PES 2018 PlayStation & Xbox Discussion Thread

Well, to have one licensed Championship team is utterly pointless. Save your money... Even if they get promoted this season, it'd mean sacrificing the other Premier League licensed team due to the "two PL teams only" restriction, so we'd get e.g. Liverpool and Fulham in PES 2019.

Before you say "wouldn't it be better to see one licensed 'big' club and one licensed 'smaller' club" - I'm not a fan of the big teams, by any stretch (see the Master League thread, I've been using Hull throughout playing PES 2017), but it makes more sense to license the teams who will appear in the big competitions, so that those main licenses appear much more authentic when you reach them with your minnow club (Man Red in the Champions League, no thanks).

If the "two-team" Premier League license thing doesn't apply to the Championship, go after a ton of them - and hopefully they are. But one? There's just no point, it doesn't help authenticity! It highlights the lack of it for the other 23 teams...
agree, but i didn't know there was a two PL teams only restriction.
Fulham add nothing to the game, They have no redeeming features as a football club (Sorry Matt) and their heritage is having a Michael Jackson statue and a little outdated ground that we'll probably not see it or anything similar in the game, Are they gonna add legends like Malbranque and Dempsey to the MyClub mode?

Their kit looks like the default unlicensed ML one anyways


Going for a club like Villa or Leeds would've been be a more exciting alternative. But if this means that we'll get a full EFL license then so be it and it'd make a big difference for our ML ambitions!

I'd prefer 4 generic English style stadiums and more customization options for the ML.

I'm with you. Honestly, I don't really understand it, and I know new fulham fans will come out of the woodworks as a result. They may raise my FFCTV price!

In all seriousness, I agree that there are other...better...options out there. Maybe it's baby steps, maybe it's a bidding process, I have no idea.

Legends...maybe McBride...or Papa Boupa Diop just to hear Drury blurt out nonsense. :)
I'll take shittier gameplay any day of the week if they throw in a stadium creator and better camera angles,and also,being on Xbox,better editing possibilities,like back on 13.
Not saying I want less good gameplay of course,but I think they should focuse on details aswell
I'm with you. Honestly, I don't really understand it, and I know new fulham fans will come out of the woodworks as a result. They may raise my FFCTV price!

In all seriousness, I agree that there are other...better...options out there. Maybe it's baby steps, maybe it's a bidding process, I have no idea.

Legends...maybe McBride...or Papa Boupa Diop just to hear Drury blurt out nonsense. :)
I'm lucky enough to have the Championship on one of sports channel that comes free in my apt building.
Acctually prefer the Championship as entertainment to the PL.
Got a cracker in an hour,Sunderland vs Derby.
And,sad to hear about your family situation pal.
All the best to you and your family my friend
I'll take shittier gameplay any day of the week if they throw in a stadium creator and better camera angles,and also,being on Xbox,better editing possibilities,like back on 13.
Not saying I want less good gameplay of course,but I think they should focuse on details aswell
well the game-play is most important, but shit commentary and lack of real licensed stadiums is too. Hopefully these partnerships in the next few years improve this. And for fucks sake, lets get some updated commentary please!!
well the game-play is most important, but shit commentary and lack of real licensed stadiums is too. Hopefully these partnerships in the next few years improve this. And for fucks sake, lets get some updated commentary please!!
Agree,I don't suffer from bad commentary,I always play Serie A-b,and keeping it real by using Italian commentators
But back in Pes 5-6 I patched my game with FIFA commentary.
I'm with you. Honestly, I don't really understand it, and I know new fulham fans will come out of the woodworks as a result. They may raise my FFCTV price!

In all seriousness, I agree that there are other...better...options out there. Maybe it's baby steps, maybe it's a bidding process, I have no idea.

Legends...maybe McBride...or Papa Boupa Diop just to hear Drury blurt out nonsense. :)

Bobby Robson
Van der Sar
Luis Saha
Exclusive global partnership with Fulham with everything but without stadium...... Joke✌️

Curious as to if you think EA are a joke? What with the literally hundreds of teams who are licensed but whose stadium isn't in the game?

It is what it is. Personally, I think it is nice to see a far smaller club, one which plays at a lower tier, get some PES love. If it continues beyond this year then who is to say their stadium won't feature in future?

But really, does it actually matter?
I think it does matter, what's the point of scanning the players but not having the stadium? If you don't care about the stadium, why care about the faces?
Kits can be edited in without the license, seems like a waste of resources, which are already limited.

They'd bring in a lot of Fulham fans just by having their stadium.

Here's to hoping for more stadiums in general.
I think it does matter, what's the point of scanning the players but not having the stadium? If you don't care about the stadium, why care about the faces?
Kits can be edited in without the license, seems like a waste of resources, which are already limited.

They'd bring in a lot of Fulham fans just by having their stadium.

Here's to hoping for more stadiums in general.

I think it's pretty disrespectful to license a team without it's stadium, Scraping the barrel or just a step in the right direction?
I think it's pretty disrespectful to license a team without it's stadium, Scraping the barrel or just a step in the right direction?

I wouldn't say disrespectful as we don't know the ins and outs of these deals.

More licenses is definitely a step in the right direction, but without stadiums it's just strange.
The main thing I don't like about this is the ambiguity about it all, they won't straight up come out and say whether the stadium is gonna be in the game or not.

I saw somebody ask directly and he was told to read the article...why not just say yes or no, and the article itself was not even 100% clear (some people on Twitter have taken it as it being in).
I wouldn't say disrespectful as we don't know the ins and outs of these deals.

More licenses is definitely a step in the right direction, but without stadiums it's just strange.
The main thing I don't like about this is the ambiguity about it all, they won't straight up come out and say whether the stadium is gonna be in the game or not.

I saw somebody ask directly and he was told to read the article...why not just say yes or no, and the article itself was not even 100% clear (some people on Twitter have taken it as it being in).

We need this back

C'mon! It's not as if they signed a contract that explicitly says: "You can scan the faces, but can't scan the stadium" and Konami were all like "Yeah? Well, we don't care about the stadium anyway! Losers!"

Honestly, do people really think negotiations go down like that? If it is a multi-year deal, they are likely announcing it after the ink has barely dried.

At a guess, I think partnerships is their way forward (in some cases it simply has to be) and how do you know that the developers (those in the art team especially) aren't actually looking forward to giving a smaller, less bombastic club a little bit of attention? Who is to say this isn't a wee attempt to serve notice to fans that they aren't going to be all about getting big club partnerships exclusively, or that they might be trying to gain more in the way of fully licensed leagues that goes beyond simply the top divisions and are using a club partnership to show that they actually want to include more second tier, lower level authenticity in the game, but will maybe have to go the long route and actually prove it, little by little, first. If you build it, they will come and all that.

As for the resources question that is always raised with just about any license deal Konami do strike: until someone can provide clear evidence that whatever money used to acquire a partnership deal would definitely have been spent on direct development of the game instead, I can't take the claim seriously. We can all sit here and say they should do this instead, they should do that instead, but the simple fact of the matter is PES is Konami's stuff, Konami's stuff is Konami's stuff, and if how a publisher spends its marketing money, which I have no control over, starts to become an ongoing concern for me when considering football videogames, I will have to stop taking an interest in them because it might be the first signs that I am going absolutely mad.
I think it's pretty disrespectful to license a team without it's stadium, Scraping the barrel or just a step in the right direction?


well the game-play is most important, but shit commentary and lack of real licensed stadiums is too. Hopefully these partnerships in the next few years improve this. And for fucks sake, lets get some updated commentary please!!
a lesson how to finish with aminimum of fuss xd xd lol
oh he ll be livid with himself
How low does the community's expectation have to go ?

Next year we'll be celebrating adding 3 new balls and Swindon Town (Kit only) LOL

I know some guys are trying really hard to put a positive spin on Konami's shortcomings, But A lot of stuff in the game haven't been properly touched for 2 or 3 years (Camera,Presentation,Menus,Tactics screen) And we've been happy to let go as we're hoping for better gameplay, But really Konami have their work cut out and they need to do something special rather than waste time on Bolt and Fulham.
C'mon! It's not as if they signed a contract that explicitly says: "You can scan the faces, but can't scan the stadium" and Konami were all like "Yeah? Well, we don't care about the stadium anyway! Losers!"

Honestly, do people really think negotiations go down like that? If it is a multi-year deal, they are likely announcing it after the ink has barely dried.

At a guess, I think partnerships is their way forward (in some cases it simply has to be) and how do you know that the developers (those in the art team especially) aren't actually looking forward to giving a smaller, less bombastic club a little bit of attention? Who is to say this isn't a wee attempt to serve notice to fans that they aren't going to be all about getting big club partnerships exclusively, or that they might be trying to gain more in the way of fully licensed leagues that goes beyond simply the top divisions and are using a club partnership to show that they actually want to include more second tier, lower level authenticity in the game, but will maybe have to go the long route and actually prove it, little by little, first. If you build it, they will come and all that.

As for the resources question that is always raised with just about any license deal Konami do strike: until someone can provide clear evidence that whatever money used to acquire a partnership deal would definitely have been spent on direct development of the game instead, I can't take the claim seriously. We can all sit here and say they should do this instead, they should do that instead, but the simple fact of the matter is PES is Konami's stuff, Konami's stuff is Konami's stuff, and if how a publisher spends its marketing money, which I have no control over, starts to become an ongoing concern for me when considering football videogames, I will have to stop taking an interest in them because it might be the first signs that I am going absolutely mad.

I don't disagree with you, I just find the deal kind of strange.
All it will add to the game is the Fulham player faces, which they could do without partnering up with them and presumably paying a fee.
The edit mode and kit importing facilities have the kits, name and badge covered. (In some ways letting the editing community do the kits is better as you can have mix and match shorts and socks etc.)
How low does the community's expectation have to go ?

Next year we'll be celebrating adding 3 new balls and Swindon Town (Kit only) LOL

Why don't you tell us what are your expectations and we'll tell you how utterly unrealistic they are, thus prove you are wasting nobody's time but your own in here.

If all this, all this disrespecting clubs (lol) given the weird standards you have set really bothers you, why are you playing any football videogame, never mind posting frequently or liking criticism and digs about the one you dislike the most?

That is a form of self-loathing if ever I have seen it, dude.
I don't disagree with you, I just find the deal kind of strange.
All it will add to the game is the Fulham player faces, which they could do without partnering up with them and presumably paying a fee.
The edit mode and kit importing facilities have the kits, name and badge covered. (In some ways letting the editing community do the kits is better as you can have mix and match shorts and socks etc.)

Yup definitely a priority request from the community
I don't disagree with you, I just find the deal kind of strange.
All it will add to the game is the Fulham player faces, which they could do without partnering up with them and presumably paying a fee.
The edit mode and kit importing facilities have the kits, name and badge covered. (In some ways letting the editing community do the kits is better as you can have mix and match shorts and socks etc.)

But it isn't about resources or being able to edit them if they didn't have the license. It is about how the marketing and promotion of the game is being approached.

With the partnership deals Konami are rather obviously trying to sell an idea. They are getting more of these partnerships so it seems to be working, albeit slowly.

Not aiming this at you, mate, but I find it bewildering how folk lose their shit about Neymar going for 200 million, how the sport has gone money-mad and is killing the romance as a result, yet some of those very same people will celebrate the money one video game publisher has over another, to the point they will shit on whatever the "David" in the situation does. Even a soft announcement of a partnership with a lower league club, a club among those which are the apparent lifeblood of the game that is under threat by all this money, gets completely and utterly shat on.

A few clubs having mega-money in the sport, leaving so many others behind = BAD!

One videgames publisher having a shit-ton of money that simply buys exclusivity on a league by league basis, on a fucking global scale, while its only competitor in the genre has to work with whatever it can, on a club by club basis, due to a financial gap similar to that which exists in the real sport = THE BEST
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