PES 2016 News & Discussion Thread

I hope for PES 17, instead of focusing on faces, which look great and will still look great in the next 2 years, instead they can use that team to focus more on presentation stadiums chants etc.
OK...well obviously he is gonna compare it to FIFA. Let's say all you drive are Ferraris and you decided to try out a BMW...aren't you gonna compare it to a Ferrari?

As it being arcadey. The game has to be able to adapt to any style of the player. If KONAMI made a strict simulation only the HARDCORE FEW would actually buy it, which obviously in the long run isn't good for business.

If you wanna play arcade you can.
If you wanna play realistically you can.

I think we all can agree that PES needed some FIFA influence.

Not comparing FIFA to a Ferrari btw:FAIL:

Honestly there's arcade in Fifa 16 now especially with long hard pass, you will see online being whore fest of assisted long hard passing, massive turn off that feature overrides the individiuality and to me thats arcade, can you imagine the abuse Adam would've Copt if that feature was in PES, I take my hat off to Adam he doesn't allow that shit to happen.
Hey, he's the one who said Stoke to begin with, I was merely following up on the actual point (hence why I put it in quotes). ;) Feel free to replace Stoke with Tranmere in your head if it makes you feel any better...

EDIT: I think my main concern is that this "love the past, play the future" motto refers to the gameplay taking inspiration from the older games, which were faster and (by today's standards) some of them were more "arcadey". This marries up to Adam's comment about matches in PES 2016 being "highlight reels", and if ping-pong passing is so easy to achieve, and it's all goals-aplenty, then I personally will be disappointed.

I realise that others won't be, but, I'm hoping that FIFA's different so that I've at least got some sort of choice. I'd rather have a game that makes passing difficult and scoring an achievement (not that I'm saying FIFA will be that, nor that it's set in stone that PES will be the opposite of that - it's just the impression I'm getting from these videos).

Not long til the demo now though!

I solved the easy to pass by playing Manual. I'v actually never enjoyed PES so much since starting full manual.
Honestly there's arcade in Fifa 16 now especially with long hard pass, you will see online being whore fest of assisted long hard passing, massive turn off that feature overrides the individiuality and to me thats arcade, can you imagine the abuse Adam would've Copt if that feature was in PES, I take my hat off to Adam he doesn't allow that shit to happen.

We all know that EA takes the "Arcadeyness" to the extreme. That's one thing I'm sure KONAMI isn't keen on doing.

In that video, the guy from Konami talks about Dynamic Weather, and how it will work. My Portuguese is very limited, but from what I understood he said that Corinthians Arena is the Stadiums with least Rain probability, or one of them. While Old Trafford is the one with the higher rain probability during a match. He explains a lot about Dyanamic Weather and how it will work. But as I said, my Portuguese is very limited.

Would be awesome if some Portuguese-speaking member of the forum could translate it!
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yes its right he said in the final version don´t need to choose rainy, it´s a dynamic thing, it will rain if it rains, and its a regional thing for example the Corinthians Arena have more rain probability than Santos Arena, in Sao Paulo rain more than Santos,the same thing the Old Trafford have much more rain probability than Arena Corinthians and then changes every thing, ball physics, the turf is much havier, you will see balls stuck in watter puddles,he adds that the turf turns slippy ,finishing he adds that what he likes more in pes2016 is the realism of the rainy weather.
yes its right he said in the final version don´t need to choose rainy, it´s a dynamic thing, it will rain if it rains, and its a regional thing for example the Corinthians Arena have more rain probability than Santos Arena, in Sao Paulo rain more than Santos,the same thing the Old Trafford have much more rain probability than Arena Corinthians and then changes every thing, ball physics, the turf is much havier, you will see balls stuck in watter puddles,he adds that the turf turns slippy ,finishing he adds that what he likes more in pes2016 is the realism of the rainy weather.

Alright! So... my Portuguese is a lot less limited than I thought... LOL!

Wouldn't it be awesome if we could get real-time weather downloaded from the Internet for those cities which have Stadium in the game? For example, let's say you're playing at Old Trafford, the game could automatically try to get whether it's sunny, cloudy, rainy, etc from the Internet and apply it to the game. That would be another way for Konami to avoid piracy on PC as only legit copies would be able to get this feature (unless of course... crackers find a way around it).
The rain looks amazing. Finally it actually looks wet. Hopefully gameplay is different as well with skidding ball and slipping players.
The rain looks amazing. Finally it actually looks wet. Hopefully gameplay is different as well with skidding ball and slipping players.

The funny thing is, although this guy says that for example the ball will get stuck in water puddles, we haven't seen that yet. We've seen the ball sliding differently when it rains, we see the rain drops on the camera, we see water splashing when the players kick it, but we still haven't seen things like the ball getting stuck in any part of the pitch. Which I would love to see. Furthermore, that would contradict what Adam said a month or two ago when he said "we don't want players to feel like 'oh it's rainning... damn!'" like we wouldn't want rain to affect the gameplay, which is kind of silly, because we want to get emotions from the game to us.

I said this many many times but PES 2014 was a solid foundation to build upon. PES 2015 stablished an even more solid ground and PES 2016 is the culmination of it.

From now on, they can focus on extra stuff. Like tons of more animations. Presentation. And those "WOW!" details PES used to have. Like players getting out of the pitch injured and then coming back with a band on the head, or their knees. Even silly stuff like the ref's spray for free-kicks. It bothers me that FIFA thought of it first, because back in the day PES was all about those little amazing details that no one else could even think of.
I said this many many times but PES 2014 was a solid foundation to build upon. PES 2015 stablished an even more solid ground and PES 2016 is the culmination of it.

From now on, they can focus on extra stuff. Like tons of more animations. Presentation. And those "WOW!" details PES used to have. Like players getting out of the pitch injured and then coming back with a band on the head, or their knees. Even silly stuff like the ref's spray for free-kicks. It bothers me that FIFA thought of it first, because back in the day PES was all about those little amazing details that no one else could even think of.

Hopefully some of these will come in DLC... or havent been revealed yet. We are still a month away from the release!
Watch this video once again.

This is how the game will feel like when WE will be playing it on manual. Nothing like those FIFA noobs on youtube. ;)

I have FIFA vids on Youtube, can we cut the insults out please, no need for it.
Second goal goes against law of physics. Strong shot from 20 meters that hit the post ¿and ball stays bouncing in goal line? :R1
Yeah, that's another case of scripting. All deflections are manipulated so the ball always falls in front of a certain player.

This stuff also happened in PES 2015 all the time. I remember situations where the ball actually sped up after hitting the post in order to reach the oncoming striker. I also saved a replay where the ball hits the inside of the post and should clearly be deflected into the goal, but guess what - it goes to the defender that's standing in the opposite direction. This shit is beyond ridiculous.
finally read all posts :D
the game has surely will have some problems but come oooooooon !!!!!
it's a big step forward from pes 2015, no doubt ...
I really enjoy the videos
I am not an easygoing person but I thing the good things of game is really bigger than bad things ...
do you want to they fix all the problem in 1 or 2 years?! remember they started from ZERO in 2014 and every year game getting better

I say again, I am a strict person and I see some problems in game (which I posted some of them in WENB and I will copy them here to know your opinion) but despite all problems, It look great game

anyway I will post here my criticisms but it didn't mean I don't like pes 2016 ... I think it will be great game :)
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I want to say about GK discussion ...

absolutely the game looks very good for me, but goal keepers ...
they aren't game breaker in my opinion but aren't on good level too

in my opinion there is 3 mainly problems with goal keepers

1. delay ! can anyone disclaim some time they have much more delay than real life ?! this's obvious

2. wrong calculation for choosing direction to reach the ball (it don't happen always but sometime it's a little unrealistic)

3. animations ! (most important problem in my opinion)

A. there isn't even one animation fully stretched !!!
like these:


even messi can do that ! but pes GKs ...

if you can't reach the ball, no problem ! but we want see something like this !

B. there is no horizontal diving on the height ... in pes, GK foots hardly dissever from the ground !!


in pes, every long dive is like these:
(must exist in the game but not for all long dives !)


C. there is no (or very few) opposite hand save animation (I don't remember to see even one of them in the game !)
I think about a new difficulty level on menu that don't change CPU playing !! but only limit the assistance for players ...
it is easy for Konami to put it in the game without new coding or new AI etc ...
but it can cheers people to play more manually ...
otherwise why I should play less assisted when my opponent plays more assisted and he take advantage to defeat me?!!

I can't interfere his controller setting, but If we have new difficulty level on menu, I can say: lets play on most difficulty level ... also it can help for balancing online games, making players to play on same difficulty to each other

what do you think guys?
we can't see stadium detail in gameplay cam unless the grass and the nets and influence of lighting model on the pitch ...
because of that, these 3 thing are very important to stadium seems better

we don't need super careful simulated stadium in audience seating like fifa ! to make useless load on console hardware ...
just a brief likeness for totality of stadium ... and super careful simulation for grass & nets shape & lighting

this is far more effective visual
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