PES 2017 PlayStation & Xbox Discussion Thread

Right, didn't discredit those adjustments, but my expectations were too high, obviously, to want a more realistic looking game, in comparison to what we see on TV or in person of course. That's always going to be my expectation with newer titles. Those adjustments are listed fixes that would serve more as an update, not a brand new title.

very true, these fixes should be updates not grounds for new purchase.

This video makes me so angry. The goals scored here are insane, it's like every player has a 99 shooting power, the ball speed when shooting is just crazy. They basically changed nothing.

Edited: In terms of shooting.


I watched that video and was left extremely disappointed. Granted, they had a limited amount of time with the game, but still. "They" were talking big game about how the shooting is revamped, varied, more contextual, but all I saw were shots that rifled off of the players foot from 30 yards out. Very reminiscent of PES 2016. I just want scoring to feel satisfying again.

I hate harping on about PES of yesteryear, but I booted up WE9:LE and PES 6 a few months ago and the shooting/scoring felt fantastic compared to Konami's recent efforts. Seldom did I get any joy from scoring in 2016. It just felt so flat, and simplistic. Hopefully it's not as bad as that video leads me to believe.

I watched that video and was left extremely disappointed. Granted, they had a limited amount of time with the game, but still. "They" were talking big game about how the shooting is revamped, varied, more contextual, but all I saw were shots that rifled off of the players foot from 30 yards out. Very reminiscent of PES 2016. I just want scoring to feel satisfying again.

I hate harping on about PES of yesteryear, but I booted up WE9:LE and PES 6 a few months ago and the shooting/scoring felt fantastic compared to Konami's recent efforts. Seldom did I get any joy from scoring in 2016. It just felt so flat, and simplistic. Hopefully it's not as bad as that video leads me to believe.

Yeah I haven't felt satisfied about shooting or scoring since the old games. They were different, and the speed of the ball was spot on, and gives you a good feeling. I guess that was because of the old stats, I don't know why they removed them. Very disappointed.

This video makes me so angry. The goals scored here are insane, it's like every player has a 99 shooting power, the ball speed when shooting is just crazy. They basically changed nothing.

Edited: In terms of shooting.

Watch the 2nd goal in that video (the one that makes it 2-0 Atletico). In the build up, there is probably 10 players grouped together within about 10 yards of each other around 0.49-0.50

I appreciate that is player v player, but its like a school-ground there... the Atletico player top right who was giving the team width, for whatever reason decides to run back toward the halfway line!

Half of the Barca back 4 has gone missing, the other 2, somehow fail to note the runner coming toward them and are way to late to react to even get close enough to stop a shot going in.

Look at 0.52, 7 Barca players, 5 Atletico (not including the Barca keeper) all in shot, within yards of each other. What the hell is that all about, it looks a mess. Its like the players are just playing the ball and not position / being spatially aware.

I know its just 1 moment to pick out in the videos, but it looks like a bunch of 8 year olds chasing the ball round a park. I also appreciate that its player v player and I dont know what tactic settings either player has selected, but still, that sort of thing sticks out like a sore thumb.

1.25 in that video, the buildup to the next goal, again its a limited view of it all - but the bunching at the top of the screen seems a bit much to me. The ref is in acres of space in the middle :D But again having all those midfielders grouped together like that caused the problems there.. seems a bit much, or maybe the pitch scale isnt right. Im being very critical and i appreciate that, but these are things that stick out to me on first look so id rather type them up, than ignore them.

The Neymar volley made me cringe, that was tapered to be like that the minute the ball started to ping about on a string.

Just some thoughts that crop into my head, I dont overthink before I type so am happy to be called wrong.
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Watch the 2nd goal in that video (the one that makes it 2-0 Atletico). In the build up, there is probably 10 players grouped together within about 10 yards of each other around 0.49-0.50

I appreciate that is player v player, but its like a school-ground there... the Atletico player top right who was giving the team width, for whatever reason decides to run back toward the halfway line!

Half of the Barca back 4 has gone missing, the other 2, somehow fail to note the runner coming toward them and are way to late to react to even get close enough to stop a shot going in.

Look at 0.52, 7 Barca players, 5 Atletico (not including the Barca keeper) all in shot, within yards of each other. What the hell is that all about, it looks a mess. Its like the players are just playing the ball and not position / being spatially aware.

I know its just 1 moment to pick out in the videos, but it looks like a bunch of 8 year olds chasing the ball round a park. I also appreciate that its player v player and I dont know what tactic settings either player has selected, but still, that sort of thing sticks out like a sore thumb.


The worst part is that passing is so assisted and scripted he even manages to ping pong in the middle of 5 barça players.
We already get it, you hate Konami and you are getting really boring with that.

Not even close my friend, i found this online. I don´t even print images. I don´t hate konami, konami hate us.
Konami need to pay more attention, is not like we done the game already and forget all this details.
It's a shame but if i was in the office i was notice that before the release.
If konami need me to spank in the arse to just let that thing released.
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very true, these fixes should be updates not grounds for new purchase.

To be honest, There is no stand out changes or features on PES 2017that really excites me.

As well as the fact that the main concerns don't seem to be addressed or even acknowledged by the KONAMI team. I'm talking purely gameplay issues (Licensing, Visuals, Rosters,Online modes are all not a priority for me).

My concerns after watching all the videos and reviews so far:

1- Shooting hasn't improved, Don't see any new types or different trajectories.
2- Goals will get repetitive very quickly
3- Goalkeepers still have a weak spot and still don't look convincing, Expect a lot of fumbles.
4- Still not enough fouls, as well as no offsides now as one of the videos claims!!!
5- No midfield play at all as well

The graphics are great though and there seems to be more life to matches, It is early days and I hope that our feedback will help improve the product before the full release.
I know you are a hero in the community, but I disagree.

Konami/whoever invited people to play this should have ensured that there were gamers to cater for the whole market. Not just the online crew to tr and nab sales from FIFA... as we all know thats the only reason people play FIFA is its online modes.

PES used to be (to me) all about offline and how you could really sink hours into playing the AI because it worked and felt right. Yes local 1v1 was brilliant, but the longevity of the game came in Master League or whatever.

I appreciate times have changed and the world wants instant gratification, everyone wants to be a youtube star etc - but for joe bloggs on the street, all we want is a chance to see the PES AI in action 'properly'.

All these 1v1 videos look nice and shiny and well done to those who did them. But none of my concerns about the game have been alleviated. Infact the only AI video ive seen so far is that 7-1 thumping of Atletico which pretty much was a waste of time... so im assuming that was on a low level with a fair bit of assistance, given that everything he did was on point.

I just wanted a player vs AI game, as manual as the player can cope with, against an AI professional or higher, so I can see if the AI defends better, dosent give up space through the middle and has variety not just in attack, but in shooting. I dont care if its a doggy 0-0 with 1 shot on goal, as long as that is an effort from the AI that is not lasered into the bottom corner.

I am happy to wait for the demo, but for me, Konami missed a trick here and if its deliberate or not, just seems a bit silly to miss out some of the key concerns from PES16 in a viewable format.

Dont get me wrong, I want my concerns to be alleviated... I want Konami to show those videos and answer those questions with visible answers.

To moan at people on here for having concerns (not aimed at you btw) is wrong, as alot of them will be like me, just wanting to know if the AI can play a game of football and not be a 'dud' like it was in 16. Its not wrong to want evidence of things that this Bhatti and Tanvir state in interviews.

I agree with you and I do exactly what you mentioned. I play PES offline and FIFA online. (mainly fifa clubs which I think is the best mode in sports video games) I'm one of those who prefers PES offline gameplay over FIFA's offline gameplay with Matt's sliders for example. It's more real to life for me.. the PES gameplay is I mean.. except off course the broken foul system in the last 2 versions of PES. looks like they resolved that finally . I will buy both and continue to play FIFA online and PES offline.. although I might try mysclub this year as there seems to be many more people now that play it online. it always seem like to me that PES online is lag city and shitty compared to fifa online.

any ways.. the videos look promising for me. I will wait until i play the demo to judge it fully though. you can tell the people playing the games in these videos were playing run and gun attack and testing the exploits from 2016. I am just happy the referees seem to be better. this was my biggest disappointment by far in the last 2 versions of PES.. especially 2016
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Like some have said though, wait till the full game is in hand, and pass proper judgement there. Till then, we all have gut reactions and expectations. Like I said as well, my pursuit of a realistic looking football game has been going on forever, since I was 14 (31 now), so it's hard not to "hope" that there would be a transformation just this once, versus just some [needed] updates/fixes.

I wanted to refrain from posting my reaction here. Like you said, and like I always do as well, it's always wiser to wait for the demo. That said, I can't help not feel deja vu and disappointment. Like you, I've been waiting for that realistic looking and playing game since the jump to PS3/360, and I'm still waiting. I'm 36 now, and don't want to sound too dramatic, but I'm honestly tired of waiting now. Waiting too long isn't healthy, and I should just accept the fact it will not happen. So either I move on and forget football games altogether, or just play them for what they are. That era (mid 90s - mid 2000s) will never leave my memory, and it is responsible for all my high hopes and expectations, but it was a different generation, and I guess I should just accept that I'm not the target audience and don't belong to the one we have now, and just move along.

Sorry for this sort of depressing post everyone. I really didn't want to post, but I guess I couldn't help it. It's the one forum I belong to and been on for 9 years after all. Just don't take my words as gospel or anything. I'm just one person among millions. I have my expectations and you have yours.

Will still play the demo. But, anyway...

I hope the rest enjoy this game.

This video makes me so angry. The goals scored here are insane, it's like every player has a 99 shooting power, the ball speed when shooting is just crazy. They basically changed nothing.

Edited: In terms of shooting.

I agree and the defending is so chaotic, that's not how football look like in real life. The awful hunching animation doesn't help either. It so unorganized, the defenders are all over the place.
Watching PvP is freaking awful,it's fast pace arcade crap, and PES youtubers are cringy to watch them play unrealistic football. Fortunately I prefer playing offline, and the match vs A.I is superb, the pace is slow which I really like.
As for shooting i asked one of the beloved PES youtuber in his live stream if he finds shooting in 2016 overpowered or not. He made a face of what a stupid questin is this with a "no".

So yeah Lami eg no one complained about shooting last year (majority and pesday guys) only about R2 shooting.

We arent the target audiance.
Watching PvP is freaking awful,it's fast pace arcade crap, and PES youtubers are cringy to watch them play unrealistic football. Fortunately I prefer playing offline, and the match vs A.I is superb, the pace is slow which I really like.

best video so far by a fair bit, p v p will always be open, using trick moves and end to end, focus more on these videos.

pace to me in this game is awesome to be honest.
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One 'negative' from the videos I have watched and am not really interested in dissecting is the camera angle used/chosen. I play the game using a far lower and closer angle, while also not having it move all the way down the touchline to follow play.

Honestly, since the dawn of the widescreen/HD era every footy game looks fucking horrid from a highly elevated and distant wide-cam viewing angle. Detail drops and is essentially a cheat in itself.

I agree. With FIFA I use a dynamic cam set with zoom and height about halfway and with PES I use a custom camera to get something more zoomed in. The thing with the wide camera view is that you can see all your options on the pitch and people tend to pass forward as quickly as possible. When you play with a closer camera angle your vision is usually restricted to a closer range of passing and you tend to play the game at a slower pace of build up.

It looks similar to PES 2016 visually and I wasn't expecting much different there. Replays look good. Crossing seems a little more varied and the ball doesn't seem to hang in the air as unnaturally as before. Too many toe poke passing animations though (maybe because players are pressing pass before they've even received the ball?).

Whilst not looking like a "wow" improvement, I can see less things to nitpick about and if the demo plays well, it could be the first PES game I buy in a few years.
agreed. Revamp is needed.

Meh not true. The game is doing well and ahead of ea on a technical level who at this point are banging on about aesthetics and very little gameplay. Kun is a known FIFA fan nothing Konami do will ever be right in his eyes.


But please all four of them if u do just to maintain the respectful tone. I needed four tweets for the whole story.

Thanks in advance.

Maybe it's better if we try the demo first? Before we pass judgement and start asking for changes.

This is the problem these days. Everyone has opinions about how they want the game. Back in the day you bought and played it and found enjoyment.
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Watch the 2nd goal in that video (the one that makes it 2-0 Atletico). In the build up, there is probably 10 players grouped together within about 10 yards of each other around 0.49-0.50

I appreciate that is player v player, but its like a school-ground there... the Atletico player top right who was giving the team width, for whatever reason decides to run back toward the halfway line!

Half of the Barca back 4 has gone missing, the other 2, somehow fail to note the runner coming toward them and are way to late to react to even get close enough to stop a shot going in.

Look at 0.52, 7 Barca players, 5 Atletico (not including the Barca keeper) all in shot, within yards of each other. What the hell is that all about, it looks a mess. Its like the players are just playing the ball and not position / being spatially aware.

I know its just 1 moment to pick out in the videos, but it looks like a bunch of 8 year olds chasing the ball round a park. I also appreciate that its player v player and I dont know what tactic settings either player has selected, but still, that sort of thing sticks out like a sore thumb.

1.25 in that video, the buildup to the next goal, again its a limited view of it all - but the bunching at the top of the screen seems a bit much to me. The ref is in acres of space in the middle :D But again having all those midfielders grouped together like that caused the problems there.. seems a bit much, or maybe the pitch scale isnt right. Im being very critical and i appreciate that, but these are things that stick out to me on first look so id rather type them up, than ignore them.

The Neymar volley made me cringe, that was tapered to be like that the minute the ball started to ping about on a string.

Just some thoughts that crop into my head, I dont overthink before I type so am happy to be called wrong.

No offence but when last have you watched Barca and Atletico play? The tiki taki style when you a barca fan is stroke inducing. They teeter on the brink with such a compact style in real life. Also realise that these teams are setup to play a certain way.
Meh not true. The game is doing well and ahead of ea on a technical level who at this point are banging on about aesthetics and very little gameplay. Kun is a known FIFA fan nothing Konami do will ever be right in his eyes.

Maybe it's better if we try the demo first? Before we pass judgement and start asking for changes.

This is the problem these days. Everyone has opinions about how they want the game. Back in the day you bought and played it and found enjoyment.

Zee, I haven't found constant/consistent enjoyment that I had Pre-PS3. Since PS360 it was hit and miss. I'm just tired of all the same deja vu videos, impressions, talks, posts, responses, playtests, you name it, every friggin' year. I've seen the exact same issues in the videos that I've disliked in 2016. I'm just tired of it all.

I'll accept it for what it is and kill any expectation from now on or just leave it altogether.

In both cases I'm not happy.

So please allow me this one opinion to have, coming from me after a decade of waiting. I think I've been more than patient enough.


But please all four of them if u do just to maintain the respectful tone. I needed four tweets for the whole story.

Thanks in advance.

I'll retweet after I've played the demo. Just wait a little.
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Sometimes i think about You in EvoWeb. What do you want for god sake? Some facts for You:

1. You wanted slow pace than in Pes 2016. You have slow pace in Pes 2017

2. You wanted better refs. You have better refs in Pes 2017.

3. You wanted better keepers and their animations. You have in Pes 2017.

4. You wanted better atmosphere. You have better atmosphere.

5. You wanted better night lighting. You have better lighting.

6. You wanted better crowd. You have better crowd in Pes 2017.

7. Fetishists nets ( like me :D) wanted better nets. You have better nets in Pes 2017.

8. You wanted sharing option files. You have sharing in Pes 2017.

9. You wanted better tactics. You have better tactics in Pes 2017

10. You wanted more animations. You have more animations in Pes 2017.

WTF? It's sick! I tell you your problem. You don't want good game you want perfect game!
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Didn't one of the guys mention that the reason some of the midfield and defences looked all over the place in some videos is because some testers had 2 or 3 different tactics on at the same time. . .. which would cause chaos. Have to realise some of the testers were given a certain amount of time to play against each other and like online players charged forward all the time in search of a goal to try beat their opponent.
Honestly, teams and players in that demo are top, world class. Of course they shoot to the angle a super rocket, this is still a video game. Messi, Suarez, Iniesta, Griezman... these are super class players, just don't play with those teams and you'll get shoot variations and mistakes, same for passes.

PES2017 looks good, just what everybody will expect from a new version.
Adam Bhatti
@zeemeister1 @bigol83 When demo hits, pop it on superstar, play any team, and tell me how you find it. Had to fight hard to keep it tough!
9:09 p.m. · 04 Aug 16

Adam said he plays it on professional because it's too hard for even him. That makes me happy.
Because it's cheating :LOL: Highest difficulty levels in PES/FIFA are pure cheat. It always has been like that.

There are 4 games I've played at highest difficulty level. PES 6, FIFA 06, PES 2011 and FIFA 15. You can obtain the skill to beat it easily but it's not fun anymore. AI cheating is so annoying that I prefer to play on Professional in both of them. It's a balance between fun and AI cheating on this level.
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