PES 2017 PlayStation & Xbox Discussion Thread

Wow. I read the last few pages and its just kinda sad really.

The negativity here is extreme. Its as if some people are so consumed with negativity. Lots of I.I.I... ME.ME.ME... Along with determination to talk about every fault out of context of the actual game and only about what they personally want.

I think some people literally wanted to see a match reminisent of Bradford City vs Sheffield United rather tha get a general consensus of the different ways the new game can be played in a 10 minute match.

What i dont get is its been clear this game was never going to be our perfect version of football but some dont even want to give it a chance.

Long live the freedom of expression. Although i really think a few of us here have jumped the gun a bit.

Only post I have bothered reading, the rest is just negative
Sorry to tell you but today balls are like that, they are more direct/straight. I said it before I will say it again, there is pass error if you watched the video, I counted about 10, it's a video game, what's the point of having so many more mistakes, it breaks the game and kills the flow of the game. It should be a beautiful thing not frustrating. I don't want to miss on many chances it's not realistic, we are playing with world class players, not some youngster. Everyone that played the game says passing is great and they loved it, it was the best thing mentioned about the game. Lets wait for the demo.

Todays balls don't spin and bounce anymore?

I remember a press release where they mentioned something about first touch, got excited for that a little bit, after watching those videos i'm less excited about it lol one of the playtesters even said they didn't try the first touch system, so i guess it's just some R3 skill thing, not something stat based

Anyway the game at least looks playable and finished this time, altough i would have liked a more realistic approach, manual could still be fun
..are you serious??? well I disagree with that. pes5 and 6 even, had more robotic movement than pes2016/17 etc, yeah.. thats true, but running movement animations and arm movement were certainly more realistic in pes5/6. To say pes2017 has the best physics and movement in the entire pes series is a ridiculous statement. Yes, itll probably have the smoothest animations etc,(pes16 was damn smooth and liked that) but they look way off. I guess its like music.. we must all be hearing a different thing..

Running animations in Pes 5/6 are better than Pesc2017?:SHOCK: Jesus.....
Only post I have bothered reading, the rest is just negative

Please, so all concerns and criticism come from a place of negativity and malice? If that's the case, what does that make those who are overly positive? Klash himself admitted that he personally hasn't played the game either so what makes his opinion any more valid than anyone else's? I tend to hold my tongue until I feel like people on this forum (there's always a handful) like to generalize, and make blanket statements. That irks me.
What fact? You don't know the settings you don't know who is playing how they are playing, the difficulty level. You can't assume anything on the gameplay good or bad. This is my only point. Not trying to be a smart arse about this.

This place these days. I feel like I am on WENB forums.
yup, pretty depressing.
the things that seem fixed sound fantastic. the perfect football game doesn't exist. some people just complain for the sake of complaining.

they act as if there is a better alternative out there gameplay wise.

its pretty simple. if you liked PES16 then this is an improvement and you will be happy.
if you didn't like PES16 then chances are you won't like PES17.
still you never know, so give it a chance and try the demo. won't cost you a thing.

don't forget its just another game and if you don't like it you don't have to buy it.
its not a cure we all need to buy for some sort of desease.

its just a game so lighten up.
Todays balls don't spin and bounce anymore?

I remember a press release where they mentioned something about first touch, got excited for that a little bit, after watching those videos i'm less excited about it lol one of the playtesters even said they didn't try the first touch system, so i guess it's just some R3 skill thing, not something stat based

Anyway the game at least looks playable and finished this time, altough i would have liked a more realistic approach, manual could still be fun

I meant how it goes to the other player today it's more direct when passing, the ball goes straight to the player, it doesn't curve that much.
For me I just feel the detached feeling while scoring is still present and the temate ai doesn't seem at times to really be able to adapt or react to dangerous situations or when it's out of position,it's like its playing a tug of war between where it should be positioned in the formation and what's actually happening on the pitch.
That hits the nail on the head for me. I've been playing a PES 2016 Master League (see the Master League discussion thread) and I've been enjoying it tactically, but I've never really felt like I've done something special to score - "detached" is exactly it, for me. It doesn't feel like I'm controlling the shot (particularly headers, which seem to fly into the corners without me even having to direct them). There's only so many times before you can see the same wonder-goal before it becomes a repetitive-goal that reminds you that you're playing a game and completely spoils the immersion.

I haven't seen any goals so far where I've thought "wow, you couldn't score that in PES 2016". I've just seen spectacular goals and goals from rebounds from the keeper, which fills me with dread (and as I read elsewhere, there are people who say "wait for the videos before you start to panic", then "play the demo first", then "you need to play the full game code" - videos are decent enough evidence, as far as I'm concerned).

That being said, it looks to be an improvement - particularly tactically - and I can't see FIFA's AI being different enough for me to love it this year, so it's all I have, and it'll be better than before.

It's that age-old dilemma, isn't it - PES tactics and FIFA's goal variety will never meet, we'll never get the major faults in either engine ironed out, so it'll always be a case of learning to live with the bad stuff. Which I'm doing with PES 2016 at the moment.
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I think a lot of you will settle in once you reduce the speed of the game. Just like last year I couldn't play it on 0 I had to change it to -1 and it felt a lot better. I think the game speed is why we are seeing so many weird animations, I think once we reduce the game speed the game will be gold especially with those tactics.
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wanted better realistic movement not just added animations.


Have you guys seen this little clip of Neymar skating with ball glued to his feet ?

Tbh, its very depressing the fact that there are playtesters and people involved in PES development that think this looks awesome, as if it was such special play that required genuine football skills.

I didnt expect to have 180 degree turn in PES 2017 when it comes to player movement/dribbling, but I at least expected something similar to PES 2015 wich imo had a decent balance of control responsiveness and weight/inertia.

Pes 2015 is not perfect on this aspect but its a night and day difference compared to the madness that PES 2016 is on this aspect.

Unfortunetly, PES 2017, while better than in PES 2016, didnt change all that much.

Im pretty its possible to make control responsive while keeping some realism on player movement without much skating. Pes 2015 for me was good on that, the ball could feel a bit more seperate to players feet when dribbling in tight space, but it was fine for me. But PES 2016 on full arcade mode and PES 2017 doesnt seem to take the ther other direction. Sad.
I don't know maybe they should capture it on their phones and slowly replay it over and over and explain it to Konami while they playtest it.

Sorry about the sarcastic tone but you realise what you are asking is maybe not possible. Also these issues are micro seconds that people are picking up.

Also are we still basing this off the videos or have more people played it now?
Back to PES 2017, i want to see reasonable AI in various situations. For example in the screens below, Atletico Madrid losses 1-0 and have a last chance in the last minute of the game with a foul near the center of the pitch. So you expect all the players to be inside your area for the 1-1. But this never happened.




I watched the video. The guy scored close to last minutes.

I took a close look on this. I expected Atl. madrid to advance its defence line and pressure Barça defenders, but the guy could pass the ball around their defenders with no sense of risk. Sad.
No, it's just the users on this forum are hardcore fans that have been playing this series for ages. Sorry if I'm not easily manipulated, swindled and persuaded like some 16-year-old that believes every PR rep, and YouTuber (many of which barely know how to play football games based on what I've seen) like they're the second coming of Christ. Of course we're going to be skeptical, and judgemental. We love Pro Evo, and football games. And we've been burned countless times in the past.

As I've said in a similar post awhile back, there are times where we as a community are overly critical. I do not deny that. People lose the plot sometimes, and that's not beneficial for anyone. With that said, I must say it's an insult to my intelligence as a football fan, consumer, and a human being when PR reps come out with statements like, "Nothing can be improved." Or how about this little gem?


Really? These people had an entire day, or evening with the game and couldn't provide any feedback? It's implying that the game is "perfect." I know how the world works, and I understand why YouTubers, and website owners drench their videos in positive hyperbole. This notion that you can't fully judge a game without playing it has merit. There are certain aspects of a game that you cannot experience without having had hands on time with it yourself. On the contrary, anyone who tells me that these videos are exempt from critique due to that fact are quite frankly, out of their mind. There is plenty we can observe about the game based on video footage.

I've been playing PES/FIFA/other football games for over 20 years so I'd like to think I am well versed when it comes to virtual football. A lot of the complaints thus far are justified based on what I've seen with my own eyes. The quote, "Who are you going to believe, me or your lying eyes?" comes to mind. I'll come to my own conclusions and not let people who are eager to sell their product, or create content for their YouTube channel dictate what's what.
Good post and I'm not disagreeing with your standpoint either mate.
But if you read som,not all negative posts,from people,that gets me tired,sort of a snowball effect.
People cant stop whining.
Constructive breakdown of game vids,yes please.
So we're on the same side,probably same age to,pushing 40 here
Enteringthe Konami office at precisely 10am, I genuinely wasn’t sure what I hoped to get out of the day.

I mean don’t get me wrong, it was brilliant to finally be attending a community day event and meet some guys I’ve become friends with through the world of PES but I wasn’t 100% sure that I’d be happy once the consoles were off and I was on the way home.

You see, to me, PES has always been a series that I feel requires your time and patience to fully enjoy.

If you find that statement outlandish, chances are you’ve jumped on board the series in the last few years and mostly play flagship mode ‘myClub’ where PES this year definitely encouraged a pick up n’ play, fast brand of football.

I only really begin to see differences in PES games after a few seasons of Master League or 50 plus multiplayer matches with the boys.

I don’t know if it’s because I’m stubborn or just stupid but I genuinely believe that with practice, a lot of the issues people have year on year throughout the series history kind of blend away into the overall gameplay experience once you start to sink 100’s of hours in.

PES 2016 changed that.

I mean you guys know me, I love the series but I’m blunt and to the point and it’s not been a mystery why I’ve all but stopped making videos this year.

PES 2016 is a great game but personally it wasn’t for me. I loved Master League but BAL & myClub just killed me.

Mostly myClub.

I couldn’t play it.

From spamming through ballers to the lovely ping pong passers who actually think they are classy stars, myClub made me scrutinise the gameplay. That, in turn, made me hyper analyse Master League and I made a decision to just not play PES for a few weeks.

The first time I’ve ever taken a break from a PES game since PES 2008.

You might wonder why I’m rambling on about all this crap and when I’m gonna talk about PES 2017 but I feel it’s important to jot my feelings down as they come and to give you guys a full picture of where my head was at going in to the Konami Office.

To be honest, me seeing issues and simply kissing ass and staying quiet would be worse than potentially upsetting the guys. I promised myself and the team at PESUniverse that I’d be straight up.

So here I am, sitting in the plane after playing PES 2017 for 7 hours…………


I genuinely could not be happier. PES 2017 is shaping up to be not only the best PES games ever, but one of the best sports games ever, period.

More to read here. Can't believe the rainbow flick is still a thing
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Zeemeister, it's strange he says that the a.i hasn't grasped the concept of attacking when a goal behind because it's in Pes 2016 Master league since the last dlc . .and the speed of play has been increased since he tested it and passing has changed. I still think it's going to be a very good game this year.
Zeemeister, it's strange he says that the a.i hasn't grasped the concept of attacking when a goal behind because it's in Pes 2016 Master league since the last dlc . .and the speed of play has been increased since he tested it and passing has changed. I still think it's going to be a very good game this year.

Yeah noticed that too. Put it down to him not playing PES 2016 after release.

Hell some if the experts here didn't play PES 2016, they played PES 6 last :FAIL:

There are just too many positive changes for this game to not be a big improvement.

The tactics in particular look fantastic. You have 3 slots to allocate and within each 2 attacking and 2 defensive. I am licking my lips at the prospect of this.

Also loving the corner kick options and how you attack different areas of the pitch. I just hope the are equally defendable.

Watching more of the videos I suspect there is a gripe that is going to come up come demo day.

I noticed that when the attacker gets the ball there is a setup time to position himself to take a shot that the defensive players are capitalising on. Again this is all on video but I suspect come demo people are going to say it's input lag. I am all for it if it is the case. I prefer finding it harder to score.
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Yeah noticed that too. Put it down to him not playing PES 2016 after release.

Hell some if the experts here didn't play PES 2016, they played PES 6 last :FAIL:

There are just too many positive changes for this game to not be a big improvement.

The tactics in particular look fantastic. You have 3 slots to allocate and within each 2 attacking and 2 defensive. I am licking my lips at the prospect of this.

Also loving the corner kick options and how you attack different areas of the pitch. I just hope the are equally defendable.

Watching more of the videos I suspect there is a gripe that is going to come up come demo day.

I noticed that when the attacker gets the ball there is a setup time to position himself to take a shot that the defensive players are capitalising on. Again this is all on video but I suspect come demo people are going to say it's input lag. I am all for it if it is the case. I prefer finding it harder to score.

I think -1 manual Superstar is gonna be really good. . .just wonder will they change it again before the demo and again after the demo .'s looking good though.
Naah if you look at PES 2016 hey did very few drastic gameplay patches. It's better this way imo. With 2015 what you got out of the box was very different by the time the the end of its life cycle.

Need to try it out and see what the speeds like on the demo. It may not be necessary to drop the speed. Hell some of the vids look like they could be dropped 2 notches. Historically I found manual passing too cumbersome and 1 bar almost there but needed manual overide in instances where the ball would not go where I want.

I desperately need to play this damn game though. All this heresay and trying to suss out what it will be like is giving me a headache lol.

Shooting is another thing I have no idea on. I wasn't too perturbed by 2016 shooting except the ease of the R2 shot and a lack of variation in height and trajectory. The volleys seemed contextually right but I miss the ability to place the ball exactly where I want. I loved PES 2011 finishing and shooting and would be ecstatic if 2017 is the same.
Ok but it doesnt mean its better game than Pes 2017. Pes 5 was good in released date. Now is outdate game compare to Pes 2017 in all aspects.

All aspects ? Really ?
Well once you ask.. ! YES ,PES6 or PES5 are better football games compared to PES 2016/2017 !

PES5/6 has a better passing
PES5/6 has a better shooting
PES5/6 has a better dribbling
PES5/6 has a better defence
PES5/6 has a better tactics and strategy, that actually works
PES5/6 has a better AI variations and adequacy
PES5/6 has a better Goalkeepers (well compere with pes 2016)
PES5/6 has a better player individuality
PES5/6 has a way better Online Mode
PES5/6 has a better Offline Modes
PES5/6 has a better stamina system
PES5/6 has a better referees

This is ... flash games cartoon network shit level , and the videos of the game are full with stuff like this one . But that is not the only reason why we still play PES5/6 and we forget about PES 2017 after year, as happened with PES 2016, PES 2015, PES 2014, PES 2013, PES 2012, PES 2011, PES 2010, PES 2009 and PES 2008.

Just every year is happen the same story : NEWS => HYPE => VIDEOS => NYPE => DEMO => RELEASE => BACK TO PES 6 .
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Naah if you look at PES 2016 hey did very few drastic gameplay patches. It's better this way imo. With 2015 what you got out of the box was very different by the time the the end of its life cycle.

Need to try it out and see what the speeds like on the demo. It may not be necessary to drop the speed. Hell some of the vids look like they could be dropped 2 notches. Historically I found manual passing too cumbersome and 1 bar almost there but needed manual overide in instances where the ball would not go where I want.

I desperately need to play this damn game though. All this heresay and trying to suss out what it will be like is giving me a headache lol.

Shooting is another thing I have no idea on. I wasn't too perturbed by 2016 shooting except the ease of the R2 shot and a lack of variation in height and trajectory. The volleys seemed contextually right but I miss the ability to place the ball exactly where I want. I loved PES 2011 finishing and shooting and would be ecstatic if 2017 is the same.

Did you try manual passing in PES 2016? To me it feels a lot better in PES 2016 than 2015. I feel is almost perfect. The only problem I have is that the through ball and normal pass have different weight to them depending on how long you press the button. The through pass button with manual passing is more sensitive and sometimes you can make a pass a lot stronger than intended if you're not careful enough, but you get used to it.
All aspects ? Really ?
Well once you ask.. ! YES ,PES6 or PES5 are better football games compared to PES 2016/2017 !

PES5/6 has a better passing
PES5/6 has a better shooting
PES5/6 has a better dribbling
PES5/6 has a better defence
PES5/6 has a better tactics and strategy, that actually works
PES5/6 has a better AI variations and adequacy
PES5/6 has a better Goalkeepers (well compere with pes 2016)
PES5/6 has a better player individuality
PES5/6 has a way better Online Mode
PES5/6 has a better Offline Modes
PES5/6 has a better stamina system
PES5/6 has a better referees

This is ... flash games cartoon network shit level , and the videos of the game are full with stuff like this one . But that is not the only reason why we still play PES5/6 and we forget about PES 2017 after year, as happened with PES 2016, PES 2015, PES 2014, PES 2013, PES 2012, PES 2011, PES 2010, PES 2009 and PES 2008.

Just every year is happen the same story : NEWS => HYPE => VIDEOS => NYPE => DEMO => RELEASE => BACK TO PES 6 .

Dont agree. PES 5 and 6 are trash now and I would not be able conjure up any enjoyment with the limited movement and on rails passing.

You picking that one tweet and using it as a basis for making that decision? Enjoy PES6
Did you try manual passing in PES 2016? To me it feels a lot better in PES 2016 than 2015. I feel is almost perfect. The only problem I have is that the through ball and normal pass have different weight to them depending on how long you press the button. The through pass button with manual passing is more sensitive and sometimes you can make a pass a lot stronger than intended if you're not careful enough, but you get used to it.

I played it on and off but opted for 1 bar. Agreed on the normal vs through balls having different speeds.

Better passing? No. To accurate and so much assisted

Better shooting. Ok YES.

Better dribbling? No. Looks arcadish without proper physics.

Better keepers? Never. Animations looks not realistic. They were solid but not realistic movements they had compere to Pes 2017.

Better refs? On the same level in this moment compare to Pes 2017.

Better individuality? Don't think so. Players models look in Pes 2017 much,much better.

Better online. We have to wait......
All aspects ? Really ?
Well once you ask.. ! YES ,PES6 or PES5 are better football games compared to PES 2016/2017 !

PES5/6 has a better passing
PES5/6 has a better shooting
PES5/6 has a better dribbling
PES5/6 has a better defence
PES5/6 has a better tactics and strategy, that actually works
PES5/6 has a better AI variations and adequacy
PES5/6 has a better Goalkeepers (well compere with pes 2016)
PES5/6 has a better player individuality
PES5/6 has a way better Online Mode
PES5/6 has a better Offline Modes
PES5/6 has a better stamina system
PES5/6 has a better referees

This is ... flash games cartoon network shit level , and the videos of the game are full with stuff like this one . But that is not the only reason why we still play PES5/6 and we forget about PES 2017 after year, as happened with PES 2016, PES 2015, PES 2014, PES 2013, PES 2012, PES 2011, PES 2010, PES 2009 and PES 2008.

Just every year is happen the same story : NEWS => HYPE => VIDEOS => NYPE => DEMO => RELEASE => BACK TO PES 6 .

I agree. It was gold. Only the ones that played the game back then can know that.
Cant say for sure without playing it first, but based on gameplay videos, even with all the new animations, graphical improvements, etc... I cant help but think that if the series had continued with the pes5/we9 engine instead of that complete overhaul they did for next gen... the game today would have been light years ahead.. pes5/we9 had a feel & satisfaction that all the new games cannot replace with any amount of new features, animations, etc...
Sorry...I dont want to troll or anything...

I was looking for more Pes 2017 videos and this videos jusg poped up on my screen:

This is a patched PES 2014 (PC version)

I dont think that theres a game that can trully fool a humans eye into believing that this is a real match and not a video game.

Its amazing how Konami managed to do that game that seems to be more techinally advanced than anything EA ever produced with their almost infinte budget, and 2 million times more advanced that current PES.

Fox Engine is awesome, but Konami as a company is a bunch of cowards and blinds who didint put the necessary trust on what they did on PES 2014. Im sure they could make an untouchable football using pes2014 as a base.
I agree. It was gold. Only the ones that played the game back then can know that.

I played every PES to date and PES 6 is one of my least favourite. I didn't enjoy the arcade style and it was a step back after PES 5.

BTW this is the 2017 thread you more than welcome to discuss PES 6 in the relevant thread.
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