PES 2016 News & Discussion Thread

I did a test last night and interestingly as i though there is NO difference WHATSOEVER between Level 1 passing , level 2 and level 3.

They are exactly the same. Level 1 has be delibarlety set to be the same as Level 3. Its nothing remotley like it was last year.

Like i said. This game has been release early in an arcade mode to get sales from disgruntled Fifa players and its been changed and made easy to ease in new players.

I can see this next update from Konami changing the game a lot. It will nake some significant changes. I can see level 1 reverting back to last year and Konami giving the new previous fifa players the option of moving the passing to level to keep playing the same way as before where as the sim style game will come in on Level 1 passing.

Konami have lied here and their silence pre lauch was because they knew the game wouldnt be ready to late October, November like last year and the release date was pureley a sales decision.

This seems to have been their plan. They have deliberatley also set Level 1 passing to default as i can see this being their primary way of playing, giving you the choice to make it arcadey if you want. They have made it simple on release to ease people in.
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...those people saying a manual (pass and shooting) setup makes the game lose its individuality/stats based on passes and shooting are wrong. I played as western wanderers in an ACL match, and I had many misdirected passes particularly the L1+double circle low ball pass. I actually ran and faced the area I wanted to pass to (ran in a particular line to ensure I was aiming correctly) and many times the ball went wide. Similar thing happened when I used the L2 arrow. Shooting included many shots going over the bar...
I did a test last night and interestingly as i though there is NO difference WHATSOEVER between Level 1 passing , level 2 and level 3.

They are exactly the same. Level 1 has be delibarlety set to be the same as Level 3. Its nothing remotley like it was last year.

Like i said. This game has been release early in an arcade mode to get sales from disgruntled Fifa players and its been changed and made easy to ease in new players.

I can see this next update from Konami changing the game a lot. It will nake some significant changes. I can see level 1 reverting back to last year and Konami giving the new previous fifa players the option of moving the passing to level to keep playing the same way as before where as the sim style game will come in on Level 1 passing.

Konami have lied here and their silence pre lauch was because they knew the game wouldnt be ready to late October, November like last year and the release date was pureley a sales decision.

This seems to have been their plan. They have deliberatley also set Level 1 passing to default as i can see this being their primary way of playing, giving you the choice to make it arcadey if you want. They have made it simple on release to ease people in.

Isn´t that quite a daring assumption?

I mean it could be the case as you say, but the more stuff I get from KONAMI the more I think they are just working sloppy and just can´t do any better - god knows of what reasons.

But well that´s what I thought, about level 1 being equal to 2 and 3.

If they could fix that, I´d switch back from manual passing then.

I hope it is as you see :)
I did a test last night and interestingly as i though there is NO difference WHATSOEVER between Level 1 passing , level 2 and level 3.

They are exactly the same. Level 1 has be delibarlety set to be the same as Level 3. Its nothing remotley like it was last year.

Like i said. This game has been release early in an arcade mode to get sales from disgruntled Fifa players and its been changed and made easy to ease in new players.

I can see this next update from Konami changing the game a lot. It will nake some significant changes. I can see level 1 reverting back to last year and Konami giving the new previous fifa players the option of moving the passing to level to keep playing the same way as before where as the sim style game will come in on Level 1 passing.

Konami have lied here and their silence pre lauch was because they knew the game wouldnt be ready to late October, November like last year and the release date was pureley a sales decision.

This seems to have been their plan. They have deliberatley also set Level 1 passing to default as i can see this being their primary way of playing, giving you the choice to make it arcadey if you want. They have made it simple on release to ease people in.

This is an incredible show of rose tinted specs. Konami have a history of making terrible decisions and messing up parts of PES and absolutely no history of doing anything remotely smart in a strategic manner like this. It's a ludicrous assumption to make.

I don't mean this as a personal dig at you klash but I can't understand that level of optimism when all historical evidence suggests otherwise.
I can see this next update from Konami changing the game a lot. It will nake some significant changes.
They didn't fix any of the issues in PES 2015 last year. And all those same issues are now in this year's game: always low shots to the corner, slow GKs that can't reach them, shots never traveling higher than 2-3 feet, 90% passing stats for every team.

What's going to happen is nothing, that is the one and only truth in any of this. It's obvious Konami has abandoned the PC version completely now. They put out last year's PC version with last year's rosters, and didn't fix anything, because they wanted the extra 20,000 units in PC sales. This never-ending "Wait 'til next update and it will be fixed" cheer-leading really does need to stop, please, it serves no purpose at all. It's empty talk and forum clutter.
Klash, you're one of my favourite posters here, but all of that is conjecture of the absolute highest order. I don't think Konami are anywhere near as A) intelligent or B) conniving as you give them credit for.

I can see this next update from Konami changing the game a lot. It will nake some significant changes. I can see level 1 reverting back to last year and Konami giving the new previous fifa players the option of moving the passing to level to keep playing the same way as before where as the sim style game will come in on Level 1 passing.
How many gamers do you think even KNOW ABOUT the assistance settings, let alone change them? They don't make PES for you and me, they make PES for the majority. There's no secret manual-settings testing department.

In the last week I've seen two posters discover for the first time that you can send non-controlled players on runs - and these are guys who are so into PES they've signed up on a forum like this one.

You're reading way, way too much into it (IMO)...

It's more likely that it's a bug, or that Konami have concentrated on getting the most assisted settings playing well (which most people use) and they've simply disabled the other settings because they resulted in an unpleasant (or buggy) playing experience, and not been bothered to remove the options in the dialog box from the game.
At least the high level of assistance when playing pass lev 1 was one of the things that was most frequent in the feedback from the demo. But that doesn't mean Konami will change it though...
I feel u dude, worst experience ever. I switched to manual passing/shooting and set it to "similar settings" for online divisions and I'm having a great time online now. It's like night and day when comparing to Pass level 1 with all its assistance. Try it!

The problem is That passing is not the only problem. Theres no risks involved when your opponent are being too aggressive, no foul rewarded when they abuse pressure. The game is inconsistent,'sometimes matchs are too fast, others not so fast. When its too fast, theres hardly any time to control the ball and think about your next step.

Theres no punishment for being a pressure whore, therefore its not a tatical game, since defending good online is literally about raping the man on the ball. And That ruins the game for those who enjoy playing it like a sim, with more patience involved to organize attacking plays (that is making more lateral passes, looking for the safe pass, as every team usually do irl).

Id love to play matchs with people who care about playing it as a football game with fair play (no pressure abuse, only realístic pressure) and on manual passing. I bought on the Brazilian PSN, I dont know if I can play people who own the US version.
Isn´t that quite a daring assumption?

I mean it could be the case as you say, but the more stuff I get from KONAMI the more I think they are just working sloppy and just can´t do any better - god knows of what reasons.

But well that´s what I thought, about level 1 being equal to 2 and 3.

If they could fix that, I´d switch back from manual passing then.

I hope it is as you see :)


Why would they label level 1 like last years passing but the output is a carbon copy of level 3? In some of the buildup before e3 and gamescom. Adam seem to spend a long time stressing for people to give PES a try.

We have to look at the big buisness to understand the madness. I can see Konami have put the game out to capitalise the maximum sales ou5put they can get. This is sadly more important than pleasing us the simulation people.
So if they put the game out like this to capitalize sales, and they made it, why would they change it now? They already have the sales, why would they bother changing the passing system, or the shooting system. Not going to happen.
This is an incredible show of rose tinted specs. Konami have a history of making terrible decisions and messing up parts of PES and absolutely no history of doing anything remotely smart in a strategic manner like this. It's a ludicrous assumption to make.

I don't mean this as a personal dig at you klash but I can't understand that level of optimism when all historical evidence suggests otherwise.

Well it dosent. because we need to look at what is possible from past experience.

Two issues im seeing which PES 2016 has with the passing on level 1 being easy and full assisted and no fouls.

Last year the passing on level 1 was awesome. Better than manual was to play vs the CPU and brought the quality right out of the game. You can see what i mean on my youtube channel or check the tactics thread. Now they have labelled the level like 1 bar last year the same but the output is a carbon copy of level 3? Makes no sense at all, unless you look at the element of myclub and trying to ease in FIFA masses to increase sales.

So this isnt something which has been lost or isnt possible at all. It was there working last year.

Also take the foul detection system despite the shit collision physics was fine. The ref was strict. Anything miss timed was punished and yellows where common. This years i swear its like the programming has knocked the strictness down by two or something. Normal close fouls just arent called. dagerous tackles are just a foul rather than a yellow and it is extremly hard for you or the AI to get a red card even with last man tackles.

When you play the default game like i did last night. Its like a hybird of PES6 and FIFA 10 with more individuality. Its plays like smooth silk. FAR too smooth for realism, in a deliberate way.

Konami are in a mess and its well published their issues. Here its about understanding their decisions and seeing their plan. Im cool with full manual on -1 as it is anyway. But i see Koanmi have see the game up to maximise opening day sales and made the gameplay setup on release to appease this audience which brings in more sales than us the hardcore will produce.
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Because they're incompetent.

I'd agree if Konami had never brought in a good passing system and it had been shit the last few years but it hasan't at all and they have all the progamming for passing done correctly last year.

Then again what in earth was stopping them from just leaving the pass system the same as last year and the default being 3 bars?

Like i said. There is no need to even have passing levels in the first place if they didnt intend to follow the passing settings they have been doing since 2012
Well it dosent. because we need to look at what is possible from past experience.

Two issues im seeing which PES 2016 has with the passing on level 1 being easy and full assisted and no fouls.

Last year the passing on level 1 was awesome. Better than manual was to play vs the CPU and brought the quality right out of the game. You can see what i mean on my youtube channel or check the tactics thread. Now they have labelled the level like 1 bar last year the same but the output is a carbon copy of level 3? Makes no sense at all, unless you look at the element of myclub and trying to ease in FIFA masses to increase sales.

So this isnt something which has been lost or isnt possible at all. It was there working last year.

Also take the foul detection system despite the shit collision physics was fine. The ref was strict. Anything miss timed was punished and yellows where common. This years i swear its like the programming has knocked the strictness down by two or something. Normal close fouls just arent called. dagerous tackles are just a foul rather than a yellow and it is extremly hard for you or the AI to get a red card even with last man tackles.

When you play the default game like i did last night. Its like a hybird of PES6 and FIFA 10 with more individuality. Its plays like smooth silk. FAR too smooth for realism, in a deliberate way.

Konami are in a mess and its well published their issues. Here its about understanding their decisions and seeing their plan.

Dude, this is staggering.

Regardless of what you think about the game, this is viewpoint is delusional at worst and extremely hopeful at best.

Change collisions - refs get worse. Konami always struggle when adding things like this.
We have to look at the big buisness to understand the madness. I can see Konami have put the game out to capitalise the maximum sales ou5put they can get. This is sadly more important than pleasing us the simulation people.
But the game is broken, with same broken issues as last year, and online is crap again or so I hear, which "non-sim" gamers have been raging about on all the various PES forums. So Konami didn't set out to please the non-sim crowd either. That's where you conspiracy theory starts springing leaks I'm afraid.

Some of us have been through this before with NLF 2K, now defunct, NHL 2K (defunct) and MLB 2K (defunct). The pattern is the same: company going under, pulls development funds from their non-money makers until all they're doing each year is releasing the same unpatched broken game with last year's rosters.

But I suppose we can all play "Let's pretend" and think this isn't what's actually happening, but what purpose does that serve?
So if they put the game out like this to capitalize sales, and they made it, why would they change it now? They already have the sales, why would they bother changing the passing system, or the shooting system. Not going to happen.

Because even if they revert level 1 passing back to last year.

On Level 3 the gameplay will still be the same as it is now. So the people who like the current style just bump it up to level 3.
But the game is broken, with same broken issues as last year, and online is crap again or so I hear, which "non-sim" gamers have been raging about on all the various PES forums. So Konami didn't set out to please the non-sim crowd either. That's where you conspiracy theory starts springing leaks I'm afraid.

Some of us have been through this before with NLF 2K, now defunct, NHL 2K (defunct) and MLB 2K (defunct). The pattern is the same: company going under, pulls development funds from their non-money makers until all they're doing each year is releasing the same unpatched broken game with last year's rosters.

But I suppose we can all play "Let's pretend" and think this isn't what's actually happening, but what purpose does that serve?

Its not broken though. You speaking just from your perspective.

Some element have issues like keepers in the area can be horrible at times. just let easy shits roll on. The defending has an issue where teams back off too much giving too much space. Those are the only issues u can call broken.

You also play in a very specific style and condense the gameplay to a certian slow style u want amd you dont try to master the game which gives a better overall outlook. Thats what i always do. Master the game to understand it and i mean everything, skills, tactics, tacklung, shooting, dribbling, all elemnts if the game. I think too many of us arent great at the agem and miss a lot of things.
I'd agree if Konami had never brought in a good passing system and it had been shit the last few years but it hasan't at all and they have all the progamming for passing done correctly last year.
I understand you need to prop up your "next update" theory, but that right there is just disinformation. The passing in PES 2015 was broken. And it's broken this year, passing ratings mean NOTHING. A player with 40 passing, passes with the same accuracy and speed as a player with 99 passing. Konami removed the Pass Speed and Pass Accuracy ratings after 2013, and now passing is hard-coded into the game to create the illusion of a "pass the ball around" simulation. But you may as well just watch some betting simulator football game, it's the same thing.
It's the intrinsic one step forward 2 steps back procedure. And a "next year" mantra.

And with the roster update thing, they have win the disrespect, if that is possible nowadays with Konami and PES, of the old fans and of the newcomers'. Next year no one who has changed this year will buy it on day one.
Its not broken though. You speaking just from your perspective.

You also play in a very specific style and condense the gameplay to a certian slow style u want amd you dont try to master the game which gives a better overall outlook.
Oh good grief, I give up. The 95% of people on PES forums who think this game is broken at its core, are all playing it wrong. Okay. I'm done.
Konami are in a mess and its well published their issues. Here its about understanding their decisions and seeing their plan.
Unless it wasn't a decision, or a plan, but a mistake.

As someone has already said, and I'm being forthright here - it's this kind of thinking that keeps PES selling amongst the "hardcore" fanbase (those who've bought the game since its first iterations).

According to those guys, every flaw is for a reason, or can be worked around, or lessened with attribute edits that take days (only for someone else to notice something else, which may OR may not actually make a difference, and then you're editing for another few days), or fixed altogether if you play manually (which prevents code kicking in and ruining the experience - so that code is pretty shitty then, isn't it, if you're having to "turn off" bits of the game to make it work).

I'm enjoying the game for what it is, but it's not this misunderstood, underappreciated code of genius. It's all getting a bit "hipster"... "It's not worth playing until you've edited these three attributes for every player, imported all the kits and learnt how to play manual, do all of this and you shall see."

At that point, is it the best football game ever made? If not, it wasn't worth it and I'm not interested (and it's not, sorry, there's too much that's broken and/or implemented poorly).

PES 2016 is definitely a good base, though (but we were saying that about 2015, and we were saying it about 2013 - it doesn't go forward, IMO, it just keeps going backwards, then sideways).
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Dude, this is staggering.

Regardless of what you think about the game, this is viewpoint is delusional at worst and extremely hopeful at best.

Change collisions - refs get worse. Konami always struggle when adding things like this.

Sorry i dont like your post at all man. Extremley disrespectful calling me delusional since im putting very simple things toghether. I talking about elemnts of last years game being toned down which you didnt even play much anyway you where on FIFA 15 but you say you know more?

Its like you just want me to be negative and start shout and hating on Konami. I havent git time to hate as it is. I dont think you even want to see my point of you its like your just sitting there expecting me to agree.

Just because you think Konami are shit dos et mean i have to agree. You should be mature enough to understand nobody gives a shit if im right or wrong. Its a game. We are here to debate. Right or wrong we move on. Im sharing something ive seen and its just like im being called deluded because im not hating on Konami like you want.
I have this doubt. Is playing manual on keyboard same as playing manual on a controller?

As on PC I find it very limiting when I have just 8 angles to pass the ball on. Is it same with consoles? Like, do you just have those 8 axis' to pass in or is it refined?
With PES, to me there is always one word coming along: HOPE!

Hopefully they´ll fix this and that.
Hopefully they won´t fuck up this or that.
Hopefully they won´t cut out stuff that has been cool the year before...and so on and so on.

Here its about understanding their decisions and seeing their plan.

Well I´m beyond that for a long time.
I don´t understand them anymore...too many things just don´t make sense.
Unless it wasn't a decision, or a plan, but a mistake.

As someone has already said, and I'm being forthright here - it's this kind of thinking that keeps PES selling amongst the "hardcore" fanbase (those who've bought the game since its first iterations).

According to those guys, every flaw is for a reason, or can be worked around, or lessened with attribute edits that take days (only for someone else to notice something else, which may OR may not actually make a difference, and then you're editing for another few days), or fixed altogether if you play manually (which prevents code kicking in and ruining the experience - so that code is pretty shitty then, isn't it, if you're having to "turn off" bits of the game to make it work).

I'm enjoying the game for what it is, but it's not this misunderstood, underappreciated code of genius. It's all getting a bit "hipster"... "It's not worth playing until you've edited these three attributes for every player, imported all the kits and learn how to play manual."

At that point, is it the best football game ever? If not, I'm not interested (and it's not, sorry, there's too much that's broken and/or implemented poorly).

PES 2016 is definitely a good base, though (but we were saying that about 2015, and we were saying it about 2013 - it doesn't go forward, IMO, it just keeps going backwards, then sideways).

I dont do attributes edits anyway. I like teams to play differently. That is football for me. Variables and different cultures.
With PES, to me there is always one word coming along: HOPE!

Hopefully they´ll fix this and that.
Hopefully they won´t fuck up this or that.
Hopefully they won´t cut out stuff that has been cool the year before...and so on and so on.

Well I´m beyond that for a long time.
I don´t understand them anymore...too many things just don´t make sense.

If they do or dont it wont change our lives. I just dont see whats wrong with having an opinion.
Because even if they revert level 1 passing back to last year.

On Level 3 the gameplay will still be the same as it is now. So the people who like the current style just bump it up to level 3.

Seriously do you really think that the majority that plays PES nowadays, knows if they fix anything in gameplay like passing assistance or shoot assistance? Most people besides us who are on forums, don't even bother to read the change log of datapacks and patches.

If they do that to passing most people will say this game is shit, its bugged as hell, yesterday I could ping pong the ball the way I want, today it doesn't work, and would let the game on the shelf or get FIFA instead, where at least everything work out of the box.

Casual gamer its just that, casual. And that is the consumer that Konami are looking nowadays because at the end of the day what makes a company run its MONEY nothing more nothing less.
The worst part to me is all of the glowing reviews Konami received for this game when anyone with a decently trained eye could see the flaws.

"Broken" is a term that gets thrown around way too much and doesn't apply here but this game has serious issues with football fundamentals. Shooting, passing, keeping, and fouls are all considerably substandard for a game released in 2015.
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