PES 2017 PlayStation & Xbox Discussion Thread

I don't know mate... There is at least 15 playtest saying the opposite, but the fact that they're not PES-focused like this one gives me many doubt at the moment.

But they don't talk bad about the shooting accuracy whenever you're on the pitch and the player difficulty when he's in a bad position to shoot, only the shooting power/linear trajectory.

Shooting technique is not the solution at all to have more curve and "unscrewed" ball. The ball physics need to be redefined if you want to have that.

Even with those "flaws" they really enjoyed overall the game, and play's with 1 bar assistance.

Believe people who played Pes 2016 and are now making comparisons to Pes 2017. The French blog really seem to know what they are talking about when they list every L1+triangle combination test. I tend to believe them much more than people saying it's all improved, the game is awesome, the usual nonsense we know.
Gari Clark mentioned on Twitter that he "passed on his negative feedback" to Konami, though he said there wasn't much of it, and didn't mention what it was.

I've asked if he would reveal it, but I'd imagine he doesn't want to lose the friends he has in Adam & Asim. Which is a shame, but, understandable.
He's just responded, which I didn't expect:

refs being a little strict, gameplay still needs tightening up a little and visual stuff (which will happen later)

Good of him to reply, really.
Baxter ‏@BaxterCymru 15h15 hours ago
@Adam_Bhatti did any xbox users get invited mate understand you've been to busy to reply. So excited for the new one!!

Adam Bhatti ‏@Adam_Bhatti 15h15 hours ago
@BaxterCymru so we only demo with PS4's if that's what you mean? We have partnership with them

Any further questions why PC is downgraded and XB is only 720p? :D
Because of the bad translation I can't understand everything about this article.
Did they say that the keepers are better now and that switching the mentallity is back and shooting is not much changed? Is that what they said?

They say that keepers are better, switching offensive/defensive mentality is back and shooting is really similar to Pes 2016, that is every long shot is a cannon ball with every player they tried to shoot, from every position they tried to shoot.
Hmmm... I'd argue that some people complained about the PES 6 shots as not being accurate to their input, especially by a player like RVP, you'd expect most of his shots going to the exact same spot since he's a top scorer. Then complaining how automated and scripted PES is and use this video as proof. How manual is the answer and how stats are rubbish.

I don't mind the fact RVP should hit the right spot almost every time, especially in a training session. It's realistic. What should be done is make the keepers react more realistically and not repeat the same slow reaction/jump/animation every time.

Obviously RVP's shots in a match wouldn't be the same as he'd be under pressure with much less space and getting that right body angle and perfect shot where he wants it to go is much harder to pull off; therefore leading to different outcomes.

Very valid be honest I never saw it that way.

In a training match on a player like RVP this shouldn´t be the case, even as you see he is not under pressure.

But I think the problem here lies in a real match.
The trajectory is not varying that much in a real match as it should vary even WHEN he is under pressure.

I guess that is what gabe tried to make clear, as in a real match with an attacking AI it would have been more difficult to make this point.
They say that keepers are better, switching offensive/defensive mentality is back and shooting is really similar to Pes 2016, that is every long shot is a cannon ball with every player they tried to shoot, from every position they tried to shoot.
Thanks, same old story about shooting then... :THINK: is the best preview by far, from great players (like the actual double WC) and based on statistics and show the real face of PES 2017, the guys really enjoy the game but show what Konami need really work this summer.

After all, Konami do this playtest for that ;)

Great job ! is the best preview by far, from great players (like the actual double WC) and based on statistics and show the real face of PES 2017, the guys really enjoy the game but show what Konami need really work this summer.

Great job !

I agree, it's a balanced review which is more than happy to show the positives but also is honest about where it finds it needs improvements (as we've discussed, shooting variation and lofted through balls)
Because of the bad translation I can't understand everything about this article.
Did they say that the keepers are better now and that switching the mentallity is back and shooting is not much changed? Is that what they said?

They says that it's very very similar to PES 2016 in pratically all aspect, to not listen every "embelished" new features.
Same referee laxism, not flagrant evolution about ball control in general.
And that's only the start of the article... I'm scary to read the rest

BTW they're the most hardcore website i know (not only in France, internationnally) about some test people questionning if they really like video games or not is the best preview by far, from great players (like the actual double WC) and based on statistics and show the real face of PES 2017, the guys really enjoy the game but show what Konami need really work this summer.

Great job !

I can only hope they gave KONAMI feedback about shooting, but i fear that being the only playtesters mentioning the bad shooting they will not be taken in consideration. is the best preview by far, from great players (like the actual double WC) and based on statistics and show the real face of PES 2017, the guys really enjoy the game but show what Konami need really work this summer.

After all, Konami do this playtest for that ;)

Great job !

Yeah buddy, but they're at least 20 playtesters websites who said that "all is good", why Konami's gonna listen to the one and only

The majority always wins, even if they don't know what they talking about... And even, only one summer to fix things which was present from 3 years gonna be difficult

Edit: Gamekult (who said that it's a PES 2016 bis) have mentionned that the goalkeepers wasn't a bullshit feature, they have really reworked all.
They said it's not a joke, Gks have been really, really improved.
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Yeah buddy, but they're at least 20 playtesters websites who said that "all is good", why Konami's gonna listen to the one and only

The majority always wins, even if they don't know what they talking about... And even, only one summer to fix things which was present from 3 years gonna be difficult
Yes you right my friend (connard va) I hope Adam skype with Konami France yesterday, about Gamekult playtest the guy "Puyo" is a FIFA player (old PES fan) and he's so cynical, that make the preview obsolete to me.
They says that it's very very similar to PES 2016 in pratically all aspect, to not listen every "embelished" new features.
Same referee laxism, not flagrant evolution about ball control in general.
And that's only the start of the article... I'm scary to read the rest

BTW they're the most hardcore website i know (not only in France, internationnally) about some test people questionning if they really like video games or not

That sounds scary indeed! I have no problems with advertising a game, but it must be based on the truth and with PES that is not the case for years. Ofcourse, the previewers are also to blame. Many don't have time to go deeper into the game to make a proper judgement...
Yes you right my friend (connard va) I hope Adam skype with Konami France yesterday, about Gamekult playtest the guy "Puyo" is a FIFA player (old PES fan) and he's so cynical, that make the preview obsolete to me.

i thought that particular preview was devoid of any worthwhile content anyway, it didn't go into much detail
Yes you right my friend (connard va) I hope Adam skype with Konami France yesterday, about Gamekult playtest the guy "Puyo" is a FIFA player (old PES fan) and he's so cynical, that make the preview obsolete to me.

You're right Gamekult is not a reliable source i mentionned it (suce mon panzer dragon)
They can't understand what's changed in PES because they don't play it and understand it, because they're matrixed by Fifa.

Comparison is obsolete like you said.

So people, forget about Gamekult interest even if it's "negative feedback" that's not mean that the playtest is objective.
This website is well know to gives some weird and bad rating even to others good videogames.
Refers to and other dedicated objective websites instead.
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Yes you right my friend (connard va) I hope Adam skype with Konami France yesterday, about Gamekult playtest the guy "Puyo" is a FIFA player (old PES fan) and he's so cynical, that make the preview obsolete to me.

Yes, he is a Fifa player but he also gave Fifa 15 just a 6 in his review, saying it was one of the worst Fifa. So,to me he is unbiased, he is not influenced by the fact he is above all a Fifa player.
They says that it's very very similar to PES 2016 in pratically all aspect, to not listen every "embelished" new features.
Same referee laxism, not flagrant evolution about ball control in general.
And that's only the start of the article... I'm scary to read the rest

BTW they're the most hardcore website i know (not only in France, internationnally) about some test people questionning if they really like video games or not

It looks like they wont be invited to playtest PES 2018 next year. Lol

Sometimes I do think theres this on invitation letter: "rule number 1: you are not allowed to say anything negavtive about the game, you are ony allowed to say postive things even if they dont exist".

Only the demo will be ourtrue answer guys. Unfortunetly, we can not trust in community/press first impressions. They are all meant to create hype.
I dont know if they are creating hype or not, but if the half of those tweets and reviews are true, then it will be more than enough.
New stats : Body Control & Physical Contact

I don't know

They are not both new stats, Body Balance from last year is renamed to Physical Contact, and Body Control is new.
Physical Contact is higher for players who can often win physical duels. (Ibrahimović)
Body Control is higher for players who can keep the ball without falling over when barged into. (Messi)
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We had a lot more stats in past PES releases (PES 6 - 2013)

The question is though...did every single one really have an effect??

Except for the obvious ones like speed, kicking power, height etc.
They are not both new stats, Body Balance from last year is renamed to Physical Contact, and Body Control is new.
Physical Contact is higher for players who can often win physical duels. (Ibrahimović)
Body Control is higher for players who can keep the ball without falling over when barged into. (Messi)

Thats the exact description in the database editor. Are you an editor Panos? :D
Interesting statement from Glen of PESWorld on Twitter...

So apparently [people think] play testers aren't allowed to talk about #PES2017 listen there were very very very very few negatives if any at all... I've said personally I think refs need a tiny bit more work, besides that I found no other gripes and that's on my kids lives.

Nobody was told what or what not to say so people can stop with that utter bollocks. The general consensus between us was that konami....

...don't [usually] change or tweak anything in terms of gameplay. For the gameplay to be so solid at this early stage was brilliant.

If you know me you know I don't do the whole sucking up or kissin ass thing so how could anyone tell me what I can or can't say lol

konami want us to be very open about what we thought, I honestly struggled to find any negatives.

But then this is the guy who I mentioned a while ago (really talented kitmaker, whose stuff is great, but he posts screenshots of his ML career with scores like 6-1 and 5-0 and doesn't seem to have a problem with that)!
I'm very skeptical about PES return to its roots. I'm pretty sure that PES 2017 will be a PES 2016 with better graphics and new animations.

Shooting and passing, that are most important thing in a football game, will not be varied and contextual.

To make a good football game, you has to love the sport, have some knowledge about it. Seabass was a big football fan but this new Konami team, I have my doubts about it.

PS: Im playing First Touch Football for Android, and this mini game have a better passing and shooting system than PES 2016. How could this be!
I'm very skeptical about PES return to its roots. I'm pretty sure that PES 2017 will be a PES 2016 with better graphics and new animations.

Shooting and passing, that are most important thing in a football game, will not be varied and contextual.

To make a good football game, you has to love the sport, have some knowledge about it. Seabass was a big football fan but this new Konami team, I have my doubts about it.

PS: Im playing First Touch Football for Android, and this mini game have a better passing and shooting system than PES 2016. How could this be!

:TU: And that game even has a stadium creator :LOL:
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