PES 2018 PlayStation & Xbox Discussion Thread

Anybody have any ideas on how to get players to make logical runs off the ball? I know in Fifa you can prompt an off the ball player to make a forward fun by pressing L1. Is there a similar feature? I'm finding time and time again attacking moved breaking down of a players inability to make the right run. It's so frustrating.
Anybody have any ideas on how to get players to make logical runs off the ball? I know in Fifa you can prompt an off the ball player to make a forward fun by pressing L1. Is there a similar feature? I'm finding time and time again attacking moved breaking down of a players inability to make the right run. It's so frustrating.

yes there is an option like that, gimme a while to find the right command
Anybody have any ideas on how to get players to make logical runs off the ball? I know in Fifa you can prompt an off the ball player to make a forward fun by pressing L1. Is there a similar feature? I'm finding time and time again attacking moved breaking down of a players inability to make the right run. It's so frustrating.

There is advanced instructions dude come on. Also attack/Defense up (Attack) or down (defense) to move them.
here you go

that could change if you have a different button assignment, so check the help during a match to have all the commands
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It's great to hear people enjoying it this much! I'd love to be able to as well. Can I ask what kind of settings you're using (things like pass assistance, game speed, difficulty, camera etc)? And have you tweaked the opposition's tactics anything at all? What game modes are you playing?

I have a feeling there's a good game in there somewhere, I just haven't found it yet.
Jump to the tactics thread section. Its a whole new game with the correct tactics. The game is unplayable for me with the default tactic for both player and cpu. Too much spaces and too easy
This game is broken in ML. From Top player and above. The AI would out balance me, makes my movement very limited. Shielding wouldn't work for me as they easily out muscle my player. I can't do that to them, they step over easily. The fact that there is no foul makes it worse. So that pisses me even more. I'm not enjoying the game as much anymore. It's really frustrating, very scripted ML this year. Even worse than last year. I would lower to Top Player and see if I can enjoy it.
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Just lost against Watford 5-1 now and went to beat Man Utd 3-0. I am playing with Leicester City in world class. Watford had 95% passing completion rate whereas Man Utd had 81%. This game makes no sense. I will make a video about this soon on my channel. This is so annoying. What have you done Konami? How can you ruin such a beautiful and fun game with this crap?

Have noticed this as well. Struggled as fuck against Derby, lost 2-0, but beat Chelsea easily 4-0 in the next match. Not even changed tactics could do anything about it. Maybe we need to rename some teams, haha. Goddamned Konami and their endless rookie mistakes.
Anybody have any ideas on how to get players to make logical runs off the ball? I know in Fifa you can prompt an off the ball player to make a forward fun by pressing L1. Is there a similar feature? I'm finding time and time again attacking moved breaking down of a players inability to make the right run. It's so frustrating.

yeah you constantly need to do that in this game.. at least if you want to be good online and beat people. you can see the people who are ranked in the top 10.. it says their favorite move in almost every case to do is the Teammate controls
when I saw that.. I started doing it myself and it makes a big difference. I do wish it was as easy to do like in FIFA by just hitting L1. sometimes the point RS with L1 is hard to get the right guy in this game for me.. I'm just not as use to it I guess.
Have noticed this as well. Struggled as fuck against Derby, lost 2-0, but beat Chelsea easily 4-0 in the next match. Not even changed tactics could do anything about it. Maybe we need to rename some teams, haha. Goddamned Konami and their endless rookie mistakes.

Adam said on twitter that they will make lower rated teams much more harder to beat this year. So yeah, PES is using Liverpool season of last year as the logic now for this crap. I think I might just lower the ratings of all world class players and see if that inverts the situation.
Maybe get good and beat those lower teams , lmao . You are talking like IRL the best teams in the world never lose agaisnt lower teams . Barca beating Real amd them losing to some random Spanish team , I am sure it happened just cannot tell when and which it was but it HAPPENS , adjust your tactic versus the lower teams in PES and beat them . If you think just because you have beaten Chelsea you are gonna beat Watford with ease , you are wrong , not gonna happen . Adapt and win . A shark that does not swim , dies .
weaker teams were always harder to beat in previous PES
and thats what ppl complained about
dunno why adam needed to say things like that LOL
we just want stronger teams to be harder to beat

Look at his past tweets, no idea why he needed to make lower rated teams so stronger than even last year. Atleast last year, it was still not this bad.

Maybe get good and beat those lower teams , lmao . You are talking like IRL the best teams in the world never lose agaisnt lower teams . Barca beating Real amd them losing to some random Spanish team , I am sure it happened just cannot tell when and which it was but it HAPPENS , adjust your tactic versus the lower teams in PES and beat them . If you think just because you have beaten Chelsea you are gonna beat Watford with ease , you are wrong , not gonna happen . Adapt and win . A shark that does not swim , dies .

The problem is not the fact that lesser teams beat you and you can beat world class teams. It's the fact that how easy it is to beat world class teams whereas lesser teams perform godly with 90%+ passing completion and 60% possession. By your logic, Watford, Sunderland, Crystal Palace should be the champions. If it's one time or two time, it's okay. But not when it is every goddamn time.

Anyway, I figured out a strategy to beat lower rated teams. Try using your reserve/youth squad against lower rated teams. It's much easier to play.
not saying weaker teams cannot win and stronger teams cannot lose
but how many times did I see that happen, its far more than real life and they were just scripted
the contrast just tilted me mentally,sometimes I wanted to exit the game
if they want to script, just script the stronger teams to beat me, I will have a better feeling to lose
Yeah so Online Div with PA1 is pretty crap after a while, not so much that the passing is too assisted but everyone using Barca and THEN ping pong...

Anyway, manual passing is great though online with similar settings! Just like last year. :)
Wayne Hennessey just transferred from Crystal Palace to Barcelona on my master league save....

Think I am done with master league it's a joke again this year

I'm curios, which settings have you used ? Classic or challenge?

nice goal lami, btw i dont believe long shots are OP, its the best its ever been this year
Actually I don't have an issue with powerful shots. I expect these grown muscular and athletic pro athletes to be more than able to hammer them. But what I don't expect is every player hammering these shots on target. It's the accuracy part that should be toned down, or just let the accuracy stat work like it should. It's more about the foot connecting with the ball perfectly at the right time, right angle, right body position, right mind, etc.

Shooting is an art, especially in a match under various circumstances. Some players have that cool mind and already know where the goal is without looking, can kick with technique even when pressured and at near impossible angles. This part is missing from PES imo. I wish it makes a comeback. There were stats like response and shot technique that were removed that made a big difference with players like Inzaghi. The guy had no strength but was always positioned in the right place at the right time.

Edit: And I just realised I typed a wall of text. Apologies. Fixed it a bit, I guess.
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