PES 2017 PlayStation & Xbox Discussion Thread

I think by next year or two PES will be the best football game ever made. Gameplay needs some new additions, PES 2017 still isn't there yet, it's the best PES for me or FIFA if that even matters, but there are still things I would like them to add, change or fix. Animations needs a big improvement especially off the ball players. It's also time for a footplanting system. Next year needs to be evolutionary. I think we should have had this PES last year, they learned from their mistakes at least and they need to keep that going. So far PES 2017 is such a blast to play in ML.
Yeah I'm doing that stuff already, just can't seem to stop the AI once they get into the box. I'll get better I'm sure

My tip is to not just hold r1 + x or + []. Double or triple tap [], it helps pressure the opponent and cut the ball. Use also R2 to intercept a position and press X or O with timing. Slide tackling is pretty good this year too.
I think by next year or two PES will be the best football game ever made. Gameplay needs some new additions, PES 2017 still isn't there yet, it's the best PES for me or FIFA if that even matters, but there are still things I would like them to add, change or fix. Animations needs a big improvement especially off the ball players. It's also time for a footplanting system. Next year needs to be evolutionary. I think we should have had this PES last year, they learned from their mistakes at least and they need to keep that going. So far PES 2017 is such a blast to play in ML.

My tip is to not just hold r1 + x or + []. Double or triple tap [], it helps pressure the opponent and cut the ball. Use also R2 to intercept a position and press X or O with timing. Slide tackling is pretty good this year too.

I think in order for it to be successful, i think they need to work on the pace and the flow of the game. Add in more keeper animations and just take the time to polish it up a bit more including player models that still look a bit chunky to me, especially shirts and shorts.

But no doubt about it 17 is a good game indeed.
hello everyone. this is my first post so just getting the hang of things.could someone please point me in the right direction.
the thing is. im having a problem with edited starting lineups. thanks to the wonderfull klashman69 ive followed all his formations and tactics guide for the EPL.
now for some reason when i play a league some teams revert back to there default starting lineup.
the tacktics and formations are fine its just the starting lineups.
for example instead of pogba rooney and fellaini in midfield. its carrick schneiderlin and matta i think.
its like this for most teams.i would just like to play against the best starting lineups for each team.
it kills the immersion for me.
i have noticed when you apply the go by ability for starting lineups it does replace pogba for schneiderlin and fellaini for carrick and vice versa for other teams.
why would it replace pogba with schneiderlin. pogba is obviously a better dm than schneiderlin
so hope you under stand what im trying to say.could someone please help me.
has anyone else had this problem......sorry if im in the wrong thread.and thanks for any reply..
ps.. this is a great site i love it.
So, nobody is finding the goals smaller than real life? Goalkeeper at full stretch dive, cover 2 thirds of the goal area, making the saves and goals unrealistic.
Any decent tips for defending? I'm coming over from FIFA and it's my only gripe with the game. At times my defenders just don't get close to the attacker in the box whilst I'm holding the button to pressure them. I'm sure there's some technique I need to master - any advice?

I'm crap at defending so take my words with a pinch of salt but I find holding the pressure button to be counter productive to defending well. It drags players out of position too much.

The best method I find is blocking the potential path of a cross/path/shot by positioning your defender (using one of the shoulder buttons).

Usually I'll block a pass or the CPU will run straight into me which is hardly real defending but it gets the job done..
I just hope that if they start catching FIFA for sales, FIFA don't start looking at stopping option files and threatening Konami as they make features specifically for getting around licencing

If EA tried that then if I were Konami I would lawyer the shit out of that. Currently, there is a disclaimer in game in which they say they take no responsibility for what you import and how it impacts the game. If EA were to then say that it isn't fair because Konami are circumnavigating licenses, then Konami should not only respond by saying that they believe in players having choice in customising their gaming experience, but that they can't enforce players sharing images away from the console itself. I would then say we (Konami) are utilising the functionality of the hardware in the interests of offering fair competition to users, as well as a means in which users can express themselves in a product they paid for and is structured in a manner that it does not impact on the online environment, thus other users.

What I would do most of all though is make it public that EA (or even national associations) are trying to make consumers purchase only one product, and that their product does not, as it claims, cater to all football fans, thus are trying to kill fair competition in the market.

I wouldn't finish there, though. I would then make the debate bigger than FIFA/PES or football videogames. I would frame the debate so as public support would be easily acquired and maybe even the gaming press start to get on board with. I would hope to influence them so as when FIFA20 or whatever comes rolling around, after they have crushed the competition by simply not wanting to compete, that the previews and reviews no longer lavish praise on the licensed nature of the product, but hold it up as a detestable example of how corporate interests are removing choice in the medium, more so than ever.

After that? I would pull all licenses from my product, though maybe try keep a UEFA and South American license, then release a game at £25 that although having the CL/EL and alike in place and fully licensed, most the money would be thrown at development and would be a technical and gameplay marvel. On top of that, it would be fully customisable with no real limit. It would become impossible to ignore and would be fighting the good fight.
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So, nobody is finding the goals smaller than real life? Goalkeeper at full stretch dive, cover 2 thirds of the goal area, making the saves and goals unrealistic.

I can say that yes, sometimes its bizzare but since ive changed my shooting to advanced, I seem to have more freedom in my shooting and that these kind of things that seem to happen when playing with basic shooting, I dont see goalkeepers making these extreme kind of saves anymore...
Anyone know if you're able do replicate Neymars "remove jersey" goal celebration to other players?
Or is it just assigned for him?
And is it to take focus of his new horrible haircut?
Penalty shoot outs are awful ..feels so scripted..scored 4 out of 5 same as the AI then in sudden death both ai and myself missed first 4 each then they scored the 5th ..on my last pen I tapped the power button and it skied it ...rubbish
It is. Its popped up for me before. Got told a player couldnt continue. Had to pause and sub him out
Thats weird, i didnt see that alert, or completely missed it. As i was playing for longer than normal and saw pogba was still not back on. so went to gameplan and saw his icon transparent, so had to sub him off.
Anyone else downloaded PESUniverse V2 for tactics only to find they aint there? I didnt download version 1 - could that be the problem?
Things needed/wanted
When the match screen fires up,I want table,leading scorer,best offensive team etc.
Konami really needs to step up presentation
Never gonna be a deal breaker for me,yet,would add some extra
Penalty shoot outs are awful ..feels so scripted..scored 4 out of 5 same as the AI then in sudden death both ai and myself missed first 4 each then they scored the 5th ..on my last pen I tapped the power button and it skied it ...rubbish

yea, I think they're are bit poor, but then I've never really liked the penalty kick system in any football game to be honest. I think I'd prefer to take a penalty by just running up to the ball using the normal gameplay view (wide cam etc...), just like you're taking a regular shot but from the penalty spot instead. The same applies to trying to stop a penalty. Just do it in the normal gameplay view.
beckham's free kick motion looks total wank*. he has fake name in euro classic team, saunders. back in the day its spot on

*i meant in pes 2017, its not as good as what they had before...
Beckham my AAA! That song is epic!!
Sorry for ot but I'm having so much fun playing PES2017. ;)
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Penalty shoot outs are awful ..feels so scripted..scored 4 out of 5 same as the AI then in sudden death both ai and myself missed first 4 each then they scored the 5th ..on my last pen I tapped the power button and it skied it ...rubbish

I'm certain a lot of the scripting/rubberbanding this year is in the shooting. I dont really feel it in any other phase of play apart from shooting. Whenever you get these games you feel like you could have 500 shots at goal and not score. Its so blatant when it does it, chance after chance after chance and they all go wide. Yet the CPU can have one shot in the game and it goes in piece of piss. Every shot they have at goal is dangerous yet every shot you have is weak and retardedly off target? Doesnt matter what you try or how many shots you have. Its very very noticeable.

A free header from 6 yards out will go wide, yet in another game the exact same header, same power and same direction will go a mile wide.
I'm certain a lot of the scripting/rubberbanding this year is in the shooting. I dont really feel it in any other phase of play apart from shooting. Whenever you get these games you feel like you could have 500 shots at goal and not score. Its so blatant when it does it, chance after chance after chance and they all go wide. Yet the CPU can have one shot in the game and it goes in piece of piss. Every shot they have at goal is dangerous yet every shot you have is weak and retardedly off target? Doesnt matter what you try or how many shots you have. Its very very noticeable.

A free header from 6 yards out will go wide, yet in another game the exact same header, same power and same direction will go a mile wide.
Assisted or manual? How long games do you play?
Manual passing makes basic shooting,both from you and CPU "looser"
I'd say I average around 10 a game,3-5 on goal,so 30-50% on goal.
Pretty much the same for the CPU
Don't know if it's the assisted,if you use it,that scripts it.
Haven't had that problem,yeah,gone through 3 games without scoring,but honestly never felt cheated
The biggest joke about pes online is im the only person ive met so far who players possession football. In over 100 matches i havent met one person who is anything other than front pressure and counter attack
I think in order for it to be successful, i think they need to work on the pace and the flow of the game. Add in more keeper animations and just take the time to polish it up a bit more including player models that still look a bit chunky to me, especially shirts and shorts.

But no doubt about it 17 is a good game indeed.

I wonder if left analogue stick is pressure sensitive will make impact on pace.. so we'll have walk, jog, run, and sprint, and better de/acceleration animation. Cpu ai should also resembles that..
I'm certain a lot of the scripting/rubberbanding this year is in the shooting. I dont really feel it in any other phase of play apart from shooting. Whenever you get these games you feel like you could have 500 shots at goal and not score. Its so blatant when it does it, chance after chance after chance and they all go wide. Yet the CPU can have one shot in the game and it goes in piece of piss. Every shot they have at goal is dangerous yet every shot you have is weak and retardedly off target? Doesnt matter what you try or how many shots you have. Its very very noticeable.

A free header from 6 yards out will go wide, yet in another game the exact same header, same power and same direction will go a mile wide.

I also feel like this.

Last night I had 6 games and I only enjoyed the first one. The rest were a broken mess of the AI defence always snapping lightening quick into position to cover all angles and pressing every single time. I lost count how many times they PERFECTLY performed overhead kicks to clear high balls coming in from my midfield. Not once did they miscue it - every time they got perfect distance to clear. It's so unbalanced. On the occasions when I had chances at goal, they either ended up wide or the keeper turned into superman and actually held on to rocket shots destined for the top corner.

I'm just not having any fun with this at all. Going to move on to Bioshock and come back to it in a week or so.
Also want to mention that every game apart from the first one ended 0-0. Really dull. Yes, I'm no good at this game but even crap players should have fun when playing. I'm not.
Right guys.... free kicks! How on earth do I score one?

When near the box ... .. . say 20-24m I usually put the minimum pressure on the shoot button and if further out slightly more presssure but as the ball is heading over the wall pull down on the left thumbstick. . . . .hope that makes sense.
When near the box ... .. . say 20-24m I usually put the minimum pressure on the shoot button and if further out slightly more presssure but as the ball is heading over the wall pull down on the left thumbstick. . . . .hope that makes sense.

I'll give that a try.

It's never been a problem till this year because i've never been able to win a bloody free kick. Now I have loads but they all go over or hit the wall.
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