PES 2017 PlayStation & Xbox Discussion Thread

I play on professional, -1 speed.
As I stated before in some games I get fouled a lot and in some less.

I really like it like seems like it depends on AI and ref strictness.

I'm getting a lot of fouls but i'm thinking it must be my play style. I like to draw players in an beat them with a quick touch, shot fake etc.

The last game i had the cpu gave away 10 fouls. I took a screen shot because everyone was saying fouls were still too infrequent but not home at the moment to upload it.

The refs do struggle with slide tackles though, lots of clean ones getting punished which is irritating.
Thanks for checking it out. I only wish I could use these settings online. I will have to play a different way online, where seeing more of the pitch will be handy because it will be a speedfest lol.

I think I've used something like your setting before and enjoyed it. I will stick with the 6,2,7 for now as after a few games I found it was still really good to play with.

Always happy to try out camera angle settings that are more about trying to capture fluidity and pace that is to my liking. It is like I say, the default/wide/dynamic wide angles are essentially cheats in themselves and make the game at any level much easie, no matter pass assist settings or whatever.

My theory goes that while it is the case when I watch football I see all the space spread throughout the pitch during the play (which of course often has us scream at the TV saying such and such should have played it to whoever because he was in acres of space) the reality of football is that when playing you don't see all the space afforded to your teammates in certain situations. Even the absolute best players on the planet in real life don't always see it.

A camera set far away from the action in a football game in which your play is based on what you can see and have more or less full control of where to aim the ball means that it doesn't quite "simulate" the crowded, claustrophobic feeling you get when actually playing the sport. Reducing the height and zoom gives me more of that crowded, intense feeling and stops me constantly looking tens of yards from the player in possession for a teammate who is in space. I still do that via the odd glance at the radar (which I might actually switch off come release of the final game) but I do it less so, meaning my build up and just the overall feel and flow of the game seems more realistic. Bonus here as well is that using PA1 doesn't equate to it being plain sailing, and I can still use the manual modifier.

Probably already well known, but does anyone else use the manual modifier button, press L1 then hit circle? It is essentially a driven pass you can place anywhere as opposed to strictly a driven cross. Handy but can be a tad tricky to get right.

I love using the manual modifier when initiating 1-2's as well, especially the dynamic 1-2's in which I try to set the player off on a run but don't immediately return the ball to him and sometimes use it as a very handy decoy, or to try create nice passing moves and movement.
Very happy about that stadium list, good to see the Brazilian Stadia have been retained and glad to see the Flagship Stadia of Argentina back in the game too.

Barca fans should be very happy with them much requested myclub legends too I'm sure
Probably already well known, but does anyone else use the manual modifier button, press L1 then hit circle? It is essentially a driven pass you can place anywhere as opposed to strictly a driven cross. Handy but can be a tad tricky to get right.

Yip, when it comes off it is delicious and sometimes in conjunction with R2 to alter the height if need be.

Good points you made about camera and views affecting the overall difficulty one way or the other for the player.

I used 4-10-5 all the time on 2016 but tried Dynamic custom 10-8 on this and it's very different - it zooms in and out depending on the area if the pitch you are in and as you say could be labeled as 'helpful/easier' now that I can see so many more options around me that the other angle would have obscured.
Very happy about that stadium list, good to see the Brazilian Stadia have been retained and glad to see the Flagship Stadia of Argentina back in the game too.

Barca fans should be very happy with them much requested myclub legends too I'm sure

I wish we had them all though; Ronaldo, Romario, Stoichkov, Hagi, Zubizarreta, Guardiola, Kluivert, Koeman, Laudrup, De Boers, Cocu, Sergi, Nadal, Figo (don't get mad Barca fans), Etoo (still playing), Deco.

That's a lot of them but they're legends :D I'm sure there are tons more from the older generations I don't know of.
I wish we had them all though; Ronaldo, Romario, Stoichkov, Hagi, Zubizarreta, Guardiola, Kluivert, Koeman, Laudrup, De Boers, Cocu, Sergi, Nadal, Figo (don't get mad Barca fans), Etoo (still playing), Deco.

That's a lot of them but they're legends :D I'm sure there are tons more from the older generations I don't know of.
Do you play much myclub then? I'm sure Konami are very much aware and would like to indulge in as many legendary players as possible too, but I think it's a question of money and rights. I'm very surprised they signed who they did tbh.
It is such a good game but the thing that grates is the AI difficulty the way I breezed past atletico and Barca was astounding. The 3 front man for barca wee no match for me whatsoever. The only way they scored was when I mistimed a Suarez turn and he made me pay. The rest of the game I was all over them in midfield and had them pinned in their own box.

The way I handled the game more than the score was disconcerting. Of course against Human AI this is not going to be an issue but I can see the likes of ML youth winning Ballon d'or in the 3rd season :P I hope I am wrong here

Also I am getting a little annoyed with people on Twitter saying I must play manual for it to be a challenge. This is bullshit because I shouldn't handicap myself to make the game challenging

I firmly belive there is an issue on this demo in terms of a glitch in the difficulty. Will test it more the weekend.

How would you handicap yourself playing on Manual? It gives you more freedom and still factor in player individuality to a certain extend. Also I'd try different camera angles. I notice that many play on default camera. Use live broad cast, it takes the game to another level. Pls don't ask to make the game more difficult, I am struggling already on professional :)
I wish we had them all though; Ronaldo, Romario, Stoichkov, Hagi, Zubizarreta, Guardiola, Kluivert, Koeman, Laudrup, De Boers, Cocu, Sergi, Nadal, Figo (don't get mad Barca fans), Etoo (still playing), Deco.

That's a lot of them but they're legends :D I'm sure there are tons more from the older generations I don't know of.

If only they had a partnership with United. Think of all of the legends they could use! :YES:
I wish we had them all though; Ronaldo, Romario, Stoichkov, Hagi, Zubizarreta, Guardiola, Kluivert, Koeman, Laudrup, De Boers, Cocu, Sergi, Nadal, Figo (don't get mad Barca fans), Etoo (still playing), Deco.

That's a lot of them but they're legends :D I'm sure there are tons more from the older generations I don't know of.

Ah thanks lami lol!
Do you play much myclub then? I'm sure Konami are very much aware and would like to indulge in as many legendary players as possible too, but I think it's a question of money and rights. I'm very surprised they signed who they did tbh.

Don't my myclub much no. Was just hoping for a classic Barca team or some sort.

If only they had a partnership with United. Think of all of the legends they could use! :YES:

You know what, I'd honestly like a scenario mode like the old times but with classic matches.

Ah thanks lami lol!

How would you handicap yourself playing on Manual? It gives you more freedom and still factor in player individuality to a certain extend. Also I'd try different camera angles. I notice that many play on default camera. Use live broad cast, it takes the game to another level. Pls don't ask to make the game more difficult, I am struggling already on professional :)

:LOL: Sorry pal I am on the line with Kei and Seabass as we speak.

Official pes hasn't even acknowledged my concern.

I have to try this again tonight. I can't be the only one finding this issue. I am the last person who would nitpick PES but always call a fault.

I just don't belive I need to amend things in terms of cameras and pass settings to make the game harder to play becaus I might as well follow Gabe advice and blind fold myself. :D

I just can't believe people are finding this game difficult. I am going to stick it back on top player 1 bar and see what happens.
:LOL: Sorry pal I am on the line with Kei and Seabass as we speak.

Official pes hasn't even acknowledged my concern.

I have to try this again tonight. I can't be the only one finding this issue. I am the last person who would nitpick PES but always call a fault.

I just don't belive I need to amend things in terms of cameras and pass settings to make the game harder to play becaus I might as well follow Gabe advice and blind fold myself. :D

I just can't believe people are finding this game difficult. I am going to stick it back on top player 1 bar and see what happens.

Try Professional. Some of the experiences I've had with them is more "believable" in terms of football, versus video game. Top Player and Superstar are not difficult, the over-aggressive defending is counter productive actually. \

On Professional:

- Forces passes, gets deflected
- Multiple deflections in a row
- Poor long balls and through balls
- Clearing the ball
- Passing the ball backwards, including to the GK
- Moving ball from side to side vs Forward-Forward
- Att Level reacts to the flow of the match, regardless of minute (usually on higher levels, the only increase/decrease in levels is 70+ minute)

- Maintaining shape
- More standing fouls
- Moving up in press relative to ball's position

Here, from 2:16:30, a very fun match vs Flamengo, as Corinthians.

Throughout all my testing on Superstar and Top Player, Flamengo have started at "green" or level 3 defense. This is the first time that they actually have started on Level 4 defense.

This indicates to me that Professional is where they truly adapt to who they are playing. The CPU also plays much more controlled and make plenty of proper mistakes.

You can see they are actually "thinking" behind their build up, and not just blindly passing. I agree though, wish there was a bit more of a killer instinct.
Haha I'm glad you finally got to play it. Do you play it on PC?

Used to play it on PS4. Actually I bought a PS4 JUST for PES 2015 (remember how Konami were hyping the PS4 version of that game, putting it above all the other versions?). Then switched to PC for the modding.
Bought PES 2016 for PS4, loved it the first 3 months. Then switched to PC for the modding. Then sold the PS4 because I started to hate PES 2016 badly.

I did say once you go past the archaic animations you'd find this a good game unlike 2016 ;)

Yes indeed my friend you did say that. However, I think it's too much to overlook when one is going to spend a lot of money on a Console for a game. It'd be one thing for me to overlook the fact that I hate the current cameras. Or the turf colors. Or most of the game modes. But animations? It's too big a deal for me.

Tbh I'm just glad I finally have a "proper" (still not perfect) PES football game to play without all the silly things that's been plaguing the older versions.

Hopefully it lasts for you then! I'm actually glad everyone is so happy with this PES, even if I'm not. I'm sure this will make PES bigger for next year. It's always best and easier to grow from positive reviews than to having to re-build from scratch because it was torn apart.
I hope that "Sports Park" its a small stadium suitable for low tier teams

That would be cool, but i also hope it's maybe the training mode stadium we used to have a few years back, i liked playing in it sometimes. It does sound like it, but who knows.
I did say once you go past the archaic animations you'd find this a good game unlike 2016 ;)
Yes indeed my friend you did say that. However, I think it's too much to overlook when one is going to spend a lot of money on a Console for a game. It'd be one thing for me to overlook the fact that I hate the current cameras. Or the turf colors. Or most of the game modes. But animations? It's too big a deal for me.
This is worth discussing, I think.

PES isn't an indie game, but it's not got a team the size of FIFA's working on it either. It has some of the traits of an indie game - great gameplay, lots to enjoy, but lots of small shortcomings that add up to frustration for some of us (poor/slow-mo animations, poor/laggy online play looking at last year's game, locked cameras online, etc.).

No Man's Sky is a full-price game from a small team and it's getting ripped apart for not having enough content, poor graphics etc. - the general opinion is that it should have been a lot cheaper. Could the same be said about PES? Gameplay is what's important but in 2016, from a household name games developer and publisher, we expect a full package, surely?

(Just a topic worth discussing, I reckon - if PES was sold any cheaper, I don't think the sales numbers would change drastically, and so Konami would make even less money, and that would put the future of PES in doubt. Just playing devil's advocate, I think it's a great point that some people, even if the gameplay is great, would rightly decide that £50 - in the UK anyway - is too much.)
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It's a substantial improvement over PES16 for me, but I'm still probably gonna play FIFA17. Still a long way to go in terms of animations and physics, fixing the clunky feel (especially tackling which feels so damn weird), a lack of individualism/key stats.

Also - what's with Messi playing like a complete retard under the AI, just dribbles in a straight line down the wing until he loses it. Is this PES' idea of "Player ID"? They did a better job of replicating player style in PES11 with the player cards.

And as usual the hardest difficult feels frustrating to play against because it seems cheat, but the next level down is way too easy. fml
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This is worth discussing, I think.

PES isn't an indie game, but it's not got a team the size of FIFA's working on it either. It has some of the traits of an indie game - great gameplay, lots to enjoy, but lots of small shortcomings that add up to frustration for some of us (poor/slow-mo animations, poor/laggy online play looking at last year's game, locked cameras online, etc.).

No Man's Sky is a full-price game from a small team and it's getting ripped apart for not having enough content, poor graphics etc. - the general opinion is that it should have been a lot cheaper. Could the same be said about PES? Gameplay is what's important but in 2016, from a household name games developer and publisher, we expect a full package, surely?

(Just a topic worth discussing, I reckon - if PES was sold any cheaper, I don't think the sales numbers would change drastically, and so Konami would make even less money, and that would put the future of PES in doubt. Just playing devil's advocate, I think it's a great point that some people, even if the gameplay is great, would rightly decide that £50 - in the UK anyway - is too much.)

Why not?
I think the price affects how you perceive the product at hand.
Plus, PES will be out almost two weeks before FIFA. Wouldn't a FIFA player buy it knowing it's a lot cheaper? At least to kill time until FIFA comes out?. Wouldn't a PES player appreciate the game even more knowing the price is lower?.

It's one thing to say "F! this game! You can't do this and that. Animations look dated, game modes lack depth, etc, and it's as expensive as a first-line game! It's too expensive considering what it brings to the table".

And it's a whole different thing to say "Well... it's a good game given what it costs. Could be better here and there, but for that price, I'm happy".

I can`t stop playing this game. every game feels different in it`s own way. I can imagine master league with default players, struggling to enter first division, first european match... it`s like the old times :) only thing that is missing is stadium editor, to start with small stadium and after 3-4 seasons to increase the capacity of the stadoum in edit mode :) I hope that we can use all 30 stadiums for european competitions. however the gameplay this year is enough to enjoy the game for whole year. full game can`t come soon enough :)
Just played a brutal game against Athletico (Ai), Ref handed out 5 yellow and 1 red card to them. Any doubts by the community about lack of fouls can be put to rest.

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Is there finally a good nba 2k style camera? Where it is behind the player, slightly overhead, zoomed out enough so that you can see your teammates? With an option to reverse when possession changes?
So at 0 - 0 with Boca against Barca, I notice that Barca are not going below level 3 attack/defence like most teams. This makes me hope that this is something that can be fine tuned with tactics!
I think you have the whole manual controls thing wrong. Is not about making the game harder. At least not to me. To me is about having direct control of the weight of each pass. Is not just about aiming each pass where I want to. I also believe the game looks a little bit more real with the way I play using manual passing.

What I'd advise anyone not used to manual passing to do is to bump down the difficulty you're used to playing, to get used to the controls, and when you're ready just go back to the difficulty you like to play in. So if you're playing on Superstar with PA on 1, try manual on Top player or even Professional.
Try people. Please give it a try!!
You'll also notice the AI behave more real. The attack/defense transition is better.
I wish we had them all though; Ronaldo, Romario, Stoichkov, Hagi, Zubizarreta, Guardiola, Kluivert, Koeman, Laudrup, De Boers, Cocu, Sergi, Nadal, Figo (don't get mad Barca fans), Etoo (still playing), Deco.

That's a lot of them but they're legends :D I'm sure there are tons more from the older generations I don't know of.

Love the new legends. Want even more and for all modes!
I wish we had them all though; Ronaldo, Romario, Stoichkov, Hagi, Zubizarreta, Guardiola, Kluivert, Koeman, Laudrup, De Boers, Cocu, Sergi, Nadal, Figo (don't get mad Barca fans), Etoo (still playing), Deco.

That's a lot of them but they're legends :D I'm sure there are tons more from the older generations I don't know of.


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