Having bought this game again recently, I vowed to play only on manual passing until I made inroads with it. Since then I've kept switching back to PA1 because I was getting so frustrated with misplacing passes and not getting up the field at all. So I rested on Top Player and assisted passing for the time being.
However, yesterday we were invited to a neighbour's Xmas house party and I got pretty wasted on Prosecco and sparkling wine. I had a brilliant time and when I came home, I fired this up for a quick game. For some reason I felt like Billy Big B*****ks and I set it to manual passing, Professional difficulty. I played Leicester in my next league game and had the passion to take them apart. What followed was utterly beautiful. I was knocking passes long and short all over the grass with such precision, I couldn't believe my new found powers. I went 1-0 down early but I got it back quickly and then went 2-1 up. They changed it up whilst I pressed for a third but they came back to win 3-2. It didn't matter though - I was actually being competitive and threatening the goal numerous times. The feeling of that penny dropping is amazing. Passing assistance is dead forever.
I had a game like that recently too. Something just clicked. Learned to bike, so to speak. Pinging passes around now. Lots of fun.