PES 2017 PlayStation & Xbox Discussion Thread

Yeah I get your point. My post wasn't directed to you, obviously. You are among those who I always look forward to read, whenever I'm here.

There's always something that doesn't round up in Konami's games after PES 6. Even PES 2013, which I LOVED. When they get something close to perfect, they screw something else up.
Unfortunately, those of us who have been begging for them to take more time to develop the game will never get rewarded. If they only took more than a year to work on the next game, and provide little updates (roster updates, kits, etc) in the meantime for the previous version, I'm 100% sure they would get it spot on. The 'perfect' football game in every aspects sounds impossible to have, but at least they could make ends meet.

I love the idea of constantly updating one title the whole time, but that's never going to be KONAMI's style I fear.

I think we are all so frustrated with PES 14-16, the desire of a decent PES 17 takes over sometimes. I'm guilty of it because I am really wanting to play PES this year - and not spend the entire time waiting on whether someone will create a global editor just to fix common sense issues.
Yeah, no - definitely wasn't putting my hat on PES 2014 if that's what you're thinking. I think I've made it ridiculously clear that the PES 14-16 era have been the worst of PES, the worst. The lesser of those evils, is PES 14 though.

holy words!

The best case scenario for a football game would be a series that spawns a new game every 2-3 years, with updates on rosters/kits/promoted teams every six months depending on the league (even if they charged U$S20-30 for it, I'd still buy it) with enough time to develop a full fledged, completely different title in the meantime, but I don't think that would be as profitable, obviously, nevermind feasible.

That game would have to gameplay good enough to hold up over 2-3 years and that has yet to happen. Add to that the fact that there's a direct competitor in the market and Konami would sink it's own ship by standing still. Not even EA would be bold enough to try that scenario out.

Just like in real football, if you're not trying to get better you're getting worse.

Fix what's broken while introducing incremental additions (features, modes, etc...). Don't over-promise stuff you can't deliver and for the love of Zlatan, ship your game with updated rosters ready to be DL'd on Day 1.

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Isnt that FIFA is doing every year?

obvious troll is obvious. but for real now, they dont put that much effort into footy games year by year...they didnt even do in the PS2 days
Dont know which were best as far as years, but the first great football title I remember playing was Super Sidekicks series on a NeoGeo Arcade that also had Samurai Showdown, Metal Slug, and Bust a Move on it... After that I discovered ISS on N64 and I always thought it was a successor to Super Sidekicks...The first PES/WE I played on ps2 was a Japanese version of the year '02 or '03.. Unbelievable games all the way to WE9 on ps2 (transitioned to patched pc versions after) Never played the ps2 versions after WE9 and so I don't know how they compare...The first bad version I played of this series was the first release on the PS3... They should have kept building on top of the previous gen version! Unfortunately I do not believe that the series will ever reach the greatness of the previous generations.
Dont know which were best as far as years, but the first great football title I remember playing was Super Sidekicks series on a NeoGeo Arcade that also had Samurai Showdown, Metal Slug, and Bust a Move on it... After that I discovered ISS on N64 and I always thought it was a successor to Super Sidekicks...The first PES/WE I played on ps2 was a Japanese version of the year '02 or '03.. Unbelievable games all the way to WE9 on ps2 (transitioned to patched pc versions after) Never played the ps2 versions after WE9 and so I don't know how they compare...The first bad version I played of this series was the first release on the PS3... They should have kept building on top of the previous gen version! Unfortunately I do not believe that the series will ever reach the greatness of the previous generations.

yeah, sense they transitioned to FOX it's been :CRY:
Isnt that FIFA is doing every year?

obvious troll is obvious. but for real now, they dont put that much effort into footy games year by year...they didnt even do in the PS2 days

True, although you could see the tweaks that each new game had between PES 3-6. For example more robust and detailed player models from PES 3 to 4, in addition to full leagues for the first time of course, much more tactical versatility (a lot of new formations and positions such as SS and WB) and waaaaay better faces from PES 4 to 5, and better shooting variability and revamps in game modes (namely a vastly improved ML and the IC mode, for me one of PES's all-time highest points) from PES 5 to 6. You can barely see such changes, if positive, in today's FIFAs.
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Ooh we will be sitting here for 50 years arguing which PES is better. Imo 2,4,6 and a few others were meh. I have always found for them to be attack overpowered and on 6 good luck trying to stop Adriano

PES 2011 was imo the absolute best Konami offered in some aspects but as Jamezinho mentioned, there have been elements of PES that are scattered through PES lifetime that if you hand picked all the best bits for example licenses from 2010, game modes from PES 6, shooting from 2011 and tactical elements from 2012 and editing from PES whatever (I can't recall them all now) you could almost make a perfect game of football.

Unfortunately Konami stagnated from PES 6 through to 2010 due to the transition to the PS3 and Xbox where things genuinely went multi platform.

I do however feel be that since PES 2011 there has been a continuous improvement in the game. Yes there have been jarring omissions or crazy things like being able to rainbow flick with your goalkeeper from one end of the pitch to the other but the game has been on a upward curve some more gradual than we would like.
ANyone wanna take a wager on if the PC version will be NG?

I predict that it wont

And at the same time the UNCRACKED FIFA 16 PC keeps selling like crazy....


12 and 13 were bad, and everything since has been abysmal. The game isn't even sim anymore, it's not their focus. It's just fucking buzzword features to attract and a final product scrambled together.

No PES iteration is perfect sadly, they're each flawed or just outdated. The stumble and catchup "bugs" in 2011 are so fucking stupid, and whilst WE9 was a great game for its time the simplistic passing and limited range of movement leave it a little lacking today. The great thing about those games is the difficulty of football is there, the physicality/fouling/difficulty of dribbling is present and scoring a goal actually feels fulfilling.
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12 and 13 were bad, and everything since has been abysmal. The game isn't even sim anymore, it's not their focus. It's just fucking buzzword features to attract and a final product scrambled together.
how does pes2011 compare to WE9?
ANyone wanna take a wager on if the PC version will be NG?

I predict that it wont

And at the same time the UNCRACKED FIFA 16 PC keeps selling like crazy....

PES 2017 won't be on par with PS4/XB1, no doubt about it. But I disagree that FIFA 16 sold that well on PC. That being said, since it's become available for free on Origin Access, I'm sure a lot more PC gamers will now be playing it.
I do however feel be that since PES 2011 there has been a continuous improvement in the game. Yes there have been jarring omissions or crazy things like being able to rainbow flick with your goalkeeper from one end of the pitch to the other but the game has been on a upward curve some more gradual than we would like.

In general, yes, I would agree. Sadly Konami has never been able to shake that 'two-steps forward, one step back' style of development, so whatever good they do is often undermined by silly game design and decisions.

And yes, I also feel PES 2011 was the highlight of the last generation, more for the positive step forward it represented above all else. It was a very solid football game in it's own right, more so than the last few years' offerings which all suffer from potentially game-breaking issues (whether it be poor 'keeping, lack of fouls, ease of shooting etc...).

PES 2016 was a drop in the upward curve in my opinion. It was an attempt to create a more immediate, casual-friendly experience offering lots of action and easy goals, one that perhaps lost some of the PES purists but strangely won acclaim from games journalists.
...and not wishing to start another lengthy yarn about the PC version but no, I don't expect a PS4 port for PES 2017 on the PC.

As I said last year, there is no excuse for this given that the PS4 and XB1 are basically mini PCs running PC components and architecture. By creating a "hybrid" version Konami are only creating more work for themselves. But then little makes sense in their world.

PS4, XB1 and PC should all be technically identical, no excuses.
in pes 13 you could score R2 shot from 50 m !!!!!
go diagonally to side line in the middle of field ... then R2 shot ...
the ball fly from the GK slowly ! and GK dive back after the ball passed !!

how it could be a good football game in 2013???!!!
what PES years were best?



Where is PES 3 ? PES 3 was better that PES 4.. PES 4 has just the best PES graphic in PS2 era, and.. first network multiplayer ..btw PES 2012 is one of the worst PES game . Yeah , PES 2014-2016 nightmare era for me too @Matt10 .I do not think that PES 2017 will change things for the better. Just all mechanics of the game, the whole philosophy is totally wrong since 2014 .
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I really struggled to enjoy PES 2011 because your teammate AI in terms of off the ball runs was quite possibly the worst I've seen in the entire series. That, and there was almost no physicality, or weight to the players. They felt like paper. Opposing players would just run right through you from behind and dispossess you.
I really struggled to enjoy PES 2011 because your teammate AI in terms of off the ball runs was quite possibly the worst I've seen in the entire series. That, and there was almost no physicality, or weight to the players. They felt like paper. Opposing players would just run right through you from behind and dispossess you.

2011 had flaws but was far better than 2012 !!
I calculate this stats from: here
pes sales (all platform):
pes 2007: 6.53 M (copies)
pes 2008: 8.56 M
pes 2009: 6.87 M
pes 2010: 5.98 M
pes 2011: 4.88 M
pes 2012: no stats
pes 2013: 2.52 M
pes 2014: no stats
pes 2015: 1.71 M
pes 2016: 1.40 M

what I should find from this, is:
Dear(not really!) Konami! stop going to pleasing everyone by making arcade game(which definitely you can't!) and going to make game for only hardcores !
that maybe survive you ! (albeit if you even want to survive!!)

not for god sake! not even for our welcome! ... but because money that you can earn !

there is definitely more than 1.4 M hardcore football gamer which prefer simulation factor over than arcade factor ...
IF YOU WANT MORE SALE (considering your poor licences and poor advertisement) you have to aim only hardcores
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