PES 2017 PlayStation & Xbox Discussion Thread

Agreed. Did you see the video I posted on Twitter? The keeper dives, gets a hand to it and turns it onto the post but the ball still goes in. In the past, the ball would have gone in and the keeper would have made a token dive even though you knew the shot wasn't ever going to be saved.

Try out the 6,2,7 camera setting and tell me what you think.

Tried these camera settings after playing with 3, 3, 4 for the most part.

Pretty good it has to be said and a decent alternate to mine.

Difficulty in this game will be affected by camera angle. If you play with dynamic wide, or indeed any camera that gives you a wider view of the pitch, it is going to be easier.
i can't believe no one mentioned right stick cursor switching is more responsive, like the other game......

i'm switching very easily to the correct player.
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My honeymoon isn't over. I'm in love with this demo. I can't understand some criticism. If this is not the closest representation of football.... then I wan't to know which game is better.

There are two main problems when people compares PS2 games and this demo:

- In PS2 era games you can't have manual passing. The controls were sweet because the passing didn't depend much of gamers ability. Now players play on manual and can't feel the same. If you play the demo on 1 level passing assistance the old magic is back.

- The uncanny valley is a problem now. The closest to reality in models, animations, etc. the worse to feel the magic. It's like in history of painting. PS2 games were impresionists, now games are realist.
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Sounds like the honeymoon is over already . . . it lasted a couple of days and now opinions have changed. Last years demo lasted a few weeks even though it's supposedly a worse game. .. . one consolation the full game last year was different from the demo, I actually didn't like this demo when I played it first but I still think it's gonna be a decent game. I noticed the criticism and nitpicking gets more technical each year. .waiting for the perfect game? Never gonna happen.

It is such a good game but the thing that grates is the AI difficulty the way I breezed past atletico and Barca was astounding. The 3 front man for barca wee no match for me whatsoever. The only way they scored was when I mistimed a Suarez turn and he made me pay. The rest of the game I was all over them in midfield and had them pinned in their own box.

The way I handled the game more than the score was disconcerting. Of course against Human AI this is not going to be an issue but I can see the likes of ML youth winning Ballon d'or in the 3rd season :P I hope I am wrong here

Also I am getting a little annoyed with people on Twitter saying I must play manual for it to be a challenge. This is bullshit because I shouldn't handicap myself to make the game challenging

I firmly belive there is an issue on this demo in terms of a glitch in the difficulty. Will test it more the weekend.
I acctually thinks PA 1 is slightly less assisted than last year which is good news but the problem is'nt so much that it is easy to ping pong (although that remains to be seen for online of course) it but the fact that the player to often just does'nt pass to the player I want, even though I clearly direct the pass with the left stick. I find myself using L2- passing much more than I should have to.

Really hope that the Brazilian League gets the same treatment, quite a few nice teams there to use.
It is such a good game but the thing that grates is the AI difficulty the way I breezed past atletico and Barca was astounding. The 3 front man for barca wee no match for me whatsoever. The only way they scored was when I mistimed a Suarez turn and he made me pay. The rest of the game I was all over them in midfield and had them pinned in their own box.

The way I handled the game more than the score was disconcerting. Of course against Human AI this is not going to be an issue but I can see the likes of ML youth winning Ballon d'or in the 3rd season :P I hope I am wrong here

Also I am getting a little annoyed with people on Twitter saying I must play manual for it to be a challenge. This is bullshit because I shouldn't handicap myself to make the game challenging

I firmly belive there is an issue on this demo in terms of a glitch in the difficulty. Will test it more the weekend.

I have a feeling it won't be like that in the full game or a quick patch to sort it a week or so later . ..I wouldn't tell anyone what way to play the game even though I'm a manual man .. .most people are saying that level one passing is best in the demo.
I think that the full version will have a more competitive CPU AI.

p.s. I have not yet tested Superstar, i only play on top player with full manual.
Is gamespeed slower or is it just me? I'll play this more then back to PES default to compare.

game speed on winning 11 seems same at 0.. i haven't really checked it out though. will keep playing both to see.

but AI is different. I am experiencing better games on winning 11 professional difficulty :BOP:
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game speed on winning 11 seems same at 0.. i haven't really checked it out though. will keep playing both to see.

but AI is different. I am experiencing better games on winning 11 professional difficulty :BOP:

Yes it's me. It's the same. Messi is a skating machine.
Please define the "different AI"......

need more time to pick it apart.

download it and see.. I only play on professional level.

ok, i can touch on one thing i noticed right away.
playing against Barca, running down the wing they would slide tackle me perfectly and win the ball every time. "I'll make a video of it for proof."
in winning 11 they don't even try to slide tackle me at all.
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need more time to pick it apart.

download it and see.. I only play on professional level.
I'm finding every match on the demo is a little bit different, so you're going to have to provide something concrete to convince that a different region has different gameplay! That's a lot of coding effort for no real sales-affecting reason in this day and age!

(Though if Superstar was more difficult in the Japanese release, that would be useful for those finding it too easy...)
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I was going to complain that my shots are always floaty and I seem to hit the bar a lot... then I found out I should have been putting my shots on manual and not advanced. Much better now :D

One of my complaints so far as far as CPU goes is that the defence/attack levels are a bit too uniform. If I have the ball they set it to level 2, if they have the ball, then level 4. I guess this is what people having been complaining about mostly?

It's not a game breaker though. Every game I have had so far has felt unique. Considering I was playing 2016 still up until a couple of weeks ago, i'm sure what I have seen so far will satisfy me for the year.

I'm wondering with option file sharing back, will we also be able to set up tactics for each team? Will be amazing if we can get some proper tactics set up for every team in the game.
There's only one annoying thing in the game for me . .it's when you break down the attack of say Barca and you are bringing the ball out to midfield .5 or 6 players herd after you in a bunch . .looks awful. .like schoolboy football.

Apart from that the 4 things which I think are great in the game.

Refs,I love their unpredictability and they get most things right.

Passes off the ground and crosses . .beautiful curl on the ball.

Dribbling, love the speed of a little swerve.

Keepers, feel fairly safe with them in goal now.
I was going to complain that my shots are always floaty and I seem to hit the bar a lot... then I found out I should have been putting my shots on manual and not advanced. Much better now :D

One of my complaints so far as far as CPU goes is that the defence/attack levels are a bit too uniform. If I have the ball they set it to level 2, if they have the ball, then level 4. I guess this is what people having been complaining about mostly?

It's not a game breaker though. Every game I have had so far has felt unique. Considering I was playing 2016 still up until a couple of weeks ago, i'm sure what I have seen so far will satisfy me for the year.

I'm wondering with option file sharing back, will we also be able to set up tactics for each team? Will be amazing if we can get some proper tactics set up for every team in the game.

I never understood advanced shooting. It never worked for me.

And regarding refs, can someone please tell me how to win fouls? Do you guys dive or something? :P I think the refs hate me. I get 0-1 fouls per game. I was playing on Top Player and now back to Professional again. All the same. Maybe you're all on superstar and default speed and that makes a difference?
There's only one annoying thing in the game for me . .it's when you break down the attack of say Barca and you are bringing the ball out to midfield .5 or 6 players herd after you in a bunch . .looks awful. .like schoolboy football.
Yeah, I agree with that. The issue I have isn't that Superstar is too hard - I'm not that good! - but that I'm always, constantly, under pressure from a player. If not a herd of players.

But playing in the ML will be a different kettle of fish, I reckon. There will be a balance to be had. And as Woodzy just said:

I'm wondering with option file sharing back, will we also be able to set up tactics for each team? Will be amazing if we can get some proper tactics set up for every team in the game.
Imagine if the guys who put the option files together can include realistic tactics for every team. The game would be incredible.

And regarding refs, can someone please tell me how to win fouls? Do you guys dive or something? :P I think the refs hate me. I get 0-1 fouls per game. I was playing on Top Player and now back to Professional again. All the same. Maybe you're all on superstar and default speed and that makes a difference?
I'm getting fouled twice a game on average, I reckon. Which, along with the three fouls I commit per game on average, is enough for me (remember that the game is a highlights package, not 90 minutes condensed with every occurrence, and I reckon five fouls per game is about right for that).

But yeah, I'm playing on Superstar and default speed, which may (or may not) contribute to it.
I never understood advanced shooting. It never worked for me.

And regarding refs, can someone please tell me how to win fouls? Do you guys dive or something? :P I think the refs hate me. I get 0-1 fouls per game. I was playing on Top Player and now back to Professional again. All the same. Maybe you're all on superstar and default speed and that makes a difference?

I play on professional, -1 speed.
As I stated before in some games I get fouled a lot and in some less.

I really like it like seems like it depends on AI and ref strictness.
It is such a good game but the thing that grates is the AI difficulty the way I breezed past atletico and Barca was astounding. The 3 front man for barca wee no match for me whatsoever. The only way they scored was when I mistimed a Suarez turn and he made me pay. The rest of the game I was all over them in midfield and had them pinned in their own box.

The way I handled the game more than the score was disconcerting. Of course against Human AI this is not going to be an issue but I can see the likes of ML youth winning Ballon d'or in the 3rd season :P I hope I am wrong here

Also I am getting a little annoyed with people on Twitter saying I must play manual for it to be a challenge. This is bullshit because I shouldn't handicap myself to make the game challenging

I firmly belive there is an issue on this demo in terms of a glitch in the difficulty. Will test it more the weekend.

Exactly how I feel. I tried manual for a few matches but I simply don't have the time to master them and like you say, why should I make the game harder for myself? I already play on Superstar.

Goals are still way too easy to score from long range, regardless of player. The visuals are so dated as well, I'm already getting fed up with the slow loading times and terrible replays.

So that, coupled with an extreme lack of fouls and the CPU constantly scoring low shots past my GK like in the last few PES games and I'm already getting bored.

It could be so, soooooo good but it's still a million miles away. Scoring goals still feels...empty, almost like it's automated and happens a split second before it is supposed to. Hopefully the full game is better because I usually buy both FIFA and this every year.
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I feel many of those issues you guys are experiencing are related to tactics. For example I'm almost sure the number of AI fouls strongly depend on the pressure type, is it Aggressive or Conservative, o defence style, is it Front line pressure or All-out defence.

I also think the later heavily influences the problem of retreating defences.
I think Konami made a big mistake in not allowing us to change formations etc in the demo.

It is forcing us into a certain way of playing the game and I would rather tinker and find what is right for me.

Would definitely make things more enjoyable imo.
Okay, so that was the best 0-0 I have played in any football game for a long time. Decent spread of possession, okay foul count, pass completion rate (76% me v. 75% AI) efforts on goal, and just all round ebb and flow really.

Default speed. Top Player. Camera set to 4, 3, 4. PA 1 and basic shooting.

Just bloody good and immersive fun that game. I was Boca v. Atletico Madrid.
Exactly how I feel. I tried manual for a few matches but I simply don't have the time to master them and like you say, why should I make the game harder for myself? I already play on Superstar.

Goals are still way too easy to score from long range, regardless of player. The visuals are so dated as well, I'm already getting fed up with the slow loading times and terrible replays.

So that, coupled with an extreme lack of fouls and the CPU constantly scoring low shots past my GK like in the last few PES games and I'm already getting bored.

It could be so, soooooo good but it's still a million miles away. Scoring goals still feels...empty, almost like it's automated and happens a split second before it is supposed to. Hopefully the full game is better because I usually buy both FIFA and this every year.

Are you playing on Xbox?
Tried these camera settings after playing with 3, 3, 4 for the most part.

Pretty good it has to be said and a decent alternate to mine.

Difficulty in this game will be affected by camera angle. If you play with dynamic wide, or indeed any camera that gives you a wider view of the pitch, it is going to be easier.

Thanks for checking it out. I only wish I could use these settings online. I will have to play a different way online, where seeing more of the pitch will be handy because it will be a speedfest lol.

I think I've used something like your setting before and enjoyed it. I will stick with the 6,2,7 for now as after a few games I found it was still really good to play with.
Exactly how I feel. I tried manual for a few matches but I simply don't have the time to master them and like you say, why should I make the game harder for myself? I already play on Superstar.

Goals are still way too easy to score from long range, regardless of player. The visuals are so dated as well, I'm already getting fed up with the slow loading times and terrible replays.

So that, coupled with an extreme lack of fouls and the CPU constantly scoring low shots past my GK like in the last few PES games and I'm already getting bored.

It could be so, soooooo good but it's still a million miles away. Scoring goals still feels...empty, almost like it's automated and happens a split second before it is supposed to. Hopefully the full game is better because I usually buy both FIFA and this every year.

I think you have the whole manual controls thing wrong. Is not about making the game harder. At least not to me. To me is about having direct control of the weight of each pass. Is not just about aiming each pass where I want to. I also believe the game looks a little bit more real with the way I play using manual passing.

What I'd advise anyone not used to manual passing to do is to bump down the difficulty you're used to playing, to get used to the controls, and when you're ready just go back to the difficulty you like to play in. So if you're playing on Superstar with PA on 1, try manual on Top player or even Professional.
The most annoying thing with the game for me is how slow your player reacts when you lose the ball, you know the stumble animation, and how fast you can dribble with some players. Balance that out and I can see myself playing this for a while because I find the game addicting. One thing that may keep me from playing a full season is the lack of injuries (STILL?). I've had some players recieving treatment, but I haven't been forced to make a sub yet because of an injured player. For me it's a big deal because I like when I'm being forced to change my team in the middle of the season or so.
Played some more games and seeing more fouls , couple of obstruction and one game the AI was diving in with loads of slides..however the refs are incredibly iffy..a lot not all off the ball assaults are still missed and the advantage rule is all wrong ..that stumbling animation on the edge of the box also cost me a goal so I turned it off infuriated
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