PES 2016 News & Discussion Thread

Would setting both teams conditions to max "Arrow up" make the keepers better?

Goalkeepers are a total game breaker they are useless worst ever in a PES game I just had a match were every shot was low by the Ai went in ,I switched it off. Its back to PES15 on PS4 for me ,really liked the imported kits for PES16 but the keepers and lack of fouls destroy this game and it could have been brilliant.

Im glad I didn't pay full price on release day but still feel cheated and ripped off, this may be the last PES I buy ,Konami deserve to go out of business.
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I'm on PS4 and I can certainly see a difference in the way the AI builds up , speed of build up and keepers are more switched on .. shot variation is untouched for AI and fouls in the 4 games I've played are still pretty much none existent. I think it would be good for people who are seeing fouls to do 3 things
1. Also state the platform
2. State all the control settings and level
3. Video a match so we can see the playing style that draws fouls

Big ask I know
I am thinking of recording some kind of comparison for matches against rivals and non-rivals. I was given one foul against Man City, two against Sunderland and then 12 against West Ham, the only assigned rival (both ways). Pre-patch, I'd try and invite fouls, when I could be arsed. Last night, I was just trying to play football but was getting hacked to shit.

For the record I'm a PS4 player on superstar difficulty, controls to all manual, with auto-feint etc off.
Goalkeepers are a total game breaker they are useless worst ever in a PES game I just had a match were every shot was low by the Ai went in

Its back to PES15 on PS4 for me
I don't understand, PES 2105 has the exact same GK issue; this and several other CPU AI bugs are in both games.
agree on keepers and shooting. its like a very basic atari game where there are

5 types of player shots:
-strong high /outside the box hits the target 90%/inside the box its a goal 90%
-strong low /outside the box hits the target 95%/inside the box its a goal 95%
-controlled /outside the box hits the target 100%/inside the box its a goal 100%
-chip /outside the box hits the target 100%/inside the box its a goal 100%
-headers / they are all great, have diversity but for some reason some strange slow mo headers are rather punched by the keepers. thats the only bug
-volleys / they are all great, have diversity but they hit the target too often, not so bad as the other types of shots its still acceptable

same goes for the cpu only that cpu doesnt miss that much :D oh and low ground shots

is this really 2016? is this the best football game ever? seriously? why? with such flaws...the most important part of a football game havent done right, rather instead done bad. whenever i hit up PES 6, ISS2 everything regarding shooting feels fine. okay im still accept cut back is overpowered in PES 6 okay i know.

do you guys really feel overwhealmed when you score in 2016?

i know saying anything wrong about this game is not welcomed here multiple times only praising it but since there is a new patch wich doesnt bring the changes what most the people asked is ridicilous and saying they dont give a crap. or the proper gameplay patch is in the folder where the full roster update left?
Would setting both teams conditions to max "Arrow up" make the keepers better?

Goalkeepers are a total game breaker they are useless worst ever in a PES game I just had a match were every shot was low by the Ai went in ,I switched it off. Its back to PES15 on PS4 for me ,really liked the imported kits for PES16 but the keepers and lack of fouls destroy this game and it could have been brilliant.

Im glad I didn't pay full price on release day but still feel cheated and ripped off, this may be the last PES I buy ,Konami deserve to go out of business.

I am starting to believe that the best thing that could ever happen to the PES franchise is Konami leaving the business and selling this franchise to a good company with Fox Engine license, as it would take at least two years to adapt the game on a new engine, wich would be a suicide market wise.

In all these years of complainments, they could never build a decent CPU Ai that is challenging but play faily, thy could never build decent, reliable keepers, they are still way behind in terms of animations, they put silly limitations that makes you wonder if pes 2016 is really a game from 2015 (only night games on ML, sale shitty golde, 20th anniversary ball etc fucking annoying, it just doenst make sense).

I could go on and on. There are some goal you see happening on this game that makes me wonder how it got 87 on metacritics. I would say they paid for the revoews if they were on a good position economically speaking, but that seems to be not the case, its just that reviewers are absolutetly cluless.

I wouldnt say Fifa 16 is a better game, but its for sure a better product, you can easily see its up to this date in terms of technology, investment etc. konami cant even get squads updated a month after release. Lol It is a joke ofms company.
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I am starting to believe that the best thing that could ever happen to the PES franchise is Konami leaving the business and selling this franchise to a good company with Fox Engine license, as it would take at least two years to adapt the game on a new engine, wich would be a suicide market wise.

In all these years of complainments, they could never build a decent CPU Ai that is challenging but play faily, thy could never build decent, reliable keepers, they are still way behind in terms of animations, they put silly limitations that makes you wonder if pes 2016 is really a game from 2015 (only night games on ML, sale shitty golde, 20th anniversary ball etc fucking annoying, it just doenst make sense).

I could go on and on. There are some goal you see happening on this game that makes me wonder how it got 87 on metacritics. I would say they paid for the revoews if they were on a good position economically speaking, but that seems to be not the case, its just that reviewers are absolutetly cluless.

I wouldnt say Fifa 16 is a better game, but its for sure a better product, you can easily see its up to this date in terms of technology, investment etc. konami cant even get squads updated a month after release. Lol It is a joke ofms company.

there are some blind fanboys in there. wich isnt a bad thing when it comes to gaming but when this is your job your totaly make a foul out of yourself and the customers. never forget that those guys at playstation acces said that Konami tweaked the replays they arent groundbreaking but much better than in 2015...umm yeah dude :D you just wanted to believe that i guess, and there was some other stuffs too.... not to mention that Asim claims 2016 the best PES/football game ever and it just have bit of flaws and if you moan about tham you just a troll...well at least hes just doing reviews for hobby
the game is not so bad as many members write here. have now played many games after patch on ss and each was really different. got no low shot goal. the cpu teams played with different styles. it is slower as before patch. perhaps i am wrong or i fell it so because i am not so a good pes player.
I think the reviews are done after a few games and the flaws become more come obvious after more prolonged playing

I thought this game was amazing as i played small teams and was involved in scrappy games with most of the game happening in midfield. Then i played a master league, bought some decent players and then got used to scoring from outside the box two or three times a game and being able to dribble around players easily and it lost all its fun

Years ago their was a stat called aggression, if this was still in the game i would up this considerably so that defenders tried to stop forwards. I would also reduce shooting technique and increase keepers stats. This would sort out a lot of what is wrong with the game
Guys I need a suggestion, I had already started my Master league before the patch or data pack which released recently, now will I have to start ML from scratch again to see the gameplay changes or will I be able to see the changes in my pre patch Ml only.

If it's the same as the older PES' you won't have to start again to see the gameplay changes. :)
It really isn't. Drama Queens as usual. Seems things don't go their way and they throw toys out.

I am one of the best players you could find and I say so. :LMAO:

One thing I have noticed is I'm starting to tell who is really good at the game and people who think they are good, literally by how they write. Obviously videos give a better understanding to how they approach the game.

There are a few people i have seen in terms of gameplay it seems as if they themselves don't really know what they want and see as the right football experience for them.

I remember back 10 years ago at the very least everyone just tried to master the game on the hardest difficulty then took things from there and developed their game to adapt. Its almost as if people seem to get irate everytime a few things go wrong.

This is a general thing in videogaming, not just PES & FIFA, sorry to single you out Angus but your an example of this with your stuff regarding CPU boosts. Angus your a human being, your are far, FAR more powerful than any CPU will ever be, even with momentum boosts. You shouldn't let yourself be out done by AI.

Mastering the AI is part of the enjoyment in any game. This is not about excusing bugs and incompetence from either company, this is regarding doing the basic thing and just mastering the game.
Could somebody tell me how to score with a header from a corner using manual on Superstar/Top player? I haven't scored one yet, they either go 10 yards over the bar or wide or looks like a back pass to the goalie. Is the triangle to head down in the game or is it pull back on the stick? Waste of time sending the ball in for a header although it's ok in open play.
the game is not so bad as many members write here. have now played many games after patch on ss and each was really different. got no low shot goal. the cpu teams played with different styles. it is slower as before patch. perhaps i am wrong or i fell it so because i am not so a good pes player.

I personally like the game a lot. There is an overused word on this forum called "fan boys" and it is directed and those who just like the game and can live with its issues. I think the real fan boys are the ones who insist on coming in and making sure we all know they don't like the game and there is just nothing good about it. They just can't let go of PES. I myself don't like fifa but I am not going to bother going to fifa forums and bash the game or try sway their opinions.
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Could somebody tell me how to score with a header from a corner using manual on Superstar/Top player? I haven't scored one yet, they either go 10 yards over the bar or wide or looks like a back pass to the goalie. Is the triangle to head down in the game or is it pull back on the stick? Waste of time sending the ball in for a header although it's ok in open play.

It's hard but try pressing shoot button and direction then let go just before you actually head it , I've found leaving direction pressed skews it
there are some blind fanboys in there. wich isnt a bad thing when it comes to gaming but when this is your job your totaly make a foul out of yourself and the customers. never forget that those guys at playstation acces said that Konami tweaked the replays they arent groundbreaking but much better than in 2015...umm yeah dude :D you just wanted to believe that i guess, and there was some other stuffs too.... not to mention that Asim claims 2016 the best PES/football game ever and it just have bit of flaws and if you moan about tham you just a troll...well at least hes just doing reviews for hobby

Im not saying the game is bad, just to make things clear here.

The game inst bad. Its not a bad game a game that, even tho very rarely for me at least, can offer a memorable, intense match like no game ever, like the matchs I have a month ago playing CL (I might give CL games a chance once again).

But on the other hand, to say that pes 2016 is the best pes or even football game ever, things of this sort, just sounds abaurd to me, specially when we take into account that some of its flaws are not things like "yeah I can deal with it. These are flaws that have potential to fucking ruin the whole match. A game that has these types of flaws doesnt deserve, not on earth neither in heaven, to be known as "the best pes ever".

I try to understand the whole enthusiasm behind this game and I honestly cant find it. Maybe Im getting old and easily annoyed by silly things or its because people are more and more easier to be satisfied when it comes to pes and football game in general.

As I already said and I say it again, Pes 2016 isnt a bad game. But its sure not that game that a good part of the media and the so called professional revoewers tried to sold to me.

I am disppointed with pes 2016. I am good judge. I dont come here and say the game is crap, if I did so, I was just frustrated and angry, and I feel sorry if I did that, I respect the opinion of those who are enjoying it, but let me drop the bomb right now: Pes 2015 was far better than this a average at best Pes 2016.

I like to treat and judge things into their context. And by judging things in context, theres mo doubt for me that pes 2015 was better game. Why ? Because Pes 2015, as a first attempt on a new gen, was a very solid game. I camt say the same thing for Pes 2016, sorry. Pes 2016, while it was improved in some aspects not by a long shot (physical battle is MAYBE the only excepetion), it is a step back in some fundamental aspects that cam ruin any match you just dont know when.
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I think the reviews are done after a few games and the flaws become more come obvious after more prolonged playing

I thought this game was amazing as i played small teams and was involved in scrappy games with most of the game happening in midfield. Then i played a master league, bought some decent players and then got used to scoring from outside the box two or three times a game and being able to dribble around players easily and it lost all its fun

Years ago their was a stat called aggression, if this was still in the game i would up this considerably so that defenders tried to stop forwards. I would also reduce shooting technique and increase keepers stats. This would sort out a lot of what is wrong with the game
i agree with you a lot, but if even u are pointing out problems with the ps4 game, then how do u say about the pc version which i play, it's unplayable until i installed yairpatch for gameplay fix.
I personally like the game a lot. There is an overused word on this forum called "fan boys" and it is directed and those who just like the game and can live with its issues. I think the real fan boys are the ones who insist on coming in and making sure we all know they don't like the game and there is just nothing good about it. They just can't let go of PES. I myself don't like fifa but I am not going to bother going to fifa forums and bash the game or try sway their opinions.

Eh, I think fanboys are people who are dedicated to a specific game/company, as if it's a sports club they are supporting. It's an "us vs them" mentality, and some people just enjoy being a part of a group.
Man what did they do to the ML original lineup? Didn't each player use to have their own custom made face? Casotolo/Ivarov/etc. Now it's just a bunch of generic clones. I was gonna do a ML with the original team but this turned me off so I went back to using the real squad lineup.
For anyone playing MyClub online, am i the only one that feels the mode is strongly built around microtransactions? I mean, last i checked this was still a 60 euros game, right? If so, why am i forced to use real money to be able to continue playing, not mentioning trying to get new players which is a wet dream.

Let's do some simple maths. My team currently is built of 10 black ball players and 1 gold ball. The total amount i have to pay on contracts for each 10 games played online is 26720 GP!

The amount of GP i get on a win with a level 4 strength team and currently in division 5 is about 2200 GP (+/-50gp). So, best case scenario (10 wins) i get 22000 GP! There is the occasional division promotion which gives you a free contract ticket that if u use on ur highest rated player saves you about 3-3,5k GP which still isn't enough to cover all contracts.

Now, i know some of you will tell me to build a 2nd team (which i already did since i was forced to) with shitty players and use it to farm GP against easy CPU. But, does this seem right to you? Having to farm GP in korean MMO's style? That sounds fucking despicable to me. This is NOT a free to play game. This is a 60 euros game, not a single one of it's modes should be built around microtransactions! Those should be there as a shortcut for who ever has money to throw on stupid stuff, NOT to FORCE normal players to either endure MMO style farming or pay real money!

absolutely a disgrace of a company Konami is. Just booted up Pes and wanted to start playing ML and guess what i saw, the f****** transfers were not even done correctly. They had 1 f****** month to correct something that should have been fixed the first day. It´s beyond me how a lousy and lazy company Konami is. And anyone that tries to defend them just likes to get cheated on. Fifa may not have a good gameplay but they atleast have fixed the small things from day 1. So angry right now.... gonna be my last PES(even though i said the same about 2014) and i mean it this time.

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Pes 2016. The nba jam of footie games. There is absolutely no tactical side to this game. Just run and gun every game creating some outrageous scores. All it needs is the "he's on fire" feature and we would be all set. This is getting old fast. I wonder more and more how FIFA is. I'm not one to jump ship but I don't like this arcadish nonsense either.

I've played 5 games online today on divisions. Scores. 5-3 5-4 5-5 4-2 5-4. The last game I was up 4-0 and all of a sudden my team couldn't kick the ball to save their lives. The opponent became totally unstoppable and super human. Konami's bad joke for ppl being loyal to their old sim franchise ????
Eh, I think fanboys are people who are dedicated to a specific game/company, as if it's a sports club they are supporting. It's an "us vs them" mentality, and some people just enjoy being a part of a group.

I think that's a perfect definition of a fanboy. Some people like a certain game and that's fair enough but a fan boy will be in denial that a game is just plain bad even when it is a steaming pile.
I have bought PES since ISS pro and most of the time loved it but I am not blindly loyal to Konami a company that has proven it doesn't listen to us or give a dam about us, they even make EA look good.

Konami could have nailed it this year by just fixing the fouls I mean come on there's fouls in football ,the ping pong arcade passing , given us daytime games in cups and fixed overpowered shots then it would have been great. Instead they did basically nothing, its as if they want to fail and go out of business.

Konami have the licence for Euro 16 perhaps all their staff are working on it ,as for PES 16 its a red card :R1 Oh wait that's right there's no fouls, a thumbs down instead then :TD:
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