PES 2016 News & Discussion Thread

“We also want to take the opportunity to sincerely apologise to those fans affected by this issue. It’s frustrating for the fans, and for the team making the game. We assure everyone that we have learnt from this situation, and confirm designs to improve situations like these are currently being considered for future products.”

Here's a solution:

Hire more people.

I swear they give me the impression only one person is working on this game.
Just made a vine page so I can share videos easier (I think its easier) Hope this works: Shows a big error in one of my volley attemps..haven't seen the ball go this far over the crossbar pre-patch:

...btw, how does one make the clip viewable on this page (without having to click link)???
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Didn't they move the production to UK? I always feel that was the biggest problem. When it was just Japan-based, we all loved that game.

Also, 2K is great because they all love basketball and watch/play it almost daily. If they did football, I highly doubt it'd be at the same level. Plus, basketball is simpler in the sense that while there are some differences in European styles and American styles, the differences are subtle (2K's European Teams don't get much love in roster updates and stat accuracy), so while they may be able to replicate one league and one style perfectly, it'd be super difficult to do it for so many leagues/styles
Just made a vine page so I can share videos easier (I think its easier) Hope this works: Shows a big error in one of my volley attemps..haven't seen the ball go this far over the crossbar pre-patch:

...btw, how does one make the clip viewable on this page (without having to click link)???

That shot looked like it left the stadium. I'd say the Ballboys have their work cut out at your matches.
Id say no to that, 2K took on The Yukes franchise when THQ folded and those games are still awful! 2K does basketball brilliantly but apart from their defunct American football game heir sports games aren't good, i can see a number of issues with the PES team going to be based in North America.

I think Square Enix have the money and are Japanese based so the transition from PES Productions to them would be a lot easier.

Top Spin Tennis was good!
From watching that Mexico video which is well done btw, the biggest problem with the game is not that Konami didnt set players to Destroyer or Malicia etc (stupid names btw) but the fact that these skills or styles even EXIST!

Its a joke of a decison, the game dosent need that many stats... its over complicating a simple game, just like the media force on people... football is a simple sport, complicated by stupid people.

Any player can put in a tackle and put it in hard, so why the need for a 'Destroyer' tactic. By default a centre half should be capable of defending, not rely on a game having some fluff setting for him to do so.

Malicia, what the hell is that? Imagine Rafa Benitez saying to Ronaldo, right today Ron, you will be focusing on your Malicia skill.... come on ffs, every player, EVERY player can draw a foul.

This game needs to simplify itself, have the basic stat sets that define each player and position and have them play to that position. Not need a silly gimmick playing style or skill to define them and make them do their job.

I love the game, but that has wound me up. Why the hell does my centre half need to be a destroyer just to flipping defend... or why does my fullback need a malicia skill in order to win free kicks ffs.

fuck me konami - this is the sort of crap that FIFA rides on, the sort of crap people spend money on... 'shave ronaldos left nut, for extra aero dynamics when you need it'
From watching that Mexico video which is well done btw, the biggest problem with the game is not that Konami didnt set players to Destroyer or Malicia etc (stupid names btw) but the fact that these skills or styles even EXIST!

Its a joke of a decison, the game dosent need that many stats... its over complicating a simple game, just like the media force on people... football is a simple sport, complicated by stupid people.

Any player can put in a tackle and put it in hard, so why the need for a 'Destroyer' tactic. By default a centre half should be capable of defending, not rely on a game having some fluff setting for him to do so.

Malicia, what the hell is that? Imagine Rafa Benitez saying to Ronaldo, right today Ron, you will be focusing on your Malicia skill.... come on ffs, every player, EVERY player can draw a foul.

This game needs to simplify itself, have the basic stat sets that define each player and position and have them play to that position. Not need a silly gimmick playing style or skill to define them and make them do their job.

I love the game, but that has wound me up. Why the hell does my centre half need to be a destroyer just to flipping defend... or why does my fullback need a malicia skill in order to win free kicks ffs.

fuck me konami - this is the sort of crap that FIFA rides on, the sort of crap people spend money on... 'shave ronaldos left nut, for extra aero dynamics when you need it'

All that Konami have got wrong is the implementation of the traits, not the actual concept of having traits, which have been in place since at least PES 5, but certainly even earlier (never gets old when people chide FIFA for things which were in PES first or are in PES now).

I would say that playing styles and skills are an essential part of football games, and should be built on, rather than ditched. There aren't nearly enough stats which define a player's mentality, or where they would actually stand on the pitch compared to others - whether a player makes runs to free up teammates or to try and score himself, or whether a defender is a leader of the line, or whether a winger is more likely to cut in or go wide. You can't represent these with any of the standard stats.

There are definitely some stats which are more relevant than others, and some traits which are more significant than others. Maybe the way the game shows you these could be improved. But football is played by thousands of players, all of whom have different personalities and mindsets which aren't defined by how well they can kick a ball.
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That shot looked like it left the stadium. I'd say the Ballboys have their work cut out at your matches.

This level off error only exists in case of volleys. I have seen some over the bar shots,from cpu, but only in case of volleys. Even human controlled it's hard to shot over the bar..

And They,would like to add more faces, boots, etc toll the September updates will be available in December.. What a fucking joke of Company..

How about working on fouls, keepers, shooting Variety instead of áll this bullshit..

And add fucking rain to Champions League games out of exhibition..
Here's a solution:

Hire more people.

I swear they give me the impression only one person is working on this game.

in part time job!

This level off error only exists in case of volleys. I have seen some over the bar shots,from cpu, but only in case of volleys. Even human controlled it's hard to shot over the bar..

And They,would like to add more faces, boots, etc toll the September updates will be available in December.. What a fucking joke of Company..

How about working on fouls, keepers, shooting Variety instead of áll this bullshit..

And add fucking rain to Champions League games out of exhibition..

yeah volleys and headers are good (asid some weird slow mo header animation. there should be weak headers tho but these just seem weird)
All that Konami have got wrong is the implementation of the traits, not the actual concept of having traits, which have been in place since at least PES 5, but certainly even earlier (never gets old when people chide FIFA for things which were in PES first or are in PES now).

I would say that playing styles and skills are an essential part of football games, and should be built on, rather than ditched. There aren't nearly enough stats which define a player's mentality, or where they would actually stand on the pitch compared to others - whether a player makes runs to free up teammates or to try and score himself, or whether a defender is a leader of the line, or whether a winger is more likely to cut in or go wide. You can't represent these with any of the standard stats.

There are definitely some stats which are more relevant than others, and some traits which are more significant than others. Maybe the way the game shows you these could be improved. But football is played by thousands of players, all of whom have different personalities and mindsets which aren't defined by how well they can kick a ball.

Nope, disagree totally - a left back, is a left back... he dosent need to have a 'malicia' trait or anything. I agree there needs to be stats, but the basic stats of how a footballer can play. From there confidence is a factor and how well they play etc and on top of that formation, driven by the manager.

Having a 'trait' called destroyer that you need to have on a center half to make him 'pressure and hussle' an opponent is a joke. By DEFAULT a center half should pressure when he is needed to... having these traits just makes the game too complex for its own good.

Its proven that by not having the center halfs who dont have destroyer, being useless at times... well if its there and needs to be active to make the player do something, have it as default behind the scenes in the code and not a trait.

Stats for the sake of it.
Agree totally with romagnoli, player's should have trait. Every player has it's own playing style.. not all CDM play the same way, a so callled 'destroyer' should be a 'Gatusso' type of player, no explenation further needed. The problem like romagnoli said is that Konami could not implement the traits the right way.
Nope, disagree totally - a left back, is a left back... he dosent need to have a 'malicia' trait or anything. I agree there needs to be stats, but the basic stats of how a footballer can play. From there confidence is a factor and how well they play etc and on top of that formation, driven by the manager.

Having a 'trait' called destroyer that you need to have on a center half to make him 'pressure and hussle' an opponent is a joke. By DEFAULT a center half should pressure when he is needed to... having these traits just makes the game too complex for its own good.

Its proven that by not having the center halfs who dont have destroyer, being useless at times... well if its there and needs to be active to make the player do something, have it as default behind the scenes in the code and not a trait.

Stats for the sake of it.

By default a centre half should pressure when he is needed to (according to the tactics). I don't disagree. But that has nothing to do with whether player traits are an important part of player individuality in a football game, other than that Konami have completely screwed it up. It doesn't prove your point. Traits should be an embellishment on top of a sturdy system; it's Konami's failing for making it a completely binary setup, or indeed for choosing which traits should be used.

I could just as easily say that you should do away with stats and just use a combination of player traits and an overall rating (as Sensi did in the past, as well as early Championship Manager titles). The very stats you're saying the game 'needs' are arbitrary. "A player is a 65 at defending? A player is an 82 at passing? A player is a 78 at heading? What does any of this mean? It's nonsense. Stats for the sake of it."

Traits are essential finishing touches on top of the existing stats to add flavour to someone's style of play, to indicate their mentality and the style of play they naturally bring to a team. There are different ways to express aggression, or flair, or vision, or crossing ability, or off-the-ball proficiency, than 0-99 ratings can describe. Hence why every single football game uses traits, and why nobody in the real world describes players in terms of passing/shooting ratings out of 100.
But the fact that the game needs 'Destroyer' to force a centre half to want to pressure is wrong.

Same with Malicia, wtf is that. How does a player need a trait or skill to tell him to win a free kick? Seriously if people think thats fine, then its no wonder games are going down the pan.

Im happy for individuality, im happy for some stats to define good and average players (remember we are not encompassing a huge range in PES, mainly the top tier players)... but having crap like that in the game is what is holding it back.

Whether you are Zinedine Zidane or Joe Smoe on a field playing sunday mornings, you can draw a free kick... no one needs to tell you how to do it, no one needs to define it in you via training etc, its part of the game. Same for being a centre half, you know if you play there what your job is.... if this game needs silly traits to tell centre halfs to pressure and tackle, or to tell a player to 'win a free kick' - then its by default wrong at the core.

I love the game and never look at any stats tbh and thats why im surprised at this crap after watchign that video, as im playing it and I can get the players to do what I want them to do.

You are arguing for traits to show differences in players... well having a trait to tell a player to win free kicks, is bollocks.
guys its hard to argue about football regarding PES when the gameplay is broken in some department. thats why we try to tweak the stats even to some extreme extent

btw Malicia is for diving. and yeah that shouldnt be a trait, there should be an ability for that already wich determines the willingness to do Neymar 95, Neuer 45
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Since when does the destroyer card force players to pressure?

It has more to do with his effectiveness when pressuring rather than if he will pressure or not. Also please keep in mind the areas the players cover. If he is allover the pitch it's because his positioning is attributed this way.

Malicia card also doesn't mean he can dive.

I wish people would understand things before making shit up to fit their argument
I don't know how much clearer I can make it that
(a) I agree they've used traits wrongly
(b) All players should be able to win free kicks or pressure the ball-carrier
(c) the only part of your argument I disagree with is that traits should be scrapped.

But the fact that the game needs 'Destroyer' to force a centre half to want to pressure is wrong.
In both of my replies to you, I have said that you're correct on this. That doesn't mean we should scrap traits though. It just means Konami is using them wrongly.

Same with Malicia, wtf is that. How does a player need a trait or skill to tell him to win a free kick? Seriously if people think thats fine, then its no wonder games are going down the pan.
Again, you are correct and I have agreed with this in both of my posts. Again, it doesn't mean we should scrap traits, just that Konami should make sure that other players can win free kicks too. Honestly, if you're implying I think this is fine (rather than just using 'people' generically), then you need to read my posts much more clearly rather than just see the word 'disagree' and then start typing.

if this game needs silly traits to tell centre halfs to pressure and tackle, or to tell a player to 'win a free kick' - then its by default wrong at the core.
AGREED. They're using traits wrongly. Solution: use them correctly.

You are arguing for traits to show differences in players... well having a trait to tell a player to win free kicks, is bollocks.
AGREED. They're using traits wrongly. Solution: use them correctly.

The only bit I disagree with is your solution. It's throwing the baby out with the bathwater.

Imagine a game like Sims had traits for each of its characters. Imagine a Sim had a trait like 'Overeats'. That's fine, right? It means that character is more likely to put on weight, or needs to go to the gym more to stay the same weight.

If the developer forgets to code the game so that Sims who don't have the 'Overeats' trait all starve to death, that's not because the Overeats trait exists. That's because the developers fucked up. Solution: fix the fuck-up. Don't ditch the trait. Ditch the imbalance. Make it so everybody eats, but overeaters, well, overeat.
Exactly. Cant believe it would take them longer than a few hours to do a days worth of transfers that was missed.

the transfers weren't missed otherwise the live update wouldn't be up to date. the problem lies within getting the updated data into the game itself, more dev time/resource needed
Anybody else having issues with superstar difficulty in regards to the cpu either always scoring straight from kickoff or at least getting a guaranteed shot on target from kick off?

The last four matches in a row against the a.I has seen this situation and ive conceded in 3 of these games, and im pretty good at this game too.
Since when does the destroyer card force players to pressure?

It has more to do with his effectiveness when pressuring rather than if he will pressure or not. Also please keep in mind the areas the players cover. If he is allover the pitch it's because his positioning is attributed this way.

Malicia card also doesn't mean he can dive.

I wish people would understand things before making shit up to fit their argument

youre like

or like


cant decide :D :P

it should be diving....if its somehow not...but probably u have no idea what is Malicia since u havent said anything just going against my opinion, than its a useless attribute since doesnt do anything to any player. btw i only saw those players diving who have malicia thats why my assumption comes from ;) where comes yours and whats yours?

the destroyer slide tackles more often basicly (wich makes the defence better so a lot players will defend more thats why the dude applied the destroyer card in the vid...ofcourse it increases the chance of fouls by a small percent but still sliding is too accurate so in the end it just makes the defence more solid so his main reason to use that wont work because the game is fundamentally broken).

just read the description of the traits before going nuts mate just because someone has different opinion to yours :D
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Anybody else having issues with superstar difficulty in regards to the cpu either always scoring straight from kickoff or at least getting a guaranteed shot on target from kick off?

The last four matches in a row against the a.I has seen this situation and ive conceded in 3 of these games, and im pretty good at this game too.
I had an interesting issue in ML playing Stoke. Was an away game, they had Bojan up top on his own. He was seemingly in great form as he was in the top 5 for goals scored. From kick-off, they passed sideways and did a long, high ball over the top that for some reason my defenders struggled to latch on to and Bojan scored with a volley.

Played out the match and it ended 1-1. However, I loaded the game back up to see if teams played differently in ML if I edited their style in Edit Mode. A curiosity. It made no difference this time at least, but the point here is the match against Stoke began and I saw the exact scenario happen again from kick-off, apart from me being more clued up and getting a deflection on the Bojan volley which sent it wide.

Quit to main menu, loaded my save. Third attempt at the match, they tried the same thing again, though this time I'd put 3 men marking Bojan and they stopped his bad self.
Anybody else having issues with superstar difficulty in regards to the cpu either always scoring straight from kickoff or at least getting a guaranteed shot on target from kick off?

The last four matches in a row against the a.I has seen this situation and ive conceded in 3 of these games, and im pretty good at this game too.
I'd never witnessed this, until last night. But yes, I've now witnessed this too. Never happened to me before.

(Full story, and rant, below. Don't read if easily offended, or bored.)

FA Cup game, Norwich (CPU) vs Preston (me). Ten minute matches.

Big difference between the two obviously so I was expecting to get battered. However, after going 4-0 down within 25 minutes on the first attempt (which is fucking ridiculous), I replayed the game twice on Superstar, twice on Top Player and twice on Professional.

In 5 of the 7 matches (including the original match), the CPU scored from kick-off in the first half.

They'd pass to a winger, hit a ball over the top that my defenders could get nowhere near - even with marking enabled - and slot it into the corner.

I was ready to throw the controller out of the window after it happened a third time, and it reminds me that some people only play PES for the satisfaction of beating the cheating-mother-fucking CPU at its own game (very, very occasionally).

It was an impossible match-up to enjoy - not only would my defensive line refuse to move backwards no matter what I did with the settings (or the in-game D-PAD options), but I saw CPU cheats I haven't seen for years.

Time and time again I'd hold sprint and move forward, only for the player to kick the ball ahead about 100% further than usual - and straight into the path of an opposition player (this lead to a few of their goals). In all my league games, I haven't seen this more than once or twice - here, it was once or twice PER MATCH.

There were players I couldn't select using the player select button - which I've always assumed is a technical failing rather than a deliberate "you're not going to win this game, bitch" from the CPU, but I'll be damned if I could select a player who was stood between two opposition players to intercept their pass.

There were so many dodgy rebounds straight to the opposition, and so many instances where my player would just stop running (as if trying to control a tricky pass, except he already had the ball, and that glitch in the momentum would then allow the CPU player to get the ball off you).

The one that pissed me off the most, though...

In each league game, I was scoring an average of 3.5 goals a game (with the opposition usually scoring more). Suddenly, the same strikers who couldn't stop scoring, when hitting the ball in the exact same way, were seeing their shots comfortably saved (and held onto).

Only when I played on Professional were my shots actually finding the net. On the other difficulties, I wasn't being prevented from scoring by good defending - I wasn't scoring because my shots were suddenly weaker, and the opposition keeper world's apart from mine.

That sums up how PES works for me (at least, in the scenario where there's a big quality difference between the teams) - by restricting you, not by making your opponent play better.

It showed me absolutely clearly that the code buried at the core of the game is still based on having much more limited processing power, that can't prevent you from winning unless it gives you the virtual equivalent of a dodgy gamepad that's got two buttons hanging off.
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why does this game play so fast online? It totally kills any simulation traits the game may have. There's zero chance to play a tactical game online with the game playing so fast creating a pin ball like passing craziness with super high scores.
Id say no to that, 2K took on The Yukes franchise when THQ folded and those games are still awful! 2K does basketball brilliantly but apart from their defunct American football game heir sports games aren't good, i can see a number of issues with the PES team going to be based in North America.

I think Square Enix have the money and are Japanese based so the transition from PES Productions to them would be a lot easier.

Square Enix have the money, but not much experience, unless they transfer/hire the part of the competent staff of the PES team, if theres any :lol:

Square enix musg have crazy amount of money. They have spent millions for like 7 years or more on a game that it never was released during the ps3/360 era and it was announced to ps4/pc.

They built a new engine that seems to be one the most advanced and expensive as well:

I would say Square Enix has the money to compete with EA more equally.

On a differente note, the new Offical PlayStation in ears headphone has PES 2016 as the game being showed.

On PlayStation Openning video at Paris Gaming Week it also has footage of PES among other games instead of Fifa.

It seems to me that Konami are getting closer and closer to Sony/PlayStation brand this gen. Thats interesting. Finally something that they are doing right, isnt it ?
It seems to me that Konami are getting closer and closer to Sony/PlayStation brand this gen. Thats interesting. Finally something that they are doing right, isnt it ?
It's always been EA & Microsoft, Konami & Sony, hasn't it? FIFA has FUT "Legends" on Xbox (who cares) and PES adverts etc. always seem to mention the PS4.

I always put that down to being because EA & Microsoft are American, Konami & Sony are Japanese. Don't know if it's as simple as that of course...

It's something they did before. I just don't understand the decisions they make. Is it the programming or the architecture of the game?
It's just a disjointed development team, there's no technical reason whatsoever. From the reports we've seen about Konami's working conditions, I imagine they don't have a steady team of programmers...
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Id say no to that, 2K took on The Yukes franchise when THQ folded and those games are still awful! 2K does basketball brilliantly but apart from their defunct American football game heir sports games aren't good, i can see a number of issues with the PES team going to be based in North America.

I think Square Enix have the money and are Japanese based so the transition from PES Productions to them would be a lot easier.
2k made ice hockey games too and their last game is still way better than what EA is producing even now!!
From a selfish point of view, id rather Konami ditched the PC version at least... and if possible the XBOX and just focus on PS4.

Time and money can be saved that way, as well as put all resources into making 1 great game.
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