PES 2017 PlayStation & Xbox Discussion Thread

You can "adjust" by turning everything manual, the same as the last 2 years. It's applying a band aid for a tumor.


Whats next? Play the game blind folded? :D Im waiting for a stat based PES to return. Im waiting forever it seems.

Whatever this whole topic makes me depressed. I'll quit for now, try the demo in a few weeks and we'll see.
1080p 60 fps

Much like PES 2015/2016, it probably is more enjoyable playing on manual with -1 but the core game is still the game as last year. If you enjoyed PES 2016, you will probably like this one... if you didn't, you will probably trade after 2 months.

Just looked at the stats on that zero fouls on either side ..

the stats are at the bottom of the page for fouls when these teams met in April 2016

20 against 10 ok that many would kill a short game but come on these should of been the first thing addressed..i doubt i will see any premier league game or any other game with no fouls or the odd one.. its just stupid
I like what I see, the game looks far more polished, the ball physics look better, so do the keepers and the atmosphere is top notch!

I'll pass on frequenting the forums because people just murder it and I would rather not have my enthusiasm squashed before I even play it.

PES 5 and 6 had plenty of issues and I enjoyed it in the day but this looks far better to me!
It is. How far did you think it will get. They have fixed what needed to be fixed. Passing, Crossing, better defending, better GK, real ball physics, battles are more natural, player are more physical, shooting is more varied, more fouls, better AI, adaptive AI, advanced instructions to adjust and eliminate scripting, amazing visually, more animations, etc. that's what I expected. The scores were pretty much low and realistic from all the players that played the game, so far so good. They won't be able to do much more than that. Players movement and animations do not click at all times, but that's not what I all care about.

Right, didn't discredit those adjustments, but my expectations were too high, obviously, to want a more realistic looking game, in comparison to what we see on TV or in person of course. That's always going to be my expectation with newer titles. Those adjustments are listed fixes that would serve more as an update, not a brand new title.

Like some have said though, wait till the full game is in hand, and pass proper judgement there. Till then, we all have gut reactions and expectations. Like I said as well, my pursuit of a realistic looking football game has been going on forever, since I was 14 (31 now), so it's hard not to "hope" that there would be a transformation just this once, versus just some [needed] updates/fixes.
Only watched a couple of videos, but all seems fairly legit regards improvements, but will just wait and see how it plays when I inevitably buy it on release day.
Adam Bhatti
@zeemeister1 @bigol83 When demo hits, pop it on superstar, play any team, and tell me how you find it. Had to fight hard to keep it tough!
9:09 p.m. · 04 Aug 16

Adam said he plays it on professional because it's too hard for even him. That makes me happy.

I love Bhatti :LMAO:

It looks huge. Imagine trying to release PES 5,6 to us now with all this free information these days :LOL:

Imagine releasing a game when you can't make a day one patches and what is burned into the DVD has to last an entire year.
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One 'negative' from the videos I have watched and am not really interested in dissecting is the camera angle used/chosen. I play the game using a far lower and closer angle, while also not having it move all the way down the touchline to follow play.

Honestly, since the dawn of the widescreen/HD era every footy game looks fucking horrid from a highly elevated and distant wide-cam viewing angle. Detail drops and is essentially a cheat in itself.
What makes you think it's August?
Isn't it usually a week or 2 before release which would suggest September?

There was talk of an August 15th release for the demo, but I'm not sure about the source. That, and the PES 2016 demo came out on August 13th.
To be fair in that video i think they guy is trying to describe how good it looks and focusing on the detail of the visuals..that being said look at 2:42 and the cross into the box, could be the video but the player out wide whips in the cross by hardly moving his leg or on earth did he generate so much power..the whole passing just looks iffy to me
So easy difficulty level up "Finishing/Shooting power" to 99 and for every players?
Difficulty level is not the point here
The thing about shooting it changes if you lose balance but it is still very accurate when shooting otherwise. It should only work for those that are known for that kind of accuracy/power like Ronaldo for example. Everyone doing it makes it so arcady. I do miss shot technique and shot accuracy stats. They did make a huge difference. But everything else is still much better.
Thought the same when I saw your post. I just want the demo. I want to see for myself. I get that other people playing will play it 'wrong', with the wrong setups or the wrong mentality. I get that the best PES player in the world will probably play a stupid formation and exploit something I wouldn't even dream of doing. I can't change how they play. So I'm not going to watch other people and complain about space, because I don't know how the tactics have been set up. I've seen England play against Pirlo - I know about bad tactics and space.

I just want to feel like, online, I can do stuff to shut down the simplest exploits, to stop people from abusing the brainless stuff. I actually find it really interesting facing new exploits I've never seen before - often it just works because people don't try to adapt. I also don't mind a common-ish exploit too much if it's something I can shut down and say "yeah, now what?". What I hate is when an exploit is really easy to pull off and impossible to stop. Or when there's absolutely no point in doing something which is bread and butter to football.

Everyone's got their own things which are utterly crucial to them, and different extents to which they want something fixed or implemented. I'm not going to get too caught up in what other people are looking for in these videos - I just want something which really makes me think, which lets me be creative, and which has passing inaccuracy while still prioritising the speed of my mind over the pinpoint accuracy of my thumb.

Very good post.

We need a game that rewards a more creative, varied and patient style and a game that also gives alternatives to easily deal with brainless quick first time touchs 1-2 and blind pressure.
So easy difficulty level up "Finishing/Shooting power" to 99 and for every players?
Difficulty level is not the point here

I think it contributes.

For example, in the final thirds players wil close space a lot quicker, wich makes skillfull players like neymar/messi to curl the ball, putting more efect, and the ball can go wider (at least thats what I hope so)

Players also pressuring, making it harder to keep balance, can effect shooting accuracy
But yeah, its still a bit too accurate regardless of cpu dificulty
I am not disappointed because ı didn't have any hopes for this..Looks like Pes 16 which is the worst football game ever exist imo. Unnaturel movement , glued ball, still one button sprinting etc. etc. you know the rest. Pes needs a total revamp otherwise sales will keep going down every year.

agreed. Revamp is needed.
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