PES 2017 PlayStation & Xbox Discussion Thread

Changed the game camera to broadcast and did not know how much of a difference it makes to playing the game. It looks a tonne better.

The view takes a little to get used to and is a little constricted in ways but once you get used to it and learn to use the radar more then the game just feels better to play. Perhaps this is placebo but passing movements/goals/defending all now seem more enjoyable.

Anyone else use this camera?
once you get the hang of it broadcast is very enjoyable and scoring is fun again.
Very true. Online seasons, I find manual players after a couple of minutes and these games always been great.
The only problem is, that most of the users use maunal passing but basic shooting, but well...okay.

But on myclub never found one. I felt over confident and thought I´m good enough in manual passing to beat an assisted user.
Never gonna do that again. These games are damn don´t stand a chance and it looks friggin awful how every pass of the opponent gets through.

Myclub dies here for least online.

My sanity would be in danger trying MyClub with manual passing set...;)
Real inconsistency in this game. Had a clinker last night Real v Barca 3-1 to me after being 1-0 down.

Today I played Liverpool vs Man Utd. Lost the game 2-1 whilst having 66% possesion 10+ chances and they happened to convert the two shots they had. The opposition was very tame, must have disposessed Ibra about 10 times. Don't know why there was such a difference in the level of challenge in the two games. Is it to do with form/emotion/live updates or tactics etc?

Annoying that the game can be so good then down right bad from one game to the next.
Ok, finally started to play with manual shooting and Im a little upset. Oh wait, these are not the proper words. Im getting FUCKING HYSTERICAL, threw the controller against a wall.

I played 4 matches online, crossed the ball from the wing about 15 times and my players didnt attempt to head the fucking ball at all. 15 crosses (and they were not bad or overhit) just flew over the box with my retarded forwards just looking at the ball and doing NOTHING. So my question is, what the fuck I have to do head the ball? I have to go to a church and ask the Lord, I have to beg the fucking players on my knees or say a secret formula??????

Sorry for the f words, but Im so fucking irritated and frustrated. I have no problem passing, winning headers in the centre of pitch, but in the box the shot button just magically stops working when I cross the ball... Guess Im the only one having this issue :(
I had same issue with heading so what you need to do is hold direction and power up as ball is in the air ..let go of power but leave direction pressed all the time ..player should then attempt to head it ..since doing this I've scored quite a few headers where as before my player wouldn't react
You mean cursor change to assisted? Well, tried both, but still the same. My player simply wont head the ball in the opponents box. Never. In my own box the clearing with square button works, in attack its like I never pressed it. Made a video that proves, that Im not out of my mind :D

You mean cursor change to assisted? Well, tried both, but still the same. My player simply wont head the ball in the opponents box. Never. In my own box the clearing with square button works, in attack its like I never pressed it. Made a video that proves, that Im not out of my mind :D

....2 things:

- You don't want to charge the bar to full. Sometimes the players themselves have a preference to volley instead of head it, especially in open space like free training (no defender to bother them)
- Don't press power so early. When you press it early, your player gets ready to shoot/header it too early, and stops moving to the ball (pay attention to how the players are moving, especially when there's a X-mark on the ground).

I think they did this to reduce spamming. You have to know when the ball is arriving, how high it is, who the ball is for, and match it with the appropriate power and timing.

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Thanks. But even if I press the button late, which should be the way, my player doesnt always (at least) attempt (I dont give a fuck if he misses the ball or puts it 20 meters over the bar, that would be my fault because I pressed it too early, but not reacting to a command at all its the games fault) to head the ball. Thats pretty frustrating. Dont have the nerves for this, so going back to advanced shooting instead of manual.

And the main thing. Everywhere on the pitch headers work all in the same way, in your box, in the middle of the pitch, in attack, you can press it early and the player will do the header. So whats the point of making it different way when heading in offensive box? Thats just ridiculous and stupid.
@Veprikator this is really strange looking. i dont have that problem at all.
must be something you do on the controller. what are your settings (PA, shooting, controller switching...)!?

as @vxcmplx mentioned, dont charge the bar to early. get the player in position first... the X-mark is really helpfull!
Never mind, its my fault probably for pressing it too early or Im simply lame, cant get used to it and enjoy it (like I do manual passing which is good). So I will stick with advanced shooting :)
Never mind, its my fault probably for pressing it too early or Im simply lame, cant get used to it and enjoy it (like I do manual passing which is good). So I will stick with advanced shooting :)
i dont like advanced shooting. ill stick with manual.
anyways... if you have questions feel free to ask. we want all of the users to enjoy the game! :D
Can someone please kindly tell me what the point of stadium and manager photos are? @goalgerd said something about it making the experience better (or something) but where do their faces/photos actually appear in Master League?

Am I missing something here?
Can someone please kindly tell me what the point of stadium and manager photos are? @goalgerd said something about it making the experience better (or something) but where do their faces/photos actually appear in Master League?

Am I missing something here?
i dont get it either. the manager photos are barely seen in game the stadiums only prematch.
my experience is enhanced by stuff on the pitch, in the stadium (gfx + sound), at the controller!
Well its just that, to make the experience better, but it's user experience so what you deem as unnecessary is important to someone else.
I wasn't having a dig at @goalgerd or anything. I'm literally asking if I am missing something in Master League or another competition where, for example, does it show the manager's faces head-to-head or something?

I don't get it. I only see them in the editing screens!
Thanks. But even if I press the button late, which should be the way, my player doesnt always (at least) attempt (I dont give a fuck if he misses the ball or puts it 20 meters over the bar, that would be my fault because I pressed it too early, but not reacting to a command at all its the games fault) to head the ball. Thats pretty frustrating. Dont have the nerves for this, so going back to advanced shooting instead of manual.

And the main thing. Everywhere on the pitch headers work all in the same way, in your box, in the middle of the pitch, in attack, you can press it early and the player will do the header. So whats the point of making it different way when heading in offensive box? Thats just ridiculous and stupid.

The thing about it, is if you press too early, the players stop moving and anchor themselves at that location to take a header. He misses the ball not because he jumped early, it's because he stopped moving and is expecting the ball to arrive, right where he's standing. Check out the video to see what I mean. I've done a couple like yours in my video, you can notice the players stop moving. But I actually miss headers in the midfield too if I press it too early?

Also, charge the bar a little less, unless you want a full leg swing or neck swing (whatever you call that lol)
Hello guys, can someone help me with the pesuniverse of. Can i transfer the of without destroy my bundesliga? When i import the team bin and tick the first and the second box, than i can choose the team i will overwrite. I can choose the teams in the pla leauge or is this not possible? Thanks
Both mine and Cowden's objection were not due to his differing opinion, but his elitism; the inference that he is the real PES fan and he sees what others can't, because he is the real fan and all that.

I actually went back to his post and, yep, there is that arcade/sim talk bollocks that has my eyes roll.

See if we continually reduce the debate or dissection of these games into sim/arcade, then we will never get the game we truly want. The absolute best football games have been a blend of both; they have to be.

Arcade games are easy to pick-up, demand excellent skill, timing, composure and instinct to master. I'm not being funny as you have been pretty sound, but don't those qualities remind you of ones that are required in a certain sport?

The best football game will be one which gets that blend just right that we don't talk about arcade/sim. We'll just call it football in videogame form. Konami and EA have flirted with getting this blend right. It just so happens that this year Konami have come closer than either for some considerable time. I'll say five years, minimum. Yes, PES2013 for me was a bit of triumph for me, and some will say a FIFA11 or other EA entry did so, but I currently feel this is the best PES, and by extension football game, for quite some time.

Not perfect though, and I posted last week in this thread about that which I would like to see improved/fixed/tweaked but I am, for the first time in a long time, talking about minor things as opposed to demanding complete re-building of code or animations/physics. There is still room for improvement and genuine innovation (I detest the fact The Journey is being viewed as this years big innovation in football games) in those areas, but it feels/looks like Konami are in a place where they could do exactly that. I actually think the weaker sales in the UK could actually benefit us players looking for more innovation in the series. The sales don't lie: the masses want FIFA. They don't need to make a game for the masses - the ten million+ - but for a solid three million. The series will do just fine with those numbers as the game isn't marketed at high risk and cost. FIFA needs to sell over ten million to cut even, Konami don't.

Tomb Raider now <-> Tomb Raider back then
Resident Evil now <-> Resident Evil back then
PES now <-> PES back then

I hope you see my point clearly. These games have nothing to do with their trueselfs today. Not gonna go into interpretation why it could be but this is the way it is. They jus should change the game title its so simple.
On the other hand...

Gran Turismo now = Gran Turismo back then
NBA 2K now = NBA 2k back then
Mortal Kombat now = Mortal Kombat back then (glad they realized what a dumb idea was to shit on their style)
Tekken now = Tekken back then
FF now = FF back then

PES until 2013 = Stat based footy game with mixture of sim & arcade elements on a perfect level. No matter how crap some of the latest games were, PES was true to itself.

PES since 2014 = Ping pong fest, lazer guided shots and play manual if you dont like this kinda game.

Sorry but i dont recognize PES in the past 3 yrs. And as for this "elitism" talk you threw back instantly that you might be older so you could be much more a PES fan. Anywho you are nitpicking because of a word here....didnt want to offend anyone but its hard to see why anyone would like this game who is still here for a PES game. Maybe im the only one whos still waiting for the real successor of PES 6.
The thing about it, is if you press too early, the players stop moving and anchor themselves at that location to take a header. He misses the ball not because he jumped early, it's because he stopped moving and is expecting the ball to arrive, right where he's standing. Check out the video to see what I mean. I've done a couple like yours in my video, you can notice the players stop moving. But I actually miss headers in the midfield too if I press it too early?

Also, charge the bar a little less, unless you want a full leg swing or neck swing (whatever you call that lol)
Right. Because you have to move the player in position it offers more opportunities to score I think. Love that.
I will go straight into the game playing Liverpool vs Chelsea when the match is done. :)
Had a go at the demo, it's OK in some aspects but still really feels archaic in others and I just can't see it as much of a simulation anymore.

I like the first touchs but beyond that ....possession seems glued to either side, no loose balls or frantic jossles in the box. Bags of space everywhere with very loose marking. Ultimately just feels like more of a pass and move training exercise than a competitive contest. Can see how manual would make it more of a challenge, but only in an artificial gamey way rather than in a footballing context.

Overall I'd describe it as a well polished, responsive, pick up 'n play footy game. A modern Sensible Soccer almost, which isn't necessarily a criticism but isn't my cup of tea. PES 2011 was the mould I wanted to series to develop from, however Konami seem to have an almost schizophrenic design for each different interaction. Offering little tastes to both casual and hardcore while appeasing neither. Still think there's a market ripe for a hardcore football simulation - early 2000s prove if the gameplay is deep enough it can compensate lack of licenses/presentation for the average consumer.

It's a real shame as I long for the days I could dig deep into the minute intricacies of each ML signing.... maybe there is more under the hood and I just need to give it time. Or perhaps I'm just more cynical now and can't suspend my disbelief as much. :BORED:
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Changed the game camera to broadcast and did not know how much of a difference it makes to playing the game. It looks a tonne better.

The view takes a little to get used to and is a little constricted in ways but once you get used to it and learn to use the radar more then the game just feels better to play. Perhaps this is placebo but passing movements/goals/defending all now seem more enjoyable.

Anyone else use this camera?

Big fan of this cam setting here. The most realstic and challenging cam and would encourage everyone to give a chance. The only cam view in PES IMO that really show the brilliance of the game
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