PES 2016 News & Discussion Thread

The foul situation is horrible but I can even live with that. What kills the game for me is watching the cpu score the same goal over and over and over again

Im crap at the game, im an old man with rotten arthritic fingers and thumbs. But even I know how to defend in football and as such, OK the CPU likes to hit their shots low... but its rare that id conceed the same goal itself time and again.

If you know what the AI are trying, then prepare to defend that... you often find doing that, forces the AI to do other things. Ive seen plenty of crosses come in and goals go in via headers / volleys because I force them out wide and into that choice.

Get your player in the way of shots, dont slide the man, slide where they are looking to shoot ... creates deflections, scrambles and all sorts

Its not perfect and the game should have more shot variety, but its defend-able and can force the AI into trying other things.

EIDT - And as for fouls, for me its game by game, some I draw 3+ ... others I can go without getting fouled, but its all about how you retain the ball. If you ping pong it about like an idiot the AI will never get close enough to make a challenge. Its a game at the end of the day and the same with every game the human can break the AI, and although the AI in PES isnt perfect, its not as dire as some like to make out.

Ive a full game 0-0 draw me Verona vs Udinese in which i drew 3 fouls of different types. Also had the Ref call back fouls as well. Its 15 mins and here if anyone wants to see it (Its PS4, Master League on Top Player, 10 mins, full manual)
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Even tho I have been very negative about this game, I can't help but give props to Konami for developing such dynamic cheating mechanics.

There are a lot of CPU goals that you clearly see they were only possible because of the manipulative code written on the games engine.

The game may lack variety in shooting, but not on how scripting works.
Its very advanced and dynamic I must say. :P
I agree with mehuk. The game has never been perfect but "deciding" to adapt makes it much more enjoyable.

One thing I noticed in the video though, which drives me crazy when it happens! At 1:15 the midfielder of Udinese makes no effort to put pressure on the Verona player! He lets him run forward and moves in another direction. This may well happen with an AI controlled player of the user's team. I' ve lost an FA Cup this way!
I agree with mehuk. The game has never been perfect but "deciding" to adapt makes it much more enjoyable.

One thing I noticed in the video though, which drives me crazy when it happens! At 1:15 the midfielder of Udinese makes no effort to put pressure on the Verona player! He lets him run forward and moves in another direction. This may well happen with an AI controlled player of the user's team. I' ve lost an FA Cup this way!

Yeah there are a few questionable moments in there regarding pressure but if you look at some of them and possibly that one,its as if he is stuck in 2 minds:

1 - come to me and my player and try to make a challenge
2 - drop off and try to block the potential pass I have on in the middle

Its not making excuses for the game, just sometimes you can see where the AI is going wrong, but also, OK yeah its thinking about something else there and maybe just took the wrong decision (based on however the game is coded).

There is definitely a huge case for how teams are setup in default for there being such a difference in games being good, or just coming off crap.
1.02.01 had no influence on gameplay for me - played about 50 matches since the update and it is clearly the same offline experience as before with 1.02.00 (PS4).
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I was playing a ML with Real Sociedad on Superstar.
Played a match against Espanyol and my defenders did things that were impossible, there was also some horrible skating that i never experienced before.

I lost that match and decided to replay it until i didn't loose...replayed the match 7 or 8 times and no matter what i did (tinkering tactically, playing other players,...), i kept on loosing and the match went according to the exact same scenario.

Espanyol scores a first goal and almost immediately after it they score a second one.
From then on, Sociedad dominate the match, but their keeper is fantastic. Usually, deep in the second half Sociedad do score a goal, but Espanyol immediately score a third one...

This scenario kept repeating itself on and on...

This morning iset it on to player and won the match after a great more ice skating, no more freak things from my players...

This game needs sliders very badly...

As a positivo who loves the game i'm thinking about writing an open letter to Konami via this site...

Mods, is it okif i do this and start a new thread for this purpose. People who agree with my post (with arguments andwithout being personal) could react. Is that ok?
really enjoying the game. i don't really get all the complaints.
It ain't perfect, the players could have a little more weight but my only real issue is the default speed but if you set it to -1 its about perfect. The tactics work. Had a fantastic few games yesterday. played with west brom against chelsea and got a hard fought draw 0-0 out of it. felt fantastic and i didn't even score.
the way you can just beat a defender with the right first touch by anticipating his move is genius,just like the real game you don't always need the special faints, double tapping sprint to burst into an open space, i think the keepers are doing a pretty good job. While defending, you can try reading the opponents attackings strategy and shut them down. This game has it all.

like the songs when we were young........your(the game is)just my the past, play the future.
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The game is better after the patch, on pc atleast.. tried superstar and top player their all okay. To enjoy the game you need to know how to defend. Don't know if this is placebo but I move my goalies with the analog and triangle button to block the cpu's shots, It's a habit I brought from playing fifa manuals, but it seem to work.
I was playing a ML with Real Sociedad on Superstar.
Played a match against Espanyol and my defenders did things that were impossible, there was also some horrible skating that i never experienced before.

I lost that match and decided to replay it until i didn't loose...replayed the match 7 or 8 times and no matter what i did (tinkering tactically, playing other players,...), i kept on loosing and the match went according to the exact same scenario.

Espanyol scores a first goal and almost immediately after it they score a second one.
From then on, Sociedad dominate the match, but their keeper is fantastic. Usually, deep in the second half Sociedad do score a goal, but Espanyol immediately score a third one...

This scenario kept repeating itself on and on...

This morning iset it on to player and won the match after a great more ice skating, no more freak things from my players...

This game needs sliders very badly...

As a positivo who loves the game i'm thinking about writing an open letter to Konami via this site...

Mods, is it okif i do this and start a new thread for this purpose. People who agree with my post (with arguments andwithout being personal) could react. Is that ok?

You're one to talk about not getting personal, after your dry, sarcastic, and unfounded post against me a few weeks ago. :SMUG:
I was playing a ML with Real Sociedad on Superstar.
Played a match against Espanyol and my defenders did things that were impossible, there was also some horrible skating that i never experienced before.

I lost that match and decided to replay it until i didn't loose...replayed the match 7 or 8 times and no matter what i did (tinkering tactically, playing other players,...), i kept on loosing and the match went according to the exact same scenario.

Espanyol scores a first goal and almost immediately after it they score a second one.
From then on, Sociedad dominate the match, but their keeper is fantastic. Usually, deep in the second half Sociedad do score a goal, but Espanyol immediately score a third one...

This scenario kept repeating itself on and on...

This morning iset it on to player and won the match after a great more ice skating, no more freak things from my players...

This game needs sliders very badly...

As a positivo who loves the game i'm thinking about writing an open letter to Konami via this site...

Mods, is it okif i do this and start a new thread for this purpose. People who agree with my post (with arguments andwithout being personal) could react. Is that ok?

I was looking for answers on this and here you go. Your description on losing games with repetitive scenario and same patterns you happened to me. That was after the last patch. Didn't know what happened and was for the first time so I related it to the last patch. I kept replaying the games no matter what kept losing with many goals, same scenario every game. I do play exhibition games so it was even more unusual because exhibition games are always more balanced. Don't know what happened but I started my PS4 yesterday and played few games and it was balanced and fun again!!

I am wondering what settings you're referring to that fixed that for you?
I was playing a ML with Real Sociedad on Superstar.
Played a match against Espanyol and my defenders did things that were impossible, there was also some horrible skating that i never experienced before.

I lost that match and decided to replay it until i didn't loose...replayed the match 7 or 8 times and no matter what i did (tinkering tactically, playing other players,...), i kept on loosing and the match went according to the exact same scenario.

Espanyol scores a first goal and almost immediately after it they score a second one.
From then on, Sociedad dominate the match, but their keeper is fantastic. Usually, deep in the second half Sociedad do score a goal, but Espanyol immediately score a third one...

This scenario kept repeating itself on and on...

This morning iset it on to player and won the match after a great more ice skating, no more freak things from my players...

This game needs sliders very badly...

As a positivo who loves the game i'm thinking about writing an open letter to Konami via this site...

Mods, is it okif i do this and start a new thread for this purpose. People who agree with my post (with arguments andwithout being personal) could react. Is that ok?

Nah, sorry Gerd your wrong here, for example I had a game at home to Barcelona using a 75 spirit Deportivo and in the fist game before I had to rush off i was losing 3-0 had no shots and was being completely dominated.

When I replayed, I changed the tactics to aggressive pressuring instead of conservative and BOOM, I was so happy, I won 1-0 and managed to restrict them to just two shots on goal.

If the game is going the same way everytime there is something you need to do to change things, there is some area the AI is exploiting which you need to address. Also again be mindful of your team spirit makes a huge difference to how players run into space.

Master League gameplay is very different to Exhibition and Tournament modes with more factors affecting the momentum.
I'm fairly sure ML has had its own AI playing style for years when compared to exhibition mode, and I'm unsure on whether the patches we've had on the latest title have had any impact upon ML AI, but last night I started my ML again. This was due to me being a half a season in on my previous career, on Superstar, and seeing an increasing amount of goals scored against me that could have easily been saved by my keeper. The low shots either side of him, easily reachable. I was mid-table at the time and happy to be as I don't like it easy - but the manner of the goals conceded was too much to bear.

Upon reading plenty of posts here, I edited around 75% of Europe's goalkeepers, to have various stats bumped up. Depending on the GK, these stats such as defensive awareness, goalkeeping, reflexes, jump, coverage would be set between 85 and 99.

Started a new ML as Spurs on Superstar level. Bear in mind, I play Pro Evo mostly when I'm tired at the end of the day. First game against Leicester, I go defensive, mark their best 4 players, deep defensive line and play Vorm (81, red arrow & stats edited) in goal instead of Lloris (88, purple arrow & stats edited). The ten outfield players are my preferred players and all green-to-red arrow. Fifteen minute matches, all manual controls. Leicester City's sniper-like attack cut through my defence regardless of my efforts to go 2-0 up within 10 minutes with those kind of goals. I played on, defending like mad. Didn't make a difference, they were 5-0 up by half time. Game finished 7-1, they were noticably coming down off the coke around 5 minutes from the end. One of the most bizarre Pro Evo matches I've had. All 7 goals were the same kind.

Loaded up my save again from right before the Leicester match. Went down to Top Player difficulty and thought, "surely those edits will actually do something now". Was worried that it might be a tad easy to score when in on goal, as my initial ML career had a few anticlimactic moments when scoring, on Superstar - mainly powerful shots from ~18 yards going in too often. Anyway, 10 game minutes in to the first match here and I was 2-0 down again, to very similar goals as before. I got myself in on goal and had a low shot well saved by their keeper. Ended up 4-0 down by half time. One thing absolutely parallel on Superstar and now Top Player level was the amount of 'telescopic leg' interceptions, sneaky barging me off the ball and unpunished fouls for the AI. Therefore it felt, in this mode at least, that there was little difference between the top two difficulty levels. Shot accuracy was above 80% in both. Passing accuracy by Leicester was 92% in both matches. Compare that to this.

Time to try Professional. Loaded it back up, same tactics, same players. Not tried this difficulty at all this year. The sneaky barges and other snide behaviour from the AI was still present, but with more context, i.e. when I was in their final third or when it was the last five minutes of a half or when they'd gone a goal down. When this occurs I can read what they'll try a lot of the time and get people in the right spots to block it happening. It doesn't always work - but the difference in playing on Pro was that I wasn't having to resert to extreme defensive techniques for 90 minutes. It was only here and there. The AI's attacks in general seemed more varied and their first 3 shots were a low shot from outside a packed box, and two medium-height shots from within the box. Up the other end of the field, I had 8 attempts on goal, 5 of which went wide (manual noob) and 3 that were on target and very well saved. Sweet spot attempts, to test out the edited stats on this difficulty. Less ref bias. They committed 3 fouls against me and I cropped a couple of their bastards in response. Two yellows each. I drew the match 1-1. Their goal was a header from a cross bang on half time. Accuracy was similar for both teams, around 70-75% for passing, around 50% for shots.

I went on to lose 3-1 against Manchester City and then won 1-0 in the following match, forgot who it was against. Each match seemed realistic in terms of stats and choices made by the AI enemy. Man City had 85% passing and 7 out of 10 shots on target against a now red-arrowed Lloris who saved some low shots.
To summarize, I'm either a veteran who is still somehow a shit player or there's currently too much scripting on the higher levels to find it enjoyable and Professional allows me to have fun but still to use concentration. Still needs more testing.
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really enjoying the game. i don't really get all the complaints.
It ain't perfect, the players could have a little more weight but my only real issue is the default speed but if you set it to -1 its about perfect. The tactics work. Had a fantastic few games yesterday. played with west brom against chelsea and got a hard fought draw 0-0 out of it. felt fantastic and i didn't even score.
the way you can just beat a defender with the right first touch by anticipating his move is genius,just like the real game you don't always need the special faints, double tapping sprint to burst into an open space, i think the keepers are doing a pretty good job. While defending, you can try reading the opponents attackings strategy and shut them down. This game has it all.

like the songs when we were young........your(the game is)just my the past, play the future.

I am enjoying this game a lot too. I found that the game speed really makes the difference to the whole experience. Never played on default speed, in fact I do play mostly -2, which is a perfect pace for me but I feel it has changed a bit after the patch and has become even slower and less responsive. I will give -1 a try
I'm fairly sure ML has had its own AI playing style for years when compared to exhibition mode, and I'm unsure on whether the patches we've had on the latest title have had any impact upon ML AI, but last night I started my ML again. This was due to me being a half a season in on my previous career, on Superstar, and seeing an increasing amount of goals scored against me that could have easily been saved by my keeper. The low shots either side of him, easily reachable. I was mid-table at the time and happy to be as I don't like it easy - but the manner of the goals conceded was too much to bear.

Upon reading plenty of posts here, I edited around 75% of Europe's goalkeepers, to have various stats bumped up. Depending on the GK, these stats such as defensive awareness, goalkeeping, reflexes, jump, coverage would be set between 85 and 99.

Started a new ML as Spurs on Superstar level. Bear in mind, I play Pro Evo mostly when I'm tired at the end of the day. First game against Leicester, I go defensive, mark their best 4 players, deep defensive line and play Vorm (81, red arrow & stats edited) in goal instead of Lloris (88, purple arrow & stats edited). The ten outfield players are my preferred players and all green-to-red arrow. Fifteen minute matches, all manual controls. Leicester City's sniper-like attack cut through my defence regardless of my efforts to go 2-0 up within 10 minutes with those kind of goals. I played on, defending like mad. Didn't make a difference, they were 5-0 up by half time. Game finished 7-1, they were noticably coming down off the coke around 5 minutes from the end. One of the most bizarre Pro Evo matches I've had. All 7 goals were the same kind.

Loaded up my save again from right before the Leicester match. Went down to Top Player difficulty and thought, "surely those edits will actually do something now". Was worried that it might be a tad easy to score when in on goal, as my initial ML career had a few anticlimactic moments when scoring, on Superstar - mainly powerful shots from ~18 yards going in too often. Anyway, 10 game minutes in to the first match here and I was 2-0 down again, to very similar goals as before. I got myself in on goal and had a low shot well saved by their keeper. Ended up 4-0 down by half time. One thing absolutely parallel on Superstar and now Top Player level was the amount of 'telescopic leg' interceptions, sneaky barging me off the ball and unpunished fouls for the AI. Therefore it felt, in this mode at least, that there was little difference between the top two difficulty levels. Shot accuracy was above 80% in both. Passing accuracy by Leicester was 92% in both matches. Compare that to this.

Time to try Professional. Loaded it back up, same tactics, same players. Not tried this difficulty at all this year. The sneaky barges and other snide behaviour from the AI was still present, but with more context, i.e. when I was in their final third or when it was the last five minutes of a half or when they'd gone a goal down. When this occurs I can read what they'll try a lot of the time and get people in the right spots to block it happening. It doesn't always work - but the difference in playing on Pro was that I wasn't having to resert to extreme defensive techniques for 90 minutes. It was only here and there. The AI's attacks in general seemed more varied and their first 3 shots were a low shot from outside a packed box, and two medium-height shots from within the box. Up the other end of the field, I had 8 attempts on goal, 5 of which went wide (manual noob) and 3 that were on target and very well saved. Sweet spot attempts, to test out the edited stats on this difficulty. Less ref bias. They committed 3 fouls against me and I cropped a couple of their bastards in response. Two yellows each. I drew the match 1-1. Their goal was a header from a cross bang on half time. Accuracy was similar for both teams, around 70-75% for passing, around 50% for shots.

I went on to lose 3-1 against Manchester City and then won 1-0 in the following match, forgot who it was against. Each match seemed realistic in terms of stats and choices made by the AI enemy. Man City had 85% passing and 7 out of 10 shots on target against a now red-arrowed Lloris who saved some low shots.
To summarize, I'm either a veteran who is still somehow a shit player or there's currently too much scripting on the higher levels to find it enjoyable and Professional allows me to have fun but still to use concentration. Still needs more testing.

same here mate, before the patches i was playing on superstar and was doing ok, but all these patches have made superstar really diffcult and i myself had to drop it down to professional, im really enjoying this level atm as well.
pro definately not as hard scripted as the higher levels.
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Originally Posted by Elja View Post
To enjoy the game you need to know how to defend.

this is key. improving defence, that's when the ai score more varied goals. Ive had crossing headers and scissor kicks against me of late, as well as some tap ins etc. When ai is about to be one on one vs your keeper its very important to time a rush forward of your keeper with the triangle..but not too far (to prevent a chip shot), so you need to let go of the triangle kinda inbetween being chipped and not... then the ai usually goes for one side or other, and your keeper often makes the save ;)

I think those guys who get that same goal (lack of variety in ai attack), high pass, one on one, and into low corner, are constantly defending the same way... you need to change up and defend better. Patience defending meaning not just aimlessly sprinting towards ball carrier, but instead closing down passing angles; using the jockeying (R2) helps big time..and seems much more effective now post-patch; and finally using the keeper the right way to come out at the right time, but not too far out... is the best way to win, but also the best way to see that ai will vary its attack in this game ;)
I'm fairly sure ML has had its own AI playing style for years when compared to exhibition mode, and I'm unsure on whether the patches we've had on the latest title have had any impact upon ML AI, but last night I started my ML again. This was due to me being a half a season in on my previous career, on Superstar, and seeing an increasing amount of goals scored against me that could have easily been saved by my keeper. The low shots either side of him, easily reachable. I was mid-table at the time and happy to be as I don't like it easy - but the manner of the goals conceded was too much to bear.

Upon reading plenty of posts here, I edited around 75% of Europe's goalkeepers, to have various stats bumped up. Depending on the GK, these stats such as defensive awareness, goalkeeping, reflexes, jump, coverage would be set between 85 and 99.

Started a new ML as Spurs on Superstar level. Bear in mind, I play Pro Evo mostly when I'm tired at the end of the day. First game against Leicester, I go defensive, mark their best 4 players, deep defensive line and play Vorm (81, red arrow & stats edited) in goal instead of Lloris (88, purple arrow & stats edited). The ten outfield players are my preferred players and all green-to-red arrow. Fifteen minute matches, all manual controls. Leicester City's sniper-like attack cut through my defence regardless of my efforts to go 2-0 up within 10 minutes with those kind of goals. I played on, defending like mad. Didn't make a difference, they were 5-0 up by half time. Game finished 7-1, they were noticably coming down off the coke around 5 minutes from the end. One of the most bizarre Pro Evo matches I've had. All 7 goals were the same kind.

Loaded up my save again from right before the Leicester match. Went down to Top Player difficulty and thought, "surely those edits will actually do something now". Was worried that it might be a tad easy to score when in on goal, as my initial ML career had a few anticlimactic moments when scoring, on Superstar - mainly powerful shots from ~18 yards going in too often. Anyway, 10 game minutes in to the first match here and I was 2-0 down again, to very similar goals as before. I got myself in on goal and had a low shot well saved by their keeper. Ended up 4-0 down by half time. One thing absolutely parallel on Superstar and now Top Player level was the amount of 'telescopic leg' interceptions, sneaky barging me off the ball and unpunished fouls for the AI. Therefore it felt, in this mode at least, that there was little difference between the top two difficulty levels. Shot accuracy was above 80% in both. Passing accuracy by Leicester was 92% in both matches. Compare that to this.

Time to try Professional. Loaded it back up, same tactics, same players. Not tried this difficulty at all this year. The sneaky barges and other snide behaviour from the AI was still present, but with more context, i.e. when I was in their final third or when it was the last five minutes of a half or when they'd gone a goal down. When this occurs I can read what they'll try a lot of the time and get people in the right spots to block it happening. It doesn't always work - but the difference in playing on Pro was that I wasn't having to resert to extreme defensive techniques for 90 minutes. It was only here and there. The AI's attacks in general seemed more varied and their first 3 shots were a low shot from outside a packed box, and two medium-height shots from within the box. Up the other end of the field, I had 8 attempts on goal, 5 of which went wide (manual noob) and 3 that were on target and very well saved. Sweet spot attempts, to test out the edited stats on this difficulty. Less ref bias. They committed 3 fouls against me and I cropped a couple of their bastards in response. Two yellows each. I drew the match 1-1. Their goal was a header from a cross bang on half time. Accuracy was similar for both teams, around 70-75% for passing, around 50% for shots.

I went on to lose 3-1 against Manchester City and then won 1-0 in the following match, forgot who it was against. Each match seemed realistic in terms of stats and choices made by the AI enemy. Man City had 85% passing and 7 out of 10 shots on target against a now red-arrowed Lloris who saved some low shots.
To summarize, I'm either a veteran who is still somehow a shit player or there's currently too much scripting on the higher levels to find it enjoyable and Professional allows me to have fun but still to use concentration. Still needs more testing.

I noticed that "scripting", "cpu cheating" or whatever you wanna call it on PES 2010 in the ML for the first time an then in any other realase that came after.
Specially on CL knockout matches I had games that I shouldn´t have lost, as it felt that my players lost skills and the cpu players gained skills.
I replayed several matches too and it took me like 3 - 5 attempts to win.
The way I lost was unacceptable.

Been reading the last pages and about selling the franchise to another game dev.
Experience or knowledge and location might be one thing.

But if you have any dev team that doesn´t work sloppy and test their own game (all modes and settings) thorough enough, then half the battle is done.
I noticed that "scripting", "cpu cheating" or whatever you wanna call it on PES 2010 in the ML for the first time an then in any other realase that came after.
Specially on CL knockout matches I had games that I shouldn´t have lost, as it felt that my players lost skills and the cpu players gained skills.
I replayed several matches too and it took me like 3 - 5 attempts to win.
The way I lost was unacceptable.

Been reading the last pages and about selling the franchise to another game dev.
Experience or knowledge and location might be one thing.

But if you have any dev team that doesn´t work sloppy and test their own game (all modes and settings) thorough enough, then half the battle is done.

I can't believe you guys replay matches until you win that you've lost through scripting. . .Kettle and the pot. Scripting has always been in Pes since the start except it was maybe kept for the latter stages of a competition. Pes 2013 and Pes 2016 are the worst I've seen for it.
I never touched ML before the patch so I can't comment on any changes but I did play a lot of league mode. I have to say that ML does seem to play quite differently to other game modes (or maybe a coincedence seeing as I changed game modes pre and post patch?).

First thing I noticed was that it was damn tough at the start, I can only imagine that this is due to the starting level of team spirit, all of my first 4 games i conceded twice in the opening 15 mins. I kept on tweaking my tactics and now i play much more defensive, that and a combination of the increase in team spirit seems to be helping as i'm up to 5th after 12 games now.

Anyway, ML seems very gritty in comparison to a free flowing fluid league mode/exhibition match, I do actually like it but I can't help but think that the AI teams in the championship have been set up to defend like retards, if you play against a badly set up team that has a low team spirit you are going to score endless amounts of goals (too many goals can come from robbing defenders doing silly things at 0.3mph). I've actually had to change the game time from 14 to 10 minutes because i felt the matches were too high scoring.

I can't decide whether it's team spirit that is making the game feel different on ML or if something did actually change at the patch, or is it just that the disparity between good/average and bad players is just too high on PES16? either way, as much as I am enjoying it, i really just want to be promoted as fast as possible to stop playing against awful defenders.
I never touched ML before the patch so I can't comment on any changes but I did play a lot of league mode. I have to say that ML does seem to play quite differently to other game modes (or maybe a coincedence seeing as I changed game modes pre and post patch?).

First thing I noticed was that it was damn tough at the start, I can only imagine that this is due to the starting level of team spirit, all of my first 4 games i conceded twice in the opening 15 mins. I kept on tweaking my tactics and now i play much more defensive, that and a combination of the increase in team spirit seems to be helping as i'm up to 5th after 12 games now.

Anyway, ML seems very gritty in comparison to a free flowing fluid league mode/exhibition match, I do actually like it but I can't help but think that the AI teams in the championship have been set up to defend like retards, if you play against a badly set up team that has a low team spirit you are going to score endless amounts of goals (too many goals can come from robbing defenders doing silly things at 0.3mph). I've actually had to change the game time from 14 to 10 minutes because i felt the matches were too high scoring.

I can't decide whether it's team spirit that is making the game feel different on ML or if something did actually change at the patch, or is it just that the disparity between good/average and bad players is just too high on PES16? either way, as much as I am enjoying it, i really just want to be promoted as fast as possible to stop playing against awful defenders.

You'll be promoted when the script says so. I still think there was adjustments in the banner patch. ..building up team spirit is vital in Master League especially on the tougher levels.
I can't believe you guys replay matches until you win that you've lost through scripting. . .Kettle and the pot. Scripting has always been in Pes since the start except it was maybe kept for the latter stages of a competition. Pes 2013 and Pes 2016 are the worst I've seen for it.

I only did that when it was so obvious.

Like keeper didn´t react or something.
I only did that when it was so obvious.

Like keeper didn´t react or something.

My FA Cup game (as a smaller team against a Premier League team) saw them score a goal from kick-off, nearly every time (unstoppable early cross that my defenders lock themselves to the ground to avoid dealing with), or would just be four goals up at half-time.

It's not realistic, nor is it fair, it's just a shitty bit of coding that says "you're not supposed to beat this team, but my AI isn't intelligent enough to beat you fairly, so let's just make your players first-touch the ball to my players, and make your goalkeeper even worse than he normally is".

I've quit playing the game now, online is like playing Speedy Gonzales Soccer, and playing against the CPU isn't fun for me. My only hope is a gameplay patch (which will never come) or... PES 2017, I guess.
Tried dropping down to Professional and although the AI started to play some nice football and the games felt different... they had 1 big problem. The middle of the park would see them part like the red sea :(
I can't believe you guys replay matches until you win that you've lost through scripting. . ..

Don't know what i should answer.

Will give it a try.

1. you imply that replaying matches is cheating. Well, now and then i cheat. If i play video games (and i play only single player), then i like to win...and if i losse too much, it becomes frsutrating. So, yes i tend to replay matches now and then.

2. I've already conceded that i cheat. So maybe you will believe the following. Now and then (but since the lastet patch, it seems to happen very frequently), one looses matches unfairly...i don't mind loosing matches when i do something wrong. But i do mind loosing matches because the game has decided that i will loose this match no matter what happens...and in all those years of playing PES i have developed a knack for knwming when this happens. So if that happens i sometimes become stubborn and replay a match 7 or 8 times... And in the end i give up and eventually llose those matches anyway...

It's not loosing that i mind, but it's the frustration that is almost unbearable. Playing games should be fun (and difficult can be fun, but is not always), not a source of frustration...real life is already enough a source of frustration...

Hope you understand this...
I wasn't directing that at you personally .. .a lot of guys seem to do it. As for the keeper didn't react. .. I'd end up replaying every game lol!

it´s all good...i didn´t take it personally nor in a neagtive way.

Just explained.

The depth of the ML was great back then and that´s why I didn´t accept that obvious shitty scripting.

Only when I realized it being my fault, or it was comprehensible to lose.
Then I kept the defeat.
Don't know what i should answer.

Will give it a try.

1. you imply that replaying matches is cheating. Well, now and then i cheat. If i play video games (and i play only single player), then i like to win...and if i losse too much, it becomes frsutrating. So, yes i tend to replay matches now and then.

2. I've already conceded that i cheat. So maybe you will believe the following. Now and then (but since the lastet patch, it seems to happen very frequently), one looses matches unfairly...i don't mind loosing matches when i do something wrong. But i do mind loosing matches because the game has decided that i will loose this match no matter what happens...and in all those years of playing PES i have developed a knack for knwming when this happens. So if that happens i sometimes become stubborn and replay a match 7 or 8 times... And in the end i give up and eventually llose those matches anyway...

It's not loosing that i mind, but it's the frustration that is almost unbearable. Playing games should be fun (and difficult can be fun, but is not always), not a source of frustration...real life is already enough a source of frustration...

Hope you understand this...

No I'm too dumb to understand that earth shattering explanation. . .the point I was making was people are calling the game scripted and cheating and then turn around and play it agin until the result suits them.

We all hate blatant scripting but it's part of this game unfortunately.
No I'm too dumb to understand that earth shattering explanation. . .the point I was making was people are calling the game scripted and cheating and then turn around and play it agin until the result suits them.

We all hate blatant scripting but it's part of this game unfortunately.

I'm sorry, but i don't understand that post.
It was never my intention to imply that you are dumb.

The way i see it (and don't tkae this personal), that once i have payed for the game, i can cheat as much as i want (in single player, of course) a matter of fact, the only one i'm cheating is myself...

Games are escapism to me...if i play games i want to be Messi, superman and all the other super heroes...of course i'm exagerating, but i hope you get my point.

But most important of all: you are not too dumb. I just wanted to explain myself and perhaps i said something wrong because i'm not a native English speaker, i'm quite fluent, but not always and in everything...
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