PES 2017 PlayStation & Xbox Discussion Thread

Ok, wanted to try manual passing game online. Couldnt find an opponent in quick match for 35 minutes (with NO restrictions regarding teams or connection!) and couldnt find an opponent in Divisions for 25 minutes. Then I left trying. Great. This game is frustrating when playing and even more frustrating when not playing. A hour looking at the search screen. Love it.

edit: Finally played one game in Division 12. My opponent steamrolled me, he passed really well, barely made a mistake, but again, it was a gegenpressfest :D Same pathetic shit like in FIFA, every match everybody is pressing like crazy with no real effect on stamina. That really annoys me in football games.

Plus the fact its really hard to find an opponent on PA0 doesnt really make PA0 a real option to play online :( You spend more time trying to set up a game than really playing.

edit2: Played 2nd game, again pressurefest, again my opponent played really great passing. I dont get it. 12th Divison and everyone plays manual passing so good that there is almost no difference against PA1. When I played FIFA on manual, on lower Divisions nobody could do 2 passes in a row
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I just had the gegenpress shoved up my rear online now as well. Totally steamroller the more I tried to pass the more he pressed.

Ended losing 2-0 he had under 70 oats accuracy and tried crosses over and over and over and over and over . . Fuck me you cant patch a dick head . . . Rant over
My only gripe with this game right now is the camera settings that are available - I just can't settle on anything that doesn't irritate me after a few games.

What are you guys using? I'm currently using the Mid-Range base with 0 zoom, default height and 10 angle.
I just had the gegenpress shoved up my rear online now as well. Totally steamroller the more I tried to pass the more he pressed.

Ended losing 2-0 he had under 70 oats accuracy and tried crosses over and over and over and over and over . . Fuck me you cant patch a dick head . . . Rant over

Cant beat em? Join em.

Or find away around it. There is a counter to the counter press. Stay calm on the ball, go backwards, draw them on then hit them with longer balls. If he's overdoing the press he will be over committing 4 or 5 players around just one of your players. Leaving space further up the pitch for you to exploit.
Cant beat em? Join em.

Or find away around it. There is a counter to the counter press. Stay calm on the ball, go backwards, draw them on then hit them with longer balls. If he's overdoing the press he will be over committing 4 or 5 players around just one of your players. Leaving space further up the pitch for you to exploit.
How do you counter 3 men barreling down on your last defender and a nice millisecond lag :D
My only gripe with this game right now is the camera settings that are available - I just can't settle on anything that doesn't irritate me after a few games.

What are you guys using? I'm currently using the Mid-Range base with 0 zoom, default height and 10 angle.

Custom 1,2,10, but have been known to zoom a wee bit, lower the height further, and reduce pan angle.
My only gripe with this game right now is the camera settings that are available - I just can't settle on anything that doesn't irritate me after a few games.

What are you guys using? I'm currently using the Mid-Range base with 0 zoom, default height and 10 angle.

Broadcast is the way to go although it's not easy to play with it. It takes time to get used to it but once you are comfortable with it it's amazing
How do you counter 3 men barreling down on your last defender and a nice millisecond lag :D

You can give up.....or pass back to your goalkeeper. Choose one.

If you've got Simon Mignolet in goal though, just give up. ;)

Seriously though, there is a way around it, just think a bit differently. If you give him what he wants, the high press will work wonders. What you need to do is hit him where he is exposed. I know its a bitch move, but right in the ballsack will suffice. If he's going to commit 3-4 players around one of your players, set your team up to go longer and on the counter. With one good pass up field you could take out half his team.

Play wisely my friend.....or just give up.
Custom 1,2,10, but have been known to zoom a wee bit, lower the height further, and reduce pan angle.

Thanks, I'll give this a whirl when I get on tomorrow!

Broadcast is the way to go although it's not easy to play with it. It takes time to get used to it but once you are comfortable with it it's amazing

I tried that and whilst I like the idea of it, I just find it awful to play with.
You can give up.....or pass back to your goalkeeper. Choose one.

If you've got Simon Mignolet in goal though, just give up. ;)

Seriously though, there is a way around it, just think a bit differently. If you give him what he wants, the high press will work wonders. What you need to do is hit him where he is exposed. I know its a bitch move, but right in the ballsack will suffice. If he's going to commit 3-4 players around one of your players, set your team up to go longer and on the counter. With one good pass up field you could take out half his team.

Play wisely my friend.....or just give up.
Give up? Don't know the meaning of it.

BTW I don't mean to toot my own horn here but I know my way around PES ;)
Aaahhh, I saw this on Twitter this morning, now I can put the face to the forum-name! :D

Ah! My beloved attempt at a The Thing-esque selfie when we had a total whiteout up here early this year and I was out with the even then still too warm Canada Goose jacket with the big ruff. Loved that jacket, but utterly pointless for UK winter unless you want to sleep out in the snow.

What is your twitter handle, mate?
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About the difference in difficulty of playing passes with defenders and with midfielders, I feel the same as you do. It feels like the game is designed so that in open areas, your players stats don't make much difference - they can play long, short passes without much errors. But as you put defenders near them, close down some lanes, and maybe even apply pressure, the accuracy of passes start to differ, from player to player. I've put Verratti in a midfield role, and then I've put Ousmane Dembele in the same position. Verratti doesn't seem to be flustered by playing passes when contained in tight space and tight passing windows, while Ousmane messes up and loses the ball a lot more. That's when I see the stat difference. This was in manual, I haven't tried it in assisted passing, but I think it's probably similar. Out in open areas, there's really not much passing stats difference I can feel from any player.

Another situation. I have Ruben Semedo, 66 low pass, 57 lofted pass, as my CB. He plays short and long passes without any errors. But somehow, when placed under pressure, he under-hits passes A LOT. Passes to teammates next to him, or passes back to goal keeper, just kept stopping short of arriving. I've been losing possession a lot like this. Out in the open, I don't really feel he's not reliable.

Has anyone else experienced this? I feel like the motto to play this year, is "do not attempt anything that is not part of your player's skill set". But this feeling only kicks in, when you put some defenders between my passing lanes, or if you place a player close to my ball carrier. Out in the open, I feel absolutely no difference.

This. This, this, this, this, this, this. And I have to say I like that theory and if it is something that have implemented or users have discovered through play, I hope they roll with it and look to enhance it.

I just played a match as AC Milan v. Napoli in Versus I ended the match with 69% accuracy... on PA1!

I also would say that pass effectiveness/error is in play when playing a ball into a player. If it is say a Verratti, then he will deliver it with the right pace. I play that pass with a less capable passer, he will get the pace wrong or it will bobble, resulting in a marker more likely to nick in and intercept. It isn't direction error but feels like execution error. I like that and it does indeed force me to try mix my attacking possession game up with manual modifier passes but even those are subject to some variance, with it being speed and technique in execution.

I don't really have an issue with passing from the back being a piece of piss and I know for a fact that if my accuracy or possession stats are higher, more often than not is because I am playing along the back or backwards. The game, intentionally or otherwise, seems structured to not piss you off while doing the simple stuff in non-threatening areas, but that changes the closer you get, and is magnified by teams decent defending.

I also feel that there is definite error in through balls; over hit and under hit by less equipped players when trying something a wee bit beyond their skillset or range.

It isn't perfect, but goes some way to as to why stats can be very misleading in the game. Of course, when playing in matches where form is random you will catch a very good side on a bad day and you do get away with a tad more than you usually would.


What I do want via a patch is the following:

  • Just a little less assistance on PA1
  • The daytime turfs to be improved. Honestly, some of the stadiums in daytime are just unplayable
  • If at all possible, a tweaking of the code to unearth some of the animations that could be in there or are a wee bit too rare, are not super moves of control, to just further improve an already fluid experience
  • New animations
  • Gameplay cam for penalty kicks option
  • Advanced shooting to be loosened up massively. It could prove a legitimate default for more folks should they do that
  • Allow users to increase time limit in Versus mode matches
  • One for down the line; introduce an additional higher, unlockable, skill level
  • If not able to do that directly above, bring the ML level (Team Spirit etc.) of difficulty into Versus/Competiton matches
  • A little more aggressive use of skills from the COM when it is controlling proper tricksters
  • Increase the chances of penalties
  • COM to be just a tad more robust/intelligent in its midfield play. Can't believe I am saying this, given FIFA17's issues with it, but for the COM to shield a little more
  • Tweak the R2 dribble mechanic like fuck. This needs completely re-designed next year
  • Anyone else notice this? The crowd can go awfully quiet in CL/Cup mode matches
  • If the away team score, have the crowd sound a bit more pissed off and the away support sound louder in their celebrations
On a side note, I am not going to get too worried about the games sales. Not to say I outright welcome them decreasing in the UK as they have, but I would use that and go about building/developing a product that is aimed at the hardcore primarily; a product that entertains the hardcore who DO know all about option files/editing and the games tactical depth. Let's be honest, those just under 50K sales in the UK are not to kids or casual players, or folks who don't know what a FIFA is and made a mistake at the shop. It is folks who simply want a good PES and, if I may speculate, aren't those who believe football started when the Premier League in England did. It kind of is just now, but it could be/should be even more of a purists choice. The guy who likes his Serie A and his La Liga. The guy who does, like me, like the romantic thought of taking a Serie B team from southern Italy who play in the colours of my beloved Partick Thistle (us lower league dudes are hipster pricks; wouldn't have it any other way), playing in the Estadio del Martingal or Coliseo de los Portes at night, when it feels like the whole town is in attendance to see your plucky ML Defaults.

The game should be aimed at the dude who if served up with South American teams, will try them out. The guy who when he plays an international match in the Burg Stadion at daytime it reminds him of Mexico 86, partly due to not quite super-clear visuals (I would allow users to choose different broadcast era filters for use in matches in a way similar to how Kane And Lynch 2 ran with the youtube look - even have sound filters so as it could sound like a match being broadcast from the other side of the planet/some eastern bloc state from back in the 80's) but because you have beasted the edit mode and imported proper kits onto Paraguay and Mexico. Basically, the guy who likes his latin flair and temperament, over the wet nights in Stoke, but loves them too! The guy who has an imagination. The guy who actually LIKES the weird pretend-o-verse charm of ML because the football on the pitch is so bloody serious you need that nonsense to take the edge off! The guy who doesn't need the real world goings on rammed down his throat, how the game likes to remind him that his team are rock bottom of the league every fucking time he turns the game on, FIFA, you prick!

The game should appeal to the:"Obviously want real player names and kits, so I'll import them, but fuck off with the reminding me of real life shit" type of guy.

The guy who when he had Castledine from the ML Defaults score this free-kick, decided that instead of laughing how ridiculous the name is for a Greek man, rolled with it and dreamed up why he opted for Greece:

Castledine. The son of a football daft English father and Greek mother. He chose Greece in spite of the other children at school in the quaint town of Parga making fun of his name and accent. They now cheer his name from afar as he plys his trade in Benevento in Southern Italy.

Make the game for that guy, Konami. Fight for our love and not the masses. If you build it the masses will... well, they might come over but fuck em' if the don't. Just make an amazing, hardcore experience that is a 2 or 3 million seller. You don't need FIFA's numbers, or its celebration of the corporate shitshow. Fight the good fight. Fight for our love of football, not for the misguided love of corporations and how they go about marketing and televising football.

That all turned into a sort of love-letter. No apologies.
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This game has me gripped by the balls

Sweet Jesus someone call 999!!! This computer game has someone gripped by the balls!!!! Approach with caution, the victim is actually starting to enjoy it, he sounds aroused by it even. Whatever you do, do not use forceable entry, he may ejaculate at any time in your face. Protect yourself with FIFA 17 at all times.
I just had the gegenpress shoved up my rear online now as well. Totally steamroller the more I tried to pass the more he pressed.

Ended losing 2-0 he had under 70 oats accuracy and tried crosses over and over and over and over and over . . Fuck me you cant patch a dick head . . . Rant over

I just played a game like this (lost 0 - 6) with added button lag that I miraculously have but my opponent doesn't...

It's extremely annoying that this happens every year, I still only have lag when playing football games online, it's absurd.
My only gripe with this game right now is the camera settings that are available - I just can't settle on anything that doesn't irritate me after a few games.

What are you guys using? I'm currently using the Mid-Range base with 0 zoom, default height and 10 angle.

I use Zoom 5 Height 0 and Angle 10
My only gripe with this game right now is the camera settings that are available - I just can't settle on anything that doesn't irritate me after a few games.

What are you guys using? I'm currently using the Mid-Range base with 0 zoom, default height and 10 angle.

I have the same issue. Doesn't help that the game speed seems to change when I adjust the cameras too.
Xbox one,and not gold,but I'll see if I can transfer a video to YT and comparing.
Also did a setup on my Xbox,brighter and better overall.
But turf wise,don't see a huge difference,think the turfs needs other fixes
What I meant by huge,is pretty much arena wise,looks better
dynamic, standard, natural, are the 3 types on my Samsung led. i had it on natural and it looked good to me until i noticed more settings under standard, now with black levels even better. i tried game mode but it's too bright and i get choppy frame rates in PES because auto motion plus (improves frame rates by adding up to 6 extra frames to smooth out the image) is off in game mode. tv i have.....
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