PES 2016 News & Discussion Thread

I don't want to drag this on, but I've found my sweet spot in 2015 that brought it closer to what I've felt on PS2; +1 speed, manual passing, manual shooting. These 3 have completely changed 2015 for me. +1 speed might scream arcade to people, but it's not. I had to use +1 to combat the defaut's speed unresponsiveness. It's been much better on +1 for my button input. So responsive and satisfying and can pull off instant moves without having to press and wait, which was a complete turn off for me. Manual passing and shooting add to the randomness of it all and it's so satisfying words cannot describe it enough. Stats do have a place in manual of course. From my experience manual just opens up freedom in direction and power, and still takes stats into consideration. Playing with Serie B teams are never the same as top Serie A teams. Also pick your favorite difficulty and you have a winner. My choice is having the CPU behave like real life players with all their mistakes as well yet still pose a challenge, so I steer clear from superstar.

Anyway, long story short, if PES 2016 is anything better than what I'm currently experiencing then it's day 1 buy 1000% for me. Also get 2015's issues fixed for 2016 and consider my social life dead. :D
PES 2011 - still my fave for fun factor. Because you actually got satisfaction from scoring! You had to get the body shape and ball position right before you could hit a screamer, the keeper looked fully outstretched AND then the net bulged. BOOM! You were out of the chair and watching multiple replays.

The last few years, those three elements have been missing and you cringe when watching the replays.

The night lighting was also good in PES 2011 and look at the lighting and pitch textures during the day game! The shadows on the pitch were subtle and you can tell they are there without having to lose visibility when the ball enters that area.

100% agreed!
PES 2011 was superb! I would spent hours for this on ML, MLO, editing players etc.
From PES 2010 - 2013 (specially 2011) I used to save replays and watched them later in the gallery for hours as I managed to score goals by such nice combinations or screamers. It´s been such fun watching them!
Unfortunately that was gone by PES 2014. Didn´t feel like to save any goal as the magic somehow was gone.

They were so beautiful on PES 2011 and it was a real joy scoring goals by tough shots. Also loving how the ball rolls up the net on ground shots.
Maybe a little too distended but I prefer that much more than the stiff ones we have nowadays!
Would be cool if KONAMI adds that option that you can set the goalnets.
That´s something they should have stolen from FIFA.
You could set the grass length in PES 2015, right? So why not be able to set goal nets?

Very positive:
If you compare that PES 2008 with PES 2011 you can see quite a huge step forward in gameplay and animations. Okay, there are 3 years difference but anyway, see how it looks now on 2016.

Watched that PS acess vid in my office when a colleague (who doesn´t know anything about PES, let alone video games) came by, saw my screen and asked me what match that is.

He didn´t get that this was a game until I told him :)
A goal net should ripple, starting from where the ball makes contact and then spreading across the remaining area. PES 2011 seemed like the nets weren't pegged down at the back but the nets since then resemble the tension of tennis racquet strings. A middle ground would be rather nice.

Cue Football Kingdom footage...
how can they screw up those beautiful nets !! really unbelievable !! its only possible by Konami. :BLEH:

Because back in those days almost everyone and their dogs kept screaming "F*CK YOU KONAMI, WE DON'T WANT LOOSE NETS, GIVE US TIGHT EPL STYLE NETS!!!!" And now we got what we got :JAY:
Because back in those days almost everyone and their dogs kept screaming "F*CK YOU KONAMI, WE DON'T WANT LOOSE NETS, GIVE US TIGHT EPL STYLE NETS!!!!" And now we got what we got :JAY:
:APPLAUD: how easy they forget.
Konami shouldn't listen to everything we say cause we don't even know what we want most of the time.

one of the reasons why this game got worse over the years. PES 2015 has got us back on track.
IMO what you see now is what we will more than likely get in the final game.

I know it's a great effort sending tweets etc but there is no way at this point in the development that you will see a substantial difference!

The game is being released in Mid Sept, I would have thought they need to allow at least 6 weeks for Disc pressing and logistics so I cannot see 6 weeks of tweaking adding much value.

This is not a post to devalue the great efforts you guys put in to the likes of Adam et al but it's just too late and extremely frustrating that after all these years we still have a lack of features that ultimately hinder the enjoyment.

2015 and you are telling me they cannot get night lighting right, net physics right, 3D crowd models right, Dynamic weather inclusive of snow, flawless online experience, goalkeeper AI, stadium editor, unlimited kit editor..................the list goes on and it's the same list for well over a decade!!

They need to start 2 year releases with an interim patch for kits, balls etc so they can get tangible improvements, for now I see a slightly upgraded 2015 with better edit facilities and more animations......could that not be patched??

I will buy it and I will enjoy it but you cannot help but thinkt Hat the joke is constantly on us!

Exactly. The game they showed at E3 is THE game we'll play in September -- a more fluid version of PES 2015. Commentary will be the same shit too along with all the referee flaws like not playing the advantage nor giving delayed yellow cards. Pitches will be covered in dark shadows too and the AI will score the same goal over and over again. The list goes on... Nothing about PES 2016 will be worth the full price of admission.
Exactly. The game they showed at E3 is THE game we'll play in September -- a more fluid version of PES 2015. Commentary will be the same shit too along with all the referee flaws like not playing the advantage nor giving delayed yellow cards. Pitches will be covered in dark shadows too and the AI will score the same goal over and over again. The list goes on... Nothing about PES 2016 will be worth the full price of admission.
Damn, and I was really looking forward to 2016. No point in even downloading the demo now. Oh well, maybe 2017...
I don't want to drag this on, but I've found my sweet spot in 2015 that brought it closer to what I've felt on PS2; +1 speed, manual passing, manual shooting. These 3 have completely changed 2015 for me. +1 speed might scream arcade to people, but it's not. I had to use +1 to combat the defaut's speed unresponsiveness. It's been much better on +1 for my button input. So responsive and satisfying and can pull off instant moves without having to press and wait, which was a complete turn off for me. Manual passing and shooting add to the randomness of it all and it's so satisfying words cannot describe it enough. Stats do have a place in manual of course. From my experience manual just opens up freedom in direction and power, and still takes stats into consideration. Playing with Serie B teams are never the same as top Serie A teams. Also pick your favorite difficulty and you have a winner. My choice is having the CPU behave like real life players with all their mistakes as well yet still pose a challenge, so I steer clear from superstar.

Anyway, long story short, if PES 2016 is anything better than what I'm currently experiencing then it's day 1 buy 1000% for me. Also get 2015's issues fixed for 2016 and consider my social life dead. :D

I started with +1 speed in my master league with Newcastle. As I got better players in, who were more responsive, I dropped the game to 0 speed

Having the turf wet helps too. Also some stadiums play faster. I am sure the San Siro at night is the quickest pitch
Because back in those days almost everyone and their dogs kept screaming "F*CK YOU KONAMI, WE DON'T WANT LOOSE NETS, GIVE US TIGHT EPL STYLE NETS!!!!" And now we got what we got :JAY:

We didn't tell them loose the physics, simply change the shape. We even had football kingdom as a reference. Don't shift blames wrongfully.
The core elements of what makes a PES game seem to be present in PES 2016. While I would like to see realistic nets and snow as much as the next guy, those aren't exactly in my top 10.
The graph of how some evo-web visitors feel about PES 2016 has gone down rock-bottom again after some days of graphic high days :SHAKE:
The graph of how some evo-web visitors feel about PES 2016 has gone down rock-bottom again after some days of graphic high days :SHAKE:
Freud called it regressive neurosis, dealing with life in a childish rather than adult manner.
Then that's adequate for this case :D
I've been PC sports gaming since the 1980s, I went though my regressive neurosis period two decades ago. Now I just happily wait for the next version, and if it's not what I want, I don't buy it. Pretty sure age has lots to do with it. :))
I've been PC sports gaming since the 1980s, I went though my regressive neurosis period two decades ago. Now I just happily wait for the next version, and if it's not what I want, I don't buy it. Pretty sure age has lots to do with it. :))

Probably older people are not that fanaticly anymore but even on my age of 62 I every year follow the hype of the new PES. But I can't understand why people often see the glass as half empty rather than half full. There are so many good new things to discuss, but people keep coming back at things they don't like... :SS
Probably older people are not that fanaticly anymore but even on my age of 62 I every year follow the hype of the new PES. But I can't understand why people often see the glass as half empty rather than half full. There are so many good new things to discuss, but people keep coming back at things they don't like... :SS

62 yo and still enjoying Pes games :WORSHIP:

i wish i will be so passionate as you about videogames as i grow older
62 yo and still enjoying Pes games :WORSHIP:

i wish i will be so passionate as you about videogames as i grow older

I guess video games are more and more also for older people.
It is not only for people under thirty year. Maybe I am an exception yet, but in the next decennia the age for games will go up :)
62 yo and still enjoying Pes games :WORSHIP:

i wish i will be so passionate as you about videogames as i grow older

You will! Trust me ;).

That´s the generation!


I´m 40 and still can´t get enough of that stuff!

Playing Battlefield, GTA 5, FIFA and PES with my sons and their friends :P is something like this possible.
I sincerely hope for you that you are very young.
Just looking at the PES 2016 E3 videos, it's clear:

Commentary will be the same shit
All the referee flaws will still be in the game
Pitches will be covered in dark shadows
AI will score the same goal over and over again

Damn Konami!


I started with +1 speed in my master league with Newcastle. As I got better players in, who were more responsive, I dropped the game to 0 speed

Having the turf wet helps too. Also some stadiums play faster. I am sure the San Siro at night is the quickest pitch

True and I can't believe this is still present. We had these differences in gamespeed in different stadiums since the PS2!
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I'd like to see the team and player ID shine through like in 2013, I felt it was lost in PES 2014 and 15. Seeing Ronaldo at full tilt in 2013 was amazing, so lifelike.

Plus the team AI was totally different for each team, they'd also clearly try and isolate your star player as well.
Watched this video and i'm inspired to create a new thread now on the future development of PES.

The physics and human aspect of football i don't thinkhas been explored enough in PES or FIFA. FIFA has a least got a base with the injury system and players pulling muscles but it can and should go a lot deeper thanwhat it is now.

PES needs to develop this altogether, they at the very least have programming that players are more likely to get injured while very tired and get fouled badly but there needs to be more.

When people give feedback it's always very text based, i'd love to give some visual examples and also this is something which in a sense, 'defines' me and why people see me as over positive. I ALWAYS look at suggestions and improvements which have been done before in previous games, i never ask for things which haven't been done because i simply have no awareness to understand if its possible or now.
Watched this video and i'm inspired to create a new thread now on the future development of PES.

The physics and human aspect of football i don't thinkhas been explored enough in PES or FIFA. FIFA has a least got a base with the injury system and players pulling muscles but it can and should go a lot deeper thanwhat it is now.

PES needs to develop this altogether, they at the very least have programming that players are more likely to get injured while very tired and get fouled badly but there needs to be more.

When people give feedback it's always very text based, i'd love to give some visual examples and also this is something which in a sense, 'defines' me and why people see me as over positive. I ALWAYS look at suggestions and improvements which have been done before in previous games, i never ask for things which haven't been done because i simply have no awareness to understand if its possible or now.

I would go even further! New forum section called “Future development of PES” or “Future of football games” with threads for core gameplay elements (physics, graphics, AI…) and thread for all good things that were cutout from previous games.
Who knows what people could dig up on the web? Maybe it will change perspective on what is possible or not (Rush Football 2). It will certainly be better than annual late petitions.

Physics / Animation:

Graphics (weather cycles from video game made in 2006):

Watched this video and i'm inspired to create a new thread now on the future development of PES.

The physics and human aspect of football i don't thinkhas been explored enough in PES or FIFA. FIFA has a least got a base with the injury system and players pulling muscles but it can and should go a lot deeper thanwhat it is now.

PES needs to develop this altogether, they at the very least have programming that players are more likely to get injured while very tired and get fouled badly but there needs to be more.

When people give feedback it's always very text based, i'd love to give some visual examples and also this is something which in a sense, 'defines' me and why people see me as over positive. I ALWAYS look at suggestions and improvements which have been done before in previous games, i never ask for things which haven't been done because i simply have no awareness to understand if its possible or now.

Bro, they can't even get shooting and passing animations right, go figure pulling muscles.
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