PES 2017 PlayStation & Xbox Discussion Thread

It definetly is. Scored one with Suarez against Atletico two days ago (on top player). Distance was nearly 30 meters.

It is but both of mine have been due to appalling goalkeeping. One from Pogba was a belter straight at the keeper and went through his hands, i let him off as it was so fast.

Earlier I scored a goal like Alonso's last night, but the shot was tame, looping and very soft a simple catch for the keeper right to his waist. Except the keeper stooped down, and the ball went over his head gently and bounced in. It was dreadful goalkeeping, totally unrealistic.
Think I am done with the demo now. Hope the Full release fills me with more excitement.

I am just not turned on by this game as much as I expected and it all has to do with the AI and it's inability to CONSISTENTLY take me on and create scoring chances.

I am the type of player that uses lesser teams that will be a challenge to beat the likes of arsenal, Atletico and Barcelona should play in a way that fits their real life counterparts.

I don't understand the need to use custom cameras, manual settings and other things to make the AI create more scoring chances.

I hope to hell that come full release we have decent AI. Or I have that switch that goes off and it all comes together for me and PES2017
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Think I am done with the demo now. Hope the Full release fills me with more excitement.

I am just not turned on by this game as much as I expected and it all has to do with the AI and it's inability to CONSISTENTLY take me on and create scoring chances.

I am the type of player that uses lesser teams that will be a challenge to beat the likes of arsenal, Atletico and Barcelona should play in a way that fits their real life counterparts.

I don't understand the need to use custom cameras, manual settings and other things to make the AI create more scoring chances.

I hope to hell that come full release we have decent AI. Or I have that switch that goes off and it all comes together for me and PES2017

I understand.

I had that with PES 2011. The demo was a let down to me, but the full game turned out to be my favourite PES ever (can´t say though whether they changed the codes).
But it felt different playing as the standard team (Castolo etc) in the ML taking them from the 2nd division to the first.

I still like the demo of PES 2017 but I never have time playing it like 3 - 5 hours at a stretch.
I only find time for like, 2 or 3 matches and then real life calls.

Can´t say whether that is an advantage or not.
Think I am done with the demo now. Hope the Full release fills me with more excitement.

I am just not turned on by this game as much as I expected and it all has to do with the AI and it's inability to CONSISTENTLY take me on and create scoring chances.

I am the type of player that uses lesser teams that will be a challenge to beat the likes of arsenal, Atletico and Barcelona should play in a way that fits their real life counterparts.

I don't understand the need to use custom cameras, manual settings and other things to make the AI create more scoring chances.

I hope to hell that come full release we have decent AI. Or I have that switch that goes off and it all comes together for me and PES2017

I stopped playing it after 3 days and I'm back playing Ml 2016. .. the demo just doesn't give me that one more game feeling. .. it's odd I played Pes 2016 demo for weeks and it's supposedly an inferior game ... . hopefully the full game will have sorted out some issues.
I stopped playing it after 3 days and I'm back playing Ml 2016. .. the demo just doesn't give me that one more game feeling. .. it's odd I played Pes 2016 demo for weeks and it's supposedly an inferior game ... . hopefully the full game will have sorted out some issues.

really?! back to 2016?? hm... then have fun. 2016 wasnt made for me. ill give the 2017 a few more days. the last 3 days i had fun with it.

just a quick feedback on the 2017 demo:
i like it so far. its not a perfect game, but its better than 2016 for me. keepers are improved, refs are improved, AI is improved... well, all not fixed but improved! i like the direction 2017 is going...
had like 50+ matches and now im curious when it's getting boring again because there are still flaws in from years ago.

but so far: good demo! PES feeling from back in the days has returned. so much cool instances where beatifull stuff is happening on the pitch. the game is more fluid/organic. gfx are solid (not a priority for me).
shooting could be more varied, passing on manuell (L2) is fine, speed on regular is slower (like that), playing on top player and professional. i like the tactical stuff using these difficulty levels! cant wait to get home and play again. "just one more match" feeling is back! :D hope its gonna last forever!!!

lets hope for some small tweaks regarding the tactical stuff and AI behaviour on the pitch!
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I was in the middle of an Ml campaign on 2016 . .you're right the demo is far superior to 16 .. . I think I'm listening too much to 'experts' picking out faults . .sure we're all a little bit bipolar on these sites and I'll probably be back playing it and loving it by teatime lol. . .Top Player looks the best difficulty on the demo . . love a lot of things about the demo and I really believe the full game will be great . .. can't wait to start a Master League when I get it.
I was in the middle of an Ml campaign on 2016 . .you're right the demo is far superior to 16 .. . I think I'm listening too much to 'experts' picking out faults . .sure we're all a little bit bipolar on these sites and I'll probably be back playing it and loving it by teatime lol. . .Top Player looks the best difficulty on the demo . . love a lot of things about the demo and I really believe the full game will be great . .. can't wait to start a Master League when I get it.

yeah. im a little afraid its the placebo effect... the "new" game! right now it looks and feels to me as if some major flaws from 2016 are fixed in 2017. the longer i play the more i'll notice the flaws in 2017.
fingers crossed i enoy this version a bit longer than 2016 and 2015!!
After playing the demo and going back to 2016 (to finish my season with Bolton) I'm genuinely hating it. Strong words, and I wouldn't usually be so harsh, but that's the fact of it.

The response times, the directness, the same goals. 2017 is, at the very least, twice as good. It's a much easier game to enjoy playing, IMO.

That being said, Zee's comment about the difficulty has worried me, and I've realised that throughout my time with the demo, I don't think the AI has tonked me once, and it's not won very many. It's something along the lines of 8 wins, 15 draws, 3 losses.

The Master League will be a different kettle of fish I'm sure, but, I need to know...
After playing the demo and going back to 2016 (to finish my season with Bolton) I'm genuinely hating it. Strong words, and I wouldn't usually be so harsh, but that's the fact of it.

The response times, the directness, the same goals. 2017 is, at the very least, twice as good. It's a much easier game to enjoy playing, IMO.

That being said, Zee's comment about the difficulty has worried me, and I've realised that throughout my time with the demo, I don't think the AI has tonked me once, and it's not won very many. It's something along the lines of 8 wins, 15 draws, 3 losses.

The Master League will be a different kettle of fish I'm sure, but, I need to know...

Yeah Chris I just discovered that myself after one match back in Ml 2016 . .the demo is miles ahead of it and hopefully the game will be .. .Master League for a full year methinks.
Try Professional. Some of the experiences I've had with them is more "believable" in terms of football, versus video game. Top Player and Superstar are not difficult, the over-aggressive defending is counter productive actually. \

On Professional:

- Forces passes, gets deflected
- Multiple deflections in a row
- Poor long balls and through balls
- Clearing the ball
- Passing the ball backwards, including to the GK
- Moving ball from side to side vs Forward-Forward
- Att Level reacts to the flow of the match, regardless of minute (usually on higher levels, the only increase/decrease in levels is 70+ minute)

- Maintaining shape
- More standing fouls
- Moving up in press relative to ball's position

Here, from 2:16:30, a very fun match vs Flamengo, as Corinthians.

Throughout all my testing on Superstar and Top Player, Flamengo have started at "green" or level 3 defense. This is the first time that they actually have started on Level 4 defense.

This indicates to me that Professional is where they truly adapt to who they are playing. The CPU also plays much more controlled and make plenty of proper mistakes.

You can see they are actually "thinking" behind their build up, and not just blindly passing. I agree though, wish there was a bit more of a killer instinct.

Want to come back to this say your work is fucking incredible, mate. It is "constructive deconstruction" It doesn't ruin the game watching your output. You don't fuck about trying to dribble with the keeper or a CB, but instead comment on the games positives and negatives by simply playing the game like a football game and take it from there. Great stuff.


Sorry to sound like a broken record but difficulty will absolutely be impacted by camera angle used. I know folk will think it shouldn't be that way, but it is and will always be that way, be it PES, FIFA or whatever uber-AI you throw at a football game.

The PES' folk still go on about (me included, btw) were 4:3 CRT games, thus the angle and height of the camera used by...well, just about everybody, gave you a far smaller visual landscape to operate within. In the case of the now much heralded PES2013, the camera angles available were fairly restrictive too. 16:9 and HD have changed that dramatically - more than we would perhaps be willing to give credit for - to the point these games can feel "easy" the more you of the field you allow yourself to see. That coupled with you are pretty much controlling everything.

Matt's videos in which he uses broadcast (why can't they just implement that camera without the "cuts" when it goes near the touchline?) are a terrific example of how the game can not only look better, but offer a wee bit more of a challenge. I personally thought he was mad at first when I initially watched his streams but I get why he prefers a camera like that now.

Yes, it could be argued that one would be artificially making the game more challenging by using a specific camera that doesn't show the bigger picture, but I would say in reply that giving yourself as near as possible a birds eye view of proceedings will in fact makie the game easier. It can work both ways.
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Since I saw Matt 10 play Fifa in broadcast it's the only camera I use now in both games. I agree with Curdstar in that it really fucks your eyes with the silly panning in and out by bylines. But I do love this camera.

Played 2 games last night when back late from holiday. As I was tired I didn't enjoy it.

This morning woke up and played 2 using the South American teams. Lost 4-0 on professional and then replayed the game and drew 0-0. It was a good game.

This is better than PES16 by quite some distance. I'll play more today and over the weekend.

I really want to hammer this and Fifa demos before I decide what to get this year. Fifa has to blow me away for me to buy it at this stage.
what's the difference between basic and advanced shooting? i need to see a video on youtube maybe.

i can draw fouls at will now, if i tried i could probably draw 6 in the 10 min demo. i would have to make a video to show how, but pressing L2 when they get up on you helps.

this madness


btw i tried this year too, its op as hell. its like last year's basic shooting
You want claustrophobic sensation? You want sense of urgency? You want the challenge of situation after situation coming at your have? You want to feel like you ain't got time to lift your head to look at the field?

Try player cam, super star, full manual. Damn hectic.

Is it just me or Arsenal is indeed the hardest team to play against on this demo ?

Im playing them on Superstar level, manual passing and -1 speed, and I got to say, its been a bit frustrating.

Id like to challenge myself, so I always try to beat the hardest team in the hardest level and under the hardest conditions. Somehow Im finding playing at Camp Nou in day time harder with that aweful color pitch. I even passed the ball to the ref more than one time thinking he was one of my teammates lol: On the other hand, match between Franfe vs Germany on a rainy day is easier but beautiful to play at the same time.

Its way too hard to break Arsenal defend on superstar level with manual passing. Its hard to make quick short passes in tight spaces on manual, and their reaction time to cover space, cover the wings, block shots etc is a bit too much.

I played against AtlMadrid the other day on professional dificulty and the game seemed way morr balanced defensively, it still challengin to break their defence and the space given was just spot on. But against Arsenal on superstar it seems like every effort to create space on their defence is useless.
I beat them only one or two times...
Is it just me or Arsenal is indeed the hardest team to play against on this demo ?

Im playing them on Superstar level, manual passing and -1 speed, and I got to say, its been a bit frustrating.

Id like to challenge myself, so I always try to beat the hardest team in the hardest level and under the hardest conditions. Somehow Im finding playing at Camp Nou in day time harder with that aweful color pitch. I even passed the ball to the ref more than one time thinking he was one of my teammates lol: On the other hand, match between Franfe vs Germany on a rainy day is easier but beautiful to play at the same time.

Its way too hard to break Arsenal defend on superstar level with manual passing. Its hard to make quick short passes in tight spaces on manual, and their reaction time to cover space, cover the wings, block shots etc is a bit too much.

I played against AtlMadrid the other day on professional dificulty and the game seemed way morr balanced defensively, it still challengin to break their defence and the space given was just spot on. But against Arsenal on superstar it seems like every effort to create space on their defence is useless.
I beat them only one or two times...

IMO Atletico are the hardest. Playing away to them is brutal on superstar and manual passing.
So I'm someone who still owns PES 2016 and played it on and off through the year, I never took to ML mode last year because of the constant night games and ended up playing mostly custom leagues and cups using primarily the Asian CL teams, South American teams and plenty of European 2nd tier smaller teams.

So the new 2017 version is clearly far superior from the off, it's organic, offers far more unpredictable ball physics and passages of action - fouls and keepers are back at a level we need them to be.

So in terms of 'Evolution' and advancing the series it does that without doubt and whether it's enough advancement for you personally is another story - but either way it would surely be agreed by us all that it renders 'PES 2016' as a now defunct product of the past.

Right so now on to the things I jotted down in my head or noticed that 2017 needs to fix or backwards steps from last year's game.

My issues with the new game at this early stage primarily involve the art/graphics/lighting aspects far more than the gameplay.

Okay so for me personally the absolute WORST thing about this game and something that I can't believe there hasn't been more community outcry about ... The daytime lighting and grass colour/saturation is SHOCKINGLY BAD !

Overly sunbleached and washed out from the camera angles the player uses, yet when you are in replay mode the grass looks decent enough up close - it's something Konami have done in previous versions, they feel that when grass is viewed from a little distance away it suddenly loses all its 'Green' colouring.

I just can't believe we are back to moaning about turf saturation again as it has raised it's head in previous games/years and I thought after '2016' and stadiums like St. Jakob Park and many others that the Art team had sussed out how to correctly make grass look like grass.

It's inexcusable and ugly for the daytime lighting to look so shit after PES 2016 looked great for the most part in that area.

I'm not on Twitter but those that are need to hit up Mr. Bhatti and see if we can get the grass/turf colouring tweaked for the full game - not holding my breath though as in usual Konami fashion it's 2 steps forward and 1 back in many areas.

I also think they made the daytime games graphics look overly soft/fuzzy but yet the night time games look crisp.

Night time lighting seems better than last year's but still not sure on the nuclear green turf in use.

Not a fan of the change in lighting on Nou Camp when in the middle of the pitch it goes weird with the floodlights, can see what they were going for but it looks stupid and jarring to me.

I also noticed a shadow vignette effect on the far corners of the screen during gameplay, it seems like this effect is used in replays but is still present behind the game if you will during gameplay - you can see the filter in the corners and it's shadow/darkening.

I'm also not a fan of the new manual cursor and power bar in use for manual shots and passes but it's likely been done to make it more difficult as it's not as precise as the one in 2016.

Now on to some positive changes in the looks department - they finally got rid of reply angles that made the turf look flat and like indoor crown green bowls carpet - Bravo.

The new replays whilst still offering a lot of weird or awkward angles can occasionally looking life like and stunning albeit with just a bit too much motion blur and softening for my taste.

Not keen on the overly darkened 'highlights' too much saturation and contrast but again I can see what they were trying to do with it making it more movie like as seen in FIFA highlights and on TV with Sky sports at the end of a game.

The detail in the Camp Nou aerial shots is fantastic, the attention shown and draw distance put the alternative stadium flyovers in FIFA to shame.

I also must mention that Konami have FINALLY git rid of the 'noisy/crackling/fizzing' graphics that you have always seen in PES stadium roofs and rafters since the PS1 & PS2 days, now during the camera shots the stadium looks like a well rendered piece of architecture that's actually solid and exists in the game world.

Another small thing that is a game changer in the series for long time fans is when you pick a player to take off it now changes all the ratings on the fly for the subs to show their rating if they were to be brought on in that position - it's a small thing but it makes life easier and saves time highlighting each player individually.

As you see most of my concerns are from a graphical/art/lighting standpoint, which speaks volumes about the gameplay.

I could have moaned about foot planting and binary aerial challenges and the like but you know with age I accept Konami for what they are and these things will be done but over longer times and development - that's why it annoys me more than basic quick changes like getting the grass the right colour can't be sorted quickly by them.

Thanks for your time.
The game is enjoyable based on the demo but not sure its enough for me to buy aswell as Fifa.

I think the crossing is way to overpowered feels like every cross I do is super accurate and leads to a goal usually.

It is also nice to see the AI taking you out the AI can get aggressive but more importantly it seems the players who would characteristically be aggressive.
Finally conjured up the willpower to uninstall it up until release.

Just before I did however, I managed this beauty.

Seriously, if you don't play manual yet then please take the time to learn it. You will enjoy the game so much more (and if you don't, well you can always go back).

The satisfaction signalling Sanchez to make that run, and perfectly timing the advanced through ball cannot be matches.

Now if only I could master manual team mate controls...
This game and what I read on this forum, goes to show 2 things:

1. People will always complain
2. You can’t please everyone

The problem with this forum for me is that it reaffirms beliefs. You want something, you get it. Then you want it to be different. You write it here, people agree and those beliefs grow into bigger complaints. We need to enjoy and accept what is. The fact that some people don’t see this as miles better than 2016 frightens me and will actually go back playing 2016.

Our defience as PES fans is great. It kept us loving and passionate for a game that was shit for many, many years. But we must also just enjoy the good in some things without saying BUT or IF ONLY

I love evo-web though and everyone that posts here has a special place in my heart. ❤
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Yeah rocky sorry if I am coming across doom and gloom. I am reserving my judgement on PES regarding the AI when I okay the final product with all the bells and whistles and this much vaunted Adaptive AI

Agree with silver spider about the lighting it's really pretty bad. I don't understand how you make a game and go hmm that looks nice. Or is over saturation a thing that some people like and others dislike?

Anyway looking forward to release but when I load it up the first thing I am scrutinizing is the AI in a champions league campaign where I will be using the mighty FCB then maybe another with the mighty Leicester
The game is enjoyable based on the demo but not sure its enough for me to buy aswell as Fifa.

I think the crossing is way to overpowered feels like every cross I do is super accurate and leads to a goal usually.

It is also nice to see the AI taking you out the AI can get aggressive but more importantly it seems the players who would characteristically be aggressive.

sure they feel OP when you are using assists! its like playing a FPS and using auto-aim. or playing a racing game and using ABS or break assist. sure it feels easy. its because of the assisted settings!

try PA0 and/or L2! i do enjoy that way of playing PES. ...i try not to use any aids in games!
please give it a try. lower the difficulty if necessary.

@all: find the settings that suits you best! people think when they play the hardest difficulty they are the best! :)
It definetly is. Scored one with Suarez against Atletico two days ago (on top player). Distance was nearly 30 meters.

Thanks man. It would be a gamebreaker to me if the only way to score was from inside the box. The gameplay would became repetitive.

I will try again later.

Once again, thanks.
Is it just me or Arsenal is indeed the hardest team to play against on this demo ?

Im playing them on Superstar level, manual passing and -1 speed, and I got to say, its been a bit frustrating.

Id like to challenge myself, so I always try to beat the hardest team in the hardest level and under the hardest conditions. Somehow Im finding playing at Camp Nou in day time harder with that aweful color pitch. I even passed the ball to the ref more than one time thinking he was one of my teammates lol: On the other hand, match between Franfe vs Germany on a rainy day is easier but beautiful to play at the same time.

Its way too hard to break Arsenal defend on superstar level with manual passing. Its hard to make quick short passes in tight spaces on manual, and their reaction time to cover space, cover the wings, block shots etc is a bit too much.

I played against AtlMadrid the other day on professional dificulty and the game seemed way morr balanced defensively, it still challengin to break their defence and the space given was just spot on. But against Arsenal on superstar it seems like every effort to create space on their defence is useless.
I beat them only one or two times...

Fock me you're right lol. Can't beat them with Barca but then again I can't seem to use Barca properly. Im strongest with France on this demo. I'll try France vs Arsenal when I get home.
I manage to beat Arsenal, specially with barca, playing through the middle, but they are always tight games. They are difficult until you score the first one, because then they turn more aggressive towards attack and open more spaces.
OK gonna try full manual now.


Not bad at all still beating the com with less pass accuracy. They can't create any chances unless I place an errant pass

Edit again

Fuck I am loving this!
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Playing on top player

Won 1 lost 1

Amazing. The AI pass error increases as well.

I must say I am in honeymoon mode here again

I saved an almost goal with Iniesta. You appreciate every well placed throughball so much more now.
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