PES 2018 PlayStation & Xbox Discussion Thread

we've been talking about it here... what was the name of the team again, whose 3rd kit is in PES2018 but has not been officially announced by the team itself?! i read about it a few days ago...
Oh just a few months??

Really fed up with konami's ineptitude towards a game many of us have poured sweat (editing), time and money into year after year.

Edit: just read Adam tweet again. Says 'potential' patch so it's not even definite!

I can't play anymore Master League seasons getting awarded 0 penalties all season.

It makes me so sad how good this game could be but is absolutely ruined by game breaking flaws

in the old days, we would put up with having to edit game, terrible soundtrack and boring commentary as it didn't matter....the gameplay was so so soooo good!!

Konami can't point to that anymore the replies to Adams tweet and so many people are really fed up now

konami treat us like mugs and behave as if we are not intelligent

Adams sarcastic replies to fans who buy the game disgust me as well. If we aren't praising the game to the high heavens then he has an attitude.

It's amateur hour @ konami, it really is.
Nothing wrong with a good rant..I don't feel the same but completely understand your frustrations.

They have delivered the gameplay and I'm happy to wait.Those on twitter don't speak for everybody.Or are they representative of the pes fanbase,it's just what they want(there lies the problem a lot of the time).Its not how game development works..

I would rather have these things tested,I certainly don't want a bigger hole.

35gbp for a premium edition,there's more value there then you get in most triple A titles these days.
what happened to curdstar by the way?? He was in here every day with some good (and bad!!) posts re: pes 2018.

I would be interested in his views when game is released
Ffs its this kind of absurd posts that bother me. Its not a problem that is new, its a problem that has been in for years, and only now they remember they have it and tests have to be made.

Its really disgusting to see people coop with that
I feel the same way about the shoo.... shut up TDSAP! You've banged on about that 100 times already!
I live in the midfield it's the fabric of my game and how I've always played pes and ISS beforehand.

Maybe people's approach but it's one of the things that shines for me..I guess it boils down to how you look at it,playing it the old way or some folk expecting the game to be how they want.

You can't control and play retention football without a midfield..Yet another example of people not seeing things that are clearly there.You have to discover the Pandora's box.

A open mind is a healthy one imo..looking at it from the same angle that has shackled football games for years springs to mind(not directed at you btw,me and you have the same values.Or anyone else,just generally).
Totally agree and understand what you're on about mate,to me football is all about a good solid defence,and a well balanced midfield,that's what I get off on,remember the 90s Ac Milan?
That's how my football looks like and that's what I want.
I see tons of good things coming with the new release,a fresh approach to the game,pace being spot on,that's why I brought up 15,which is a very underrated game,probably the last (latest) that felt well balanced.
Do love 17,but the tight midfield play is missing,it's still in 15,and hopefully we'll see more of it in 18
On the fouls issue..Most of us have seen the mechanics are in place and the variation on fouls,including collisions.

It's not a great scenario and in a ideal world I would like it day one.

That said,I also want balance not something that can be abused and used to people's advantage out of the context of realism and how in reality set plays can be a enjoyable tatical looking for take downs in the box or outside and inviting it..

There's no real black or white here and it's a huge grey area in pes currently that has to be just right.

I would hate it if we were are in a scenario where the games stopping every time players collide .Its such a huge thing that can alter the way the game plays.

Just my two cense.
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Of course, game development is a tough job. Good thing it's not our job. They can take all the time they need to fix the game. Personally i'm not in a hurry, pes17 had fouls so I will have something to do until then :)
Same here,one game left of my second ML season,plus I've gone into 15 as well.
As long as they get it right,would have preferred a day one fix.
I feel the same way about the shoo.... shut up TDSAP! You've banged on about that 100 times already!

And i will keep banging as long as i want. Its a free opinion fórum, and im comenting on an oppinion from someone that excused Konami for an unnescusable excuse, got it? . And yes the shooting still is dull in demo too.

I dont see you shooting People that coop with the same flaws every year, like you shoot the ones that point them. Are you being paid?

Im not, im paying for a product, and i hope minimum quality standards ensured, not excuses.

Its really a shame, and specially because i dont have alternatives as i dont like the other game core on the pitch, i just cant play it, so i have to stick with PES for my footy fix
A couple of things from my perspective on the passing and shooting.

Firstly shooting is too powerful and there aren't enough scuffed shots. That's undeniable imo. However, I do feel like some of the judgements passed are a little lazy. Whilst shots are often powerful, the accuracy and relative (to the overpowered shots) power does vary quite significantly and I don't think enough has been said about that. It's VERY easy to miss the target, it's also very easy to hit an easily saveable shot.

Whilst I agree it needs work, I also think the negativity is overdone. Obviously that's just because my enjoyment is impacted less by the lack of variation in power.

On passing, i honestly don't think it's far away. I'm seeing plenty of misplaced passes by the CPU and the CPU AI is much better at cutting mine out. Not only that but through balls especially arent at all easy to get right. Lofted passes are arguably too easy, though. Is it perfect? No, of course not but it's definitely not terrible. I've seen could hit balls out of play, overhit passes, pass into my players etc. It's actually pretty good.

The game isn't at all perfect but I seriously worry that we've entered a time where nostalgia mixed with unrealistic expectations given the vidence we have in FIFA and PES. We talk about how far they are away in comparison to older PES titles but our standard were so much lower then. We had NBA live, NFL and terrible rugby games to compare to. Yes we see the 2k games as the ultimate but have any of you read their forum? People MOAN! also, the sport is totally TOTALLY different.

We can want a better game, of course, and we can accept other games are further ahead but it seems to make us incapable of enjoying what we have.

I have to accept some people prefer the restricted but balanced gameplay of past games. I simply can't enjoy that as much. I won't go into why I think it's harder to achieve that balance now because if already done it but I just think a lot of people will be waiting a hell of a long time to be happy.

Apologies for the long post
He is still here with a different name..Man , it's way too obvious..

Not biting but my name is Steve w..

I'm a lot slimmer,taller and live out in the West Country..

Sorry to disappoint but I cant spell as well,nor am I as grammatically correct.My favourite leagues are Serie A and the Dutch league.

Can show you a photo.Curdstar is the same generation as me and even i enjoyed his posts..Would love to read more to.
So I'm digging out my Konami ID. Why don't they connect my demo control settings and preferences to that ID?! Would make it more easy when restarting the demo a lot.
Well, I'm putting my PS4 to standby anyway.
3 things in this world are guaranteed. Death, taxes and no pleasing evo-web members.

People are clamming for more transparency and more fouls. So Konami are being transparent about trying to add more fouls and we complain about the time frame.:LMAO:
Spot on!
Would love to see a fool proof game day one,wonder if any company does that anymore.
What if us consumers weren't greedy needing a spanking new game each year,what if they had the opportunity to release every other year?
With just an update on kits and rosters every year?
That's pretty much the case anyway?
So I'm digging out my Konami ID. Why don't they connect my demo control settings and preferences to that ID?! Would make it more easy when restarting the demo a lot.
Well, I'm putting my PS4 to standby anyway.
PS4 release is delayed I heard Pro....
I swear....
Not kidding....
Ffs its this kind of absurd posts that bother me. Its not a problem that is new, its a problem that has been in for years, and only now they remember they have it and tests have to be made.

Its really disgusting to see people coop with that

Its absurd posts like Yours that really do it.
The other guy is entitled to an opinion and does not expect to be singled out by You.
Fucking hell grow up people.
The difference between FIFA and PES btw EA and KONAMI in one sentence: KONAMI made a exclusive partnership with Fulham and EA now with the complete league.

As expected. Lets hope there isn't many more disappointments until the 14th, but it is a long way. Usually a week before the release is when all the bad stuff comes out, and this right now is THAT time of the year...

Like i said in one of my older posts, next year's 2019 game is the last chance for PES/Konami to get the license train moving. 1 club vs whole league is just cringey and you have to be really really dense to accept that. If they're not going to bother with adding more LEAGUES from whatever countries, they lost for lifetime and there's no coming back in the next game or ever. FIFA will do it first.
Unless of course they give us enough fake or blank leagues to edit, that's a fair compensation if money is an issue, but that sadly won't happen either.
Or door number 3, if stadium server keeps going on forever and we can add extra leagues, the game on PC at least can live on, but that's a long shot to tell now, especially not being able to add new leagues in years.

Haha. In a few months sounds like PES 2019 and even that is a maybe too.
Not that i mind the whole foul thing, like one of the users earlier pointed out, there were yellow/red cards but not enough fouls, but cmon, Adam's response is absolutely amateur.
Like, our game is flawed before release, patch maybe in a few MONTHS...
But hey, at least he's honest now lol.
Cmon , just played a few FIFA 17 matches and in those 3 matches the AI made exactly 5 fouls against me . Every day complaining about thing in here is getting really old . Complaining about the same thing I wanted to say .
And us meanwhile?

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