this is my suggestion about shooting (we need a method about passing too, but this one is about shooting)
here is an idea:
we can have an average between manual and basic shooting based of player stats. I explain that ...
I assume input direction (current manual shooting) as Input
and assume fully assisted direction (best and most dangerous point to shot (how about 20cm from post?) ... or something that is almost close to current basic shooting for 99 accuracy stats player) as Assisted
and assume my suggested output as Output
we have an accuracy stats from 40 to 99 (we assume 100 as a perfection which no player can have that)
first, let me explain the method for a middle range player with 70 shot accuracy.
the Output should be in the middle of Input and Assisted. (a random output in the area that I showed by arc ... I will explain the logic of calculating length of that arc)
(that was for middle range player stats, 70)
for player with 40 shot accuracy, random area is around to Input.
for player with 100 shot accuracy, random area is around to Assisted. (I said 100 but I meant 99 ... 100 is only for calculation and programming ... no player has 100 shot accuracy in game)
indeed: b=a(100-stats)/60 ... (unit: degree)
b: the angle between Input and Assisted
a: the angle between Output and Assisted
(in this case: a=90,accuracy stats=70 ... so b=90(100-70)/60 ... so b=45 degree)
now we only need length of arc (unit:degree) to recognize which area should be span of random result
the length of arc of random area could be: arc=(a/3)+(100-stats) ... (unit:degree)
(in this case: a=90,accuracy stats=70 ... so arc=(90/3)+(100-70) ... arc=30+30=60 degree)
(in this case all of random area is out of goal and the shot can't go to goal at all, because Input is very bad direction)
then better Input(more close to danger area=more close to Assist) will result smaller random area
also better accuracy stats will result smaller random area (and more close to perfect point)
if we assume 20cm from post as perfect point (I called it Assisted), then there is two perfect point for shooting, the game can choose the close one (to Input direction) for calculating.
the formula can be applied for every single direction (including middle of goal direction, and the formula can tend it to near post based on calculated random area)
numbers in my suggested formula can be adjusted a bit, but I think they are fair numbers.
about height of shot variety: I think it only need to be more sensitive based on shot gauge bar.
the same method can be calculated for heading by heading stats.
I suggest it to be default, but if no, at least it can be an option in addition to (basic/advance/manual).
I think it shouldn't be hard to programming this way.
here is an idea:
we can have an average between manual and basic shooting based of player stats. I explain that ...
I assume input direction (current manual shooting) as Input
and assume fully assisted direction (best and most dangerous point to shot (how about 20cm from post?) ... or something that is almost close to current basic shooting for 99 accuracy stats player) as Assisted
and assume my suggested output as Output
we have an accuracy stats from 40 to 99 (we assume 100 as a perfection which no player can have that)
first, let me explain the method for a middle range player with 70 shot accuracy.
the Output should be in the middle of Input and Assisted. (a random output in the area that I showed by arc ... I will explain the logic of calculating length of that arc)
(that was for middle range player stats, 70)
for player with 40 shot accuracy, random area is around to Input.
for player with 100 shot accuracy, random area is around to Assisted. (I said 100 but I meant 99 ... 100 is only for calculation and programming ... no player has 100 shot accuracy in game)
indeed: b=a(100-stats)/60 ... (unit: degree)
b: the angle between Input and Assisted
a: the angle between Output and Assisted
(in this case: a=90,accuracy stats=70 ... so b=90(100-70)/60 ... so b=45 degree)
now we only need length of arc (unit:degree) to recognize which area should be span of random result
the length of arc of random area could be: arc=(a/3)+(100-stats) ... (unit:degree)
(in this case: a=90,accuracy stats=70 ... so arc=(90/3)+(100-70) ... arc=30+30=60 degree)
(in this case all of random area is out of goal and the shot can't go to goal at all, because Input is very bad direction)
then better Input(more close to danger area=more close to Assist) will result smaller random area
also better accuracy stats will result smaller random area (and more close to perfect point)
if we assume 20cm from post as perfect point (I called it Assisted), then there is two perfect point for shooting, the game can choose the close one (to Input direction) for calculating.
the formula can be applied for every single direction (including middle of goal direction, and the formula can tend it to near post based on calculated random area)
numbers in my suggested formula can be adjusted a bit, but I think they are fair numbers.
about height of shot variety: I think it only need to be more sensitive based on shot gauge bar.
the same method can be calculated for heading by heading stats.
I suggest it to be default, but if no, at least it can be an option in addition to (basic/advance/manual).
I think it shouldn't be hard to programming this way.