PES 2016 News & Discussion Thread

I agree with a lot of what Klashman has said. When Pes was awarded best game last year even though I hated it Fifa worried about losing fans. Pes 2014 was a very brave step for Konami but was released in a hurry which was a huge mistake, they should have waited another year.

Fifa have taken a risk this year to win back some of their fans by bringing out a more methodical thinking game and winning back the fans that they feel they've lost and it could work out that they will win over some Pes fans.

I agree with what klashman has said about the passing system . . it's designed for kids that play online . .an uncomplicated end to end game. .I just hope he's right about patches improving the game this year. Video games are big business and Ea are way more powerful than konami buying licenses etc. I don't think it's about incompetence with konami it's more about budget. They have to try rope the kids in for sales it's as simple as that. It's all about big business and always will be. I agree the decisions Konami have made this year have been outrageous with updates at the end of october.

It's all down to the consumers preference at the end of the day.

Good point. at end of day konami is a business and PES is one of its "products/franchises". Despite what we the hardcore say, or even adam bhatti or his boss say, the strategy will be tightly controlled by their advisers, investment bankers and consultancy's who are simply analysing it from a spreadsheet of sales and demographics and numerous customer surveys and focus groups. And these advisers will simply have the agenda of increasing revenue as much as possible and sustain growth. They of course needed a USP, and i think the fox engine and the new physical engine is that for them. And you can see that Konami cannot escapte this very "arcadey" type of game of collecting "cards/players" etc.

The quality of the overall game and modes is probably quite low on the their list. I am not saying the real fans dont have a say in the direction, but I bet its a very small slice of the pie compared to what their advisers are placing importance on.

Although we (the hardcore) rock and know a good footy game from bad, their advisers dont see $$$ signs in our demographic unfortunately.

The best bet is actually what we fear most, in that this arcadey strategy does increase their market share and revenue, and thus following years Konami wil be more likely to invest in the dev team and assign more resources to other areas like the finer points of gameplay and modes etc
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Good point. at end of day konami is a business and PES is one of its "products/franchises". Despite what we the hardcore say, or even adam bhatti or his boss say, the strategy will be tightly controlled by their advisers, investment bankers and consultancy's who are simply analysing it from a spreadsheet of sales and demographics and numerous customer surveys and focus groups. And these advisers will simply have the agenda of increasing revenue as much as possible and sustain growth. They of course needed a USP, and i think the fox engine and the new physical engine is that for them. And you can see that Konami cannot escapte this very "arcadey" type of game of collecting "cards/players" etc.

The quality of the overall game and modes is probably quite low on the their list. I am not saying the real fans dont have a say in the direction, but I bet its a very small slice of the pie compared to what their advisers are placing importance on.

Although we (the hardcore) rock and know a good footy game from bad, their advisers dont see $$$ signs in our demographic unfortunately.

The best bet is actually what we fear most, in that this arcadey strategy does increase their market share and revenue, and thus following years Konami wil be more likely to invest in the dev team and assign more resources to other areas like the finer points of gameplay and modes etc

agree with deco. its not incompetence, its likely symptoms of a fixed budget and resources. They can only do so much in the yearly cycle.

I think a possible problem is they dont have a figurehead or visionary that needs to be able to float on top of all the politics and different agendas from the HQ, advisers, devs, product managers, marketing etc. As the weird changes in direction, and lack of continuity (features appearing and disappearing) seem to stink of bit of a free for all when it comes to finalising the builds each year. No one sems to be controlling it with a clear vision in mind.

Anyways, fearing the worst and hoping for the best is my bag! Might be wishful thinking but maybe the 100 or so new devs they added few years ago, have actually been locked away working on the "real next gen" version, and the releases we have seen to date are simply tweaks to the old engine? Here's hoping but i am not holding my breath!

Of course this is pure speculation, but more likely we will get frsutrated as they appear to dumb the game down and make more arcadey by default, and try and coy Fifas Ultimate team modes etc. But as they gain more cash, they have more resources that can also focus on the gameplay and adding more content. I cant believe that if there are some devs who also grew up with the old ISS and PES games, have lost the urge to get the game back to that level and feeling again
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I am glad to see someone giving this game some credit in the middle of all the broken game talk. I do really enjoy this game very much despite some flaws. The talk about how bad and broken this game is just too much.
Yeah just sharing my feelings on it. This game is not finished I said that a couple of pages back. Konami again released it in a rush to get it out before fifa. I don't understand this business model they employ. In my opinion it does more damage than good releasing a game that is not 100% ready then patching it to fix issues.

Anyway the game that is there is very enjoyable and I get what dudu is saying as well. It's horrendous playing against those glitch play motherfuckers online but expecting any better online is just not possible these days. That is why we have whatsapp groups with select players. If I want an online match I message them lol

Now and then I venture into the abyss of random online players and usually feel quite frustrated by what Konami allows to happen on the virtual pitch but unfortunately it's what pays the bills. It's nice giving them a good thrashing too every once in a while
agree with deco. its not incompetence, its likely symptoms of a fixed budget and resources. They can only do so much in the yearly cycle.

I think a possible problem is they dont have a figurehead or visionary that needs to be able to float on top of all the politics and different agendas from the HQ, advisers, devs, product managers, marketing etc. As the weird changes in direction, and lack of continuity (features appearing and disappearing) seem to stink of bit of a free for all when it comes to finalising the builds each year. No one sems to be controlling it with a clear vision in mind.

Anyways, fearing the worst and hoping for the best is my bag! Might be wishful thinking but maybe the 100 or so new devs they added few years ago, have actually been locked away working on the "real next gen" version, and the releases we have seen to date are simply tweaks to the old engine? Here's hoping but i am not holding my breath!

Of course this is pure speculation, but more likely we will get frsutrated as they appear to dumb the game down and make more arcadey by default, and try and coy Fifas Ultimate team modes etc. But as they gain more cash, they have more resources that can also focus on the gameplay and adding more content. I cant believe that if there are some devs who also grew up with the old ISS and PES games, have lost the urge to get the game back to that level and feeling again

I agree with you totally Samba.. . . they are well aware of the faults and drawbacks of the games they are putting out. As you have said if the resources become available through sales I'm sure they would be able to implement what they would really like the game to be . . .you have to take into consideration that Sony are involved in this as well as in trying to seduce Ps3 users to ps4! I've been a fan of Pes since day one and have tried never to get involved in the Fifa v Pes rivalry. . to me it's pointless.

Personally I don't get too nostalgic about the old Pes 5 and 6 games. . . that's all the past now...I'm not giving up on Pes yet!
Did anyone watch the shocking scripting and arcadey football in the Champions League tonight? Arsenal done over by the old we score then they go up and score immediately while Lewandowski scores a hattrick making that 10 goals in 3 games for him. It was just so unrealistic!
Yeah just sharing my feelings on it. This game is not finished I said that a couple of pages back. Konami again released it in a rush to get it out before fifa. I don't understand this business model they employ. In my opinion it does more damage than good releasing a game that is not 100% ready then patching it to fix issues.

Anyway the game that is there is very enjoyable and I get what dudu is saying as well. It's horrendous playing against those glitch play motherfuckers online but expecting any better online is just not possible these days. That is why we have whatsapp groups with select players. If I want an online match I message them lol

Now and then I venture into the abyss of random online players and usually feel quite frustrated by what Konami allows to happen on the virtual pitch but unfortunately it's what pays the bills. It's nice giving them a good thrashing too every once in a while

I mainly play offline but I can understand how hard it's to land a good game online while we keep in mind that konami has to cater to a broad range of audiences. That balance can really be very hard to accomplish. I hope they're able to fix the online issues with future patches and provide the right balance.
Quick question. How do I get full squad recovery tokens? I've used all the free ones up. Is it a case of resting players? I ain't using coins on that
Defending in pes is good in general and has been for a long time. Thing is since 2011 defending has been FIRST and foremost about your tactics, than how you time your tackles.

Defending is all about positioning!

I strongly disagree since thats not the case online.

People sprint and pressure non stop without take into account any context. I dont see any tatical and skills involved on that.
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Did anyone watch the shocking scripting and arcadey football in the Champions League tonight? Arsenal done over by the old we score then they go up and score immediately while Lewandowski scores a hattrick making that 10 goals in 3 games for him. It was just so unrealistic!

Lol nice one buddy.
Btw lads where's that chap Supertalk? Did he stop playing both games? Haven't seen any posts from him in ages!
Anyone got a good camera angle? I can't seem to find any I like

I'm the last person you should ask but I still swear by pitchside, with a wee bit zoom and angle tilt. Just like seeing them player models up close and find it just flows better. Would knock the gamespeed down as well too if trying it.
Also I had Totti, Rakitic, iniesta and a few other mid tier players. I tried plenty of long range shots often going over the bar
Question: Do you write this in response to the comments about shots never rising higher than 2-3 feet off the ground? This issue has been discussed numerous times this year and last, the issue is with CPU players never shooting the ball higher than the GKs waist. Find it odd that people are still confused about that, there have been hundreds of posts discussing the problem.
I am glad to see someone giving this game some credit in the middle of all the broken game talk. I do really enjoy this game very much despite some flaws. The talk about how bad and broken this game is just too much.
One example of what I mean by broken game, see my previous post. I understand it's not something people want to hear or know about perhaps, nevertheless talking about these things can be informative, and it doesn't mean you can't still enjoy the game. There's a whole thread on the topic in the editing forum. I've been able to more or less fix the broken ref coding with edits, I'm getting 6-9 CPU fouls and cards per game now. I'm getting lots of free kicks from just outside the CPU 18 yard box, 2-3 a game usually. Was broken, and now it's fixed as far as my game goes.
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Cool bit of skill/glitching earlier where Torres controlled with his back into space before turning and shooting. Pure accident the control on my part. Will see if it is saved and will upload.
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Anyone got a good camera angle? I can't seem to find any I like

I seemed to enjoy the games with this one last night - zoom 7, height 5, angle 5.

Tried Live Broadcast for a while and that wasn't bad but the framerate seemed a bit slower sometimes?

Try also zoom 8, height 4, angle 6 or zoom 7, height 1, angle 10.
I don't necessarily have a problem with Konami going down the pick up and play approach with more end to end action. I think the bigger problem is that if you're going to have more chances and shots on goal, the ball physics and goalkeepers need to be top notch so that you see more variety!

I don't want to see a whole bunch of rockets flying in with the same trajectory and with the same keeping animations.
Yeah, it sucks that the difference between manual passing and type 1 is so huge. Top Player against the CPU would be perfect with the 1 bar assistance we've seen in previous years. Now it's too automatic and easy, and manual passing doesn't feel like a fair fight when the CPU attacks directly AND has like 85-90% pass completion.
Online playing for me it's been surprisilly enjoayable. I play private leagues normally but they are waiting the DLC to start it. So I am playing the online divisions and so far I played with a lot of people who choose teams like Boca Jrs, brazilians teams and others, not only Real MAdrid and Barça. And I love to beat the ones whom choose Real Madrid with less powerfull teams like Lazio, Everton and similars.

I do think that the GK need fix but it's not that bad, and i really aprecciate the defense system still have not conceded more than 5 goals and never score more than taht too.

80% of the games are playing smooth and softly, but the 20% that has lag or especially delay it's unplayable.

The game is far form perfect and it's not even finished. The DLC on 29th is really frustranting and unbelieveble but as a only online player i really like the game hoping after 29th it will be better though.
On a large 65inch tv I used to play 5-7 zoom, 10 height, and 10 angle.
I like seeing detail on the players, but also like max height and angle, as this opens up the goal mouth (important for manual shooting as you don't want the goal mouth too side on - easier to see where you are actually aiming with the L2).
6 months ago, I purchased a benq 1070 projector (cheap for its HD quality) and play on a 100" projector screen. Its in my computer room, and I sit about 2.5meters away. Some say this is too close, but I have to tell you, id never go back to a tv after playing pes16 on it. Having to move my head around the screen, creates kind of perception effect required in football having to look around the screen for your players. On this 100" screen I play on custom 0 zoom, 7 height, 10 angle. The detail of the players is amazing still on 0 zoom, and the 7 height instead of 10 seems thicken the players up a bit.. and you can see a bit more the pitch laterally. Ill always keep the angle at 10.. just like I did in the old pes games (back then it was an angle of 9).
Another view I sometimes use is the dynamic wide 2 zoom, 10 height.. looks great aswell, plus the bonus of panning and a better view laterally.

I tell you what guys, if you ever get a chance to get a projector (HD) and a screen to match (preferably at least 100"), go for it. 2 thousand Australian for the best gaming experience you can get.. and the lamp on the projector is very cheap if it ever blows etc..
.. btw the big issues i have in regards to camera view is 1. Your not able to watch replays in the camera view you play, as was the case with pes6 etc and 2. Youre not able to use your camera view in online mode.
2 things you'd think would be quite easy to manage.

Anyways despite all the negativity of late, I'm really loving this game. I bought Fifa16 aswell, which has some amazing aspects to it, but whats the go with framerate. Seems pes16 is so much smoother. Im comparing the ps4 versions. The smoothness of pes16, particularly of the ball movement through the air, really captures that feeling of momentum in soccer. I love the variety of fifa, but the shooting is kinda interrupted by the lack of smoothness. Do you guys get what im saying.

Finally, i have to say using the pes13 ball is amazing. Give it a go.. looks amazing in the game. Im not sure if this is a placebo or not, but it also seems that when i use this ball. It seems heavier and slower though the air... just looks and feels amazing...
i am glad so many of you enjoy the game. it hasn't clicked for me gameplay wise (seems most stats are useless regardless of manual/assisted settings) and i have plenty of issues witht the presentation side of the game.

Maybe next year, i guess another year where basketball is gonna fulfill my sport gaming needs.
Online playing for me it's been surprisilly enjoayable. I play private leagues normally but they are waiting the DLC to start it. So I am playing the online divisions and so far I played with a lot of people who choose teams like Boca Jrs, brazilians teams and others, not only Real MAdrid and Barça. And I love to beat the ones whom choose Real Madrid with less powerfull teams like Lazio, Everton and similars.

I do think that the GK need fix but it's not that bad, and i really aprecciate the defense system still have not conceded more than 5 goals and never score more than taht too.

80% of the games are playing smooth and softly, but the 20% that has lag or especially delay it's unplayable.

The game is far form perfect and it's not even finished. The DLC on 29th is really frustranting and unbelieveble but as a only online player i really like the game hoping after 29th it will be better though.

I dont know how some people have such good online experiences. Mine is always laggy as hell and it is IMPOSSIBLE finding another manual player. I have spent up to 20 minutes and couldn't find anyone. If i do find someone they play on assisted and 9 out of 10 times they pick Real Madrid or Barsa.

By the way i have a 15mbps connection with 0.7mbps upload and 35ms ping, more than adequate for online gaming, fifa is smooth as silk for me, so i really dont know what the issue can performance vary so much from person to person?
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