PES 2017 PlayStation & Xbox Discussion Thread

So is this a kiss up or the french blog is too harsh?
That's my favourite preview yet - he says he's played it for 7 hours, which is what you need to really tell what the best and worst bits are, plus, he's honest enough to say that the refs are too harsh on tackles from the side (which a few other people have said), that passing is still a little too easy, and that the Superstar AI doesn't seem to try hard enough.

My extra concern, reading about the tactics and how effective they are, is this: are we going to see matches that feature non-stop tactical changes (and perfectly implemented by all teams with no training necessary), especially against humans? From all-out attack (at 0-0) to deep defence (at 1-0) to all-out attack again (at 1-1) etc. etc. etc.
I still don’t like how players like Sakho and Koscielney can pick out switch across passes that would make Pirlo blush

meh. like this guy's review, seems to have an idea of what he's talking about.
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I'm very skeptical about PES return to its roots. I'm pretty sure that PES 2017 will be a PES 2016 with better graphics and new animations.

Shooting and passing, that are most important thing in a football game, will not be varied and contextual.

To make a good football game, you has to love the sport, have some knowledge about it. Seabass was a big football fan but this new Konami team, I have my doubts about it.

PS: Im playing First Touch Football for Android, and this mini game have a better passing and shooting system than PES 2016. How could this be!

Are you the Daniel from WENB who got to test the game and won't reply to questions about shooting? Cos if you are what you've said here is a negative response to most concerns about pes 2017.
Are you the Daniel from WENB who got to test the game and won't reply to questions about shooting? Cos if you are what you've said here is a negative response to most concerns about pes 2017.

No man, its not me. I read about it too. That guy, when asked about the shooting he kind changed the subject, talking about the AI.

We want to know if the shots dips, curves, bubbles, floats, like it was on the past.
Thats the exact description in the database editor. Are you an editor Panos? :D

I was sceptic that there will be 2 new stats like said someone said in a tweet from a playtest
Physical Contact/Resistance or Strenght is pratically the same.

So it's like in the picture in posted, instead that Physical Contact was not already renamed.

"Body Balance" is an attribute that always was sounded a bit unclear since it exist from ISS pro.
Not easy to rate because of the "mix" of Real Balance and Strength, looked like a Japanese lost in translation.

Description was simply the "ability to resist to physical pressure"... but also serve to win duels.

We didn't really know how to understand why some lightweight players have 85-95, especially on PES 2015-16 players rating

It's a good thing that it become two separate stats, so to make it clear:

-Physical Contact/ Strength
-Body Control/Real Balance (like in FM and Fifa)
No man, its not me. I read about it too. That guy, when asked about the shooting he kind changed the subject, talking about the AI.

We want to know if the shots dips, curves, bubbles, floats, like it was on the past.

Hmmm....same surname as well. I'll take your word on this weird coincidence lol.
I was sceptic that there will be 2 new stats like said someone said in a tweet from a playtest
Physical Contact/Resistance or Strenght is pratically the same.

So it's like in the picture in posted, instead that Physical Contact was not already renamed.

"Body Balance" is an attribute that always was sounded a bit unclear since it exist from ISS pro.
Not easy to rate because of the "mix" of Real Balance and Strength, looked like a Japanese lost in translation.

Description was simply the "ability to resist to physical pressure"... but also serve to win duels.

We didn't really know how to understand why some lightweight players have 85-95, especially on PES 2015-16 players rating

It's a good thing that it become two separate stats, so to make it clear:

-Physical Contact/ Strength
-Body Control/Real Balance (like in FM and Fifa)

Yeah ...because you know Messi cant be fouled in 15-16 yet he is confident on the ball wich should be the case in general, all because his 94 (!!!) balance wich is ridicilous. Glad they separated this. Great move.
He is paid to promote the game but, sometimes he exaggerates on his declarations. Like in PES 2011, that he said that every stadium it would have differents camera angles and stuff.:)
So is this a kiss up or the french blog is too harsh?

I dont think this is 100% biased in favor to Konami.

This actially made me hyped a little bit, and I am one those who dont trust in those previes much.

I think thats due to the fact that right away he seemed to be pretty honest. He, like me, was very clear with the fact that PES 2016 was disappointing, and he blames that on issues that we all agree with like pingpong passing, the ease of making long balls etc.

He, like us, sees pes 2016 as an arcadey game, like it was Konami attempt to satisfy the wider audiance (casuals).

He seems to know how pes 2016 (fast/arcadey specially online) plays, and if he says pes 2017 feels considerbly slower and say its hard to explore gaps and create spaces to shoot once you get in the final third of the pitch, then I'll give it credit to him, specially because thats been the consensus from many who had the chance.

Also, one thing he said on his preview that got me hyped is the fact that players definetly feel heavier a cant turn so quickly.

This seems to be a trustful preview since he also points a lot a things that still need adjustments.

Its a greay preview coming from someone who dedicates much of his time playing PES, a genuine fan. Its a pesuniverse website afterall.
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Are you the Daniel from WENB who got to test the game and won't reply to questions about shooting? Cos if you are what you've said here is a negative response to most concerns about pes 2017.

Checl his recent tposts on wenb. He addressed my shooting question and the tron running question
Me or Bhatti? :THINK: I know it's annoying, but it is even more annoying that Bhatti makes false promises... Ok. I'm quiet now, everythinhg has been said :)

Not you, of course :LOL: I'm not listening to anything they have to say anymore, I'll just wait to play the demo... 1 month after the game will be released
I dont think this is 100% biased in favor to Konami.

This actially made me hyped a little bit, and I am one those who dont trust in those previes much.

I think thats due to the fact that right away he seemed to be pretty honest. He, like me, was very clear with the fact that PES 2016 was disappointing, and he blames that on issues that we all agree with like pingpong passing, the ease of making long balls etc.

He, like us, sees pes 2016 as an arcadey game, like it was Konami attempt to satisfy the wider audiance (casuals).

He seems to know how pes 2016 (fast/arcadey specially online) plays, and if he says pes 2017 feels considerbly slower and say its hard to explore gaps and create spaces to shoot once you get in the final third of the pitch, then I'll give it credit to him, specially because thats been the consensus from many who had the chance.

Also, one thing he said on his preview that got me hyped is the fact that players definetly feel heavier a cant turn so quickly.

This seems to be a trustful preview since he also points a lot a things that still need adjustments.

Its a greay preview coming from someone who dedicates much of his time playing PES, a genuine fan. Its a pesuniverse website afterall.

Yes indeed.

If they just wouldn´t change so many things from demo to demo till full release.
One thing that was dissppointing reading this pesuniverse preview is that he said graphics are no much improved like many playtesters. Yeah, faces look better, more life like, but thats about it.
One thing that was dissppointing reading this pesuniverse preview is that he said graphics are no much improved like many playtesters. Yeah, faces look better, more life like, but thats about it.
adam and asim said that konami are working on imoroving the graphics and they will add tons of new animations upon release. And that's the reason they're not showing any video footage at this state in development. Wouldn't hold by breath on that one, though
Yes indeed.

If they just wouldn´t change so many things from demo to demo till full release.

Yeah, that worries a lot.

In the end, if the retail game becomes faters, ai defence dumbed down and easier to exploit ping pong passing, then it wont matter if this playtest beta version was like he says it is.

And knowing Konami like I do, I woundnt doubt that could happen. Remember, big outlets like Eurogamer thought the slower pace of Pes 2017 to be something negative. I fear Konami might want that 9 score from Eurogamer... lol
I'm not sure.. PESEP hates offline and only plays My Club.. he also uses 2 level pass support on PES 2016. I don't think he cares about simulation. He is a great player of the game, he understands tactics and how to play the game, but.. yeah

Nah, sorry man, see what guys like PESEP do is throw everything at the game, everyone has different ideologies of what they see as simulation but the key is how the game holds up when you throw everything at the AI.

I respect people who play like this, its up to the game to deliver the organic realism regardless how the player plays it.

PES has always been about this. The reviews from trusted people have been very, very positive so i'll wait for the demo and i will be looking out to see the tron running.
Nah, sorry man, see what guys like PESEP do is throw everything at the game, everyone has different ideologies of what they see as simulation but the key is how the game holds up when you throw everything at the AI.

I respect people who play like this, its up to the game to deliver the organic realism regardless how the player plays it.

PES has always been about this. The reviews from trusted people have been very, very positive so i'll wait for the demo and i will be looking out to see the tron running.

I think I understand what you are saying and I partially agree.

We cant always blame on how people play the game. No doubt AI alone should be good enough to make throuhg/long balls and quick/blind passes from midfield to attack harder. AI must be good enough to start readind attacking plays, anticipates to some of these predictable passes and cut it out or intercept it.

Thats what I think Adaptive AI is all about. If it will work or not, this is a questio without answer yet.

BUT (and big but), even if Konami want to build a game with accessible/simple controls, the game should still have codes that caulculate risky plays that, in real life secnario, the chances of giving ball possession away is a lot higher. For example, we all know It doesnt make sense that a first time pass with a 180º turn while under pressure betewen players who are 20m away from each other is as accurate as a normal pass between players who are just 5 meters away and are facing each other with no pressure whatsoever.

To sum up, the game should be accessible in the sense that you dont need to do anything else than tapping X to make a short forward a lateral passes from a player that has full control of the ball, with no pressure, and right body balance/angle, but the game also must be deep enough to make people think before passing, to make them think that, in many circunstances, its better to take a touch first, turn and pass then just hitting X while the player is not even facing the recieving pass player and expecting a perfect pass always.

Game must make a good intepretation of risky situations and factors that can impact pass/shooting accuracy speed.

Currently, players (the big crowd) are the ones who want to dictate how the game should play. Its been gone the days that we had to spend a week playing the game nonstop to then start scoring some goals. Good old days (sad face).
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from danielrh

1) keepers can move diagonically and getting outside their post to catch balls from corners or open field balls

YES Manuel Neuer is a prime example of this where as Petr Cech tend to stay on his line but his shot stopping was excellent

2) there is an impact engine
Better than that gimmic

3) footplanting and no skating and no chopped up animations
Spot on

4) no ping pong passing
you lose possession of the ball if you make a wrong pass

5) players take less than 2 aeons to turn around
turning is spot on and realistic

6) smaller team players are not generic dummies
no that little shit Walcott nipped in and scored because the madrid keeper did'nt gather the loose ball quick enough

7) there can be 1st touch mistakes and lost balls from passes
Spot on mate

8) proper commentary
no commentary in the game we played yesterday

9) all stats on a player actually do something and are not just cosmetic
YES was impressed with the player ID

10) time and weather changes during the course of a match
YES awesome lighting looks real cool

11) AI on superstar is actually challenging and not just plain stupid
proper challenging, you will have a real game on ypour hands now

12) ball trajectory variations in long/short passes,shots
YES spot on 100 per cent

12) online is fixed (no more 100 hours w8ing to connect,option to block people, ban cheaters,1 button disconnections are not happening)
We did'nt test online, online is a topic for a later date, but the foundations in place are very strong this year I'm looking to return to online my first appearance online since PES2011

13) no shots through your opponent's body

14) injuries! we have not had any injuries in the game for so long and no one has said anything about it once again this year!!

did'nt see any injuries and to a man we all tried to play football, so there was no taking an opponent out

Oh i forgot the most important thing heck i am a PC gamer!!! PC is using DX9! srly how many games at this date are still using dx9 anymore?? its a 10yrs+ old technology

Don't know about the PC side of things Konami will address this at a later date
I think I understand what you are saying and I partially agree.

We cant always blame on how people play the game. No doubt AI alone should be good enough to make throuhg/long balls and quick/blind passes from midfield to attack harder. AI must be good enough to start readind attacking plays, anticipates to some of these predictable passes and cut it out or intercept it.

Thats what I think Adaptive AI is all about. If it will work or not, this is a questio without answer yet.

BUT (and big but), even if Konami want to build a game with accessible/simple controls, the game should still have codes that caulculate risky plays that, in real life secnario, the chances of giving ball possession away is a lot higher. For example, we all know It doesnt make sense that a first time pass with a 180º turn while under pressure betewen players who are 20m away from each other is as accurate as a normal pass between players who are just 5 meters away and are facing each other with no pressure whatsoever.

To sum up, the game should be accessible in the sense that you dont need to do anything else than tapping X to make a short forward a lateral passes from a player that has full control of the ball, with no pressure, and right body balance/angle, but the game also must be deep enough to make people think before passing, to make them think that, in many circunstances, its better to take a touch first, turn and pass then just hitting X while the player is not even facing the recieving pass player and expecting a perfect pass always.

Game must make a good intepretation of risky situations and factors that can impact pass/shooting accuracy speed.

Currently, players (the big crowd) are the ones who want to dictate how the game should play. Its been gone the days that we had to pass a week playing the game nonstop to then start scoring some goals. Good old days (sad face).

Yes, however its far less complicated than you make out.

Its all about the core variables which generate and render the difficulty of hitting an 180 pass.

This is why i reserve judgement till i play the demo despite the positivity, if the tron running is in, then all this hype is for nothing.
Yes, however its far less complicated than you make out.

Its all about the core variables which generate and render the difficulty of hitting an 180 pass.

This is why i reserve judgement till i play the demo despite the positivity, if the tron running is in, then all this hype is for nothing.

I'll do the same. Only the demo will confirm if Pes 2017 is indeed more than just a Pes 2016 2.0
So one of the playtesters (lelly) says that goalkeepers still have issues with dealing with easy balls in close proximity :II, balls that are close to their bodies and you would think 'he should have dealt with that'... This disappoints me. This means that low shots with little power (or rather passes towards the keeper) are going to be a nightmare for the supposedly incredible keepers... An issue from 2016. Meh

You can hear it here at 9:30 mark:
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