PES 2017 PlayStation & Xbox Discussion Thread

Still not seen a single non-offside foul and free kick in any of the 4 vids so far. There's a horrible fascination in clicking the YouTube timeiine to half-time and looking at the stats. Sometimes, there's a flaring-up of hope, but then you correlate the free kicks and offsides....

I had a feeling the no-fouls situation would be the same as PES2016, but wanted so much to be wrong.

It's all on the single-player AI now.
PES 2014 confirmed:

Why are you harping on an old pic? The image was from PES 2016. I see its all getting a bit silly in here today. Fifa lads waiting with knives out....pal grow the fuck up

On the topic of PES 2017
100% pass accuracy and no fouls. I am going to be sick.

Edit: First France vs Barca vid there is a free kick on the halfway line because Kante Tackled busquets late.

Problem is the fuckers ping pong the ball so there is no time to draw a foul.

Btw plenty of fouls in PES 2016 in my European Championship I played. Thought it was patched.
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100% pass accuracy and no fouls. I am going to be sick.

This is the major point of interest for me too. I've just watched my first AI vid and saw.... one foul. Committed by the human player. Admittedly the AI looked as if it was on a very low level.

I found this vid which I haven't seen posted here yet. 'Testing the referee' it's billed as, and the inevitable two players (groan) do their best to foul the bejesus out of each other.

No fouls at all in the first half. I stopped counting after the tenth instance where there should have been one.

Second half is a little better, with one or two. But even PES2016 'allowed' a token one or two in most matches.

The way things are seems plain. If you want a proper game of computer football with regular fouls and free kicks, back in time is the only way to go.
This is against the AI, but in a low difficulty level I believe. The AI defending is shocking

Im praying thats against Amateur or something, as it is shocking. Not only that, but whoever Barca was, must have some sort of assist on as everything is flying in the corner no matter what.

I dont get, that when PES needs offline AI to seperate it from FIFA imo, that they dont get it shown in its full glory (assuming its better than this video).

So much focus on vs or online, but thats not the bread and butter to me - thats your jam, if it floats your boat.
Not much difference in gameplay, wonder why they bother to launch,a simple patch release would have served the purpose....
PES2014 with new menus. Nothing has changed. Just as I thought.

...cannot believe u just said that. Animations in pes14 kill pes17...I'm actually disappointed..simply because I hated pes16's player running animations... They've kept them...too much skating n missing animations in order for quick transitions n response... Just doesn't look good...

On the other hand, ball physics look great...much improved.. Heavy, better rebound acceleration n realism....n the actual ball sound is awesome....

Replays n celebrations look better ...
Youtube vids directly recorded makes always faster...

But i don't like what i just saw, looks too much like PES 2016, even defensively there isn't that much consistency in the midfield.

Everything has been revamped "He" said, appart animations, ball physics, stronger shooting, visual feeling...
The ball slides too much, not a single rebound. Ok it's Barça but whatever it seems you can make a pass in every position without having the ball less accurate and/or losing speed.

The biggest difference i saw is the aerial side: speeder crosses and way better header
Wish that players who get a chance to be invited and play exclusively,acctually took it seriously.
Playing vs each other and pulling off tricks and crazy moves doesn't help us.
And on such a low difficulty,with assisted passing.
Or do they have restriction on what and how they can play tha game?
I haven't seen anything remotely interesting so far,mainly cause it looks like 12 year old FUT kids having a field day.
Hope someone post something useful
..I am liking the 'line' aimer instead if last year's 'arrow'... Penalties do look more realistic, which is another plus...

The size of shorts is a bug negative.. Haha for me this adds to the poor running animations...
Oh yeah, there are fouls now (saying that like it's a feature...)

Klashman, i'm deceived :CRY:
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Wish that players who get a chance to be invited and play exclusively,acctually took it seriously.
Playing vs each other and pulling off tricks and crazy moves doesn't help us.
And on such a low difficulty,with assisted passing.
Or do they have restriction on what and how they can play tha game?
I haven't seen anything remotely interesting so far,mainly cause it looks like 12 year old FUT kids having a field day.
Hope someone post something useful


I am starting to think they purposely do not invite people who look at the nitty gritty and have the ability to do so.

Man I am a little pissed need to get over it. Let's hope someone who plays well uploads a vid or just wait till the demo.
it contains fouls, just saying

I like that we eventually can step back some distance to receive the ball. Running animatios reminds me of PS2 version.

Player vs. player is always going to have fouls. I'd wait for a high level AI gameplay to see if the fouls issue has been resolved. Needs to be Top Player or Superstar.

Also, just take that pass assistance, whatever it is, and throw it away. Zero assistance has been the way to go for ages.

you can see some players breath in this video, nice :)

I am starting to think they purposely do not invite people who look at the nitty gritty and have the ability to do so.

Man I am a little pissed need to get over it. Let's hope someone who plays well uploads a vid or just wait till the demo.
Same here pal.
Think that the vid posted above my post shows potential.
The France vs Germany.
Even though is hard to judge it,seems like a nice flow.
Always hard to judge gameplay if not played vs CPU
Especially guys playing it like its a lot online 5 min game,chasing the ball all over the pitch
I'm really surprised that konami have not sat a couple of people down specifically to play the AI filmed then shouted from the roof tops to demonstrate fouls and shot variation...the 2 major holes
The big question is if it will be any injuries at all. It's no point in playing ML if injuries doesn't exist.
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