PES 2017 PlayStation & Xbox Discussion Thread

Nooo , no ! I watching the videos 2 days .. my eyes are bleeding from watching every single one in the net . But again , you will say " Boooo , you can not judge the game from video " oh yes.. yes i can.I have many years of experience ... and never fail my .
See , here in Bulgaria we have a saying:

"When something looks like a fish , smells like fish, swim like a fish, act like a fish .. most likely is ......... а fish!“

Have a nice friday night .

:LMAO::LMAO::LMAO:guess we are not allowed to have our own opinions anymore.
some just wanna shove theirs through our throats.:SMUG:
That hits the nail on the head for me. I've been playing a PES 2016 Master League (see the Master League discussion thread) and I've been enjoying it tactically, but I've never really felt like I've done something special to score - "detached" is exactly it, for me. It doesn't feel like I'm controlling the shot (particularly headers, which seem to fly into the corners without me even having to direct them). There's only so many times before you can see the same wonder-goal before it becomes a repetitive-goal that reminds you that you're playing a game and completely spoils the immersion.

I haven't seen any goals so far where I've thought "wow, you couldn't score that in PES 2016". I've just seen spectacular goals and goals from rebounds from the keeper, which fills me with dread (and as I read elsewhere, there are people who say "wait for the videos before you start to panic", then "play the demo first", then "you need to play the full game code" - videos are decent enough evidence, as far as I'm concerned).

That being said, it looks to be an improvement - particularly tactically - and I can't see FIFA's AI being different enough for me to love it this year, so it's all I have, and it'll be better than before.

It's that age-old dilemma, isn't it - PES tactics and FIFA's goal variety will never meet, we'll never get the major faults in either engine ironed out, so it'll always be a case of learning to live with the bad stuff. Which I'm doing with PES 2016 at the moment.

I'm certainly going to pick up both games this year irrespective of the demos..Pes will always be my number one but I'm intrigued with what frostbite will bring and ea certainly know how to make that kind of transition cleanly.

Can't really add to your perfectly worded post which echoes pretty much where I think both games presently are.

Always about the little things that make all difference.

What most of us want is achievable..we are not really asking for more then what we have had previously.Im also a great believer konami has already made the perfect football game,it's just spread over 8 titles not one.
:LMAO::LMAO::LMAO:guess we are not allowed to have our own opinions anymore.
some just wanna shove theirs through our throats.:SMUG:

I never say that . Just why you all afraid from showing and talk about the problems ? We need to do it now , not after release . We need to found show them is something is not OK and must be fixed , why you acting so strange.. i don't get it.
" You want perfect game " Of Course we all want that ... but we know it there is not such a thing... stop saying it .
Sorry...I dont want to troll or anything...

I was looking for more Pes 2017 videos and this videos jusg poped up on my screen:

This is a patched PES 2014 (PC version)

I dont think that theres a game that can trully fool a humans eye into believing that this is a real match and not a video game.

Its amazing how Konami managed to do that game that seems to be more techinally advanced than anything EA ever produced with their almost infinte budget, and 2 million times more advanced that current PES.

Fox Engine is awesome, but Konami as a company is a bunch of cowards and blinds who didint put the necessary trust on what they did on PES 2014. Im sure they could make an untouchable football using pes2014 as a base.

PES 2014 animations is really life like, probably one of the best in sports gaming, konami certainly can create a realistic player movement. Unfortunately people complained a lot about responsiveness that's why they dropped all those realistic animations for better response time. The way player sway their arm while changing direction is so satisfying to look at in PES 2014. I'm still hoping that we gonna have PES 2014 player animation in the future.
This is quite possibly the best PvsP video you will see of PES 2017 so far.

Pace is excellent, you can feel more weight on players. This video convinces me that PES 2017 is indeed a great improvement over PES 2016 (wich is not hard tho),

Pes 2017 is simply a game that looks a lot more pleasing to my eyes, while player movement physics still need a lot of improvement, for me players do move more naturally, animations are a bit more smooth wich gives a more natural look (despite some skating moves in tight space).

Passing animations are definetly a lot better both for low ground normal pass and long air passes,'crossing etc. Replays can look beautiful at times when eveything seems to work.

On this video pace is excellent as I said, passing feels a bit slower, players dont rush into esch other, there are some good interceptions and more fouls and offside than on other videos. I just didnt like France goal much, it looked a bit "cheap"'for me, but I really enjoyed it:
I never say that . Just why you all afraid from showing and talk about the problems ? We need to do it now , not after release . We need to found show them is something is not OK and must be fixed , why you acting so strange.. i don't get it.
" You want perfect game " Of Course we all want that ... but we know it there is not such a thing... stop saying it .

you have your opinion, we have ours.
we do not want to shove ours through your throat but you really act like you want to shove yours down ours.

if you liked PES16 then PES17 looks like an improvement. if you didn't then chances are you won't like PES17
but PES 5 and PES 6 are history. i believe i played every patch ever made
its still nice for a trip back in time but if you wanna go backwards and play it a whole year instead of giving PES17 a try then you should really ask yourself, who is the weird one here?
Didnt like what i saw in that barcelona vs ath madrid vid, stiff animations whike shooting, that torres volley was so unnatural how he kicked the ball after holding it with his chest, i have to say im gonna be off with fifa 17 this year looks a lot more organic and natural than this.
Didnt like what i saw in that barcelona vs ath madrid vid, stiff animations whike shooting, that torres volley was so unnatural how he kicked the ball after holding it with his chest, i have to say im gonna be off with fifa 17 this year looks a lot more organic and natural than this.

This one at 5:44 right?
FIFA 17 is also looking very mediocre if you ask me. Player models still looks horrible despite the engine change.
I know we keep talking about 5&6 as a kind of benchmark, but I have an easier time letting go of that era, because I accept that my age group is no longer the target audience. In the modern world of instant gratification we have to be realistic and accept the compromise that some will not like.

The depth may have gone but it does not detract from an enjoyable experience if you accept that times are different. IMO, I do not ever see a true simulation or a bug free game, it makes no sense to produce a perfect experience because it will diminish sales and even then, one mans gold is another's pot of rubbish.

Personally I am really looking forward to an improved 16 and from what I see, that appears to be the case. I certainly appreciate the disappointment of those wanting more, but I am afraid the modern world is tailored around quick fixes and shareholder targets.

That is not going to change anytime soon, si I am grateful for any kind of improvement for each iteration in the series.

Thanks for sharing..great breakdown and this impresses me.
YeH i liked that vid actually i simply dont know both fifa and pes this have things thT get my liking, what i like in fifa is the lighting in daytime matches they get the color palette mucb bettrr thsn pes during day matches,in pes the day match the pitch looks washed out green..all in all i simply don t know actually
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There seems to be definite improvements, but given that the main aspect of the game is players running with & without the ball... the running & dribbling animations are surprisingly awkward..Just improving the running & dribbling animations will improve the realism... And I might be wrong but the ball does seem to be a little more stuck to the players feet..
Another good video from midnight kid with analysis.

There is so much space in those videos? The only breakdown I see is the defensive shape throughout the pitch, and not just the defenders turning their backs and running with attackers. It's chaotic again. There are so many other issues with each pause/analysis he does and the chain reaction of those events start with the issues, but the analysis is done on the result - not the cause.

Analyze the good and bad, not just the good - it's in depth to be positive, I get that, but it's misleading. Just my thoughts at least.
There seems to be definite improvements, but given that the main aspect of the game is players running with & without the ball... the running & dribbling animations are surprisingly awkward..Just improving the running & dribbling animations will improve the realism... And I might be wrong but the ball does seem to be a little more stuck to the players feet..
Agree the game stil looks like pes16, the animations could well be the part that will take this game to the next level, but we are entering a discussion already made, how can we make a game that looks like pes 14 but plays without responsiveness issues, biggest question in the football gaming world
Sorry...I dont want to troll or anything...

I was looking for more Pes 2017 videos and this videos jusg poped up on my screen:

This is a patched PES 2014 (PC version)

I dont think that theres a game that can trully fool a humans eye into believing that this is a real match and not a video game.

Its amazing how Konami managed to do that game that seems to be more techinally advanced than anything EA ever produced with their almost infinte budget, and 2 million times more advanced that current PES.

Fox Engine is awesome, but Konami as a company is a bunch of cowards and blinds who didint put the necessary trust on what they did on PES 2014. Im sure they could make an untouchable football using pes2014 as a base.
Thanks for fooling me. I was almost going to apologize for my depressing posts thinking this is 2017. But it didn't feel right as a game cannot change all that much during a day game. Felt like 2014 all over. This looks leaps and bounds better than 2017.
There is so much space in those videos? The only breakdown I see is the defensive shape throughout the pitch, and not just the defenders turning their backs and running with attackers. It's chaotic again. There are so many other issues with each pause/analysis he does and the chain reaction of those events start with the issues, but the analysis is done on the result - not the cause.

Analyze the good and bad, not just the good - it's in depth to be positive, I get that, but it's misleading. Just my thoughts at least.

I have no idea what you mean and to be honest too tired to figure it out right now.


Are you saying you want it less spaced out and players more compact because someone else said it's far too compact a few pages back

I would have lost my marbles trying to figure out what everyone wants if I were Konami maybe that's what happened to Seabass hence the wierd perm he donned for a bit. :LOL:

It's not really in depth to see only the positive in fact it's the complete opposite and are you referring to him making an analysis of the things he likes as misleading?
I have no idea what you mean and to be honest too tired to figure it out right now.


Are you saying you want it less spaced out and players more compact because someone else said it's far too compact a few pages back

I would have lost my marbles trying to figure out what everyone wants if I were Konami maybe that's what happened to Seabass hence the wierd perm he donned for a bit. :LOL:

It's not really in depth to see only the positive in fact it's the complete opposite and are you referring to him making an analysis of the things he likes as misleading?

It's not a proper analysis is what I'm saying. Which is the title of the video. Analyzing is all about the positives and negatives, and what needs improvement. I actually like the channel and subbed as anyone who is willing to analyze games is one I'd like to pay attention to.

I'm not sure what was confusing about what I said though? There is too much space, clearly. The ball travels yards upon yards to reach players (the result). This is due to the defensive shape breaking down (the cause) due to, again, over-marking by way of sprinting (another cause) to players versus gradually marking.

IRL, players do not mark players like they stole something, they jog near them, and position themselves. As the threat increases, so does their aggression. It's not that pass accuracy or assist is easy, it's that the marking is too aggressive - to the point that gaps are wide open, resulting in very direct and easy bypassing of the entire midfield's defensive shape.
No, it's just the users on this forum are hardcore fans that have been playing this series for ages. Sorry if I'm not easily manipulated, swindled and persuaded like some 16-year-old that believes every PR rep, and YouTuber (many of which barely know how to play football games based on what I've seen) like they're the second coming of Christ. Of course we're going to be skeptical, and judgemental. We love Pro Evo, and football games. And we've been burned countless times in the past.

As I've said in a similar post awhile back, there are times where we as a community are overly critical. I do not deny that. People lose the plot sometimes, and that's not beneficial for anyone. With that said, I must say it's an insult to my intelligence as a football fan, consumer, and a human being when PR reps come out with statements like, "Nothing can be improved." Or how about this little gem?


Really? These people had an entire day, or evening with the game and couldn't provide any feedback? It's implying that the game is "perfect." I know how the world works, and I understand why YouTubers, and website owners drench their videos in positive hyperbole. This notion that you can't fully judge a game without playing it has merit. There are certain aspects of a game that you cannot experience without having had hands on time with it yourself. On the contrary, anyone who tells me that these videos are exempt from critique due to that fact are quite frankly, out of their mind. There is plenty we can observe about the game based on video footage.

I've been playing PES/FIFA/other football games for over 20 years so I'd like to think I am well versed when it comes to virtual football. A lot of the complaints thus far are justified based on what I've seen with my own eyes. The quote, "Who are you going to believe, me or your lying eyes?" comes to mind. I'll come to my own conclusions and not let people who are eager to sell their product, or create content for their YouTube channel dictate what's what.

Klash, old friend, I don't think we can generalize the group as being negative, it's more so constructively critical. We're football fans, as are you, and those that are there within PES[insert network/partner here] representations. We can't be denied of raising the tint of those nostalgia glasses, but I trust the majority of Evo-Web members are going to wait till the game is in their hands to truly pass judgement.

At the moment, it's video - and video is the medium that the majority of members watch their real life football. So if there is anything that steers away from the fundamentals of real life football, then naturally there will be an intent to identify those discrepancies. Some are more blunt, some are more tactical - but the message is still there.

The logic in some of those videos is highly questionable. Watch any football match, side by side, to PES 14-17, and any football fan would agree. That's the fundamental problem with not just PES, but FIFA and other sports games out there - with the exception of some outstanding titles like The Show, NFL2k5, CH2k8 and NBA2k.

I don't think anyone expected perfection, but they did expect that the core fundamentals of football would be accomplished. I do understand that KONAMI, as do EA, have to find a balance between Arcade and Sim - it just so happens that this PES demographic, this cult following of the nostalgia days, do not feel like we are the demographic anymore.

That's the underlying message that I personally get, from watching the videos. If we're way off, then we don't know any better, because we haven't played the full game - or seen it, but based on what has been seen, it's hard to argue it has not met the initial expectations; which was the whole point of showcasing the game this week.

I know we keep talking about 5&6 as a kind of benchmark, but I have an easier time letting go of that era, because I accept that my age group is no longer the target audience. In the modern world of instant gratification we have to be realistic and accept the compromise that some will not like.

The depth may have gone but it does not detract from an enjoyable experience if you accept that times are different. IMO, I do not ever see a true simulation or a bug free game, it makes no sense to produce a perfect experience because it will diminish sales and even then, one mans gold is another's pot of rubbish.

Personally I am really looking forward to an improved 16 and from what I see, that appears to be the case. I certainly appreciate the disappointment of those wanting more, but I am afraid the modern world is tailored around quick fixes and shareholder targets.

That is not going to change anytime soon, si I am grateful for any kind of improvement for each iteration in the series.

I agree with all the your posts. You all sum up my feelings.

To the rest, can we please respect each others' posts whether positive or negative? We all have differing opinions and have the right to them without jumping down each others' throats. Being overly positive dismissing the negatives is equally bad as being overly negative dismissing the positives. Please be reasonable.
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OK. Not understanding that you like his analysing but don't like his analysis maybe I'm just tired off to bed now.

@ Lami I am all for negatives and positives. I highlight them myself but these days on Evo web it's like if you share something you need to put a disclaimer on.

It makes me wonder if anything is worth sharing here anymore.
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OK. Not understanding that you like his analysing but don't like his analysis maybe I'm just tired off to bed now.

@ Lami I am all for negatives and positives. I highlight them myself but these days on Evo web it's like if you share something you need to put a disclaimer on.

It makes me wonder if anything is worth sharing here anymore.

Get some rest, man. Our passion thins us out at the end of the day. Be ready for some more great discussion :) .
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