PES 2017 PlayStation & Xbox Discussion Thread

Best Pes since a while!!
Perfect speed, really good goalkeeper, collisions, ball physic i love this game.
I want the final game right now!!
It's been a while since I've been on this forum and I've been playing PES since 2002. I switched to fifa around 08-10 and then came back for 11-15. I switched to FIFA again last year because of how accurate passes and shots were in PES, despite being off balance, the player rating, or use of wrong foot. On somewhat of a side note, I tweeted at Asim about my concerns during 2016 demo phase and he tweeted back to me saying that he'd seen lots of shots gone wide etc. Fast-forward through all of the like-minded complaints that would surface since then, through Asim's hiring by Konami. That's great for him, sure. But, unfortunately, it seems we can't fully trust the likes of these guys' opinions to be purely honest if they have career prospects to consider.

Overly-long preface out of the way, let's get to my impressions after ~4 hours of play. The same issues that made me jump ship last year are very much present in this iteration, it seems. Shots are rocketed at goal with stunningly pin-pointed accuracy, despite player rating, weak-foot use, the ball being struck on volley/half-volley. Same deal for passes. I've played incredible outside-of-boot/wrong-foot lofted through balls with the likes of Corinthian's DM Rodriguihno. Off-balance/wrong-footed cross-field long balls with Koscielny? We got those. I never thought I'd say that FIFA clearly cares so much more about taking correct foot usage, balance, and INDIVIDUALITY into the passing/shooting equation. PES has for considerably longer than a decade been, for me, the game that showcases the individualism of the world's greatest footballers. Why am I able to pull off similarly spectacular plays as Pogba with Rodriguihno with relatively similar frequency? You can almost guarantee your cross will make its way to the vicinity of your desired target. The only question as to whether or not it will come off is- is there a defender present to cut it out? This completely devalues the execution or witnessing of the spectacular when it occurs.

I don't want to undermine the perception of my opinion by being too extreme and say "this is the worst game in the history of the universe". However, it would be dishonest to say that I am anything other than EXTREMELY disappointed that these issues from last year (and 15, for that matter) were in no way addressed. This is despite the fact that this was a key promoted feature- balance's influence on the accuracy of shots/passes. Perhaps it's better than last year (it's been too long since I played 16 to say definitively), but this is a game breaking issue. IF YOU HAD THE ISSUES WITH SUPER-HUMAN ACCURACY LAST YEAR, EXPECT DISAPPOINTMENT. Fifa 16 has its issues to be sure- problems which don't exist to any degree within this version of PES (e.g. off-ball movement, AI teammate awareness of loose balls). But even if EA addresses NONE of them in 17, I would still prefer it to this. And that sucks. Come on Konami!!
Now I just hope that the retail product doesn't differ from the demo because I'm having a grand ol' time. That tweet from Adam was encouraging in regards to keeping it the same. I do think that the show power needs to be toned down, especially in situations where it contextually is "impossible." I mean, that much was given just from watching the videos. That's the thing with shooting, there's so many variables at play that you can't just move a shot power slider up, and down and "fix" the shooting.

As someone who has played almost 500 hours of FIFA 16 I'd love to respectfully disagree with a lot of your points (not in regards to PES 2016 because I'm personally not a fan), but that's for another thread.

Full Manual, -1 Speed and this game plays like a dream.

what i did'nt like so far:
- still have a few toe-pokey passes and shots, animations not fluid enough
-AI doesn't foul you with standing tackle, only time you get

The toe poke passes/shots destroy my soul. And that's odd, because I've been fouled on numerous occasions each, and every match with standing tackles.
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Full Manual, -1 Speed and this game plays like a dream.

what i did'nt like so far:
- still have a few toe-pokey passes and shots, animations not fluid enough
-AI doesn't foul you with standing tackle, only time you get fouls when they don't slide is when you suddenly change direction and run into their standing tackle. they don't initiate it
-you can't drag and drop players into new positions in the lineup select ... hope this gets "unlocked" for the full game
-still skating, more noticeable on quick players like neymar

Nothing gamebreaking for me. Will definitely be buying it as I mostly play ML offline full manual

tossing up over which region to pre-order, I want to order the one which has the most variety in commentary languages. I guess EU or USA?
I like the look of the rainy weather in this demo. play most games in this setting, on manual with a broadcast camera, my favorite :)
Played a 0-0 draw,tried to play the same the whole game,and also focused on my defending,which I feel is smooth,and see how their defence felt
First 0-0 game in ages.
Watch out for the strike in the 65th
Belter of a shot! Great highlights, Rock.

I've played 10 games and I'm seeing an average of 1 goal a game, which is a far cry from 2016.

I meant to mention fouls, too - it's a bit weird... I'd been using the poorer teams in the demo, and I'm averaging 2 fouls per game from the CPU (and I'll take that for now - I'd prefer 3-4, but it preserves the flow whilst giving you decent free kick opportunities occasionally).

Anyway, they mostly come from standing tackles, but there were also a handful of sliding tackles per game that WEREN'T punished but were probably fouls upon looking at the replays, which was really annoying me. Seems silly to give a foul for a mistimed standing tackle that leaves my player still standing, but nothing for a reach that clatters them.

However, I've just played a few games as Arsenal, against Atletico, and they had two players yellow-carded in game one - exclusively for mistimed sliding tackles (including one where I did a quick change of direction with Ramsey - the same thing I do in FIFA to draw a foul, it looked spot on).

So it could be random referees, or certain teams, or my play style when I've got a decent set of players. I don't know, but the type of fouls given, and even the number, went up as soon as I was controlling Arsenal.
Demo verdict:


-Ball physics
-player likeness
-Response time (improved)
-Match stats (more analysis like area covered...etc)


-Fouls (still not enough, Seems they just added a token late challenge by the AI)
-Shots (regardless of player ability everything is a rocket)
-Players animation and stumbling are embarrassing tbh
-Replays (Too low and not as many options as game created 15 years ago)
-Camera (The same boring camera angles with very limited customization and no proper broadcast camera)
- One touch football, Players too far from each other and I believe that Matt10 has summed up the game's fundamental flaws in the past.

Casual players will enjoy it, I won't because I feel that it will get very repetitive after 2 or 3 days of playing it.
As someone who has played almost 500 hours of FIFA 16 I'd love to respectfully disagree with a lot of your points (not in regards to PES 2016 because I'm personally not a fan), but that's for another thread.

I understand some people thought FIFA 16 was too accurate also. I played mostly with sliders that mitigated accuracy. Not sure if that's what you're referring to but... I definitely enjoyed a fair amount of frustration with that game too- which makes PES' lack of improvement all the more disappointing.
Belter of a shot! Great highlights, Rock.

I've played 10 games and I'm seeing an average of 1 goal a game, which is a far cry from 2016.

I meant to mention fouls, too - it's a bit weird... I'd been using the poorer teams in the demo, and I'm averaging 2 fouls per game from the CPU (and I'll take that for now - I'd prefer 3-4, but it preserves the flow whilst giving you decent free kick opportunities occasionally).

Anyway, they mostly come from standing tackles, but there were also a handful of sliding tackles per game that WEREN'T punished but were probably fouls upon looking at the replays, which was really annoying me. Seems silly to give a foul for a mistimed standing tackle that leaves my player still standing, but nothing for a reach that clatters them.

However, I've just played a few games as Arsenal, against Atletico, and they had two players yellow-carded in game one - exclusively for mistimed sliding tackles (including one where I did a quick change of direction with Ramsey - the same thing I do in FIFA to draw a foul, it looked spot on).

So it could be random referees, or certain teams, or my play style when I've got a decent set of players. I don't know, but the type of fouls given, and even the number, went up as soon as I was controlling Arsenal.
It's a really tough game,just played Ger vs River plate,missed to set time right,7 min I think.
I had to work it properly
Demo verdict:


-Ball physics
-player likeness
-Response time (improved)
-Match stats (more analysis like area covered...etc)


-Fouls (still not enough, Seems they just added a token late challenge by the AI)
-Shots (regardless of player ability everything is a rocket)
-Players animation and stumbling are embarrassing tbh
-Replays (Too low and not as many options as game created 15 years ago)
-Camera (The same boring camera angles with very limited customization and no proper broadcast camera)
- One touch football, Players too far from each other and I believe that Matt10 has summed up the game's fundamental flaws in the past.

Casual players will enjoy it, I won't because I feel that it will get very repetitive after 2 or 3 days of playing it.

Not true. I think you can see the replays in different angles manually during gameplay, I think I saw something like that. Comparing it to last year's this is a big improvement.
And there it is: 1am

I guess I am rather enjoying this after an uncertain start. Just lost 2-0 to Arsenal (both goals penalties) and I haven't had had a penalty myself yet but they looked amazing in replay. I know, that sounds odd, but they just did. Weirdly satisfying.

Still not really messed about with any of the new features (or I am simply not noticing them) but it is all very moreish at the moment.
I'm getting a lot of free kicks. Got 5 as Boca vs River Plate, including 2 yellow cards and a stern warning. 3 were for slides, 2 were standing tackled.

I think 3 free kicks has been my minimum so far, my max is probably 6 or so? Pretty good for a 10 minute match, and that's not including free kicks I've given away. But I can totally see why some people would potentially get no free kicks at all, if they didn't dribble or pass to people in tight crowds.

Sort the shooting so it isn't always a thunderbastard, get some more passing error in there, and let fast players pick up a bit more speed on the dribble, and you've got yourself a helluva game. As it is I'm really, really enjoying it, flaws and all.
I'm getting a lot of free kicks. Got 5 as Boca vs River Plate, including 2 yellow cards and a stern warning. 3 were for slides, 2 were standing tackled.

I think 3 free kicks has been my minimum so far, my max is probably 6 or so? Pretty good for a 10 minute match, and that's not including free kicks I've given away. But I can totally see why some people would potentially get no free kicks at all, if they didn't dribble or pass to people in tight crowds.

Sort the shooting so it isn't always a thunderbastard, get some more passing error in there, and let fast players pick up a bit more speed on the dribble, and you've got yourself a helluva game. As it is I'm really, really enjoying it, flaws and all.

I've seen free-kicks awarded for what looks like arm-to-face and even the odd one given for a forward backing into a leaping CB. It is probably a "glitchy" thing and not intentional, but kinda neat it can happen.
Enjoying the demo, but wish that not every shot was a missile. To make it more off-putting, the animations for shots regularly don't match the speed at which the ball flies.

Haven't played PES in some time, am I missing something, or can you no longer drag players do different spots on the field to change formation?
Crazy how two different people are having the complete opposite experience from each-other in terms of fouls! I can only imagine that the fouls happen if you play a certain way but otherwise don't occur (e.g. if you use skill-moves, which I don't and never have because I find them too complicated to remember and execute).

Oh bugger. (I realise that you can just, not do it, but if you can do that with a defender what's to stop you doing it with a midfielder.) I hope it was just a one-off for you Aussie...

Its actually to do with the CBs it seems... as you cannot do this with the mids. The aggressiveness of the defence is generally pretty damn good... Its like konami don't expect someone to pass it to a CB and try it.. which I get, but they need to cover all the bases.. Again, I couldn't do the CB run right through every single time, but enough to cause concern to Jimi hahah... about 50% of the time.. and that's on superstar.. which really isn't on.. I could understand this on regular.. but not superstar...
Enjoying the demo, but wish that not every shot was a missile. To make it more off-putting, the animations for shots regularly don't match the speed at which the ball flies.

Haven't played PES in some time, am I missing something, or can you no longer drag players do different spots on the field to change formation?
It's only in the demo, we can't change formation neither assign strategies or all the advanced instructions but they will all be in the final game.
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I played three derby matches as River against Boca, won 2...lost 1. All three matches where thoroughly enjoyable with a nice tempo. Then I played as Atletico against Barca which I didn't really enjoy as I beat them easily and Messi, Neymar and Suarez carried zero threat and where easily dispossessed and shut out of the game which was kinda disappointing.

I'm really loving the crossing this year as it feels like you can really whip crosses into the danger zone between the keeper and defence.

PES 2017 has a lot of positives going for it this year but I'm still wary of Konami botching the final build as per usual.
One thing Im finding really impressive on this demo is how different matchs can be depending not only the team you play against but also the the team you control.

I played as Flamengo agains Corinthians (CPU), then I played as Corinthians against Flamengo (CPU. Huge difference, completetly different attacking style, its like the game is forcing me to readspt the way I play when I control Cornthians.

This kind of thing is what make the the good PES of old unique,'something that Goliath never offered me.
Holy moly! This game feels so good. It's probably the most enjoyable PES in a long time. I'm really enjoying playing it. It looks like PES 16 but feels so differently. My only problem is the passing is too accurate and that stumbling animation is annoying, hope they sort that out.

Is it me or they add close control when holding R2 button while pushing left stick towards the goal, it works really well in midfield.
Is it me or they add close control when holding R2 button while pushing left stick towards the goal, it works really well in midfield.

I'm not very good, but I just had a play where I got the ball at the edge of my 18 with Ramsey and evaded Iniesta with a sidestep. Then Rakitic came and with the R2/RT I just moved past him and a nice animation showing Ramsey avoiding contact happened. As soon as I came out of the animation Busquets came and with another RT forward, I got a second nice animation to avoid him. It happened within a matter of seconds and was very satisfying. Put an over the top through-ball in to Giroud as all of Barca's defenders were caught out of position, but Mascherano tackled the ball away.

I'm a fairly mediocre/bad player now, so I don't know how to recreate it. It was basically all panic moves. Is it indeed R2/RT and forward? I really wish the demo came with some of the practice drills like it did some years ago. PES controls are intimidating to anyone who hasn't played in a long time/new to the game.
One question guys, have any of you got a penalty yet? I played PES 2016 religiously and only got 2 penalties throughout the year. AI just don't make mistakes in the box. Have they fixed that?
PS4 here.
I did an experiment.
First I played a round France / Germany in PES 2016. After I repeated in the demo with the same difficulty, Superstar.

Those who say it is a PES 2016.5 just play more.
Everything is for the better. It reminded me the change from Winning Eleven 8 to Winning Eleven 8 Liveware Evolution.
In short, one does what he thinks.

The other.
I wonder why I don't read comments about repetitions yet. They make you want to see them. Most TV like repetitions in any football game.

But i hated that they was between 15 to 20 fps and with that damn horrid PES 2011 motion blur. Hopefully the it's just the demo or it could be deactivated in the full game.
It doesn't let you appreciate at all the plays.

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Boy, I love this game....haven't played too many matches yet, but it makes me think when I play and it just feels right.

I find dribbling easier though as I used Neymar and was able to get hit and still keep possession of the ball and move past players....that or Arsenal's defense is just horrible...Then when I switch to Corinthians vs Boca, you can feel the whole game dynamic switch and styles switched know its a different team and different level of players...
I'm not very good, but I just had a play where I got the ball at the edge of my 18 with Ramsey and evaded Iniesta with a sidestep. Then Rakitic came and with the R2/RT I just moved past him and a nice animation showing Ramsey avoiding contact happened. As soon as I came out of the animation Busquets came and with another RT forward, I got a second nice animation to avoid him. It happened within a matter of seconds and was very satisfying. Put an over the top through-ball in to Giroud as all of Barca's defenders were caught out of position, but Mascherano tackled the ball away.

I'm a fairly mediocre/bad player now, so I don't know how to recreate it. It was basically all panic moves. Is it indeed R2/RT and forward? I really wish the demo came with some of the practice drills like it did some years ago. PES controls are intimidating to anyone who hasn't played in a long time/new to the game.

I am not really sure mate. I was just experimenting with the controls. When you push left stick while holding R2 towards the goalie you will get a nice slow dribbling animation, not sure if it is something new.
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