PES 2016 News & Discussion Thread

well im not a programmer or a big thinker about it but whenever i hit up PES 6 or ISS Pro Evo 2 everything is balanced and i still can feel the difference between good or bad players. and good players are not 100% scorers. also it feels like ballphysics were better had more variety when it came to shooting. i dunno whats the problem exactly with 2016...the few stats or the bad ballphysics and if the latter one i dunno if its done on porpuse or they are still catching up

i think the problem is things like body position or incoming ball speed do not effect the pass/shot enough. its too easy to hit clean shots and passes in a variety of what should be difficult situations, because not enough things are being taken into account to create a variety or results. in fifa16 and old pes games you have the ability for difficult shots to go high into the sky or curl way wide quite easily, but in recent pes games this posibility is much less, which makes it feel simplistic. so i think its a more fundamental problem than lack of stats or even bal physics

but i disagree with your 100% shot comment, in old pes games there there always sweet spots that you knew you can score from.
I changed my setting on my Controller, but if I press R2 + L2 (I cant say out of my mind which button would be yours) you can move the player they way you want, while going for the ball. Or, if you see you cant reach the ball anymore, you can just stop your player with that.
Or simply, take the shortest way to the ball. Just try it, its the shoulder buttons on the PS4, but I cant name them couse of my changes in the settings :)

Yup, have always used super cancel but why should we have to use it that often? It's great it's there but it shouldn't be accepted as a way to deal with something fundamentally broken. This is my issue, the PES community is happy to accept these things too often.

PS thanks for trying to help anyway :)
i think the problem is things like body position or incoming ball speed do not effect the pass/shot enough. its too easy to hit clean shots and passes in a variety of what should be difficult situations, because not enough things are being taken into account to create a variety or results. in fifa16 and old pes games you have the ability for difficult shots to go high into the sky or curl way wide quite easily, but in recent pes games this posibility is much less, which makes it feel simplistic. so i think its a more fundamental problem than lack of stats or even bal physics

but i disagree with your 100% shot comment, in old pes games there there always sweet spots that you knew you can score from.

good point. but there was 50-50 at least when it came to 1-on-1s in older games. i always felt ...i had to BEAT the keeper, not just press shot when im clean and its a goal. it gets boring and always feel like cheating playing against my friends, thats why we dont play PES since 2013
Yup, have always used super cancel but why should we have to use it that often? It's great it's there but it shouldn't be accepted as a way to deal with something fundamentally broken. This is my issue, the PES community is happy to accept these things too often.

PS thanks for trying to help anyway :)

I dont see that as broken. It just helps the casual player to get to the ball without thinking.
For the more advanced players, well they can use the Super Control.
I guess I am ok with that.

Best thing if there would be an option to turn that off or on tho.
I always assign super cancel to R2 + L2 as it just makes it far easier to do. Makes the game alot more manual pass setting friendly too. There is of course a debate to be had about it not being a requirement, and is old school PES, but it is there and while it is there and there is a solution to make it less of an issue regards input I'll do it.
This is funny: the assisted v manual debate in here now is just like it was in the FIFA thread in the past. You know what EA did that has now dulled much of that debate: they vastly improved their ball physics, and the passing and shooting mechanics.

And that's the trick - for me it's not about assistance settings; it's about having the proper gameplay engines/mechanics in place that work no matter the assistance setting used.

The problem right now in PES is that there's not near enough variety with both passing and shooting. Just like in past FIFA's, that lack of variety makes things too easy, too repetitive, too clinical; stats and context aren't playing enough of a role.

It's a bit of a catch-22 it seems with PES this year: it feels great and is so much more refined and polished than previous PESs, but at the same time if feels a bit dumbed-down; that refinement appears to have come at the expense of depth.

I used to be an exclusively all-manual player in FIFA because I felt that it was the only way to make passing more realistic, with more error and variety. I now no longer play all-manual because EA have focused on adding variety and error to their core gameplay systems, and I'd argue that this ought to be a big emphasis for Konami going forward.
Pay 35 bucks for a game and then have to edit every team from top to bottom? Okay, if that's what it takes to improve the gameplay and to have a great football game, then away I go. (And which I have been doing.)

Other, glass-is-half-full perspective and approach.

Agree with this. I get where others are coming from but I paid £40 for this game. I spend more than that in a week just getting to and from and simply being in work. If this was a £400 annual investment I would be raging right enough, but it isn't.

I do find it annoying that given global edits can alter the experience and in some cases absolutely improve it, the developers don't go down the NBA2K route of having presets for preferred playing style. Even if further editing was required, at least you are showing folk from the moment they load up the game that they can appreciate folk are looking for different types of play, and the game can provide as best possible.

Yeah, so the online side of the game wouldn't be the same. So what? And as I posted a couple of pages back you should just bring back community driven online modes so as folk can play in an online environment that is to their suiting beyond pass assistance and gamespeed.
Just played two matchs online (myclub) and I was raped again, lost by 7-1 and 4-0. Lol

But I didnt get stressed out this time, due to the fact that I could at least play as I wanted too. Both matchs were far slower than the last one I played, by consequence pressure was not as insane as it used to since players dont close you down as fast.

But whats happening is... Im pretty sure that that players are definetly not playing on 1bar pass. I made some first time passes that were weak, couldnt ping pong easily if I wanted to. And whats also happening is that since people know is that since keepers are pretty much useless, they have been playing with defensive with 3 defenders to close as much space as possible because they know shooting = goal. Also, my playstyle doesnt help either (slow build up), because it helps their team to get back.

But this time around,'at least the pace of the match wasnt crazy fast, wich impacts big aspects pf the game (passing is not as fast, neither is pressure too effective, wich makes the game a bit more tatical).

If I have something to blame myself for loosing these two matchs, its because I dont shoot much at goal. Players shoot much more.

Last game I conceed two goal from freekicks that were "defendable",
But keepers are too dumb.
I used to be an exclusively all-manual player in FIFA because I felt that it was the only way to make passing more realistic, with more error and variety. I now no longer play all-manual because EA have focused on adding variety and error to their core gameplay systems, and I'd argue that this ought to be a big emphasis for Konami going forward.
Agree with that 100%. If you're going to include multiple control systems in your game, they all have to work.

Personally I'd like to see a balance between manual and assisted in both games, and for that to become the new "assisted" while the old, fully-assisted controls are banished forever.

Let's enter an era of new, thinking-man's football games, and stop making them accessible for kids out-of-the-box.
Agree with that 100%. If you're going to include multiple control systems in your game, they all have to work.

Personally I'd like to see a balance between manual and assisted in both games, and for that to become the new "assisted" while the old, fully-assisted controls are banished forever.

Let's enter an era of new, thinking-man's football games, and stop making them accessible for kids out-of-the-box.

It likely won't happen this generation, if at all if it is only EA and Konami making football games, but the perfect game would be a thinking man's game, but a game in which the there is no wealth of options to control settings.

You could hand a pad to someone who doesn't play football games but knows how to handle a controller, say to them "That's pass. That's shoot" etc. and the game would be constructed in such a fashion that knocking the ball about and creating/defending resembles that of real life not only in looks and motion, but in raw simplicity. The depth, the thinking man element, would then come from utilising your teams strengths; identifying its weaknesses; identifying your opponents strengths and weaknesses both in terms of the human sat beside you and the individuals on screen who are represented wonderfully with tons in the way of bespoke animations and contextual flair.

Naturally, there would be a suite of tactical options also at the players fingertips and due to the games relative simplicity in control and getting to grips with it, players of all levels and passion for the sport would find themselves graduating onto the tactical and strategic elements quicker. You make a game that is as close to a level playing field for all as possible, then this could happen.

This would be a game everybody could potentially love, even usher in a greater number of players, because there is no barrier to entry but the players creativity both on and off the pitch, and although taking effort to master it wouldn't feel like effort... just like running about with the ball at your feet when you were a kid. A perfect match.
What makes me more sad than anything else is that they will probably never fix the advanced through balls. It's infuriating that it does work 70% of the time and evidently a bug.
Lack of stadia and poor lighting in night games are really master league killers for me. And master league is pretty much the only thing i care about (some sporadic CL tournaments with mates).

We badly need more stadia and day/night selector. Even fake ones are fine, but we need at least 25 stadia.

Also i really disagree with the way manual/assisted are being implemented.
I think there should be two main options: stat based and full manual.
I really care for stats and i'd love if they could give me the good old pes back. Right now either i feel like i am cheating as everything is way too easy, o i feel stats are meaningless on full manual. Not good.

Anyway not too happy overall, too many step backs imho. Last pes i really enjoy was pes 2011. Against a human player it was a very good game (AI was pretty bad in master league though).
Agree with that 100%. If you're going to include multiple control systems in your game, they all have to work.

Personally I'd like to see a balance between manual and assisted in both games, and for that to become the new "assisted" while the old, fully-assisted controls are banished forever.

Let's enter an era of new, thinking-man's football games, and stop making them accessible for kids out-of-the-box.

yeah. thing is people say "its too hard" for the casual player, but i dont believe it. these are the same people who can play games like cod where you have to aim maybe 70% manually, so i dont believe that the are unable to play semi-assisted on fifa where its still very assisted, more assisted than the aiming in cod. 1bar pes and assisted fifa are too assisted even for casual player imo. manual is definetely too difficult for the base audience, but something like semi-assisted would be fine imo
Lack of stadia and poor lighting in night games are really master league killers for me. And master league is pretty much the only thing i care about (some sporadic CL tournaments with mates).

We badly need more stadia and day/night selector. Even fake ones are fine, but we need at least 25 stadia.

Also i really disagree with the way manual/assisted are being implemented.
I think there should be two main options: stat based and full manual.
I really care for stats and i'd love if they could give me the good old pes back. Right now either i feel like i am cheating as everything is way too easy, o i feel stats are meaningless on full manual. Not good.

Anyway not too happy overall, too many step backs imho. Last pes i really enjoy was pes 2011. Against a human player it was a very good game (AI was pretty bad in master league though).
What platform do u play the game on? I am ps4 and night time games have very good lighting. Some stadiums are better than others but generally much more improved than last year
Imo, fundamental things like shooting and goalkeeper are shockingly bad.

For me this game is broken, plain and simple.

It amazes how this game could get 87 on metacritics. It just tells how critics are cluless.
i think the problem is things like body position or incoming ball speed do not effect the pass/shot enough. its too easy to hit clean shots and passes in a variety of what should be difficult situations, because not enough things are being taken into account to create a variety or results. in fifa16 and old pes games you have the ability for difficult shots to go high into the sky or curl way wide quite easily, but in recent pes games this posibility is much less, which makes it feel simplistic. so i think its a more fundamental problem than lack of stats or even bal physics

but i disagree with your 100% shot comment, in old pes games there there always sweet spots that you knew you can score from.

But in this one there are no sweet spots, there's a big spot called goal area and r2. I think that the way to go is just one pass assistance like 2011, and shooting have to be more prone to error, or lets say more stats based. Manual its ok for the ones who have time to master it, but for me it loses the purposed of a stat based game.

In the PS2 we had a felling of freedom, but when compared to what we have now it seems very restrictive but yet I know in ps2 that crossing with Beckham or shooting with gerrard, or run with martins in the wing granted me a high percentage of success .

Now shooting with anyone inside the area grants me 100% success, let alone passing.

Aa someone as posted before in a image if you lock your controller in the directional stick, you can hit the same spot regardless in manual, be it with pirlo or materazzi.
Just played two matchs online (myclub) and I was raped again, lost by 7-1 and 4-0. Lol

But I didnt get stressed out this time, due to the fact that I could at least play as I wanted too. Both matchs were far slower than the last one I played, by consequence pressure was not as insane as it used to since players dont close you down as fast.

But whats happening is... Im pretty sure that that players are definetly not playing on 1bar pass. I made some first time passes that were weak, couldnt ping pong easily if I wanted to. And whats also happening is that since people know is that since keepers are pretty much useless, they have been playing with defensive with 3 defenders to close as much space as possible because they know shooting = goal. Also, my playstyle doesnt help either (slow build up), because it helps their team to get back.

But this time around,'at least the pace of the match wasnt crazy fast, wich impacts big aspects pf the game (passing is not as fast, neither is pressure too effective, wich makes the game a bit more tatical).

If I have something to blame myself for loosing these two matchs, its because I dont shoot much at goal. Players shoot much more.

Last game I conceed two goal from freekicks that were "defendable",
But keepers are too dumb.

This year my club is very different from last year

When I played my first games scores they were all totally insane 8-5 6-7 6-1

I said this is shit

My Goalkeeper Forster from Southampton FC is a statue is not moving

That's when reading the forums I realized that come with levels and you have to bring them up to achieve team spirit

If the team spirit is low, yo gk and defenses are useless

Now i have 92 of spirit of team and go to the 7 division of My Club.

The scorers are now, 1-1, 0-0, 1-0, 2-1, etc

Now the game is very enjoyable and my goalkeeper became a wall

Raise your spirit playing My Club Offline, and when you have more of 80 play online.

will change your view of the game completely

ahh and do not forget to look for a dt having the defensive line far below

Sorry for my bad english.
Really wish the conversation would move away from rambling accusations about the game being casual/arcade orientated. It is so wide of the mark when considering either football game. Besides, the absolute best arcade games are easy to pick up, end up being bloody hard as nails, filled with depth, as well as hugely competitive in a multiplayer environment. I wish PES or FIFA could offer all those qualities.
This year my club is very different from last year

When I played my first games scores they were all totally insane 8-5 6-7 6-1

I said this is shit

My Goalkeeper Forster from Southampton FC is a statue is not moving

That's when reading the forums I realized that come with levels and you have to bring them up to achieve team spirit

If the team spirit is low, yo gk and defenses are useless

Now i have 92 of spirit of team and go to the 7 division of My Club.

The scorers are now, 1-1, 0-0, 1-0, 2-1, etc

Now the game is very enjoyable and my goalkeeper became a wall

Raise your spirit playing My Club Offline, and when you have more of 80 play online.

will change your view of the game completely

ahh and do not forget to look for a dt having the defensive line far below

Sorry for my bad english.


You sure playing my club offline impacts the game online ?

Yeah, i have been noticing that not only my gk is useless, but my defenders and midfield defenders are also dumb, the ball pass right close to them and they just dont react to it, they dont intercept passes that any amatuer could.

I already heard that team spirit has big influence, but I dont have any idea how to improve it. I'll be playing mycluboffline then.

Myclub offline = matchs against COM in Myclub menus right ?

Thanks for the help.

You sure playing my club offline impacts the game online ?

Yeah, i have been noticing that not only my gk is useless, but my defenders and midfield defenders are also dumb, the ball pass right close to them and they just dont react to it, they dont intercept passes that any amatuer could.

I already heard that team spirit has big influence, but I dont have any idea how to improve it. I'll be playing mycluboffline then.

Myclub offline = matchs against COM in Myclub menus right ?

Thanks for the help.
There are so many things you need to consider.

What is your manager like? Does he use wide aggressive defense with a high defensive line?

Try picking players with better manager affinity so that your team spirit is higher it's absolutely key.

Offline try to play the competitions and play the COM offline also try sim divisions with your players if they are still too weak and most of all DO NOT USE YOUR GOLD COINS

Look at achievement goals and unlock them then buy yourself a good manager as even locked managers can be bought with the gold coins.
Hello Guys!

Can you help me out here:
How do you apply this:

I've decided to do premier league and competition logos at least from Glen's file, but I'm straggling with the below base design. Where do I get this 61,61,61..

If I choose base design 1, I cannot choose 61,61,61, only colors.

Is there a tutorial somewhere in detail?

Many thanks in advance.




BASE DESIGN 1 (61/61/61)
DESIGN 1 - 70 ( 48/1/1 )


BASE COLOUR (61/61/61)


BASE COLOUR (61/61/61)

Hello Guys!

Can you help me out here:
How do you apply this:

I've decided to do premier league and competition logos at least from Glen's file, but I'm straggling with the below base design. Where do I get this 61,61,61..

If I choose base design 1, I cannot choose 61,61,61, only colors.

Is there a tutorial somewhere in detail?

Many thanks in advance.




BASE DESIGN 1 (61/61/61)
DESIGN 1 - 70 ( 48/1/1 )


BASE COLOUR (61/61/61)


BASE COLOUR (61/61/61)


Go to the colours right at the bottom and press triangle 61 61 61 is white and don't import the image until you have done the colors first
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There are so many things you need to consider.

What is your manager like? Does he use wide aggressive defense with a high defensive line?

Try picking players with better manager affinity so that your team spirit is higher it's absolutely key.

Offline try to play the competitions and play the COM offline also try sim divisions with your players if they are still too weak and most of all DO NOT USE YOUR GOLD COINS

Look at achievement goals and unlock them then buy yourself a good manager as even locked managers can be bought with the gold coins.

good advice

And remember, this year in My Club are Dt with "formación fluida" do not know how that translates in English

but this gives you more freedom of tactical movements with and without the ball
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It does sound like very good advice Zee and polter. I personally don't play myClub.

If I were to offer criticism it would be that such advice, particularly that regards fluid formations should be something far better explained and encouraged either within the game itself (ideally this) or the online manual. These types of assets should be something the developers encourage the player to do, especially if they have such a massive impact on the key online game mode.
It's a football game, not a flight simulator. If full manual is the only way to play, where does it end? Left stick for left leg, right stick for right leg? Push back and forth alternately to walk/run? Hold L1 to take a deep breath and regain energy? Controller angle determines foot angle? (Actually, I like that one...)

Have you played a free browser game called QWOP? You really should.
Yesterday had a session playing Full Manual shooting and passing top player -1.

In Aisa Champions League it was great.

Then started a get to know the game league mode with arsenal just now. i'll put a live stream up.

I think like many i'm disappointed with Konami's service this year as it for me seems as if we will have to wait to October 29th for the game to properly start.

The game at the moment seems to be all about myclub online.

Passing on level 1 feels no different to level 3, this has blatantly been made easy to get kids easily adjusted to PES on myclub. I can see this game significantly different when its properly updated.

This shocking service this year must of been tied into all the problems with Konami in general.
I've never known a game to cheat so much, no fails, all low shots go in, players ALWAYS out run my players, rebounds always go to them, deflected goals galore, super slow keepers NEVER save low shots, players just run through mine without a nudge of getting the ball, all this on just ameture /regular settings, it's crazy how much disadvantage you get, the amount of on goals I have to suddenly wait for computer to nick the ball of me to stop shooting, never ever ever have I played such a one sided game
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