PES 2017 PlayStation & Xbox Discussion Thread

And my bitching keeps coming.
On assisted passing,what's the "right" level has to be very subjective?
Meaning,what's right for you,might not be right for 75 000 others and the other way around.
So how should/could Konami make that perfect?
Just because you think it's overpowerd,some might not?
Just like the shooting,I think that's quite good in 17, and some don't

Of course it's subjective. I like to play online for example, since the AI gets boring quick, for me at least. When set to PA 1 and "similar settings" for Online divisions it's, for me at least, totally unplayable cos of the passing being so assisted, people ping pong it like a rocket without any football being played. And thats ok! If u like that, go nuts. I have played manual and its great but less opponents to get matched with. Also the players sometimes feel to similar. Therefore I would like something inbetween and I was hoping for 2017 to deliver that. Hopefully it does. So if thats moaning, fine. ;)

O and btw; Heja Peking! :D
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A quote from another forum

"also worried about the new fouls, obviously been added because people moaning about never being fouled by cpu, but for Team Play online this could cause start stop games as with Legends you dont get much time on the ball and any slight knock now is a foul"


What an idiotic comment (the one you quoted). All that means is that you can no longer be a pressure whore, and you actually have to think before you dive into a tackle. Heaven forbid the game is more realistic in that sense. I supposed they'd prefer to slide tackle their way down the pitch, or sprint full speed into an opposing player to dispossess them without any repercussions. Like you said, don't listen to that guy!

Here's the thing, I think some of these people fail to realize how a more "realistic" referee affects the flow of the game, and how you approach it. It changes the dynamics of a match quite a bit because you can't employ cheese pressure tactics as easily as you can in say, 2016. The way you close down opposition, the way you hold up the ball (since you can draw fouls on a more frequent basis now), and the fact that it helps reduce the frantic pace of the match because you can't run around sprinting into people like a homing missle. Fouls are a part of the game, just like real football. Adjust your play style accordingly. Sometimes I wonder if these people even watch it.
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A quote from another forum

"also worried about the new fouls, obviously been added because people moaning about never being fouled by cpu, but for Team Play online this could cause start stop games as with Legends you dont get much time on the ball and any slight knock now is a foul"

No, no, no and no... Go play some shity mobile phone game...
It's explained in the PES 2014 trailer, at 4:15:
So really, it's more about how the players react, not about their abilities being affected in a significant way?

I've always thought that it meant, for example, a player who missed an easy goal opportunity would find it harder to score for the rest of the game because of nerves.

That's a shame!
So really, it's more about how the players react, not about their abilities being affected in a significant way?

I've always thought that it meant, for example, a player who missed an easy goal opportunity would find it harder to score for the rest of the game because of nerves.

That's a shame!

Seems like that.

I always thought the same. :D
Of course it's subjective. I like to play online for example, since the AI gets boring quick, for me at least. When set to PA 1 and "similar settings" for Online divisions it's, for me at least, totally unplayable cos of the passing being so assisted, people ping pong it like a rocket without any football being played. And thats ok! If u like that, go nuts. I have played manual and its great but less opponents to get matched with. Also the players sometimes feel to similar. Therefore I would like something inbetween and I was hoping for 2017 to deliver that. Hopefully it does. So if thats moaning, fine. ;)

O and btw; Heja Peking! :D
F U :)
Kidding,were swedes, internal banter only.
You know what,didn't even think about online,and yeah,you're right there.
So my bad buddy
Well I lasted one half and chickened back to level 1 pass and basic shooting :LOL:

And erm, I switched to -2 speed! Don't know how you guys can play on default.
I hear ya,guess it's a tough one.
I play on -1, feels good to me,and basic shooting for this one.
One thing I like is,even though you play on slower speeds,doesn't effect players as much as in 16, reaction and so on
You might notice that there are different levels of assist. Nothing wrong with thinking that there should be a level between manual and the current level 1 assist.
It's not a case of learning to play manual either, most people who 'moan' about pass assist 1 probably play manual alot anyway - but it's not an ideal solution since it basically removes player stats
Hear what you're saying,just very tricky getting assisted level right,there's probably as many opinions on what's right or not for assisted pass level 1-3, as there are users of them?
That's my point,wasn't clear on that with my post,made it clearer in my following one.
And of course didn't even realise or think about the online gamers.
So,hear you
I'm not gonna play the demo too long, not because it's bad (not at all) but i want a fresh air when i'm gonna buy the full package, like someone already said in the thread.
Doing the same every year, few hour demo of PES and Fifa then delete and wait
NO NO NO NO, Zee don't ask for that we'll return to floating shots that were the equivalent of a wet fart in a storm..:RANT:

:COAT: But it's so rocket like takes all the thrill out of scoring a long range belter should I score one

I had an oooh jump up moment with Riverplate vs Boca 0-0

Last minute my LB cut in and played a nice lowish cross in the danger zone between the defence and keeper and at a perfect pace to cause havoc.
My striker (think it's Mora) beat the defender and the keeper to it from about 7 yards out the keeper went down anticipating the shit about to come

Mora struck - the rushing almost falling keeper flapped it onto the cross bar and out it rolled for my LB and other BOCA defensive player to try and pick up which led to Boca clearing the ball

Was a proper football moment, nothing felt cheap even the amount of power the defensive player got rushing to clear it out. exhilarating stuff.
can anyone confirm this: gc demo code = psn demo code = retail code?! no d1 patch confirmed!?
i need to know for sure! thank you guys!
No day 1 patch? That's impossible nowadays, expect a 10gb day 1 patch with lots of missing stuff from disk, but i hope gameplay stays the same.
I'm enjoying the demo so far. I could make further analysis but the language barrier discourage me.

Anyway, i love the general feeling of the game, the defensive AI, the new tactics, individuality, better goalkeepers together with the slightly better shooting, make scoring goal more rewarding.

Is the game perfect? No it's not. But for the first time after many years i feel

that the PES is in the right direction.

What pes team should improve? Even more the passing and shooting trajectories. Moreover the attacking AI should be more intelligent with more variety.

And for the next years i'd like to see a ball shielding feature, better footplanting and collision system, more players to battle for the ball when in the air. Not only 1vs1 situations.
I'm having 2011 mlo moments with this demo :)
I'm going to have to stop playing it, I don't want to spoil all the surprises for the full release and I've got a PES 2016 ML season I really wanted to finish (but feel very little motivation for now).

I'll play it a little more tonight, then retire it until the FIFA demo comes out (for comparison purposes), then re-retire it for... THREE WEEKS?! FUCK! I thought the release date was sooner than that.
I'm just enjoying utilizing the players I have at my disposal. Ozil and Sanchez really stand out. Sanchez has fantastic control, good pace, and can easily cut inside. When I get him on the ball I think, "Right, I can make something happen here" and I get a sense of optimism with my play. I find that players like Giroud will have a poor touch now and again, but he's big, and strong and can hold up the ball well to allow others into the play. It's very satisfying starting a counter by receiving the ball with my back to goal with Giroud, and then completely out muscling the opposition defender so I can turn into space, or play it out wide.
Bringing on Walcott late in a match to stretch/run at the defense.

These sorts of things were noticeable in previous iterations, but it's much more pronounced in 2017. More to the point, it's more satisfying because the game itself has been improved upon greatly. Everything feels so much "tighter" and responsive. And the big one of course is the CPU AI. When you have cheap, easy exploitable AI that doesn't demand your attention (2016) individuality, and how you go about taking advantage of it is less important. As in, since I find CPU to be much more challenging in 2017 I'm looking to utilize every single advantage (in terms of team/player individuality) I can. Does that make sense? It has more of an impact because it's required due to the improved AI. In 2016 I can 1-2, or sprint up the middle of the pitch with very little resistance, and the majority of the goals I'd concede would be ridiculous over the top through balls which would be slotted perfectly into the bottom corner.
I agree with Lami,on default it's too fast and passes gets passed around like a rocket, on -2 I see the individuality between players a lot more in all areas.
love the demo so far,my only problem is the speed because play alot myclub and i think is fast for online and i feel that you can defend very automatic or is my idea?and one question if anyone can help,what to expect from patches?how many leagues?sorry for my english
just played 5 games full manual against professional difficulty , lost the 5 games but the smile on my face is huge!! finally time to put away pes 6 and buy a new ps4, finally konami have made a worthy successor to the ps2 games
Guys some info here. How do you make:
-Jockey defence like fifa
-Command a teamate to make a run into space
-forward the ball away while running

Played some games. -2 speed is like replay slow, passing is awful, shooting on manual very difficult, still robotic animations, weird big shorts and hips on all players. Its an improvement from 16 for sure, but its miles away in every category even from fifa16 on slow/manual. I cant even imagine from fifa17...

And something last: The full manual you are saying is shit...No real manual except if you press L2 all the time which is impossible to do in the whole game. Konami should consider, putting clean manual without L2 like fifa.
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I don't see what is so different from PES 2016? I must have played over 30 matches now.

Not getting enough fouls awarded still.

Can't make my mind up on this just yet.
Guys some info here. How do you make:
-Jockey defence like fifa
-Command a teamate to make a run into space
-forward the ball away while running

-Hold R2
-L1 and press down right stick I think
-double press R1

I think I'm getting this right, it's so automatic that I don't think about the buttons I am pressing

I'm thinking of sending Adam að strongly worded tweet... Not a big deal I suppose but
Some of them are even exactly reversed from before. Why? Why would they do that?
First game down and i love the pace and the feel of the game. Great stuff
Yes the pace and the feel of the game is spot on, i love that its harder to score and to shoot, the defence has awareness now, gone are they days of empty newyork streets in midfield, its all about how you counter the game of the opponent,u will find space in midfield now only when ur opponent already has his all men forward in an attack and u broke away the ball, then its a joy to go on a counter in midfield as u feel the space to exploit either middle or on the wings, i simply hope konami keeps the same code fkr the final product
Played 5 or 6 games.
IMO it's a better version of PES11, which was the last i really played much.

About the fouls: my first match, the CPU committed one foul.
Then i played a couple of matches between Arsenal (me) and Atletico (CPU) and in those matches there were more fouls. I remember one match 7 Atletico fouls in the second half, including one very harsh red card for Torres.

Keepers seem much, much better. Cech made a couple of really superb saves.

The lofted through ball might be too easy (or i'm very good at it, but knowing myself, i doubt about that).

Best match was a Boca (cpu) against River Plate match. Boca took the lead with 2-0, but in a crazy second half, i scored two very spectacular goals and it ended 2-2.

Until now i really like the demo although it might be a litle bit arcadey, but modern football is becoming more and more spectacular, so i'm not so sure if that is wrong...

But after last year (imo the demo was much, much better than the retail version), i wait for the retail version before judging the game (and this not before i've played the game some weeks).

Still, i really enjoyed myself with this demo...
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