PES 2016 News & Discussion Thread


I came home dead tired yesterday and still couldn´t play the demo.
Reading all your impressions now, sounds good.
I guess I´ll leave the office early today as wife n kids are gonna go swimming.

Btw, I´m 40 too and the thing that we grow older and have different emotions and feelings about this game now is a good point.
But this could mean in a way that KONAMI has done everything right in the last years and it´s just us oldies which is the
I don´t think that´s the case. It has a lot to do with your mood and attitude.
Plus, human vs human is such a different experience than a demo against the CPU.
I used to play with my mates all night long till dawn cause it was so much fun.

Also, been playing the other game against CPU on career mode inside out as it provided a lot of magic which I felt PES (PC) had lost.

So, the inner child is still alive :).

I´m gonna play it tonight, hopefully.

Someone said: waiting for the first people claiming the europe demo is different than the Aussie, NZ one :P.
I´m waiting for this
So many positive comments..Can't wait to try the demo when ı get back home..Left my Xbox downloading and ı can't concantrate on working now lol..

I have some questions to the ones that already played the demo:

-How is personality, is it better than Pes 14-15?
-Does running fell so limited like Pes 15 ?

Bucket loads more individuality and personality..greater sense of speed in the quicker players and you now feel like you can actually take a man on..easier to defend and win the ball back also.

Plays like old pes on the ps2 but with a greater freedom of movement and variation in passing a nutshell pes15 but with beefier graphics..just feels polished and you get a greater sense of physicality...

Teammate ai is a big stand-out for me..better then it was in the ps2 days.
Btw, I´m 40 too and the thing that we grow older and have different emotions and feelings about this game now is a good point.
Just to add to this, I think all the active members here are going to be above a certain age due to the fact that we're all here (and still here) because of PES, and PES was in its heyday between 2000-2006. If someone was enjoying ISS Pro Evo when they were a teenager, then they'd be (at minimum) 28 by now. Scary.

I'm 30, but still as dedicated as ever to this ridiculous hobby that is "sitting on your arse and playing games". So's my dad (who used to join in the competitions on here), and he's now 70. I still remember him driving me to a place in Manchester to get my PS2 chipped, coming home with a Winning Eleven (8 I think), and playing until he had to go to work the next day. Happy memories.

(In a nutshell - we're all old here, so if you don't like games any more, why are you still an active forum member?! Get back in the game, son. ;)))

Rather egotistically, I think PES 2016 is aimed at me (and most of us), and it works - it sparks those memories, AND it's beautiful to look at, AND it's finally been brought into the 21st century with the collision system, the ball physics, the teammate AI and loads more besides. But (for me personally), FIFA has shown me that it can create a simulation if you can be bothered tweaking the gameplay sliders, and I crave something different now (although I'm confident there will be a day when EA really fuck it up due to the Ultimate Team tossers).

That being said, I turned the demo speed down last night, and played around a little bit, and enjoyed the game much more than I did hours before. But without sliders, it's still a bit too "psychic" to bring me any joy against the AI.

Online could be a blast, though. IF they turn the speed down for the retail version - can we all get behind that on Twitter and force a change, or am I the only one who thinks that, at this speed, online will be absolutely fucking manic?!
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In saying that, i reckon if omline is not laggy this will be the best pes ever. However i very much doubt this will be the case. Pes has always been laggy online from day one when pes06 came out on the xbox360. And seeing that there has been no news about the online side of things i assume itll be same old....i dun get how fifa is flawless online but pes is so laggy, how can they not fix this

This is year after year the killer for me. I barely touch the single player game. I play mostly online or kick offs with my son.

Fifa online just works flawless 99% of the time.

Pes every single year is garbage online. Button delay all throughout. Makes it impossible to play football.

It should be absolutely the first thing they look at.

It's a sports title. People compete against each other and are held back by the disgraceful online in this game.

It's gotten to the point where playing online isn't really an option, and I just play constant local kick off matches against mates and my son.

I'm sure this year will be no different, terrible online again. Hope I'm proved wrong.
I'm enjoying the demo, I like the way I can defend how I want (I prefer to provoke the opponent and defend space). The animations are sorely lacking though and at times can instantly ruin a nice sequence because they look so awkward and unrealistic.

I'm playing vs Corinthians and their passing is too perfect, they rarely makes mistakes and don't foul enough.

I miss the days of the double tap :r2: step over.

Kevin Strootman is making a strong case to be my Nivet (PES 2011). I love that he comes deep asking for the ball.

Watching replays is still a waste of time because of the awful camera angle.
Just to add to this, I think all the active members here are going to be above a certain age due to the fact that we're all here (and still here) because of PES, and PES was in its heyday between 2000-2006. If someone was enjoying ISS Pro Evo when they were a teenager, then they'd be (at minimum) 28 by now. Scary.

I'm 30, but still as dedicated as ever to this ridiculous hobby that is "sitting on your arse and playing games". So's my dad (who used to join in the competitions on here), and he's now 70. I still remember him driving me to a place in Manchester to get my PS2 chipped, coming home with a Winning Eleven (8 I think), and playing until he had to go to work the next day. Happy memories.

(In a nutshell - we're all old here, so if you don't like games any more, why are you still an active forum member?! Get back in the game, son. ;)))

Rather egotistically, I think PES 2016 is aimed at me (and most of us), and it works - it sparks those memories, AND it's beautiful to look at, AND it's finally been brought into the 21st century with the collision system, the ball physics, the teammate AI and loads more besides. But (for me personally), FIFA has shown me that it can create a simulation if you can be bothered tweaking the gameplay sliders, and I crave something different now (although I'm confident there will be a day when EA really fuck it up due to the Ultimate Team tossers).

That being said, I turned the demo speed down last night, and played around a little bit, and enjoyed the game much more than I did hours before. But without sliders, it's still a bit too "psychic" to bring me any joy against the AI.

Online could be a blast, though. IF they turn the speed down for the retail version - can we all get behind that on Twitter and force a change, or am I the only one who thinks that, at this speed, online will be absolutely fucking manic?!

Great post, dude!
Specially the bold part! Hats off to your dad :).

I remember been playing Battlefield 1942, BF Vietnam, BF 2 and my son was crawling around been busy with his mom.

Now I play BF 3/BF 4 with him and his friends and GTA 5 doing heists together. Too bad he´s not that much into footy games but it´s fun playing with him and his dudes.

btw, can anyone check on low shots please?
Is it like last year holding the stick to the opposite direction or is it square + triangle again?
I'm playing vs Corinthians and their passing is too perfect, they rarely makes mistakes and don't foul enough.
That's my biggest issue in a nutshell, and as good as all the other stuff is, (to me) it doesn't really matter until that is fixed, otherwise the end result is the same.

But again, might be great online, IF it isn't at manic speed!

May I ask where you Ave been my sweet rose?
Could this be Evo-Web's first wedding? Do I get an invite? :PINKS:

I came home dead tired yesterday and still couldn´t play the demo.
Reading all your impressions now, sounds good.
I guess I´ll leave the office early today as wife n kids are gonna go swimming.

Btw, I´m 40 too and the thing that we grow older and have different emotions and feelings about this game now is a good point.
But this could mean in a way that KONAMI has done everything right in the last years and it´s just us oldies which is the
I don´t think that´s the case. It has a lot to do with your mood and attitude.

Plus, human vs human is such a different experience than a demo against the CPU.
I used to play with my mates all night long till dawn cause it was so much fun.

Also, been playing the other game against CPU on career mode inside out as it provided a lot of magic which I felt PES (PC) had lost.

So, the inner child is still alive :).

I´m gonna play it tonight, hopefully.

Someone said: waiting for the first people claiming the europe demo is different than the Aussie, NZ one :P.
I´m waiting for this

I don't think it's age and us growing out of it. If that was the case I'd have stopped watching football too, which isn't the case and still love it and will always do. I think it's our "frustration" in a way wanting our PES to finally look and play like what we watch after all these years waiting, possibly always having these realistic/unrealistic expectations. Couple that with good PS2 memories that we miss and the expectations get realistically/unrealistically higher. Maybe then our patience waiting for that game to ever happen gets thinner as we grow older.

May I ask where you Ave been my sweet rose?

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Like many im love goes all the way back to the NES and my expectations are sky high..

Albeit lenient refs and questionable game speed(some might find it to fast)..there's little imo that's wrong..

What everyone wanted even though some may not be able to see the blindingly obvious..

I'm a great believer you know a great game as soon as you pick up the pad..pes16 gives me that feeling..

If your playing assisted your not getting the experience.
It's not about age. I'm in my 20's but sometimes i fell like i am not enjoying games as ı used to do. It's about games, most games are repetitive and boring nowadays. When new Gears and Halo games come out, ı can't stop playing for months, it's all about game and quality.
This is a seriously fine demo. It's sublime. It's what I craved for years.

I just want to be able to play it more!

Same here..I waited along time for this(16 years)has everything I like about pes on the ps2 and ISS on the n64..

Very satisfied punter!
Same here..I waited along time for this(16 years)has everything I like about pes on the ps2 and ISS on the n64..

Very satisfied punter!

You don't mind the not so satisfying toe poke finishing animations? They turn me off =(
I love how we can play a pressing game on this. The defending mechanics are superb and I've pressed the CPU AI (on superstar) into making errors at the back a few times.

I work from home but I can't stop leaving the laptop to play this. My boss won't be impressed!
You can play on PC, just stream game from XOne to Windows 10 .
Just dl the Xboxone demo..nice they've sorted the resolution and plays like a dream too..ps4 glistens more graphically but the Xbox pad is sumptuous.

Can't understand why they can't directly port this to PC.
If they're going to listen, then please, can we all tell them to slow it down?! Please? :CRY:

why not slow it down with the speed slider? because of online? btw if you play with passing assist off, the game is much slower imo. but yeah i agree with assist level 1 the passing could be less assisted, i cant feel the diffo between level 1-2 tbh i already tweeted official pes about this


just try one match like that where you shoot at the keeper only how many can you score with R2 outside the box
Without going into that whole placebo mind thing the Xboxone version just feels that bit slower...for me the speed and tempo is perfect on the xboxone.

In relation to refs it's good there still doesn't need much there's already a nice balance of not overreacting or reacting to every jostle..

Enjoying being patient and being able to make space and pull the opposition out of position.
Played a match vs Juventus with Bayern. 1-0 into the 85th minute, juve pile on the pressure. Lichtsteiner has the ball on the edge of my box, I attempt to get it with Lahm and then he falls! I stand up and shout "I didn't touch him!!!" Ref blows the whistle and books Lichtsteiner for a dive! Quality stuff! I've also noticed regarding the fouls or lack of. Some teams commit more (more aggressive than others) play against the comp on superstar (against Juventus) they are dirty! Vidal is one dirty MFr lol love it!
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