PES 2017 PlayStation & Xbox Discussion Thread



Im actually concerned that I won a game 2-0 though!

Keepers are great, Petr Cech has saved my skin countless times and the responsiveness at times blows me away. When you get the ball and you expect an arctic truck like turn that allows the AI to catchup whilst you go through a lazy animation... dosent happen.

Balled dropped out of the air from a clearance to Ozil, he brings it down with his knee and at that point im expecting a full circle, but instead its a quick shift out of his feet and im on the break. Now I didnt use any skill button or anything to do that, just your normal turn. So many examples of how quick you can get things moving, AI as well.
Found a game breaking bug, wasnt intentional but tbh I can see alot of people going mad if this is in the full release.

Set the scene, Arsenal (Me) vs Barcelona, Top Player, Full Manual, 10 mins.

Its 0-0, 63 mins on the clock, tight game, Barca have the upperhand and Messi is getting in behind Kieran Gibbs too much for my liking. Then it happened...

Barcelona.... Barcelona, sub Lionel Messi for some lad called Sandro. Now I hate having to bring this up, but it happened.

So there we have it, Messi subbed. :D

That will be because of the game's player ratings system, I'd bet. In the highlights I uploaded - which finished 2-2 and had some great football in the second half - nobody got more than 6.5 out of 10.

It makes playing as a single player in Become a Legend really depressing. I can't cope with scoring my first goal for the first-team and getting a 6/10 because I attempted a tackle and missed.

I wish they'd fix that.

The refs can be harsh on slide tackles even if you win the ball first, and then turn around and let body checks by the CPU go unpunished. Sometimes weak standing fouls get called and a yellow card, and other times harder standing tackles go unmarked. It's nice that CPU fouls are back, but more consistency by the ref would be appreciated.
I've seen this too. I'm hoping it's just referees being random at the moment, but I mentioned this last night - across all my games with the Brazilian teams, the CPU did some inoffensive stand-tackles that didn't really look like fouls, but the referee gave, and then they'd slide in and crash into the player without winning the ball cleanly, and it's "play on".

I'm not complaining yet, though, because we've already seen videos of the CPU getting red cards. I'm hoping it's just a bit random. Which I'd be happy with.
It's there - but not in every department. Passing accuracy DOES change with different players from what I can see, but not really enough. Shot accuracy-wise I've hit a couple of howlers (but not many), and power-wise, everyone is a Hulk.

I noticed the passing 'accuracy' too. Again, it's not directional, as far as I can see. But it is power-based. It could definitely stand to be a bit more directional, but there is something there. I should try using a small team against a big team next, the difference should stand out more plainly if Corinthians take on Barca.

Also, certain passers will deliberately clip their pass over a defender's outstretched leg, to avoid the challenge and get the ball through. I remember seeing this in FIFA - is this new to PES or did I just not see it? I scored a goal for Boca vs River Plate off an assist like this.
I have not tried advanced shooting yet. Can you or someone confirm if its impossible to miss the goal when using advanced shooting?

I played my first 4 matches last night with advanced shooting. From roughly 20 shots, 2-3 of which were one-on-ones, I hit the target 3 times and the bar once. I am shit, though.

OMG everything looks so good in there.
His animation, the ball trajectory and the keeper standing there surprised.

So lifelike!

... perfect type of shot considering the Ox's momentum towards the pass.. just lept into it and karate kick.. thatll do it hahah
Love the whole replay.. keepers reaction, or lack of (in a realistic way), and that crowd.. we finally have a decent crowd.. amazing how much of a difference this adds to goals...
Crank it to top player getting a lot more cpu fouls. This is Liveware evolution at it's best. This demo makes you work for the win. Great job Konami looks like it's back to serious business at last.
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Just try the demo. What a game¡¡ 10 games and so diferent all of them. Hope this year no cheating in ML ( please god) ;)
I like to play with my son two vs CPU but you must to choose betwen attac or defence, anyone knows how to change it?
Thanks and cheers.
What's promising about other people's comments (i've played the game but it's always good to see what other people think) is that for the first time in years it's being mentioned in the same breath as the games from PS2 era.

The previous few version all had fairly decent feedback on here, but hardly anyone was comparing them to the best games in the series.
Just got my first game in, was Atletico against Barcelona. Top player, zero assist passing. A few highlights:

Griezman scoring very early after a nicely crafted through-pass. I was looking at the screen and deciding how to celebrate, and guide him by chance towards the ball which he promptly fires back into the net.

Messi botching an absolute sitter after I practically handed him the ball just outside the box. he was one on one and shot it wide.

Ter Stegen making the most mental keeper clearance I've seen in PES, rushing out first to clear the ball from just outside the box, which was normal enough, but then actually continuing up the pitch to head his own clearance further forward. he was closer to the midfield line at that point, sadly my shot towards the empty goal from 45+ yards went wide.

Rakitic seemingly scoring an absolute gem of a goal with a hammer from just outside the right corner of the box (hit it first time from a rebound) but a replay showing that Oblak agonizingly parried it into his own goal (top bloody corner, too) as it was actually going wide.

Apart from the speed being a bit mental, a great first impression.
Loving the obstructions and elbow's going in. My only gripe is the Floyd Mayweather boxing shorts please change these outdating crap.
I know people find it fast, but I think the pace is more or less right. The general pace of football has sped up too over the past 10 years. You have a lot less time on the ball, you need to use 3 passes to get the ball to someone facing the right way (rather than just turning around) because there's less time everywhere. You also have so many more bodies in midfield, wide players are generally cutting in more rather than going outside, full backs are overlapping...

I can empathise with those who use manual controls feeling like there's no time. But that's why I think modern football is leaving manual controls behind, and why I think L2/LT as a manual modifier is by far the best way to go. I use L2+X to pass into space all the time, to tempt defenders into rushing out or to tell a player to run onto the ball. But I also need 1 bar passing to play the shorter, reflex stuff to keep possession when under pressure.

-1 doesn't seem that different to me. Maybe it's just because I'm not used to the game yet so it all feels quick anyway.
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Hi guys trying to find the ps3 demo but it doesn't appear to be on the store. Can anyone help? Thanks in advance

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I know people find it fast, but I think the pace is more or less right. The general pace of football has sped up too over the past 10 years. You have a lot less time on the ball, you need to use 3 passes to get the ball to someone facing the right way (rather than just turning around) because there's less time everywhere. You also have so many more bodies in midfield, wide players are generally cutting in more rather than going outside, full backs are overlapping...

I can empathise with those who use manual controls feeling like there's no time. But that's why I think modern football is leaving manual controls behind, and why I think L2/LT as a manual modifier is by far the best way to go. I use L2+X to pass into space all the time, to tempt defenders into rushing out or to tell a player to run onto the ball. But I also need 1 bar passing to play the shorter, reflex stuff to keep possession when under pressure.

I'm so in agreement over all of that.

This is why I was asking if anyone was enjoying the default speed (before I played the demo), because I felt like I was losing responsiveness on 2016 when reducing the speed, as well as adding in lots of slow-mo effect during gameplay when some of the animations were slow-mo to begin with (certain goalkeeper dives, for example).

I've been playing the 2017 demo exclusively on the default speed, other than one game I tried on -1 to see if it improved the experience for me, and it didn't. Truly, for the first time in years, this is a game I can enjoy on the default speed against the AI. It's realistically fast, I think - and the physics are spot-on too in terms of ball speed.

For those who think default is too fast - playing on Top Player instead of Superstar reduces the constant AI closing-down (which is a little bit of a nagging worry at the moment, but I think it's opponent-related), and that makes the gameplay less hectic. Of course, that might also make it too easy for you, but not for me, I don't think...

But also, totally agree about manual. If you enjoy playing that way then fair enough, and I'd hate to see them take options away, but for me, I'd rather have semi-assisted everything. It allows better attribute involvement*, and keeps the game from turning into a Flight Simulator-style affair of too much training for a game I get an hour a night to play.

*If I 100% nail the path of a pass or a shot, then let's see it, but if I'm 5% off with a great player, make it go 5% off. With a poor player, make it go 20% off.
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What's promising about other people's comments (i've played the game but it's always good to see what other people think) is that for the first time in years it's being mentioned in the same breath as the games from PS2 era.

The previous few version all had fairly decent feedback on here, but hardly anyone was comparing them to the best games in the series.

Ahem - I found this after a very quick search of the PES 16 thread.

I've gotta admit it's the most beautiful game since pes 6. You can even dribble n evade defenders with just a flick of left stick and change of direction, or double tapping sprint button. No catch up bug, cpu cheat etc..Butter smooth and responsive controls like ps2 era games. Very satisfying.

The opinions in there were overwhelmingly positive as well although people did recognise the lack of fouls at a very early stage.

I'm very happy that PES 17 seems great but I would advise people to be a bit more cautious and to play it a lot more before judging it.
Another 1-1 against Barcelona, this time on -1 which felt a lot better. Barca weren't having the draw in the last 15 and actually came agressively after me, tackling like mad men. three fouls in the last 15 from them. Granted, they didn't have a single one before that, but still, an improvement.

One of their more rash tackles from Pedro wasn't actully called (advantage), but he got a yellow card later.
Right, here are my impressions after just one game this morning. Bear in mind that I've come directly from PES 6 on the PS2 over the last 10 years to this, with about 10 demo games of 2016 in between.

What a freaking game this is. It feels utterly beautiful to control and the variety compared to the "classics" of 5 and 6 are night and day. My team and my players are behaving and reacting like real players. The games looks and sounds like a real match. The level of control is perfectly balanced - no more of my players running a ball behind for a corner when I'm trying to reach it and kick it away. Sublime.

As I said, I got one game in this morning against the AI on the level below Superstar (Professional?) I lost the game comfortably 3-1 as Arsenal against Boca, but I felt that all the goals were organic and I understood how they were scored. One particular example was when I rushed Mertesacker out towards the half way line to pressure the opposition as he received the ball, who promptly moved it aside and slotted Tevez in on goal in the gap I'd left behind. He made no mistake from 15 yards.

The goal I scored actually made me punch the air. I found a pocket of space on the right wing and released Bellerin on the overlap. I whipped in a near-post cross and Giroud chested the ball forwards and then volleying with his right at the near post. It was near-orgasmic.

Can't wait for the full game now.

I'm so in agreement over all of that.

This is why I was asking if anyone was enjoying the default speed (before I played the demo), because I felt like I was losing responsiveness on 2016 when reducing the speed, as well as adding in lots of slow-mo effect during gameplay when some of the animations were slow-mo to begin with (certain goalkeeper dives, for example).

I've been playing the 2017 demo exclusively on the default speed, other than one game I tried on -1 to see if it improved the experience for me, and it didn't. Truly, for the first time in years, this is a game I can enjoy on the default speed against the AI. It's realistically fast, I think - and the physics are spot-on too in terms of ball speed.

For those who think default is too fast - playing on Top Player instead of Superstar reduces the constant AI closing-down (which is a little bit of a nagging worry at the moment, but I think it's opponent-related), and that makes the gameplay less hectic. Of course, that might also make it too easy for you, but not for me, I don't think...

But also, totally agree about manual. If you enjoy playing that way then fair enough, but I'd rather have semi-assisted everything. It allows better attribute involvement*, and keeps the game from turning into a Flight Simulator-style affair of too much training for a game I get an hour a night to play.

*If I 100% nail the path of a pass or a shot, then let's see it, but if I'm 5% off with a great player, make it go 5% off. With a poor player, make it go 20% off.

thank you for reading my mind! :D

i was used to play -1 too (except 2016 wich i did not play a lot)! had a few matches last night on manual/top player and regular speed.

can someone clearify this to me: is there a difference between full manual passing (tuning assists off) and L2 manual passes? or is it the same!

cant give my final verdict on the demo just yet! to early... need to play more! but 2017 is a step in the right direction. lets see whats bothering me after some more matches (30-50)!
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What I wanted to see was an improvement on PES2016 (which I thought was a decent game). I am delighted that Konami have improved on all aspects of the game, they seem to have tweaked almost everything gameplay wise. I love that there are now more fouls, the game flows much better now and shooting mechanics are much better (although everyone still has shot power like the Hulk). I am liking the variety of shots and the way that you can build up play. I am also seeing a lot of positive things from the AI.

I have been playing on default speed, that is the first time I have done that on a PES game for years. It is fast but for me it is realistically fast in terms of representation of the modern game which is now faster than it was 10-15 years ago as players have become more and more athletic.

Of course it is not the perfect game. The goalkeepers have are excellent now but they do seem to be parrying some shots back into the danger area, hoping that this can be tweaked. Passing accuracy of AI is still a bit on the high side.

Overall though I like it a lot and as long as they do not mess it up with future patches then this will be my go to game for offline career mode. I am hoping FIFA also improves but have very low expectations for offline against AI as from what I have seen and heard AI variety is just not there and no improvements have been made to career mode.
My only gripe is that the AI still goes low inside the box. I know they do try other types of shots, but in the area, they will go low to the corner. Its not a gimme anymore as the keepers are better... but id like sometimes for the AI to just crack it high into the net or something different.

Its not the end of the world, just more of a niggle that sticks out a bit to me.

This is coming from probably 14 games on Top Player. So still a small sample size.
That strike is superb!
Reminds me of old PES days!

PA 1 and L1 + square?
Square is shooting isn´t it, so it´s a lobbed shot.
Or do you have another controller setting?

You lucky b......s! :P

Yeah your'e right, got it wrong. ;) I meant L1 + circle. :)

But I do think that is "broken" or it might be super- assisted. I love to play a cross from one side to the other but with PA 1the player only try to find someone up front regardless if I try to pass it back to the keeper. Works fine with manual passing though.
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can someone clearify this to me: is there a difference between full manual passing (tuning assists off) and L2 manual passes? or is it the same!

Not the same. Only the L2 modifier will give you full control. Full manual should actually be called level 1 passing assist. Or rather, it should be called "the level you should set this game to forever"
yep.. like most of you, ive also made the switch back from -1 to default.. more enjoyable experience.

And just a quick comment I made earlier about being able to do a diagonal run with a CB all the way past defenders (not being pressured by ai defence) and having a clear shot at goal at the other end. I did this last night vs flamengo.. about 50% of the time you could do it. Just tried again with Barca vs Madrid... no way in hell I can do it.. Madrid's defence haggle on me like a rash before I can even make it to half way line.. That's a positive Jimi ;)
Not the same. Only the L2 modifier will give you full control. Full manual should actually be called level 1 passing assist. Or rather, it should be called "the level you should set this game to forever"

So pa oft is still assisted?! Hm... Have to test this out. Comparing L2 and pa0!
So setting any pa (even the highest) doesn't matter if I press L2 all the time?!

I don't like pressing L2 for every pass. I want it to be manual all the time without pressing an extra button.
playing France against Germany the gamespeed slows down considerably. I can see myself setting the speed depending on gamemode in the full game.
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