And my bitching keeps coming.
On assisted passing,what's the "right" level has to be very subjective?
Meaning,what's right for you,might not be right for 75 000 others and the other way around.
So how should/could Konami make that perfect?
Just because you think it's overpowerd,some might not?
Just like the shooting,I think that's quite good in 17, and some don't
Of course it's subjective. I like to play online for example, since the AI gets boring quick, for me at least. When set to PA 1 and "similar settings" for Online divisions it's, for me at least, totally unplayable cos of the passing being so assisted, people ping pong it like a rocket without any football being played. And thats ok! If u like that, go nuts. I have played manual and its great but less opponents to get matched with. Also the players sometimes feel to similar. Therefore I would like something inbetween and I was hoping for 2017 to deliver that. Hopefully it does. So if thats moaning, fine.

O and btw; Heja Peking!

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