulty levels, and the higher it goes, the closer to the real thing it could get... The CPU should be able to play their game out of the box, no matter what level... then, the higher you go, the more eficient CPU should be.

The flaws we are experiencing is not an option or a customization flaw, it´s a design flaw. Some of the flaws are consequences, other are lack of focusing from Konami. Eventually, PES will get there. The years it's taking to get there is the worrying part. I understand they might not want to lauch the perfect game now, and exploit things slower year after year, it´s a economic strategy after all. But come on, Konami are shooting in their own foot with this, and could still have so many other things to improve afterwards if they had launched a "perfect" on the pitch game this year.

Still, will buy it for sure, it´s not there yet but it´s the one game that has shown a bigger will to improve things, instead of living up to the standard online mode frachises.

Echoes of a couple of things I said last night . .fair points made by you.
Hold on.. what's these problem are you guys talking about ? To me each team playing style is quite vary. At least in Exhibition Mode. Of course it is never reached the level of perfection like real life football, but I believe this is the closest we can get to that. Just look at FIFA, they struggled with the AI decade ago and never look like solving them any sooner.
stuff like this is embarrassing for konami

Videos like that are embarassing though. He just compares overall with Bolts overall. While bolt is quick as hell with his 99 pace and 99 speed, his ball control and his clunky passing and everything on the ball is sooooo bad that a Borini for example can feel much better in terms of footballing skills. Stuff like that actually makes me angry that nowadays everything is so focused on overall. Back in the day when we didnt have an overall mark which waved over from FIFA we used to put so much time in every invidual aspect of a player. I loved that.

Played with Bolt and hes absolutely useless at times. He is so speedy off the ball, on the ball hes clunky as hell with 66 ball control and 71 dribbling. His body control of 66 outbalances his 84 physical, means he has a strong physique and completely loses his balance when dribbling one on one with someone.

He is basically fast, strong and long. and has no football skills whatsoever. his 69 attacking prowess makes him so much less aware on the front. His shooting is a lottery and way worse then someone like borini. Its just a poor comparison

Look at his frickin stats.... I almost wanted to sell him or make him a trainer haha!
Can you put a video of that? That's really strange. One of the things PES got it right is the pace between slow players and fast players.

Not when the script kicks in :)

Posting stuff like this isn't a very good idea right now, People are too emotional at the moment to show them stuff like that.

Constructive criticism remember?
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