Champions League
I came home dead tired yesterday and still couldn´t play the demo.
Reading all your impressions now, sounds good.
I guess I´ll leave the office early today as wife n kids are gonna go swimming.
Btw, I´m 40 too and the thing that we grow older and have different emotions and feelings about this game now is a good point.
But this could mean in a way that KONAMI has done everything right in the last years and it´s just us oldies which is the
I don´t think that´s the case. It has a lot to do with your mood and attitude.
Plus, human vs human is such a different experience than a demo against the CPU.
I used to play with my mates all night long till dawn cause it was so much fun.
Also, been playing the other game against CPU on career mode inside out as it provided a lot of magic which I felt PES (PC) had lost.
So, the inner child is still alive
I´m gonna play it tonight, hopefully.
Someone said: waiting for the first people claiming the europe demo is different than the Aussie, NZ one
I´m waiting for this
I came home dead tired yesterday and still couldn´t play the demo.
Reading all your impressions now, sounds good.
I guess I´ll leave the office early today as wife n kids are gonna go swimming.
Btw, I´m 40 too and the thing that we grow older and have different emotions and feelings about this game now is a good point.
But this could mean in a way that KONAMI has done everything right in the last years and it´s just us oldies which is the
I don´t think that´s the case. It has a lot to do with your mood and attitude.
Plus, human vs human is such a different experience than a demo against the CPU.
I used to play with my mates all night long till dawn cause it was so much fun.
Also, been playing the other game against CPU on career mode inside out as it provided a lot of magic which I felt PES (PC) had lost.
So, the inner child is still alive

I´m gonna play it tonight, hopefully.
Someone said: waiting for the first people claiming the europe demo is different than the Aussie, NZ one

I´m waiting for this