PES 2017 - PC Version Discussion Thread


Wondering if anyone can help me clear something up. A group of mates have been discussing going back to an older format if PES and we picked 2017.

We have a league going with our own original teams and to cut a long story short, I am having issues trying to import kits in the edit kit screen, I thought this could be done with this format

View attachment 337011

But it looks like I can only import Front, Back images etc. Like this one,

View attachment 337012

Am I going mad? I am finding it hard to get a difinitive answer looking online but I could have sworn the first option was doable on PES17, did that come in on later versions?

Any help would be greatly aopreciated, even if there is a way to get the first option into the game. Thank you.
Are you using sider? If so, try starting the game without sider and applying the kits to the team. I remember I had a similar issue once with PES 2021.
Are you using sider? If so, try starting the game without sider and applying the kits to the team. I remember I had a similar issue once with PES 2021.
Thanks. Would sider be enabled in a fresh install or is it something that comes with a patch? Sorry, I am not brilliant with the technical side of things, I knew how to make kits once upon a time.
I play the PC version of PES 2017, and absolutely love it with Smoke Patch.
I really like this gameplay mod, which is basically PES 2017's vanilla with more passing errors, made by Sensei @Holland, plus a customized dt18 that I found online. I think it gives the gameplay a very realistic, random feeling, based on the vanilla gameplay which I think is really fun.
In reality, I don't mind the more old school feel of the graphics at all compared to console versions, IMO, I think the patches and other features more than make up for it.
Plus there's a great South American community of patches which is definitely alive and growing..
All in all, one of my favorite editions of all time! :TU:
That's good news, Vs the vanilla console version the pc version has way to high passing% for the CPU
This must be pretty much the same mod I use on Pes 21, also made by @Holland
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