PES 2017 PlayStation & Xbox Discussion Thread

I know we keep talking about 5&6 as a kind of benchmark, but I have an easier time letting go of that era, because I accept that my age group is no longer the target audience. In the modern world of instant gratification we have to be realistic and accept the compromise that some will not like.

The depth may have gone but it does not detract from an enjoyable experience if you accept that times are different. IMO, I do not ever see a true simulation or a bug free game, it makes no sense to produce a perfect experience because it will diminish sales and even then, one mans gold is another's pot of rubbish.

Personally I am really looking forward to an improved 16 and from what I see, that appears to be the case. I certainly appreciate the disappointment of those wanting more, but I am afraid the modern world is tailored around quick fixes and shareholder targets.

That is not going to change anytime soon, si I am grateful for any kind of improvement for each iteration in the series.


I agree with you, the nostalgia just kills everything off. I still play PES 6 on PC, the modded version of course with awesome new graphics, modded game speed and camera which makes it look great.

I'm also a big fan of certain animations of PES 6, looks very natural compared to newer pes games. Two things that I would love the newer games to have besides the animations are the AI defense and shooting system.

Most people here are getting old or at least aged over 30, including me actually.. I'm 33 and also miss the glory PS2 days of pro evo.

Maybe that's why many people just hate the modern games. It's like watching remakes of 80's or 90's movies and music, the new ones are always crap right?

If people are waiting for the 'perfect game' then I don't think it will ever come. I see many people praising pes 2014, 2011 and stuff, but I don't remember all the praise when the game came out, it was mostly criticism, so who knows maybe pes 2017 or even pes 2016 will get a lot of praise in the 2020s.

Reading this thread is really depressing and many comments here really killed the hype before the demo even came out. I don't think we should judge the game before trying it first hands.

Watching videos is certainly different than playing it yourself. I watch FIFA videos and it looks so good, but when I play it I don't know.. Its just not for me, how it flows how it feels. Every people have their own preference so what I think konami should do in the future is implement sliders.. it will make everyone happy cause they can tweak the game to their liking.

I'm not sure what I'm talking about, I'll go back to my cave now and wait for the demo.. but I'm on PC, I won't get a demo :COAT:
It's funny you should say that... Because all of EA's golf games over the last 4-5 years have been the exact same piece-of-piss game requiring no skill to hit a straight shot 350 yards and with MID-FLIGHT (!) shot adjustment options.

Imagine hitting a shot and then being able to bend the ball when it was half-way towards the goal, SWOS style, in a serious football game... Ridiculous.

It's needed a reboot for a long time, but it sells regardless - the last one sold entirely based on the switch to Frostbite, which gave it fantastic graphics - so they're not going to take it seriously for a long time. It took an indie developer to come up with The Golf Club, a realistic golf game, and give the first real alternative golf game for years.

I wonder if we'll ever see an indie developer achieve success with a more realistic alternative to PES and FIFA... I think both games need more competition to force them to try harder. Judging by the videos we've seen of both so far, they have a lot of the same core issues, be that supershots and no fouls, or no tactical variety.

do the math.
3.3 million copies PES annually
9 million copies FIFA annually

with all that loot rolling in, there like politicians, they don't need to work hard.
Yeah, 2K needs to step in, badly.
I think a lot of you will settle in once you reduce the speed of the game. Just like last year I couldn't play it on 0 I had to change it to -1 and it felt a lot better. I think the game speed is why we are seeing so many weird animations, I think once we reduce the game speed the game will be gold especially with those tactics.

Thats the thing with Pes, the default settings dont do the game justice. I found -1 speed just amazing , it's perfect. Way more realistic feel where it eliminates the unrealistic ping passing speed in superstar.. Hence pes 2017 will feel great to me.

Only about 5 weeks till Pes 2017 folks ! :)
Thats the thing with Pes, the default settings dont do the game justice. I found -1 speed just amazing , it's perfect. Way more realistic feel where it eliminates the unrealistic ping passing speed in superstar.. Hence pes 2017 will feel great to me.

Only about 5 weeks till Pes 2017 folks ! :)
Still play -1 on my games,add manual and you got a great game,loving my 16 atm,tried 11 earlier tday,had to go -2 on that one.
Yupcant wait for 17, but will pick it up a bit later,still need to do 4-5 seasons of 16
On a non-gameplay related note, I pray that they've "fixed" the Team Play Lobby so you can adjust the stadium, time of day, weather, season, etc. I love playing 2vCPU, or 2v2 with my friend in both FIFA, and PES. Having to play in a generic stadium during the day grows monotonous. You could select it in 2013, and you can also adjust those settings in the 1v1 lobby so I'm not quite sure what the issue is. Someone put a word in...
Personally I dont want a perfect game but Im not lowering my expectations to force me liking this game anymore.

Ok, if animations is not important to gameplay why there so many fans that dont like to play PES of old times? Because of eight directions dribbling and GRAPHICS.

Dribbling dont look right to me. The right way to do is, one touch on the ball with a feet, one step with the other feet, one touch on the ball with a feet, one step with the other feet....etc etc. Dont know how to explain, sorry. But on the videos, dribbling dont have the right tempo. It looks like players are controlling the ball with one feet and on the other feet they have an inline skate. Footplanting is wrong on dribbling and its been like this for years. Again, Im Sorry, I can explain since my english sucks.
This will be in my analysis video, but come on...the positioning of the German players in the center circle is highly illogical. Superstar difficulty btw. (Look at radar)

I think this is the biggest want from me... better/more realistic movement animations (not necessarily more animations). At the moment it just looks ridiculous.. players are shifting too much and too quickly (including the skating) making it look so damn unnatural. Players don't move or hop around so much like in this current game. Running animations, albeit only 8 way, looked much better in pes5 and 6.. ie. where sprinting actually looked like sprinting..with the fast feet moving much more naturally. Sprinting in pes16 and now 17 looks kinda like a weird quick type of jogging motion.. with a stutter every few steps. What really bugs me is that pes15 looked better player movement wise and player model wise, and pes14 looked even better than that. So its actually getting worse... I think that's why a lot of people are angry, let alone the fact that a lot of other essentials are missing (eg. variations with miskicks, ai variations etc.). Back to my biggest gripe.. a good football game needs to look like a football game when watching it on the screen... doesn't appear that way when I watch the clips. My partner has no idea about football, but I showed her 2 clips.. one of pes17 and one of pes14.. funny..she automatically said pes17 looks silly... and players shorts were too big..and they ran and moved funny. When I showed her pes14, for a moment she thought it looked like a real game on tv... that says a lot..
Don't know if you guys have seen clips of NBA2k17, but my god does it look real.. player movement and model wise.

Anyways, I know there are a heap of positives that ive seen from the pes17 clips shown thus far (ball physics has definitely improved, as have the keepers) but its hard to go past the fact that the field players don't move very realistically and the models look as bad as pes16.

....Obviously ill still play the demo and buy this game as I do every year.. but damn... another year waiting for a more realistic looking game...

this is why 2K needs to get into world football. They would destroy PES with realistic movement.

Speaking of that,:!

people say the new generation wants arcade football, I disagree. Konami is just to lazy today to make a deep simulation that takes time. Hence we're stuck with arcade football. 2K would give a deep simulation experience, because NBA 2K is more simulation.
OK. Not understanding that you like his analysing but don't like his analysis maybe I'm just tired off to bed now.

@ Lami I am all for negatives and positives. I highlight them myself but these days on Evo web it's like if you share something you need to put a disclaimer on.

It makes me wonder if anything is worth sharing here anymore.

Sleep. Wake up refreshed. Come back on. Get mad again. Do this:


Rinse repeat :LOL:

Seriously though, just share opinion, agree, disagree. Whatever. No point anyone getting defensive over a game. At the end of the day it's forming your own opinion whether it's fun enough for you or not and worth the money or not are what matter.
In all the videos I have seen there is something weird going on with the players shorts, they seem to balloon out whenever they sprint, looks really odd.
So... has Konami deliberately decided Neymar is the best player in the world? Seems that way.

Great vid this that's certainly warmed my spirits..lots of good here!

Indeed. That's the video they need to show everybody if they want to sell this game.

However... you also have this type of (very well edited) video:

Which is great to watch but... is it just me or I can't see ANYTHING from Lio Messi in there? He looks clumsy and awkard, not to mention heavy.
No PlayerID in there. He runs, sprints and moves like any other player.

Konami had Messi spot on in PES 2013. I actually could feel it was him whenever he got ahold of the ball. But since PES 2014.... having Messi in your team or not, is pretty much the same. It's ugly to play as Barcelona or Argentina and feeling there's nothing special about him. Then you pass the ball to Neymar or Robben and they are a joy.
Did you try manual passing in PES 2016? To me it feels a lot better in PES 2016 than 2015. I feel is almost perfect. The only problem I have is that the through ball and normal pass have different weight to them depending on how long you press the button. The through pass button with manual passing is more sensitive and sometimes you can make a pass a lot stronger than intended if you're not careful enough, but you get used to it.

i started playing manual in the beginning, don't see as much fun with assists. IMO
Agree the game stil looks like pes16, the animations could well be the part that will take this game to the next level, but we are entering a discussion already made, how can we make a game that looks like pes 14 but plays without responsiveness issues, biggest question in the football gaming world

but what does that mean? responsiveness issues?

it takes time for real life players to set them self to pass and shoot.

i'm i missing something here? :CONFUSE:
Klash, old friend, I don't think we can generalize the group as being negative, it's more so constructively critical. We're football fans, as are you, and those that are there within PES[insert network/partner here] representations. We can't be denied of raising the tint of those nostalgia glasses, but I trust the majority of Evo-Web members are going to wait till the game is in their hands to truly pass judgement.

At the moment, it's video - and video is the medium that the majority of members watch their real life football. So if there is anything that steers away from the fundamentals of real life football, then naturally there will be an intent to identify those discrepancies. Some are more blunt, some are more tactical - but the message is still there.

The logic in some of those videos is highly questionable. Watch any football match, side by side, to PES 14-17, and any football fan would agree. That's the fundamental problem with not just PES, but FIFA and other sports games out there - with the exception of some outstanding titles like The Show, NFL2k5, CH2k8 and NBA2k.

I don't think anyone expected perfection, but they did expect that the core fundamentals of football would be accomplished. I do understand that KONAMI, as do EA, have to find a balance between Arcade and Sim - it just so happens that this PES demographic, this cult following of the nostalgia days, do not feel like we are the demographic anymore.

That's the underlying message that I personally get, from watching the videos. If we're way off, then we don't know any better, because we haven't played the full game - or seen it, but based on what has been seen, it's hard to argue it has not met the initial expectations; which was the whole point of showcasing the game this week.

Nice post matt.

See the small point i'm trying to make since i have no intention on attacking anyone here as we are all essential part of the evo web family is i had ZERO expectations at all.

Because i just know the truth and why EA and Konami have no serious intention of making an out of this world football game, i expect nothing, nothing whatsoever and put everything in creating what i can and what is possible from my perspective.

This is why i'm so impressed, it already looks far better than PES 2015 and i really liked that game, add the enhanced responsiveness and i'm sure i'll love this game and many others will.

I think we need a rant room to list all our issues about every pes game and create almost our own think tank to create the perfect simulation, which incorporates many different perspectives all over the world together in one package.

We are all so talented here and i just think we have been in this depressed angry, let down, victim mindset for too long with football games.

I guess i don't really feel any hate for Konami anymore since i know their intentions.
btw old games had arcade passing too BUT blind passes barely found the targets. eg back heels and backward passes or first time passes with crappier players wich toned down ping-pong passing system and urged u to turn and pass facing towards your team mates, it slowed the game down in the end. ofcourse time to time the likes of Ronaldinho could pull off magical back heels or no look passes. those were the special moments and those moments u saved and showed off. great times. cant believe nowdays target audiance dont like this and thats why Konami wont care about such details.

and i have the same gripe of passing for these rocket shots u need space to run up and a player with great kicking power and accuracy...or at leas you should. any other ways simplifying things just takes the wind out of enjoying scoring and passing

love that save. play it on 0,25 speed
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I agree with you, the nostalgia just kills everything off. I still play PES 6 on PC, the modded version of course with awesome new graphics, modded game speed and camera which makes it look great.

I'm also a big fan of certain animations of PES 6, looks very natural compared to newer pes games. Two things that I would love the newer games to have besides the animations are the AI defense and shooting system.

Most people here are getting old or at least aged over 30, including me actually.. I'm 33 and also miss the glory PS2 days of pro evo.

Maybe that's why many people just hate the modern games. It's like watching remakes of 80's or 90's movies and music, the new ones are always crap right?

If people are waiting for the 'perfect game' then I don't think it will ever come. I see many people praising pes 2014, 2011 and stuff, but I don't remember all the praise when the game came out, it was mostly criticism, so who knows maybe pes 2017 or even pes 2016 will get a lot of praise in the 2020s.

Reading this thread is really depressing and many comments here really killed the hype before the demo even came out. I don't think we should judge the game before trying it first hands.

Watching videos is certainly different than playing it yourself. I watch FIFA videos and it looks so good, but when I play it I don't know.. Its just not for me, how it flows how it feels. Every people have their own preference so what I think konami should do in the future is implement sliders.. it will make everyone happy cause they can tweak the game to their liking.

I'm not sure what I'm talking about, I'll go back to my cave now and wait for the demo.. but I'm on PC, I won't get a demo :COAT:

You're right Elja pes 2014 was slated even up to last year .. .a few of us on here and other forums really liked it and now it's continually being held up as the shining example for graphics and animations even though we were laughed at for supporting it. I also agree with you about Fifa. .strange thing about it is when you see videos it looks so impressive but when you play it . .it's not the same as the videos . .we should keep that in mind while criticising Pes 2017 it could be the opposite.. . .the over analysis is nuts. . this thing about spaces and gaps . .do they not realize that you can customize almost everything in Pes these days to rectify it. We got more or less what was missing from Pes 2016 and it's still not enough for some people
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I also agree with you about Fifa. .strange thing about it is when you see videos it looks so impressive but when you play it . .it's not the same as the videos . .we should keep that in mind while criticising Pes 2017.. . .the over analysis is nuts. . this thing about spaces and gaps . .do they not realize that you can customize almost everything in Pes these days to rectify it. We got more or less what was missing from Pes 2016 and it's still not enough.

Some youtubers already complaining about the high numbers of injury per game just because MyClub. ^^ Great!

Gabe blind passing was the thing that I hated most in the 'classic'Pes games . .just kick forward and it will pick out your team member all the time.
I read somewhere at this forum that the nets (depth, tightness) are editable in PES 2017. I did my best to search for a source to verify that, but couldn't find it. Also, I see only one net type from the videos so far. Meh, hope that they not forgot this feature.
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I read somewhere at this forum that the nets (depth, tightness) are editable in PES 2017. I did my best to search for a source to verify that, but couldn't find it. Also, I see only one net type at the videos so far. Meh, hope that they not forgot this feature.
I remember reading that too.
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what i dont get is in this clip at the corner there is no 3d grass(either after goalkick)

yet in the much far camera angle in replay there is. where is the logic? so ugly during those close ups for years now

btw the game looks far better from wide cam than close view this time :D
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