PES 2017 PlayStation & Xbox Discussion Thread

Quick question:

If I download and apply the live update, but choose not to save to overwrite my edit data, will the update changes still apply and show in edit mode? Like we were instructed to do with the pack updates, from previous PES's.

I want to make sure the live update changes apply in my teams without the need to overwrite my edit data. If the changes do apply, I can then go into edit mode and save manually to keep the changes.

if you update data all konami default teams will be reset
Absolutely bizarre (and brilliant) game just before bed.

I carried on trying Professional difficulty with manual passing, and...

You know that "AI never fouls you" thing?

Check this out:

I couldn't believe my eyes. 7 out of 10 AI outfield players booked. After the second-to-last one in the video, I was given a free kick (taken by the goalkeeper), and immediately after he passed it, they crocked me and got booked again!

Someone - @rockstrongo I think - said to me before now that manual passing increases the amount of fouls. But this... This has got me playing manual for the foreseeable!
Absolutely bizarre (and brilliant) game just before bed.

I carried on trying Professional difficulty with manual passing, and...

You know that "AI never fouls you" thing?

Check this out:

I couldn't believe my eyes. 7 out of 10 AI outfield players booked. After the second-to-last one in the video, I was given a free kick (taken by the goalkeeper), and immediately after he passed it, they crocked me and got booked again!

Someone - @rockstrongo I think - said to me before now that manual passing increases the amount of fouls. But this... This has got me playing manual for the foreseeable!

Wtf I've never seen the AI so deliberate in their fouling like that. ... . it wasn't a case of you drawing them into a foul . .they were intent on fouling viciously......great stuff.
Absolutely bizarre (and brilliant) game just before bed.

I carried on trying Professional difficulty with manual passing, and...

You know that "AI never fouls you" thing?

Check this out:

I couldn't believe my eyes. 7 out of 10 AI outfield players booked. After the second-to-last one in the video, I was given a free kick (taken by the goalkeeper), and immediately after he passed it, they crocked me and got booked again!

Someone - @rockstrongo I think - said to me before now that manual passing increases the amount of fouls. But this... This has got me playing manual for the foreseeable!
Holy shit Chris!
Yeah,it's a huge difference once you go manual,had 7 YK vs me when I played Atalanta,and last game 3 YK and a red.
Good to see you enjoy it,and proffesional on manual,when not used to manual,is tough.
Good luck
Wtf I've never seen the AI so deliberate in their fouling like that. ... . it wasn't a case of you drawing them into a foul . .they were intent on fouling viciously......great stuff.
Gegenpress,very aggressive,use it myself,when not've end up with tons of foul
Absolutely bizarre (and brilliant) game just before bed.

I carried on trying Professional difficulty with manual passing, and...

You know that "AI never fouls you" thing?

Check this out:

I couldn't believe my eyes. 7 out of 10 AI outfield players booked. After the second-to-last one in the video, I was given a free kick (taken by the goalkeeper), and immediately after he passed it, they crocked me and got booked again!

Someone - @rockstrongo I think - said to me before now that manual passing increases the amount of fouls. But this... This has got me playing manual for the foreseeable!
yep, manual makes them foul more, hearing some say no fouls must mean they are playing assisted. must be that with assisted the cpu can read your passing lines because the ai makes them.
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How the actual hell do you play 2 player at home without losing all kit updates?
If you want an easy workaround:
Start ps4 with only your main account
Start pes
Go into the mode you want to play
Log in the 2nd (3rd and / or 4th) player as guest on PS4 when you come to side selection screen.
This way the edited data can be used with all players.
BUT if you return into main menu, the error message will pop up again.
Than you have to log out all guest players, reload edited data, enter the desired game mode and log in guest players in side selection screen again.

If you want to have a permanent solution, you will need to set-up at least one up to three sub accounts to your main account (settings / parental controls / sub accounts). Once the sub account(s) are registered and verified (each account requires an Email address) you have to create Users on your PS4 (using the same email addresses like before).
Make sure to allow sub accounts to use user generated content (you can select during set up sub account or later on your ps4 in parental controls).
For this solution you will need an online connection, at least at that point when you started pes and log in the first sub account. After that, no internet connection is needed anymore. I tested this with my mobile phone as WiFi Hotspot.
With this method you can use any mode etc without errors.
I find manual is still Stat based

One thing though and I challenge any manual player

The little layoff pass. Is it even possible? I want video evidence.

I struggle the most with the simplest of passes. It seems that the game corrects long passes better than the short passes.
I don't know with manual passing but on assisted I always found it handy to press through ball when you're near a teammate if you're trying to let them run onto a shot to get more power. So rather than playing a through ball forwards towards goal, you press (tap) the button but aim sideways or backwards towards your teammate but the pass isn't to their feet but just in front by a yard or so...just in their stride and BOOM!
Absolutely bizarre (and brilliant) game just before bed.

I carried on trying Professional difficulty with manual passing, and...

You know that "AI never fouls you" thing?

Check this out:

I couldn't believe my eyes. 7 out of 10 AI outfield players booked. After the second-to-last one in the video, I was given a free kick (taken by the goalkeeper), and immediately after he passed it, they crocked me and got booked again!

Someone - @rockstrongo I think - said to me before now that manual passing increases the amount of fouls. But this... This has got me playing manual for the foreseeable!

Part of the reason I feel this happens, is because manual has a lot more gradation - the passing is less point-to-point. You get a slight less direct-to-feet pass trajectory, and a lot more organic situations start to have to adjust your body to receive it, you have to adjust your run to meet it, the COM has to adjust themselves to stop you...just from that gradation, sets a lot of things in motion you won't see in assisted passing, a bunch of interactions. Just my guess.
Zee did you ever tap x twice? It takes the pace from the pass if your player is close.

Hmm does this work? In free training I just tried to charge up the power bar to almost full. Tapped X before pass is released, I can't notice the difference
Hmm does this work? In free training I just tried to charge up the power bar to almost full. Tapped X before pass is released, I can't notice the difference

No buddy I posted after that and tested it and it didn't make a difference lol .. ..sometimes it can work on long hard ground pass if you time it like a a knuckleshot it can slow it down .
Reading all these posts about fouls etc, and noticing the same on my sessions, I must say, this is the most beatifully balanced soccer game ever. It flows so diferent from match to match, mix up a uncautious team with a rigid referee and you get a card fest. Next match might be a walk in the park, then the next one CPU tries to score so hard it puts you on your toes through the hole match... and then, there´s that feeling when you score a lone goal at the end of a very hard match... Simply beatifull.
My wife is buying me the PS4 Pro on release but I am really concerned about how I will transfer my fully licensed PES 2016 kits etc over.
My wife is buying me the PS4 Pro on release but I am really concerned about how I will transfer my fully licensed PES 2016 kits etc over.
They're not part of the save data, they're imported into the install data - so be aware... I believe there's some kind of data export process that takes everything off your PS4 and puts it on the Pro (at least, I remember reading that), so that should work, BUT, backing up your saves etc. to USB or PS Plus won't work.
They're not part of the save data, they're imported into the install data - so be aware... I believe there's some kind of data export process that takes everything off your PS4 and puts it on the Pro (at least, I remember reading that), so that should work, BUT, backing up your saves etc. to USB or PS Plus won't work.
Thanks Chris - yep that was my fear!

Hmm decisions.
anyone considering the PS4VR for PES. Obviously not VR but you can use it as a giant screen for normal games..tempted as me and the wife are always at conflict with the TV :)
anyone considering the PS4VR for PES. Obviously not VR but you can use it as a giant screen for normal games..tempted as me and the wife are always at conflict with the TV :)
I would, but the wires trailing across the living room floor would end up causing mass destruction and a visit to A&E knowing how clumsy my household is...
Tbh, is there any individuality on assisted passing? I doubt that. When playing assisted, every pass goes directly to the players feet, no matter whom I chose to pass. The only stats where I see a difference between players is pace, body strength, agility, kicking power and height.
But not really in passing. Also not on manual. Passes are either well aimed or not and if not, an opponent might have his foot in between.
Couldn´t ever go back to assisted passing. The only stat on manual passing that matters is my aiming.
And then it´s me when like I have Iniesta or Kroos, I automatically strain myself to perfoem a nice pass.
Pulled off a beautiful throughball between two opponents which I doubt that I had ever managed to do on assisted.

Game still plays very well. It´s about time looking for an OF to finally start a ML.

I agree with the somewhat weak stats implementation for both settings. We've kinda had a similar discussion a month back:

People need to realize that assisted passing has a huge "snap" correction, where the ball always gets played to feet when you use X button, unless you have an outrageously bad aim. Even then, it's still a binary situation - if you miss the first player, it just gets "snapped" to the next player. The way the pass assistance bails you out of situations, makes it very difficult for the COM to collect possession from your mistakes, coz, you know, even if you make a mistake, half the time the pass just goes to a different player on your team.

To illustrate this, I made a video:

I don't play with assisted settings, so it was just a quick test. In the video, I was testing PA1, looking for those in-between balls, trying to create passes that falls between the space of my players, instead of having it go to my player. I sprayed passes aimlessly, filled the power bar full..but it didn't work. I couldn't get a pass that falls between my players. My stick direction, and my power input, gets heavily corrected by the game, and it just chooses either the player close to me, or the player beyond him, and the ball gets redirected to his feet. It's difficult to break free from the binary decision the game makes for me.

For me, that's weak stats implementation. I think it exists in every setting, even manual. But less apparent in manual maybe, I'm not sure. Manual is less binary, it has more gradation. Some of that gradation comes from stats, but a lot of it comes from the stick and power inputs too.

My experience with manual in 17, is that first touch passing is heavily nerfed. The player ability matters, with a stronger team you can try it more, with a weaker team, some first touch passes has the strength of a wet noodle.:D That part of it, has stat influence for sure. Body angle also matters a lot, the manual passing accuracy increases, when you try to manage your player animation, and use the correct body posture that corresponds with the type of pass are making, when it's done right, the pass feels *almost* assisted. When you fail to use the correct body posture, the gulf in passing gradation starts to appear, between players with good stats and those with poor stats.

I don't see this gradation much in PA1, it's probably too binary for details like this to matter. I tried some quick short passes using the wrong body posture, they just give a wild animation of big body movements, passing while turning, and then the pass just kinda snaps to the receiver. There's not a whole lot of gradation (passes that are halfway there, but ultimately falls short etc.).

Both setting, however, falls apart when performing 180 passes. Somehow it's possible to send 180 passes, using the wrong body posture etc etc, in assisted pass and in manual pass. For this, I prefer FIFA's implementation. Players actually have animations that they would try and bend their body, swing their leg awkwardly, only lightly skinning the ball, while the ball rolls away softly, and the player falls on his behind. That's something I would enjoy seeing in PES, something that would stop us from performing these knee twisting, body bending, back breaking, self rotating 180 pass. It's weird to see in the game, coz defies physics and human anatomy, passing without turning first.

One thing I perfer on assisted passing tho, is the swerve on X. There is more swerve programmed into the pass, and it corresponds to the players' use of inside/outside of foot. This seems to be missing from manual X passes.

Here's my expanded view on stats implementation for manual vs assisted settings:

I don't know with manual passing but on assisted I always found it handy to press through ball when you're near a teammate if you're trying to let them run onto a shot to get more power. So rather than playing a through ball forwards towards goal, you press (tap) the button but aim sideways or backwards towards your teammate but the pass isn't to their feet but just in front by a yard or so...just in their stride and BOOM!

I also feel this is the problem with basic through ball, it "snaps" to player too much. I doesn't snap to feet like X does, but it snaps to the receiving player, 1-2 strides from where he's standing. So the angles for error is a bit limited, because you are restricted to that snap.

In fact, it's also a problem on manual settings, that's why all the manual leagues outlawed basic through ball. Here's some tests:

Basic through ball seems to override player individuality way too much, you can pretty much get the same pass from every player. And in actual practice, you can play like this :(:

It just snaps too much. It's almost like this Bayern training video. Problem is, the snap reduces player individuality, to the point where every player can do this, pretty much on first touch.

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So last night I scored a "goal" with Origi. I was running down the byline and I shot from a stupid angle. Side netting as you can imagine. I knew it was wide as soon as I shot, so I clicked start to skip the replay, but just before the screen changed I noticed Origi with his hands up in celebration, commentators screaming. It was given as a goal. The shot was well wide into the side netting, through the net and over the line. The keeper got a hand to it which sent the ball back through the net and bouncing around outside the goal. I saved the replay If I can upload, I will.
thought i heard something about it.
they seem to take care of that league a bit more and it would be a nice fit for PES with Fifa having English and German leagues, nobody wants the french one....:D
I read something about it here during the release of the demo.
And if,it should be so great
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