PES 2017 PlayStation & Xbox Discussion Thread

Wish that players who get a chance to be invited and play exclusively,acctually took it seriously.
Playing vs each other and pulling off tricks and crazy moves doesn't help us.
And on such a low difficulty,with assisted passing.
Or do they have restriction on what and how they can play tha game?
I haven't seen anything remotely interesting so far,mainly cause it looks like 12 year old FUT kids having a field day.
Hope someone post something useful

Most of them are online players, that's how they play. The most important thing for them is that people can not spam tackling and long balls anymore. I personally think the game will be great, just need more videos against the AI :D

3 fouls from barcelona and 2 from Atletico. I must say it's better than 2016. Referees in last year PES doesn't call foul at all and the adavantage rule is broken. Based on the video I've posted it's much better but not perfect. Also notice the passes completed 65% for barcelona 75% for Atletico, I mean that is good news, PES 16 passing percentage is really high last year.

I agree, and the game was played on 7 minutes match settings. I usually play 15 minutes games which means more fouls. The referees are definitely better than pes 2016.

It's starting to grow on me. I can visualise all manual -1 Superstar in my head and it could be good.

I was just about to say the same thing lol, probably start with professional though and see how things goes, don't want to get battered immediately :p
Thought the same when I saw your post. I just want the demo. I want to see for myself. I get that other people playing will play it 'wrong', with the wrong setups or the wrong mentality. I get that the best PES player in the world will probably play a stupid formation and exploit something I wouldn't even dream of doing. I can't change how they play. So I'm not going to watch other people and complain about space, because I don't know how the tactics have been set up. I've seen England play against Pirlo - I know about bad tactics and space.

I just want to feel like, online, I can do stuff to shut down the simplest exploits, to stop people from abusing the brainless stuff. I actually find it really interesting facing new exploits I've never seen before - often it just works because people don't try to adapt. I also don't mind a common-ish exploit too much if it's something I can shut down and say "yeah, now what?". What I hate is when an exploit is really easy to pull off and impossible to stop. Or when there's absolutely no point in doing something which is bread and butter to football.

Everyone's got their own things which are utterly crucial to them, and different extents to which they want something fixed or implemented. I'm not going to get too caught up in what other people are looking for in these videos - I just want something which really makes me think, which lets me be creative, and which has passing inaccuracy while still prioritising the speed of my mind over the pinpoint accuracy of my thumb.
After first invited to Konami studio players built absolutely huge hype (Im also cheated) i be sure Konami finally give as something big .
What I thinking now ? Konami buy players for a few T-shirts and balls to give away on stream :( thats new marketing made in Konami .
Konami will do everything to sell this scripted automatic arcade crap again.
I'll have some video impressions, but based on that P1 v CPU video, I'd give it a 7/10.

+ Flow of the match is back to a mix of compressed and decompresses (expands) nicely.

+ Proper width of pitch is matched by the close down speed of players due to their positioning.

+ Ball Physics look quite good, floats in the air much nicer.

+ Save animations are very nice.

+ Defensive covering is not locked into their position (i.e. a CB will go and cover the RB/LB if needed).

+ Proper step up to meet the attackers (unlike).

+ Not as chaotic off the ball.

- I'm still seeing the sprint back and forth off the ball by defenders and midfielders. Several times the outside midfielder, or back, would allow their teammate to overlap by simply sprinting back to their designated spot. Does not look natural, but I understand the intent.

- Shots are all on target by the CPU. I know these are higher quality teams, and CPU was on Superstar, so take that with a grain of salt.

- Loose balls in the air still don't feel "loose", it looks like it is still on a rope to a destined force field of P1 or CPU. This is evident by corner clearances that drop their way to an attacker, much like all of PES and FIFA though - for a number of years actually.

- Deflections off of tackles only go about 1 foot away. IRL, deflections or tackles will allow the ball to sputter off into become a 50/50 ball. I did not see many of these types of occurrences, and that does continue to concern me with the Fox engine. The reason it does is because the harp right now is on First Touch control, well if you have a terrible first touch control, that ball should be sputtering several feet away, or even slipping under your foot, right? If you take the same low rating at First Touch, and pair that up with 50/50 tackle, there needs to be some "force" within those tackles - not just a simple control of the ball as a result - which is what I saw the majority of.

- Lastly is the forward passing. The passing seems to be very forward-forward-forward, that's the build up I saw. It was not much side to side, and when it did go to the side, it goes forward. I'll have to take some more time to look at the movement off the ball, but it looks very direct. While we love PES 4-6, those games were also very forward and direct, so if that was the goal - it's been accomplished, but I do hope there is some more proper build up, and less frantic play to score a goal as quick as possible.
What happened to that "no pauses between replays" that they kept advertising. In every video, there's still that 2-3 sec delay when you press start to skip it or a cutscene. So much for that...

By the way, does anyone know if that shirt off celebration is exclusive to just Neymar like the tattoos or not?
Thought the same when I saw your post. I just want the demo. I want to see for myself. I get that other people playing will play it 'wrong', with the wrong setups or the wrong mentality. I get that the best PES player in the world will probably play a stupid formation and exploit something I wouldn't even dream of doing. I can't change how they play. So I'm not going to watch other people and complain about space, because I don't know how the tactics have been set up. I've seen England play against Pirlo - I know about bad tactics and space.

I just want to feel like, online, I can do stuff to shut down the simplest exploits, to stop people from abusing the brainless stuff. I actually find it really interesting facing new exploits I've never seen before - often it just works because people don't try to adapt. I also don't mind a common-ish exploit too much if it's something I can shut down and say "yeah, now what?". What I hate is when an exploit is really easy to pull off and impossible to stop. Or when there's absolutely no point in doing something which is bread and butter to football.

Everyone's got their own things which are utterly crucial to them, and different extents to which they want something fixed or implemented. I'm not going to get too caught up in what other people are looking for in these videos - I just want something which really makes me think, which lets me be creative, and which has passing inaccuracy while still prioritising the speed of my mind over the pinpoint accuracy of my thumb.
:WORSHIP:yup, my long lost twin bro.
Well, by the videos Ive saw Im not impressed. Not impressed at all. Maybe is the videos, the speed You now...

Graphics, motion blur on replays, sound, presentation, all looks incredible.

But, the animations looks very very dated. Players reacting to the ball, traping it, it dont look pro football players to me.

Passing is too fast and too accurated (and too glued to the ground). Game pace is too frenetic. Cant see variantion on players abitily. They all trap the ball instantly.

The ball dont feel loose, and is too glued on players feet.

At first glance, this game looks arcade has hell, Im very sorry but this is my opnion.

PS: Theres is absolutely nothing about PES 5/ WE9 on this game.
I know you are a hero in the community, but I disagree.

Konami/whoever invited people to play this should have ensured that there were gamers to cater for the whole market. Not just the online crew to tr and nab sales from FIFA... as we all know thats the only reason people play FIFA is its online modes.

PES used to be (to me) all about offline and how you could really sink hours into playing the AI because it worked and felt right. Yes local 1v1 was brilliant, but the longevity of the game came in Master League or whatever.

I appreciate times have changed and the world wants instant gratification, everyone wants to be a youtube star etc - but for joe bloggs on the street, all we want is a chance to see the PES AI in action 'properly'.

All these 1v1 videos look nice and shiny and well done to those who did them. But none of my concerns about the game have been alleviated. Infact the only AI video ive seen so far is that 7-1 thumping of Atletico which pretty much was a waste of time... so im assuming that was on a low level with a fair bit of assistance, given that everything he did was on point.

I just wanted a player vs AI game, as manual as the player can cope with, against an AI professional or higher, so I can see if the AI defends better, dosent give up space through the middle and has variety not just in attack, but in shooting. I dont care if its a doggy 0-0 with 1 shot on goal, as long as that is an effort from the AI that is not lasered into the bottom corner.

I am happy to wait for the demo, but for me, Konami missed a trick here and if its deliberate or not, just seems a bit silly to miss out some of the key concerns from PES16 in a viewable format.

Dont get me wrong, I want my concerns to be alleviated... I want Konami to show those videos and answer those questions with visible answers.

To moan at people on here for having concerns (not aimed at you btw) is wrong, as alot of them will be like me, just wanting to know if the AI can play a game of football and not be a 'dud' like it was in 16. Its not wrong to want evidence of things that this Bhatti and Tanvir state in interviews.


It all seems geared towards online football of attack attack attack and nothing else matters. The AI in old PES was so intelligent and hard to break down at times. But the PES16 and from what ive seen of PES17 seems to be end to end football as fast as you can.
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the demo can't come soon enough.
i want to feel everything myself.
it looks good. things seem to work. that has to be the key. some seem to forget that. i have to be able to play my style of football. my tactics. so everything needs to work. sometimes that means that animations won't look that cool or smooth but i'd rather have that to some extend instead of my input not working on the pitch. players need to have some weight. i need to be able to counter a move or attack if i read it right. if i don't then i need to fail and not blame the game or glitch in the game
so i have to feel this game.
at the moment it looks good. looks improved (though not much but sometimes little tweaks make big differences)
demo will help me decide if its a real improvement.

Yeah while I wasn't over enthralled with the video. Tbh I seldom am I am genuinely excited by the tactical changes. The menus screens etc looked great.

I need to take this game through its paces and get a feel of the AI and other things with my preferred passing and style of play.
Me, who quite skipped PES 2016 and enjoyed FIFA 16 a lot have to say:

I´m okay with what I see, not disappointed, not hyped.

Yeah, it doesn´t look much different than PES 2016 at first, but who expected anything very different?

All in all there is visual improvement, also on the crowd and faces and player models are great too.

Gotta say, that there are many animations I really like.
Passing and shooting animations, headers, tackles etc.

That passing yeah...too laser much on pong crap...maybe have to play manual.

Two things have been improved that I really disliked in PES 2016:
- keepers seem to be better. Seen a lot of amazing saves. Haven´t seen that low shot, keeper falling down like a statue, yet and I really hope it´s gone.

- replays are much better. Specially the ones on missed goal shots. They totally sucked in PES 2016, here they are way better.
That goal replays with the perspective on a goal cam that is shaking when the ball hits the net looks good either.

Well need to play myself.
It looks okay.
Just wonder whether there is more variety in gameplay again...
I have watched loads of videos today and also read most of this thread over the past couple of days. So far I can see improvements from 2016 for sure but there are obviously some things that still need working on.

I agree that it is hard to judge from videos alone and especially from PvP ones, but I understand that if you only had a few hours to play the game on a specific day, you wouldn't necessarily focus on playing vs cpu matches.

I was encouraged by the Barca/Atletico vs cpu video that was posted earlier in this thread and think that on manual passing and superstar it SHOULD be a fun game to play. With that being said, I will hold off until I have played the demo.
I agree with the comments about the Torres goal from that video looking very 2016 style shooting & also agree that when the Madrid player was booked for the bad tackle, the play probably should have been pulled back for a free kick as the cross was wayward due to the bad tackle. Other than those couple of minor things, the video seemed positive and got me excited.

I also found this vs cpu video on YouTube:

I am hoping that this video was a lower difficulty level as it didn't give me as much optimism as the Barca/Atletico one did. It seemed a little too easy to dispossess the cpu in this which has been a gripe certainly in the last 2 or 3 games.
It is one of the cheapest and easiest ways to score in 2014/15 & 16, to dispossess the cpu after a short goal kick and then score the resulting one on one. It also happens far too often when you just run into a cpu defender/midfielder in open play and then end up with an advantageous attacking position more often than not. Hopefully this isn't the case in 2017 and the cpu was just on a low difficulty so it gave the ball up easier/made less intelligent choices..?

I am also hoping that the default short goal kicks I alluded to are less frequent in this years version. It frustrated me immensely in 2016 that 99% of the cpu goal kicks were short passes to defenders as it often resulted in an easy chance after dispossessing them but also just isn't that realistic. I spotted 2 short goal kicks & 2 long ones from the AI in the video link above and while I can't remember the exact number in the Barca/Atletico one but I remember at least 1 long goal kick. Hopefully this is a sign that there is more variety this year & the default short goal kicks are a thing of the past.

I hope I am not coming across too negative, as I am genuinely excited by these videos today and am looking forward to testing out these things (and others) on 15th when the demo drops.
I don't dislike the 2016 version as much as some and am still playing it - usually on local multiplayer with my son - but do concede that it has some glaring issues such as lack of fouls, dodgy goalkeepers etc.

I am just hoping that this years game will at least
a)continue to improve the good parts from last years version
b)fix the obvious errors such as lack of fouls & goalies
c)eliminate some of the niggles that make some goals feel cheap such as the easy dispossessing and free run on goal & also nearly every one on one equalling a goal
d)but most of all, stop telling me that the game is establishing communications and just load!! How many times does it give that message?!?

Can't wait for the demo now...
Guys stop complaining about the ball physics. It's actually very realistic, just watch a real life match you will see the balls today are a lot more direct/straight when passing. I mean come on guys, have a look at what you're saying.

Also in this video you will see that the passing has variety in it and with the right player there is a curve and accuracy.
Looking at the videos every player looks like he can dribble like messi, there is no difference in styles...this is due to the ball being stuck to the foot
3 fouls from barcelona and 2 from Atletico. I must say it's better than 2016. Referees in last year PES doesn't call foul at all and the adavantage rule is broken. Based on the video I've posted it's much better but not perfect. Also notice the passes completed 65% for barcelona 75% for Atletico, I mean that is good news, PES 16 passing percentage is really high last year.
When I play ML on 16, i still get around 2 FK a game,way to little,but passing % being broken?
I usually have around 65-75% and CPU the same.
So how is that broken?
I play on manual on superstar,they way the game,I think is made.
Had 4 seasons on FIFA 16,lowest pass % by CPU was 86% that's broken pal.
So broken,gimme a break
I am not disappointed because ı didn't have any hopes for this..Looks like Pes 16 which is the worst football game ever exist imo. Unnaturel movement , glued ball, still one button sprinting etc. etc. you know the rest. Pes needs a total revamp otherwise sales will keep going down every year.

Not sure if that's been posted here. That is vs A.I not sure about the difficulty though. Imo the game look like PES 16 but much slower and the referees has been fixed now. Also physicality and collision is better, camera replay is also good, not big fan of gameplay cam it's too far for my liking and it doesn't have broadcast feel to it. All in all, it's good gameplay, Can't wait for the demo.
That looks stunning,CPU defends and attacks really really well.
Don't know what people are whining about,looks great.
Also I think it's 5-10 min game.
PES should be played 15-20 to have full effect
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It's starting to grow on me. I can visualise all manual -1 Superstar in my head and it could be good.
Same here mate,when I saw the human vs CPU game.
Mind you,it's on superstar and 7 min,probably assisted.
Still the CPU plays good defence.
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All these videos would be so MUCH better if the ones who uploaded them would say what PA they were playing with, would save a lot of frustration from people on forums like evo- web and wenb.

For myself I played almost 1000 matches online with manual passing and similar settings wich where great acctually. My hopes from 2017 was that PA 1 would be less auto so that the players stats would shine through better but it's not easy to say watching theses videos. Maybe, since they are playing with the best teams in the game its more ping pongy, not that that helps since most people will be choosing Barca etc online anyway so...
Most of them are online players, that's how they play. The most important thing for them is that people can not spam tackling and long balls anymore. I personally think the game will be great, just need more videos against the AI :D

I agree, and the game was played on 7 minutes match settings. I usually play 15 minutes games which means more fouls. The referees are definitely better than pes 2016.

I was just about to say the same thing lol, probably start with professional though and see how things goes, don't want to get battered immediately :p
Yeah just saw the Barca vs Athletico game,that's on reg level,and it played really well,5-10 min game,and probably assisted,still looked really good.
Ai was defending well,considering the difficulty level.
Will probably be a great/good game
That looks stunning,mind you that's on regular level,and CPU defends and attacks really really well.
Don't know what people are whining about,looks great.
Also I think it's 5-10 min game.
PES should be played 15-20 to have full effect

It's clearly on SuperStar - go to 0:14s .

Here's a video where PES Senior Producer Manorito Hosoda himself plays a match against the AI.

They also confirmed Bayern won't appear licensed in PES 2017.

In this video we can see that Hosoda barely press the pass button, and this results in the passes looking at a more realistic speed. I think they should slow the passes down a lot, so that we get a better range of passes based on the pass bar. In most of the other videos we can see that players were holding the pass button longer and this results in the pace looking faster. They should also have more error in the passes based on how strong they are, meaning stronger passes should have more error in their trajectory vs slower passes.
It's clearly on SuperStar - go to 0:14s .
I skipped and saw regular,ill go back and watch it again Matt.
Thanx pal,thought it looked a bit to good
Edit,yup superstar,i saw regular at first and skipped fw
My bad
And 7 min?
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I skipped and saw regular,ill go back and watch it again Matt.
Thanx pal,thought it looked a bit to good
Edit,yup superstar,i saw regular at first and skipped fw
My bad
And 7 min?

Yes, that's correct :) . It was the first thing I saw, and am glad it didn't look like superstar of the PES 14-16 days.
Yes, that's correct :) . It was the first thing I saw, and am glad it didn't look like superstar of the PES 14-16 days.
Amen to that brother,nice to see in here again, haven't talked to you in a while,since slider fixing in FIFA 16
Always good to have your sharp eyes on board :)
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