PES 2017 PlayStation & Xbox Discussion Thread

The thing is, we never know what we are getting in the next instalment when it comes to PES.

PES 2008-PES 2012 were all absolute turd. Then PES 2013 was like "Wow, is PES back?!"

Then PES 2014 happened.

Then PES 2015 was very good.

Then PES 2016 was crap. Scoring goals far too easy, score lines were ridiculous etc.

PES 2017 is a mish mash of 15 and 16 but looks like a PS3 game.

PES 2018 - TBC
Probably :LOL:

I am glad there are two different footy games on the market. They are both very different and have their positives and negatives.

But I don't feel as if PES has evolved enough considering how good the technology is on which it runs. Quite ironic when you consider what the actual game is called.

This is a very good game. But the annoyances are major to me - I can't play a game which makes my eyes bleed for a whole year, at the same stadiums time and time again.
Think they basically got the texture wrong on ps3 and then ps4. Texture started looking cartoonish after ps2 times, stadia became almost painted in the background, lighting and colour palette just damn flat especially at night. 3d crowd is not as natural as the old 2d crowd when playing the game.

Anfield and stanford bridge in pes5 are still way more alive and life like than any stadia in pes 2017. Also ball physics is still not as good as in pes5.

Good news is they have nailed off the ball moves, animations are starting to feel pretty natural, AI is back in good forms, keepers are decent enough etc etc. Game modes are a bit of a hit and miss, some good some bad in there. Menu' are atrocious to say the least, we had better menu' in the PS1 era.

I think i would be willing to pay a few bucks for extra stadia, let's say 10 euros for a pack of 5 stadia.....that's how desperate i's just killing my master league. playing over the same 4 stadia over and over....
The thing is, we never know what we are getting in the next instalment when it comes to PES.

PES 2008-PES 2012 were all absolute turd. Then PES 2013 was like "Wow, is PES back?!"

Then PES 2014 happened.

Then PES 2015 was very good.

Then PES 2016 was crap. Scoring goals far too easy, score lines were ridiculous etc.

PES 2017 is a mish mash of 15 and 16 but looks like a PS3 game.

PES 2018 - TBC
and that is HUGE point, imo!!!
"loyal" customers like us are looking forward to every release of the new version but you never know what you get actually. im sure, next next year some good stuff from 2017 will be missing again and some new stuff in 2018 will be old stuff from older PES titles... you know what i mean!
the pr department is another part of that... not talking straight to the users... no detailed change logs (since years)... boy oh boy... it could all be so simple! ^^
Think they basically got the texture wrong on ps3 and then ps4. Texture started looking cartoonish after ps2 times, stadia became almost painted in the background, lighting and colour palette just damn flat especially at night. 3d crowd is not as natural as the old 2d crowd when playing the game.

Anfield and stanford bridge in pes5 are still way more alive and life like than any stadia in pes 2017. Also ball physics is still not as good as in pes5.

Good news is they have nailed off the ball moves, animations are starting to feel pretty natural, AI is back in good forms, keepers are decent enough etc etc. Game modes are a bit of a hit and miss, some good some bad in there. Menu' are atrocious to say the least, we had better menu' in the PS1 era.

I think i would be willing to pay a few bucks for extra stadia, let's say 10 euros for a pack of 5 stadia.....that's how desperate i's just killing my master league. playing over the same 4 stadia over and over....
This is a good post.

I also would pay more for more stadia. PES always feels like it has been rushed out. Why don't Konami spend more time with it and release it late October like they used to? In that time they could add more stadiums.

Sometimes I don't think logic is applied to where Konami is concerned. And they have that ridiculous fan boy, you know who I mean, running the show from a European perspective now.

We need real PR guys working there who take into account what we want and take it to Konami.

But no. Every year we get "PES is back!" propaganda.

I think I just played my last game of this. The match felt dull and lifeless, more of a chore than something I am doing for fun.

I should have given this game more time before forming an opinion. I always get carried away only to be disappointed when the novelty factor dies.
does anyone know what changed for online play after the update last month? before the update I was winning on a regular basis, since then I can't buy a win, it's really remarkable to me. Did something change with the movement of the players and how they go into space? I know it doesn't seem like there was any game play change but I really think there was something suddle that maybe is not noticeable.
does anyone know what changed for online play after the update last month? before the update I was winning on a regular basis, since then I can't buy a win, it's really remarkable to me. Did something change with the movement of the players and how they go into space? I know it doesn't seem like there was any game play change but I really think there was something suddle that maybe is not noticeable.

Yup, exactly the same thing. Comfotable wins against the people who didn't know how to play before, but now everybody can play again. there is something changed that's for sure. I was enjoying it even when I was losing before the patch but now I can't enjoy it even if I'm winning. Game became more frantic and to me it plays a lot like PES 2016 now. Hoping they'll change whatever they did to it with the next patch.
I am terrible at this game. Regular level ML and I have drawn every game 0-0 except one which was 1-1.

I'm having 60% possession, 75%+ pass success, but just really limited in terms of shots, only 4 or 5 per game, 1 or 2 on target. (Full manual)

Seems the game is a lot harder than last year
Just wanted to say this since a lot of people are complaining about online being laggy and weird. I played 2 MyClub division matches and I had no problem, it played very well compared to my experience last year. I'm actually surprised that it played as well as it was.
I'm trying to like the game.
But it's all a bit meh to me.
Scoring goals doesn't feel quite right to me. Lost count how many times I've nicked it off the CBs toes and am left one on one.

So re future PESs. Years ago I Was scared to buy new version, I sort of dreaded it, in case they mucked up my fav game (they never did from beginning until pes08). So I always bought the new version with a bit of fear.
Nowadays within a month I'm thinking about the following years version and hoping theyfinally get it right - which they haven't since pes10 (Pes 9 was awful).
I'm trying to like the game.
But it's all a bit meh to me.
Scoring goals doesn't feel quite right to me. Lost count how many times I've nicked it off the CBs toes and am left one on one.

So re future PESs. Years ago I Was scared to buy new version, I sort of dreaded it, in case they mucked up my fav game (they never did from beginning until pes08). So I always bought the new version with a bit of fear.
Nowadays within a month I'm thinking about the following years version and hoping theyfinally get it right - which they haven't since pes10 (Pes 9 was awful).
Scoring goals on PES hasn't felt right for years now. It's all very automated - you don't need to get the player into the right body shape to shoot, you can blast it from any angle and get the ball on target at the very least.
one thing that pes does right and closely resembles to real life, is if you buy quite a few new players even tho they have great stats, the risk is theres a chance they wont perform, regardless of how good there stats are, a great example of a real life team that buys players that would have really good stats is Man Utd, enough said, fantastic game this year, still playing it the same as i first bought it. very very deep game and very satisfying
I must be lucky but when I have Online Divisions set to "similar settings" and manual passing I rarely meet people chosing Barca/Real. Sure, sometimes people have good teams like Juve etc but mostly quite fun teams like Sevilla, Inter, Torino etc. My theory is that people playing manual generally are more interested in trying to replicate "real" football (not a surprising theory right...;)) so winning isn't always the most important thing, therefore more lesser teams picked.

Personally I like to mix and match, picking Atalanta one match and Brazil the next, but never Real/Barca...;)

I somtimes try PA1 for Online Divisions and that's completely different though, almost Real all the time...
Ohh, the kids will be ecstatic, blonde hair for Messi CONFIRMED!
Ohh, the kids will be ecstatic, blonde hair for Messi CONFIRMED!

I find it infuriating when I see the people literally losing the plot on twitter over it. Konami could release a game where all games are played at night and underwater and insist that people use live squirrels as controllers and people would be like 'no fucking way ....he's the biggest player in the world and his nipples aren't right and he isn't bong eyed enough'
I miss the snow, in pes5 it was done nicely, playing in delle alpi with snow was always fun.

I hope messi will change his haircut right after the patch :-)
Well said. People and their obsession with goal nets, boots and faces in PES. So weird.
Its people like this that mean Konami release data packs with Balls, Boots and Faces rather than addressing actual issues with the game play AND adding other much needed additional content. Why years ago did we have a good number of "Fake" stadiums that sorta looked like their real life counterpart e.g. North London but now we can't have that?
.. all they really needed to do was to make messi (and all the players) editable.. then we could do it ourselves anytime there was a change to the hair or beard...

Anyways, on the 'catch up' bug.. (not really a bug, but the ability of slower defence players being able to easily catch up to faster strikers with the ball), I noticed something interesting lately, which id like people to try and share their experience. In pes14/15, the best way to really get the fastest possible speed out of players on the ball (eg. when running down the wing) was to do the double press of r1, or to kick the ball even further in front of you, you could press the r1 quickly followed by r1+r3. This would allow the fastest possible speed to get away from a defender (even though it didn't work great in 14 as the catchup bug was bad.. )

In pes17, ive noticed that although you can knock the ball furthest (which should equate to the fastest possible speed with ball) with the double r1 or r1 + (r1+r3), defenders catch up to you quicker when doing this, compared to just holding the r1 button down. For example, the other day when I tried controlling a player like messi, I could run past defenders and keep my distance from them easier by simply just holding r1 (not the double r1). I basically just hold r1, and gradually move varying degrees away from the defender everytime he tries to get close on my tail, and I can just go for ages without the defender getting the ball from me. So now when I have a quick player, with good dribbling ability, like messi, Ronaldo, bale etc, I simply just hold r1, and work on my angles away from the defender trying to catch up. For some reason works a whole lot better than trying to get way using the double r1 or r1+(r1+r3).... interesting to what others think, as im definitely not making this up...
It's the last time I am going to moan about it but god damn these visuals on PS4 are dire. So, so bad.

Why has the game taken such a huge step back visually? I don't get it.

I have had 4 away matches in a row in Master League at the same stadium every time. It's just getting tedious now.

I realised this morning what is missing in PES these days (apart from the obvious like stadiums etc) that used to be so integral to the experience back in the good old days: Fun

The game is too stiff and rigid to keep me interested all year.

It's a shame because PES 2017 nails so many aspects of the beautiful game but ultimately comes up short yet again and Konami shouldn't be charging full price for this because as a package it's still extremely shabby and lacking.

Konami, for PES 2018 please:

* Improve the visuals
* Stadium Creator
* Overhaul Master League
* Give us more freedom on the ball
* Less of the scripting please!
* Be able to adjust cameras online
* Online matchmaking. If I play as Swansea, can I get to play against a similar level team and not Real Madrid EVERY DAMN TIME?!
* The wait between cut scenes and replays. Why in 2016 do I have sit there looking at a black screen every time the ball goes out for a throw in?
* Kits. Even the edited ones don't look right. They are faaaar too bright and unrealistic.
* Pitch textures. They are pathetic in PES 2017.
* Co-Op 2v2 mode.
* Get rid of the assistant commentator for the love of god.

Agree with all that except for the multiplayer stuff which I don't use. Would also like to see the shooting improved. It lacks variety, finesse, proper physics and just about everything that makes shooting exciting in the real sport . It's just not fun and is essentially a game-breaker for me and the main reason I barely play the game anymore, which is a shame as there's a lot to like about PES 2017. Also, would be great if Konami could finally provide an option to completely turn off the annoying automatic replays.
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I do find it hard to really pull away from the CPU. No matter what forward I have they can't get away from their man

It´s that one second thing. In the first second when the player receives the ball - even he´s in full sprint - he slows down and then you can double tap R1 to get to full sprint.
But in 98% of all situations the defender always catches you in that second. I find this not very well solved.
Sometimes I take the ball with double tap R1 and keep on smashing that button until my finger breaks and I manage to run away with the ball. I don´t make it all the time though - no matter what form or stamina my player has.

one thing that pes does right and closely resembles to real life, is if you buy quite a few new players even tho they have great stats, the risk is theres a chance they wont perform, regardless of how good there stats are, a great example of a real life team that buys players that would have really good stats is Man Utd, enough said, fantastic game this year, still playing it the same as i first bought it. very very deep game and very satisfying

Yes very true. I´ve been saying that in the masterleague thread.
I´ve bought Balotelli for Aston Villa as he was a free agent, but he never found into the game. Also his team spirit hardly rose. Hardly scored any goals with him.
Whenever I subbed him for Ayew, this guy impressed me so much more.
After some time I sold him. I like that as well.

some annoying - not so big - issue is that almost at the start of every match I have to set the dots for the radar as the colors are never right. Even I´m wearing red kits and my opponent wears blue, the radar dots shows me blue and my opponent red.
Well thx god, there is an option to seit it anyway.
I must be lucky but when I have Online Divisions set to "similar settings" and manual passing I rarely meet people chosing Barca/Real. Sure, sometimes people have good teams like Juve etc but mostly quite fun teams like Sevilla, Inter, Torino etc. My theory is that people playing manual generally are more interested in trying to replicate "real" football (not a surprising theory right...;)) so winning isn't always the most important thing, therefore more lesser teams picked.

Personally I like to mix and match, picking Atalanta one match and Brazil the next, but never Real/Barca...;)

I somtimes try PA1 for Online Divisions and that's completely different though, almost Real all the time...

I haven't ventured online much so I wonder what the deal is with manual settings?

Does it automatically look for similar players if you have it set to manual (unassisted) passing from the main game itself?
In pes17, ive noticed that although you can knock the ball furthest (which should equate to the fastest possible speed with ball) with the double r1 or r1 + (r1+r3), defenders catch up to you quicker when doing this, compared to just holding the r1 button down. For example, the other day when I tried controlling a player like messi, I could run past defenders and keep my distance from them easier by simply just holding r1 (not the double r1). I basically just hold r1, and gradually move varying degrees away from the defender everytime he tries to get close on my tail, and I can just go for ages without the defender getting the ball from me. So now when I have a quick player, with good dribbling ability, like messi, Ronaldo, bale etc, I simply just hold r1, and work on my angles away from the defender trying to catch up. For some reason works a whole lot better than trying to get way using the double r1 or r1+(r1+r3).... interesting to what others think, as im definitely not making this up...

No, you're not making it up. I don't personally regard it as a sprint faster feature at all. It's only useful when you're trying to knock the ball past an onrushing player.
Scoring goals on PES hasn't felt right for years now. It's all very automated - you don't need to get the player into the right body shape to shoot, you can blast it from any angle and get the ball on target at the very least.

That might be the case on assisted controls which I can't confirm since I never use it but I have to totally disagree with your statement if we're talking manual. You absolutely have to adjust to the right shooting position and the right foot in order to pull a good shot, otherwise you end up with stray shots. This year in particular you have to know you players dominate foot in order to pull good passed an shots
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