Misses Retri
- 7 August 2004
Chris, I made about 1000 posts talking about the lack of responsiveness between jogging/running/sprinting responsiveness, this is another example.
You've mentioned responsiveness several times, yes. But often I don't think the term 'responsiveness' fits the situation you, or other people to which you're replying, are talking about. Sometimes it's agility of players, sometimes it's response times to controls, often it's your tapping R1 thing, sometimes it's dodgy transitions from one movement animation to another... If you just apply the blanket term 'responsiveness' across all of these, then, yeah, you will probably use the term 1000 times. It isn't a particularly accurate term a lot of the time, but you'll get a lot of use out of it.
In the video Chris uploaded, the problem wasn't responsiveness. If anything it's either a clumsy attempt at representing someone who isn't very good at pressing, or dodgy pathfinding. PES has undoubtedly had something vaguely like this since before PES 2014, just as PES 2013, 2012, 2011 and 2010 all had dodgy 'responsiveness' in a number of areas outside of your R1 thing.
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