PES 2017 PlayStation & Xbox Discussion Thread

PES needs variations in all areas, Fifa ain't perfect but when it comes to variety am playing that game for 3 months solidly now and am still seeing AI passes and goals which I don't see often, that's what I want in PES to keep me playing long term not just 3 months.
I loved that bit someone quoted about Top Speed and Acceleration stats really having an impact on the gameplay and more noticeable in players individuality. Very needed.
hearing Fifas using frostbite engine

They didn't like PES closing the gap i see......

Fox is still the better engine, but will it be pushed to its potential.
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hearing Fifas using frostbite engine

They didn't like PES closing the gap i see......

Fox is still the better engine, but will it be pushed to its potential.

Well... That would finally make FIFA's footballers look like actual humans... No way I'm choosing PES if this turns out to be true
Well... That would finally make FIFA's footballers look like actual humans... No way I'm choosing PES if this turns out to be true
yeah, FIFA's players with facial scans should be tops. Let the heated race of next gen begin....

i'll get both demos play till October then decide..
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From Glen PESW
@adammass3 kits are flowing it looks amazing. When a player jumps his shirt sometimes lifts and you see a bit of belly

Finally :D


hearing Fifas using frostbite engine

They didn't like PES closing the gap i see......

Fox is still the better engine, but will it be pushed to its potential.

What makes Fox the better engine?
Playing a lot of Star Wars Battlefront, it looks amazing and the physics are great too and it doesn´t need that much of a hardcore rig.

Well... That would finally make FIFA's footballers look like actual humans... No way I'm choosing PES if this turns out to be true

That´s what I hope too.
And I hope it´s not a shot in the back, like they can´t handle Frostbite on a sports game or something.

Gábor Szkokán ‏@szkoki 10h10 hours ago
@PESFan_Pirate I mean how are the cpu shots mate? In 2016 cpu aimed only for the bottom corners. Is it the same this year? Cheers.
Pirate ‏@PESFan_Pirate 2h2 hours ago
@szkoki no varied shots when I played cpu, some low some top corner

Is it "no varied shots" or is it "no, varied shots when I played cpu..." ??
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Thanks gabe!

Edit: I would quote the other post.

Indeed. But I think it was the same case as last year.

Someone just posted on wenb a preview from a guy who have been reviewing PES since PES 3, and he seems to be a guy who are very aware of all pes 2016 issues.

He said the Pes 2017 is more like a Pes 2016 2.0 with better goalkeepers, nothing so promising like those tweets are inducing.

Other preview from does not speak good of shooting as well. They say it keeps mostly the same as PES 2016 with some more difficult on R2 shoots, but the cannon bombs continue.

The only aspect that seems always positive around all previews are the improved keepers.

Even though i will have them all with a pinch of salt, and sadly for PES but good for me, i cannot feel any hype this year, just curious about whats to come until i try the demo myself and test my checklist of flaws that made the game awfull for me.

Some of them we could whatch in videos when they are out, like Keepers, etc and even then we will have the talk that they are playing in amateur level once again.

All this tweet, full of bells and whistles, with 95% good and 5% bad/unchanged, smells like "If you say bad things of this playtest you better not expect to come next year."

Lets continue to watch whats comming (Grabs popcorn):SNACK:.

One thing i can guarantee right now, the gamescom Oscar this year will come in the box front of PES 2017 again.
Pirate is obviously saying 'no, varied shots'. Negative vibes about the cannonball shooting with either foot and refs a bit iffy. Are the community guys as bad as the press at reviewing?
Other preview from does not speak good of shooting as well. They say it keeps mostly the same as PES 2016 with some more difficult on R2 shoots, but the cannon bombs continue.

The only aspect that seems always positive around all previews are the improved keepers.


aside from the negatives about shooting, they break down what they feel about the keepers very well in this blog.

my worry was that shooting would continue to be overpowered but the keepers had spiderman like reflexes and saved everything. what's odd that this blog seems to say shooting IS overpowered but the keepers are what we should expect (ie. not over the top)

we literally are gonna have to wait for the demo!
Did they really implemented cloth physics on players? From the screenshots it looks like the kits have the same low polygons like last year. If they really had cloth physics for them, they should have a lot more polys to make it look good.
Other preview from does not speak good of shooting as well. They say it keeps mostly the same as PES 2016 with some more difficult on R2 shoots, but the cannon bombs continue.


First thing i was worried about that Adam and Konami is still trying to please EVERYONE according to the PlayStation interview. They'll just end up nerfing and buffing things rather taking a side and making a decent game wether its sim or arcade.

Well what can we do? One feedback that is a bit negative, yet it seems detailed, professional and down to earth yet...its just one and i guess Konami is convinced already they are on the right track this year too. Too many new age PES fans out there, maybe we should just wave goodbye to old style fun-sim PES and thats it.
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i've asked a few people on twitter about the cannonball shooting, will see if i get an answer. i guess what you have to remember is not a lot of people see it as a problem. i'm pretty sure Asim (pre-konami) didn't think it was an issue on his write ups for PES2016
i've asked a few people on twitter about the cannonball shooting, will see if i get an answer. i guess what you have to remember is not a lot of people see it as a problem. i'm pretty sure Asim (pre-konami) didn't think it was an issue on his write ups for PES2016


Variation in trajectory is the key imho.

I always remember gabes comparison video in shooting from the same position between PES 6 and PES 2015/2016.

Would be disappointing for me if it´s the same as in 2016.
I always remember gabes comparison video in shooting from the same position between PES 6 and PES 2015/2016.

Would be disappointing for me if it´s the same as in 2016.
Great point, I remember that.

The next bunch of guys who get to test it need to see that video first...
The only thing we know about the shooting from the tweets from #PESday is that it's more 'organic', 'natural' & 'dynamic' i'm pretty sure one of the press previews said that body position mattered too. I think we only have one source that says it's still a cannonball fest, we won't know who's correct until we play it for ourselves unfortunately :(
Yes, shooting technique could solve the problem in short term... or in a hard way much better ball physics as in FIFA. Since even FIFA does shooting well in terms of variety yet it doesnt have ST.

Shot Power
Long Shots

I posted that "negative" feedback to officialpes and Asim didnt block me but fav-ed it, i guess they wont change the whole game for that just because tho


UKMetro already giving the impression that PC is on the same level as XBO & PS4
They mention it at least 3 times, and in the full conclusion too as a bad things. "Always overpower shots and irrealistic"
Also L1+Triangle TERRIBLY dangerous/redoubtable... That's weird, all the others feedbacks said the contrary.

Edit: same about nets too, similar to previous version. Goalkeepers goods but not catching that much which can cause goals often.

Not an encouraging feedback :(
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Gari Clark mentioned on Twitter that he "passed on his negative feedback" to Konami, though he said there wasn't much of it, and didn't mention what it was.

I've asked if he would reveal it, but I'd imagine he doesn't want to lose the friends he has in Adam & Asim. Which is a shame, but, understandable.
They mention it at least 3 times, and in the full conclusion too as a bad things. "Always overpower shots and irrealistic"
Also L1+Triangle TERRIBLY dangerous/redoubtable... That's weird, all the others feedbacks said the contrary.

Edit: same about nets too, similar to previous version. Goalkeepers goods but not catching that much which can cause goals often.

Not an encouraging feedback :(

literally everybody else says that L1+Triangle is not OP anymore. who to believe!?
Adam & Asim say the same shite every year, ' It's going to blow your mind' and other nonsense. You just have to play it and judge because i trust nothing they say.

Hmmm... I'd argue that some people complained about the PES 6 shots as not being accurate to their input, especially by a player like RVP, you'd expect most of his shots going to the exact same spot since he's a top scorer. Then complaining how automated and scripted PES is and use this video as proof. How manual is the answer and how stats are rubbish.

I don't mind the fact RVP should hit the right spot almost every time, especially in a training session. It's realistic. What should be done is make the keepers react more realistically and not repeat the same slow reaction/jump/animation every time.

Obviously RVP's shots in a match wouldn't be the same as he'd be under pressure with much less space and getting that right body angle and perfect shot where he wants it to go is much harder to pull off; therefore leading to different outcomes.
Hmmm... I'd argue that some people complained about the PES 6 shots as not being accurate to their input, especially by a player like RVP, you'd expect most of his shots going to the exact same spot since he's a top scorer. Then complaining how automated and scripted PES is and use this video as proof. How manual is the answer and how stats are rubbish.

I don't mind the fact RVP should hit the right spot almost every time, especially in a training session. It's realistic. What should be done is make the keepers react more realistically and not repeat the same slow reaction/jump/animation every time.

Obviously RVP's shots in a match wouldn't be the same as he'd be under pressure with much less space and getting that right body angle and perfect shot where he wants it to go is much harder to pull off; therefore leading to different outcomes.

In fact PES 6's shooting is bad because

a, you have to time pressing R2 between pressing the shoot button and between the player hitting the ball. a pain in the ass to be honest

b, powerbar is a gamble in the game, it is situation based how quickly loads up

We shouldnt go back to that imo because yeah its a sad thing to see RVP failing on so many attempts but what i wrote a 4 bar assistance setting wont hurt anyone because honestly I CANT PLAY ON MANUAL and neither on assisted is my taste. :D
literally everybody else says that L1+Triangle is not OP anymore. who to believe!?

I don't know mate... There is at least 15 playtest saying the opposite, but the fact that they're not PES-focused like this one gives me many doubt at the moment.

But they don't talk bad about the shooting accuracy whenever you're on the pitch and the player difficulty when he's in a bad position to shoot, only the shooting power/linear trajectory.

Shooting technique is not the solution at all to have more curve and "unscrewed" ball. The ball physics need to be redefined if you want to have that.

Even with those "flaws" they really enjoyed overall the game, and play's with 1 bar assistance.
literally everybody else says that L1+Triangle is not OP anymore. who to believe!?

If we have in consideration, the past 6 year at least i am inclined to believe the negative feedback. Last year all the reviews/previews pointed to the best PES to date, better than PES 5 or 6, but you all know what you are "playing?/have in the shelf/sold" right now.

As you can see in the post above yours people at the test don´t want/can/have permission to talk about negatives.

So this it´s not a community day, its a "tap on the back, of community leaders" by Konami/Asim/Adam, to create Hype, and make all the communities praise the game, if they want to keep being invited to this events.

the Videos above just prove there is nothing contextual about the shooting, in these last two PES games. Shooting are boring, unrealistic, and OP, and on top of that keepers were awfull, retarded and slow.

In PES 5 or 6 even the best player will fail some shoots, shoot it wide sometimes, or do a weak shot if their weak foot stat are poor.

They should take the PS4 tag "this is for the players" and adapt to PES "this is for the kids" who want to play with just 3 teams and score 10 goals a game.

Sorry for the pessimism but i think we fans have been burnt a LOOOOT of times to keep believing, or get hyped about this false statements every year. I was hopping the community guys will be different from the press, but i guess everyone must be expecting a place in Konami sooner or later, as it happened to Adam and Asim.

There should be a law that allows people to test this type of games (sport/multiplayer) for a weak, and return it with no costs if the game continues to have flaws that are gamebreakers, or not solved, from last year at least:THINK::THINK:, then maybe they will make an effort.
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