PES 2017 PlayStation & Xbox Discussion Thread


It looks like they took injuries to a whole new level. Good. :FAIL:
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I really hope that they're two shite players playing at a high speed and an easy level on that video.
Not a single non-offside free kick in the first half. I skipped through most of the second half to get to the post-match stats screen, but it cut off. I'm betting there were none in the second half either. At least one of the players was playing in the standard multiplayer hyper-aggressive manner as well. Even if there was a token one or two free kicks in the second half, this is just as expected. No fouls once again.

We need to see 1p vs AI gameplay as a matter of urgency. The biggest frustration of this time of year for me (after 'it's because of the way YouTube compresses the video') is seeing 1p vs 2p all the damn time.
here too

same story every year... final toughs after demo, oh i forgot PC user dont get a demo...

so thats all about the big secrets not showing anything and emargo ?

what ive seen, its not the big bang but hope it has better long time motivation than pes 2016.
have to say the guy using barcelona is quite shit to be frank. kind of suprises me that the guy could be that bad given its a pes event, like he never played pes before
To everyone posting screenshots of the missing limbs... Come on, now. It's pretty 'armless.

To those saying it's too fast - I don't think it is, I think it's just that the pass-assist is making it incredibly easy to ping-pong all day long (which, incidentally, means I won't be playing the game online - but I never expected to).
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Again zero free kicks from fouls in the PESEP video, which contradicts what he says in the spoken commentary. Still waiting for AI gameplay, which is all I care about. The onliners can hack each other to bits for all I care. What I do care about is that style of gameplay being cemented in single-player gameplay, which PES2016 explicitly did.
calm down guys. Weedens will relase today a gameplay compilation and we see how this look real.

His videos need more variety, too many tricks.

I hope someone provides actual gameplay, no kick and run rubbish. Show us the new tactics in action, it's not boring, there's an audience for it.
Haven't watched a single video until now.
I understand that once again there are no fouls. What i don't understand is that the people who played the game at E3, all confirmed that there were fouls and that some refs were even harsh (for example: the podcasts of Bman and his friends, and i certainly don't want to criticize those people, people who share their opinions deserve respect and not stick).
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