PES 2016 News & Discussion Thread

I'm loving this demo. I hope they don't mess anything up for the retail version. I don't know if it totally feels like a pes game, it certainly doesn't feel like FIFA. But whatever it feels like it's fun as hell. The pace of the game is a bit quick, more like winning eleven than pes. Good job konami. If online is mostly lag free this will be a fun year.
To anyone who has played it: does the net finally have a sound effect like in FIFA?

Haven't paid attention to that. But I scored a header with tevez in the rain and when the ball hit his head a splash of water could be seen at time of impact. Very cool
Haven't paid attention to that. But I scored a header with tevez in the rain and when the ball hit his head a splash of water could be seen at time of impact. Very cool

Nice! PS4 I suppose? Good to know what other features we won't get to see :CRY:
So many positive comments..Can't wait to try the demo when ı get back home..Left my Xbox downloading and ı can't concantrate on working now lol..

I have some questions to the ones that already played the demo:

-How is personality, is it better than Pes 14-15?
-Does running fell so limited like Pes 15 ?
Just played my first match against human. Very early impressions:

- The pace is top notch
- Control responsiveness is lag 0.
- Ball physic is amazing
- Keepers reacts very well. They play their life on every ball

It was a mix between ISS Deluxe, PES 6 and 2015

sounds very promising, is this PS3?
Man, i am so hyped by reading all the posts here!
My demo is downloading at home and i am at work :CRY:
Cannot wait to get back and start playing.:PRAY:
Well I'll say this, Adam got one thing right; you don't know how good this game is until you actually play it.

Initial reactions:
-Responsive, responsive
-Any wondering about the compactness, know that you can at least edit the opposing team's lineup while defending so that they defend more properly and realistically. At least it seems so after trying it once. Being able to fix the insanely wide defense is HUGE for me
-Hit a screamer with Robben after a GORGEOUS ground through ball with Thiago in the 90th. I celebrated and almost fell down. I hardly EVER celebrate in PES. It felt sooo rewarding :D
-The defense tracks runners sooooo much better. On both sides. Praying they don't attempt to break this to add more goals

-Honestly that's just about it so far. If they fix the fouling FIFA should actually be really nervous for the first time in a while
What a great game engine this is!
Smooth as butter and looks great!
I can't wait to see the reviews,if Fifa scores as good i know it's a pay off!

This could be the best PES iv'e played!
I will say the players likeness is scarily amazing. They also seem to have better facial expressions. I paused the game and Sagnas face had the look of "shit, I'm out of posistion and need to get back"
No it is not in the store, do not remain to wait out the plan they provide someone here to download

sorry my English is not good
Played about 15 games and this is way better than PES2015 (which I still play).

The responsiveness is great and I playing on full manual (apart from shooting) is an absolute joy.

The only negatives that I have are the complete lack of fouls (this needs to be addressed), sometimes the AI being a bit conservative and while better than PES2015 AI still doesn't cross enough for me.

I look forward to playing it more this evening.
Thank you for your feedbacks. Could you please also specify on which platform you are playing? I have an Xbox 360 and I can't find anywhere feedbacks about old gen demos. Thank you
In a better mood today. Will try this again tonight.

I just dont get enough time to play so feel like I can never master it the way i did with early PES's
How do you put zip into passes?

I'm playing on Level 1.
I'm not a Gold member, and not want to spend 10 euros for a demo

it would be very happy if someone would put the Xbox 1 demo in here

I just bought one mounth gold for the demo, but cant find the demo on xbox live (360)

Ok so i tried a few games of the demo.the first impression was "this is the same as PES 2015!WTF!" However...

After a few games it is apparent that the new collission system has dramatically improved the game. The way players jostle for possession, the way they get their body in front of the ball, the way they tackle and get tackled. It is brilliantly done. The ball physics have also improved quite a bit, the ball now gets whipped in with mad curve for crosses. The shooting also feels improved, with more shooting variety depending on the players positioning. Too easy perhaps to score with top rated players if theyre in space but this is realistic. A top player will put it away 9 times out of 10 under no pressure. Havent shot enough with lower rated players to comment if lower rated players have the same accuracy

Things i dont like: too many toe poke passes, some side footed animatikns look clunky, ref too lenient at times, still no att/def increase/decrease like in previous pes and like in fifa, the sliders for tactics is too basic, like last year. Presentation has remained 90% the same, they could have polished it, i also hate that in the player details screen you cannot see the players nationality.

In saying that, i reckon if omline is not laggy this will be the best pes ever. However i very much doubt this will be the case. Pes has always been laggy online from day one when pes06 came out on the xbox360. And seeing that there has been no news about the online side of things i assume itll be same old....i dun get how fifa is flawless online but pes is so laggy, how can they not fix this

In terms of playing vs AI i dont play the CPU so cannot comment on this. Im a human v human player.
That game is reminding me of old times, in the way it grows into you after every match.

My impression after just 2 matches was this:
-PES 2015 turbo version. Same graphics (from distance), same mechanics but incredibly faster. Was hating it in a way I never though I would (btw i liked 2015 and was very optimistic about 2016).

Now that I've played around 15-20 matches, my opinion has changed a lot as the game grew into me:

-Nice variety of ways to play and score.
-Nice player differentiation when dribling, passing or shooting.
-Crossing seems spot on. Not as hard as in the past and still rewarding.
-Great physicality. A lot of new tackling animations and outcomes.
-Best keepers in a while! They now have urgency, fight for every ball but are not superhumans, as they can make mistakes from time to time. Really great work here imo.
-Skill moves much more effective and easier to do, in a realistic way (at least until now)

-Too much skating (and i'm very easy with that usually. It doesn't usually bothers me)
-Ball sometimes seems glued to player's foot in a very odd way, looking quite arcadey
-Too fast for my taste. Looks like they raised the game default speed and everything happens faster than it should. Even the ball moves too fast.
-Lack of fouls (as already pointed out)
-Long shots seem quite easy to score if you have the likes of Totti (almost 100% accuracy against Neuer)

That's what I can remember, but my overall opinion atm is that the game is very good. Not as good as I'd expect, but very fun and polished comparing to last versions. Still, I was expecting a bigger evolution in terms of gameplay.
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