PES 2017 PlayStation & Xbox Discussion Thread

Been thinking about picking up a PS4, and possibly PES 2017. How does uploading replays work? Do you just upload them to a Konami server of some sort, or how does it work? Can't find anything about it in the manual for the game.
Been thinking about picking up a PS4, and possibly PES 2017. How does uploading replays work? Do you just upload them to a Konami server of some sort, or how does it work? Can't find anything about it in the manual for the game.

Hi Daisuk, you can use the recorder on the PS4 itself and then upload it to youtube or something. Check out our vids on the ML thread they are pretty good quality.
Sold units according to up to November 2016, on every platform combined, world wide. WE games arent included. Tho since 2016 there is only PES.

PES - 2.20m
PES 2 - 2.99m
PES 3 - 2.90m
PES 4 - 3.94m
PES 5 - 5.77m
PES 6 - 6.54m
PES 08 - 8.55m
PES 09 - 6.86m
PES 10 - 5.98m
PES 11 - 4.89m
PES 12 - 3.64m
PES 13 - 2.46m
PES 14 - 1.64m
PES 15 - 1.66m
PES 16 - 1.42m + UEFA EURO 16 - 0.36
PES 17 - 0.56m

Is the King really back?
As for 2017 there must be another peak in sellings around X-mas so it might double the figures but i would highly doubt it would be higher even than 2015's was. During Spring and Summer the sellings will go down for sure.
Hard to believe some of those PES games like 08, 09, 10 and 11 sold so many copies. I thought they were all quite poor. Surprised 17 hasn't sold more as it's a decent game.
I sold the game about 2 months ago in favour of the PC version, since I built a brand new PC and thought it would be a wise decision. Turns out that even though the poor graphics and other bits and bobs didn't bother me, the game didn't seem to play as fluidly, and I've battled with input lag for months.

Yesterday I bit the bullet and purchased the PS4 version again and instantly I have fallen in love with the game once more. Expect me to be spamming the video thread with the same old clips of glorious manual passes very soon.
Hard to believe some of those PES games like 08, 09 and 10 sold so many copies. I thought they were all quite poor. Surprised 17 hasn't sold more as it's a decent game.

I guess PES was living off its reputation back then.

When FIFA became the better game I had mates that insisted PES was still better for a few years, despite the obvious improvement FIFA had made and decline of the PES series.

Similarly, I have mates that refuse to acknowledge the improvement PES has made and have played as little as a few games of the demo before deciding they prefer FIFA.

I think it will take a couple more years of improvement from PES before we can see it take back the crown as far as popularity goes.
Its no doubt that this game looks nothing short of brilliant with the new pro update , 4k and on Anfield specifically. The pitch and stadium lighting is perfect and make the graphics shine. Playing at this stadium is a game changer where everything looks to be improved 10 fold. This shows that Konami are capable of making this game look consistently good. I wish that they can apply the Anfield look to other stadiums as this would make the game really enjoyable especially on master league where most games are at night.
Hi Daisuk, you can use the recorder on the PS4 itself and then upload it to youtube or something. Check out our vids on the ML thread they are pretty good quality.

Thanks for the info! Will check those vids out. :) If you record say an entire match (I supposed that's how people upload "live" recordings of their goals?), how much space would it take on the PS4? Wondering how big of HD I should get on it.
Thanks for the info! Will check those vids out. :) If you record say an entire match (I supposed that's how people upload "live" recordings of their goals?), how much space would it take on the PS4? Wondering how big of HD I should get on it.

No worries. :)

I normally record the first half and then record the second half. Then i go into the editing section, I think it's capture or something, and then i trim the sections I want and upload it to Youtube. Once it's uploaded I delete it from my PS4 to save space. I got 500GB but I only really play footy games.
I tried the custom tactics from Operation Sports, ok admittedly it was only Spurs v Arsenal that i tried but Arsenal were constantly playing side ways and forwards even when they were winning. The only time they played back was at kick off.

Yep game looks great. :)
Great? For me looks bad.
At Anfield it does.

Anfield look awful in particular turf. Texture look pixeled. Sorry but Pes 2017 look bad in my opinion. Pes 2016 look much better. Pes look good in close but in wide camera look terrible. Colour palette is awful too.
Great? For me looks bad.

Anfield look awful in particular turf. Texture look pixeled. Sorry but Pes 2017 look bad in my opinion. Pes 2016 look much better. Pes look good in close but in wide camera look terrible. Colour palette is awful too.

I agree with this. Anfield and dortmunds stadium's turf looks terrible on wide view and even worse at night.

It was this and the pro 4k patch not improving the turf that made me switch to fifa, which has green turf and lighting at night that doesn't make me feel like you want to turn the game off
I hate when people pick night matches online, just look so dull and lifeless. The South american stadiums (and Allianz Parque especially) at day time is quite nice imo.
Hope no one minds me sharing this here, started a new Champions league with Liverpool. Had a great game with Juventus. AI was spamming lofted through balls like there was no tomorrow. Playing on Superstar and 20 mins, best way to play Imo.

Great? For me looks bad.

Anfield look awful in particular turf. Texture look pixeled. Sorry but Pes 2017 look bad in my opinion. Pes 2016 look much better. Pes look good in close but in wide camera look terrible. Colour palette is awful too.

Strange actually Anfield looks really good on my TV (PS4). I am sure experience is different from console/TV/picture settings to another. In fact after the recent updates, looks like they worked out the shadows at nigh games.
Hope no one minds me sharing this here, started a new Champions league with Liverpool. Had a great game with Juventus. AI was spamming lofted through balls like there was no tomorrow. Playing on Superstar and 20 mins, best way to play Imo.

Fifa be like: AI individuality goals
playing this on manual made me realize what a cheating ****** is the game even on Pro with going into GOD mode with its defenders by just touching my ball carrier to stumble over.ofcourse it doesnt work the other way around. i mean really? this game is like begging to hate it. too bad since it has so much potential im trying it out even now on then
I agree with this. Anfield and dortmunds stadium's turf looks terrible on wide view and even worse at night.

It was this and the pro 4k patch not improving the turf that made me switch to fifa, which has green turf and lighting at night that doesn't make me feel like you want to turn the game off
I've actually went and made a custom color mode on my TV just for PES. Made the green so lush it looks great now.
I've actually went and made a custom color mode on my TV just for PES. Made the green so lush it looks great now.
Me too, how sad are we...

In other news, I was playing on Superstar last night for the first time in a while - I love the challenge, and I get more realistic results (i.e. I can't win with Hull), but the insta-passing and the perfection of the opposition movement really frustrates me because I'm playing the likes of Southampton, Leicester, Middlesbrough... It looks so wrong.

Hopefully it's just because my team spirit is in the low 60s, but even so, it shouldn't affect how the opposition play, only how I play!
You can clearly see from this video, there is a marked improvement , especially the grass, it doesn't flatten or smudge as bad on the pro, still look sharp on 2:21

It does look a little better, but they could have done so much more. The main problem is the lighting and turf colour. This is from a turf patch on the PC. If the game looked like this at night, they wouldn't have people complaining about the day/night ratio of games

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