PES 2017 PlayStation & Xbox Discussion Thread

Having bought this game again recently, I vowed to play only on manual passing until I made inroads with it. Since then I've kept switching back to PA1 because I was getting so frustrated with misplacing passes and not getting up the field at all. So I rested on Top Player and assisted passing for the time being.

However, yesterday we were invited to a neighbour's Xmas house party and I got pretty wasted on Prosecco and sparkling wine. I had a brilliant time and when I came home, I fired this up for a quick game. For some reason I felt like Billy Big B*****ks and I set it to manual passing, Professional difficulty. I played Leicester in my next league game and had the passion to take them apart. What followed was utterly beautiful. I was knocking passes long and short all over the grass with such precision, I couldn't believe my new found powers. I went 1-0 down early but I got it back quickly and then went 2-1 up. They changed it up whilst I pressed for a third but they came back to win 3-2. It didn't matter though - I was actually being competitive and threatening the goal numerous times. The feeling of that penny dropping is amazing. Passing assistance is dead forever.

I had a game like that recently too. Something just clicked. Learned to bike, so to speak. Pinging passes around now. Lots of fun. :)
my main issue with manual is crossing...not yet fully figured it out.

Somehow the other night I was just able to do it. Maybe it's because I was drunk on cheap wine but I was pinging balls around effortlessly, one-touch back heels and layoffs, first time volleys at goal, teasing crosses into the box. I even finished the match with 59% possession instead of high 30's.

I think it's because I was drunk that I didn't have the capacity to overthink it and get wound up if I got it wrong. I could just see the players and feel it instead of trying too hard. It felt amazing and I can't wait to get back to it.
Agreed. The crossing and headers, along with the shooting and incessant AI pressure, ruins the experience for me. Hope they're all addressed next next year.
Somehow the other night I was just able to do it. Maybe it's because I was drunk on cheap wine but I was pinging balls around effortlessly, one-touch back heels and layoffs, first time volleys at goal, teasing crosses into the box. I even finished the match with 59% possession instead of high 30's.

I think it's because I was drunk that I didn't have the capacity to overthink it and get wound up if I got it wrong. I could just see the players and feel it instead of trying too hard. It felt amazing and I can't wait to get back to it.

You were pissed and didn't care if you made a mistake and relaxed. .. . like a weaker team going into a match with nothing to lose against a top team who need to win . many times have we seen that. . .teams play better with no pressure on them .
Thats true. I think that especially manual players heavily depend on the mood they are playing in. When Im pissed I lose 5 games in a row, when I have a good day a win 5 in a row...
I def think it's broken since even with a little press on the button, your cross near the box goes way too fast don't have this problem with auto setting
I def think it's broken since even with a little press on the button, your cross near the box goes way too fast don't have this problem with auto setting
And this problem of short manual crosses is exactly what L2 fixes. You don't need to take my word on this, it is trivial to test in training.

Merry Christmas everyone!
I'm having trouble getting low headers with manual shooting. 90% of my headers on goal balloons over, so I must be doing something wrong. Does it matter when you press the shoot button or are my crosses just not good enough?
I'm having trouble getting low headers with manual shooting. 90% of my headers on goal balloons over, so I must be doing something wrong. Does it matter when you press the shoot button or are my crosses just not good enough?

Press down on the thumbstick before you head the ball.
And this problem of short manual crosses is exactly what L2 fixes. You don't need to take my word on this, it is trivial to test in training.

Merry Christmas everyone!
Just tried it, and for me, it does not fix anything. The L2 cross is too floaty.. There is no right middle between the super speed cross and the floaty cross. The normal speed cross, which you get in auto, does not exist in manual crossing.
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Just tried it, and for me, it does not fix anything. The L2 cross is too floaty.. There is no right middle between the super speed cross and the floaty cross. The normal speed cross, which you get in auto, does not exist in manual crossing.
That's too bad. I find regular manual short crossing nearly impossible: it's practically always too powerful. For me L2 short manual crossing solves this issue. It may be a bit on the floaty side, but at least I get the right distance. And even the occasional goal.

Haven't tried low L2 manual cross, though.
Hang on, isn't L2 just a manual button for anything? so why would you have to press it when crossing, if you already have your passing set to manual?

The crossing on manual is all over the place but I find that it's who I cross the ball with that makes all the difference. Sturridge, for example, can't cross the ball. I mean, he can lift the ball across the goal but it's always a terrible pass. Firmino on the other hand does it with ease.
Its ll about the timing! If you cross the ball in highspeed the best timing to push the cross button when the ball is far away from the players foot. In this moment you can load the powerbar. The time your player need to hit the ball you can use to log in the direction. (It is just a second) if you dribble with the ball close control you had to push the cross button with many sensitive and directly direction log in. My english is not so good, i hope you understand what i mean. You had to practice it a long time, but this is what pes is all about. Practice!!!
Hang on, isn't L2 just a manual button for anything? so why would you have to press it when crossing, if you already have your passing set to manual?
Doesn't make any sense to me, but in crossing the difference is radical. Just test it. Go to training and try.

Edit. I guess it could make some sense, if L2 releases the lob/cross button from context: then manual L2+cross could result in a floaty lob instead of a snappy cross. This idea is supported by post game stats, which show zero crosses for my team when using manual L2 "crosses."

At long range they don't look disturbingly floaty to me:

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Press down on the thumbstick before you head the ball.

Ah, cheers, but wouldn't I then aim for a thrown in, basically? I've tried heading while holding L2 down (as with the crossing), and it seems to work a bit better (haven't gotten around to trying too much though).
Ah, cheers, but wouldn't I then aim for a thrown in, basically? I've tried heading while holding L2 down (as with the crossing), and it seems to work a bit better (haven't gotten around to trying too much though).

What I mean is hold the left thumbstick towards where you want the ball to go before you make contact . .bottom left corner or whichever .. works for me.
Anyone else feel like there is less feeling of reward when scoring a goal? I think it is more aesthetic than anything where as in PES4-6 there was that feeling of the way the ball hit the back of the net, etc. Is it the keepers? Is it the ball? Net Physics, or Net color?

Can't quite put my finger on it. Was wondering if anyone else thought the same thing. I feel like it's a combination of shot power (PES 17 too powerful/unrealistic) and net physics (too loose).
It's ball physics plus low shot variation plus poor shooting animations.

Anyway, Merry Christmas everyone.
What I mean is hold the left thumbstick towards where you want the ball to go before you make contact . .bottom left corner or whichever .. works for me.

Thought I already did that, but I'll give it a go on the training field, thanks! :)
Anyone else feel like there is less feeling of reward when scoring a goal? I think it is more aesthetic than anything where as in PES4-6 there was that feeling of the way the ball hit the back of the net, etc. Is it the keepers? Is it the ball? Net Physics, or Net color?

Can't quite put my finger on it. Was wondering if anyone else thought the same thing. I feel like it's a combination of shot power (PES 17 too powerful/unrealistic) and net physics (too loose).

I felt that when I played with basic or advanced shooting, but shooting feels a lot more natural with manual shooting, which also seems to trigger more variations in animations from the goalie as well. Have had way more deflected shots go in since I started with manual shooting, for instance. I enjoy goal scoring a whole lot more now.
Watch any Champions league matches and you will see similarities with the way Pes plays . . the type of goals, the build up play. . . . even the way the ball hits the net. . . all very similar which is a reflection of the modern game. point in comparing and trying to go back, just enjoy the memories . . times have changed. . Pes 2017 is a great game, possibly the best . . it's not perfect but it has longevity which recent ones haven't had.
Regarding manual crossing; don't forget that a lot of formations have right footed players set on the left flank and vice versa so they can get into shooting positions. I often forget this when crossing, that i have to stop and turn to get the right foot. So keep that in mind. :)
There's a lot of little stuff I like in the game. But I think 1.04 update brought it backwards in some control mechanics/behaviors.

First, there is the easy 180 ground pass

Then, there is the easy 180 O pass

Stuff like that we don't really see when we try to play reasonably realistic. But as soon as one unrealistic pass becomes successful, it bugs me and I ask "what happened there, why was that even possible? It shouldn't be..". So I spend a few games playing, to accommodate what the game THINKS is possible in football, and I start seeing how simple this game is. I'm even playing in manual, a lot of these passes here are just point and click for me. It for sure wasn't like that in 1.01 version when the game first arrived. There are other behaviors that went a step backwards, for example, it's now possible to take the ball from a ball carrier with your defensive pressure ( [] and X ), even if he is holding the ball with his back is facing your defender.

Whenever I see stuff like that, I think to myself "why the hell am I putting so much effort to play nice..?". I'm also finding it's easier to score from 57% possession rate than it was when I have 80% possession rate. Scoring scrappy goals by creating a mess in the box, is far easier than scoring clean goals (at least on manual vs manual games).

Body angles mattered so much more in 1.01, so I'm not sure what they are doing here. So easy to spam. One touch, 180, point and click. Stats seem to matter less? I'm not sure. Some of these passes I made looked like circus tricks.

It is easier, and it's fun and all to move the ball up the field maybe, but it gets old real quick knowing it's so easy. Errors aren't mapped to body angles, and if you really want to play the game like a game, you can just click, click, click, click, goal. That's exactly what I did in the second video, O,O,O,O,O,[]. Done.

The game's gotta be more robust, more detailed than that.

Oh, there's also the L1 basic through ball spam, but that's always been there:

One thing good about 1.04 might the movement in relation to the formation settings.

Overall I think there's some nice stuff in the game, but it breaks apart too easily.
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