PES 2016 News & Discussion Thread

Not sure about how many casual gamers they'll seduce by having 15 stadia, some of which not usable in the master league, a shitty replay and highlights system, a really terrible commentary, on line games getting tennis results and not updated rosters in october :-)

I do not particularly like the core gameplay but i am sure as hell they do not sell may copies to casual gamers :-) you need to really love this franchise to buy the game in its current state.
Oh good grief, I give up. The 95% of people on PES forums who think this game is broken at its core, are all playing it wrong. Okay. I'm done.

Actually, this might be true:THINK: I bet 80% of the 95% of people on PES forums jump in and complain just after few games and without giving themselves the chance to learn to play the game the best way possible. They do actually complain about silly things too. I have also seen many come back and say how pleased they are after the switched to this or adjusted that. There will be no game on earth that caters to everyone taste by default. I am not saying the game is prefect (especially online, which I don't play anayway :)but I can not just see how it's broken at it's core either. In fact with few adjustments on the developer side, I would say that it's one of the best football games ever.
Not sure about how many casual gamers they'll seduce by having 15 stadia, some of which not usable in the master league, a shitty replay and highlights system, a really terrible commentary, on line games getting tennis results and not updated rosters in october :-)
Exactly this - why would they gloss over all that and go "we'll make all passing settings the same, that's what will get all the FIFA players playing PES in no time - we won't advertise this or make press releases about it, we'll even hide it by making all the other passing settings the same - we'll make the game secretly accessible for FIFA players". No chance, absolutely no chance. If you purposefully change something for the better, or to bring people over to your product, you tell the people you're trying to attract to your product.

MyClub is only in the game because they're trying to emulate the cash cow that is Ultimate Team, and they desperately need the cash. They can't have many people working on the game at this moment in time - the recent Konami news confirms they're in trouble - and I imagine the hope is that the MyClub microtransactions will keep the game afloat.

Trouble is, if they don't fix online (I'm not suffering from lag actually, but the scorelines are beyond silly due to the goalkeepers and all the players' attributes making no difference to passing, shooting etc. online), who will be spending money on it.

BUT! To be optimistic (briefly)...

The tweets Adam is making about the gameplay tweaks sound genuinely promising.
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I did a test last night and interestingly as i though there is NO difference WHATSOEVER between Level 1 passing , level 2 and level 3.

They are exactly the same. Level 1 has be delibarlety set to be the same as Level 3. Its nothing remotley like it was last year.

Like i said. This game has been release early in an arcade mode to get sales from disgruntled Fifa players and its been changed and made easy to ease in new players.

I can see this next update from Konami changing the game a lot. It will nake some significant changes. I can see level 1 reverting back to last year and Konami giving the new previous fifa players the option of moving the passing to level to keep playing the same way as before where as the sim style game will come in on Level 1 passing.

Konami have lied here and their silence pre lauch was because they knew the game wouldnt be ready to late October, November like last year and the release date was pureley a sales decision.

This seems to have been their plan. They have deliberatley also set Level 1 passing to default as i can see this being their primary way of playing, giving you the choice to make it arcadey if you want. They have made it simple on release to ease people in.

Klash, you dont play online, dont you ? If you dont, Id like to know why.

I see you talking a lot about the default passing setting wich is sure a big issue, but what do you think about the lack of balance, skills and risks on defending ? Online this year theres no way you can be competitive without abusing pressure, I feel like I am in HUGE disavantage, for not defending in that (unrealistic, no fairplay) style.
Seriously do you really think that the majority that plays PES nowadays, knows if they fix anything in gameplay like passing assistance or shoot assistance? Most people besides us who are on forums, don't even bother to read the change log of datapacks and patches.

If they do that to passing most people will say this game is shit, its bugged as hell, yesterday I could ping pong the ball the way I want, today it doesn't work, and would let the game on the shelf or get FIFA instead, where at least everything work out of the box.

Casual gamer its just that, casual. And that is the consumer that Konami are looking nowadays because at the end of the day what makes a company run its MONEY nothing more nothing less.

I said this a number of times now. I do get tired when i make a point. Yet people done read it. I said what was stopping Konami from simply leaving the pass settings as it was last year.

They changed the default to level 1 which is clearly labelled as. 'Gives little assistance to power and direction'.

In the same way there was nothing stopping them from just removing passing levels all toghter and just assisted then manual.
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Klash, you dont play online, dont you ? If you dont, Id like to know why.

I see you talking a lot about the default passing setting wich is sure a big issue, but what do you think about the lack of balance, skills and risks on defending ? Online this year theres no way you can be competitive without abusing pressure, I feel like I am in HUGE disavantage, for not defending in that (unrealistic, no fairplay) style.

I dont have money to pay for Psn Plus. Im a broke workaholic
I have this doubt. Is playing manual on keyboard same as playing manual on a controller?

As on PC I find it very limiting when I have just 8 angles to pass the ball on. Is it same with consoles? Like, do you just have those 8 axis' to pass in or is it refined?

Meanwhile, my query got ignored among all these debates :P

Anyone? Please?
Sorry i dont like your post at all man. Extremley disrespectful calling me delusional since im putting very simple things toghether. I talking about elemnts of last years game being toned down which you didnt even play much anyway you where on FIFA 15 but you say you know more?

Its like you just want me to be negative and start shout and hating on Konami. I havent git time to hate as it is. I dont think you even want to see my point of you its like your just sitting there expecting me to agree.

Just because you think Konami are shit dos et mean i have to agree. You should be mature enough to understand nobody gives a shit if im right or wrong. Its a game. We are here to debate. Right or wrong we move on. Im sharing something ive seen and its just like im being called deluded because im not hating on Konami like you want.

Apologies, it may have been a bit strong. Look, i've been here since 2005, I'm huge PES fan but there's absolutely no evidence to suggest Konami would make a decision like that.

What I played for the past year or two is irrelevant, I don't want to be overly negative to PES or want you to be but there's being positive and then there's this.

I've mainly kept out of the PES thread because i do have a lot of issues with 2016. I keep an eye on it because i love PES and i want to enjoy the game again. I'll keep out, though unless it's to speak about improvements etc.

Again, apologies if I offended, it wasn't meant.
Most people who buy it like me, buy it because of some nostalgia that's fact, but most of all because we can't find an alternative because we don't like the core of FIFA. So even broken we can find more fun and joy in PES than on FIFA, but I for one know that the game is hugely flawed, and in basic things, I'm not blind to seek excuses for every broken aspect of the game. The game is meant to be played out of the box and if out of the box it have broken aspects its no use for me to find excuses for Konami by saying that turning this on, turning that off, edit that, edit this will make the experience better. I think manual overrides most of the stats, that's my opinion, making count only power stat, and assisted level 1 is way to assisted making online against good teams ping pong play fest. Join that the useless keepers inside the area and the no foul system, and what do we have of the football fundamentals that works out of the box besides dribbling and collision system?
but I can not just see how it's broken at it's core either. In fact with few adjustments on the developer side, I would say that it's one of the best football games ever.
Well I can tell you that many of the player ratings and skills don't work and/or appear to have been disabled, they work the same at 40 or 99, and some skills don't work. So much of what happens on the pitch is hard-coded into the game to give the impression of a football simulation. Now, can you enjoy and love the game with pretend settings that serve no purpose? Sure, I would never argue that. I enjoy the game even though I know many ratings and skills don't work. I create my own version of fun with what does work. But that's a different issue altogether. I am pointing out that what you're enjoying, is similar to the video of that football betting simulator that was kicking around here a couple months back. Klashman is correct in that Konami coded the game this way to lasso in casual gamers. Where he's wrong is that this now IS the game, Konami isn't going to fix this, they intentionally made it this way.
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I dont have money to pay for Psn Plus. Im a broke workaholic

No problem mate, you are not missing anything for not playing this game online :P

Id just like to know from you if you also think that defending has been skilless. I mean you can sprint and hold down the square button all you want, you close down your opponents amd win the ball far too easily with zero chances of conceding fouls.

Dont you think this isnt a big issue ?
The more I play the game the more I hate it.

Really loved the game at first but now I am just fustrated. On high difficult settings my defence is killing me. Also I am not able to get any ball from the opponent if he is near my penalty area. The ki somehow dances through my players, yet if I have the ball and the ki tries to get it, they do it with an ease leaving me stumbling around and not being able to move.

Then the ki always cover all my passing possibilities which is a good thing. But sometimes I see my players making sure that they are covered. They hide behind players not trying to get away, they run exactly to spots where I can not pass to. The Ki doesn't even have to do something.

And when it is a close game and the broken ref comes into play I have enough. It is so fustrating.
I agree with a lot of what Klashman has said. When Pes was awarded best game last year even though I hated it Fifa worried about losing fans. Pes 2014 was a very brave step for Konami but was released in a hurry which was a huge mistake, they should have waited another year.

Fifa have taken a risk this year to win back some of their fans by bringing out a more methodical thinking game and winning back the fans that they feel they've lost and it could work out that they will win over some Pes fans.

I agree with what klashman has said about the passing system . . it's designed for kids that play online . .an uncomplicated end to end game. .I just hope he's right about patches improving the game this year. Video games are big business and Ea are way more powerful than konami buying licenses etc. I don't think it's about incompetence with konami it's more about budget. They have to try rope the kids in for sales it's as simple as that. It's all about big business and always will be. I agree the decisions Konami have made this year have been outrageous with updates at the end of october.

It's all down to the consumers preference at the end of the day.
Played a friend in Poland lastnight. We usually have a wobbly connection at best without me even able to enter his room and vice versa

Lastnight our first online game we connected fine but the game pace was off by a millisecond

The next 3 games were just phenomenal all the games were tight hard fought midfield slogs both of us on assisted passing and shooting.

This game is an absolute marvel with all its flaws and I an confidently say online is close to flawless.

Also I had Totti, Rakitic, iniesta and a few other mid tier players. I tried plenty of long range shots often going over the bar or being saved by the incredibly good subasic. Rock solid and he hardly ever parries any shots. The guy is only rated 79 which is surprising.

Honestly guys I get what you all upset about but somehow I find it hard to believe people are not finding this game enjoyable.
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juhu00[2];3089113 said:
The more I play the game the more I hate it.

Really loved the game at first but now I am just fustrated. On high difficult settings my defence is killing me. Also I am not able to get any ball from the opponent if he is near my penalty area. The ki somehow dances through my players, yet if I have the ball and the ki tries to get it, they do it with an ease leaving me stumbling around and not being able to move.

I had issues with defence and felt like defending was broken. But then after watching some people play and this tutorial about how to think while defending, I am having a lot of clean sheats on superstar and top player.

It's just about tracking forwards' movement and removing any space. Pardon if you are experienced, but this video helped me a lot to make the game enjoyable.
juhu00[2];3089113 said:
But sometimes I see my players making sure that they are covered. They hide behind players not trying to get away, they run exactly to spots where I can not pass to.
Ha-ha, what a visual. I'm playing with fixed cursor and the AI controlling 10 of my players. I only wish my players would cosy up and get close to the CPU. When the CPU enters my 18 yard box, my AI players run away like someone's shooting at them and not the GK. I would up the difficulty and increase their willingness to stick around and help defend, but I'm already playing on Super Star.

Not THAT bad of course, but when the AI decides it's time for the CPU to score, my AI-controlled players love to turn and take a couple steps away from the ball carrier, to give him some room to do his scorin' thing.
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Played a friend in Poland lastnight. We usually have a wobbly connection at best without me even able to enter his room and vice versa

Lastnight our first online game we connected fine but the game pace was off by a millisecond

The next 3 games were just phenomenal all the games were tight hard fought midfield slogs both of us on assisted passing and shooting.

This game is an absolute marvel with all its flaws and I an confidently say online is close to flawless.

Also I had Totti, Rakitic, iniesta and a few other mid tier players. I tried plenty of long range shots often going over the bar or being saved by the incredibly good subasic. Rock solid and he hardly ever parries any shots. The guy is only rated 79 which is surprising.

Honestly guys I get what you all upset about but somehow I find it hard to believe people are not finding this game enjoyable.

Im sure your friend is not the type of player that cant stop sprinting without the bll and pressuring while holding square, he's not too direct, abuse quick forward passes with 1-2.

The only online match I won so far was against my cousin who also doesnt play like all random player you'd face on myclub.

Just realised that online gameplay was designed entirely for the masses, for people who dont want to plan and organize the attacking plays with minimum patience, and dont consider the natural risks that defending involves, its all about raping the man on the ball, no risks of fouls or giving huge gaps on defence, as the opponent will not even have time to control the ball anyway.
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Played a friend in Poland lastnight. We usually have a wobbly connection at best without me even able to enter his room and vice versa

Lastnight our first online game we connected fine but the game pace was off by a millisecond

The next 3 games were just phenomenal all the games were tight hard fought midfield slogs both of us on assisted passing and shooting.

This game is an absolute marvel with all its flaws and I an confidently say online is close to flawless.

Also I had Totti, Rakitic, iniesta and a few other mid tier players. I tried plenty of long range shots often going over the bar or being saved by the incredibly good subasic. Rock solid and he hardly ever parries any shots. The guy is only rated 79 which is surprising.

Honestly guys I get what you all upset about but somehow I find it hard to believe people are not finding this game enjoyable.

I am glad to see someone giving this game some credit in the middle of all the broken game talk. I do really enjoy this game very much despite some flaws. The talk about how bad and broken this game is just too much.
No problem mate, you are not missing anything for not playing this game online :P

Id just like to know from you if you also think that defending has been skilless. I mean you can sprint and hold down the square button all you want, you close down your opponents amd win the ball far too easily with zero chances of conceding fouls.

Dont you think this isnt a big issue ?

Defending in pes is good in general and has been for a long time. Thing is since 2011 defending has been FIRST and foremost about your tactics, than how you time your tackles.

Defending is all about positioning!
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