PES 2016 News & Discussion Thread

Really though, isn't that bile directed at you know who, in large part a result of his lies and general f-u attitude and behavior? Not condoning it, but he does bring this on himself he's completely unprofessional and behaves like an internet troll in many ways.

That is like saying "I'm not condoning it but I can understand why it has happened"

No. Just no. There is no logic or rationale. Nothing to understand. Nothing he has done that warrants death threats and racist abuse.

He is not some wahoo with extremist views running for office who is gaining traction in the polls and if elected he will make life complete misery for us all. Even then, in a democratic society, death threats wouldn't look too clever.

We are talking about a football games roster update. Be angry. Be absolutely livid at the publisher. Don't passively justify disturbing behaviour towards one individual off the back of a transfer update not coming out early enough.

It would be like me sitting in a restaurant with friends and when our meal is served the waiter apologises to me because the onion rings are going to take a bit longer and me saying "I am going to kill you and your family, mate!" and my friends and fellow customers saying "Well, we clearly can't condone your reaction, but the waiter needs to take some blame for your reaction"
Yes, sure, so maybe in a couple more years Konami will have one single game they develop and release every year, but nothing else, just like 2K Sports. Not sure though what that has to do with what I wrote.

Maybe you misread your post. Thought you were saying 2k games aren't moving forward. NBA2k for sure is.
Never mind.
I once collected magazines which give me part of battleship each week. I got down to the last bit, the propeller. When I went to the newsagents the man behind the desk told me that they weren’t going to have that in until next week and that I had just left the shop with that week’s magazine which I even had it still in my hand and that the next weeks, with the propeller, wasn’t due out until next week.

I walked away calmly. Then several years later, when the dust had settled, I went after his family. I entered his house, killed his dog and taped its fur around me and stormed into his bedroom screaming the word ‘propeller’ repeatedly before ramming my almost finished battleship up his arse, before murdering everyone in the house with a frozen mackerel and made my escape.

I completely understand that death threats to people not even working for Konami are appropriate for late roster updates
That is like saying "I'm not condoning it but I can understand why it has happened"

No. Just no. There is no logic or rationale. Nothing to understand. Nothing he has done that warrants death threats and racist abuse.

He is not some wahoo with extremist views running for office who is gaining traction in the polls and if elected he will make life complete misery for us all. Even then, in a democratic society, death threats wouldn't look too clever.

We are talking about a football games roster update. Be angry. Be absolutely livid at the publisher. Don't passively justify disturbing behaviour towards one individual off the back of a transfer update not coming out early enough.

It would be like me sitting in a restaurant with friends and when our meal is served the waiter apologises to me because the onion rings are going to take a bit longer and me saying "I am going to kill you and your family, mate!" and my friends and fellow customers saying "Well, we clearly can't condone your reaction, but the waiter needs to take some blame for your reaction"

What are you, his distant cousin or something? You realize this is not about some missing onions in your meal, but a result of years of serving shit on a plate. Here's a more accurate analogy for ya: There's only two restaurants in the world. One of them is Mc donald's which serves food with poor nutrition yet people come back for more because it tastes and looks good. You on the other hand have principles and wouldn't want to eat their poisonous food so you turn to the sushi bar at the corner. This sushi bar is having a hard time though with customers and is lacking confidence since the fat fucks over at Mc donald's keeps every food source for itself and tricks more and more customers to their side. So the sushi bar takes action and incorporates some Mc donalds element into their business by hiring some fat guys from the other side of the world so they can produce a more appealing sushi to the masses. The true hardcore sushi fans are now disgusted about the sushi loosing its originality, but stick with it regardless. The sushi now looks more like a hamburger and attracts more fat asses over from Donalds so the sushi bar still survives but fails at delivering the fucking NOODLES and Chop Sticks in time so we can eat the damn food! By now, the loyal customers just feels to nuke the entire sushi bar, but then some fucking self appointed guru comes and speaks about racism and human rights.:CURSE:
I completely understand that death threats to people not even working for Konami are appropriate for late roster updates
YOU'RE the propeller mackerel murderer?! :FISH:

What are you, his distant cousin or something? You realize this is not about some missing onions in your meal, but a result of years of serving shit on a plate.
That doesn't make it okay to threaten someone and/or his family.

He doesn't make the game by himself. He's the public face, yes, but the roster delay isn't his fault. It's not his job, he doesn't make those decisions or manage the efficiency of the data editors.
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Deco and zeemeister have "I heart Konami" tattoed on their chest. I am sure. I mean, you guys are the opposite of trolls, the exact opposite. You would defend Konami at all cost and tell ppl who are disappointed with any aspect of the game, or point out any negative issues, to grow the fuck up.

Chris Davies, man you feel exactly the way i do, love your posts, i wish i had the patience and eloquence to type as you do. Respect
when this game doesn't lag online it's simply amazing. Had some great games last night without lag. I guess online will be a hit and miss again this year.
can we move all the Adam drama to other thread?
It's getting really annoying now

i enjoy the game and i want to see videos/read about other people that are enjoying it as well, this was this thread was about innit
when this game doesn't lag online it's simply amazing. Had some great games last night without lag. I guess online will be a hit and miss again this year.
I've only played online a few times so far and I've had less lag than I had last year, although it's still present. Definite improvement, not just on the lag front either. MyClub is a better idea than Ultimate Team, IMO (prevents you playing the exact same players over and over again).

Yes and the toothpaste slipper buggerer
At least you left them minty-fresh.
can we move all the Adam drama to other thread?
It's getting really annoying now

i enjoy the game and i want to see videos/read about other people that are enjoying it as well, this was this thread was about innit

So tjis thread is all about ppl who enjoy the game? I thought it was pes 2016 news and discussion, all (most, actually) of the above posts qualify as such
For me (who had no hate or vitriol until the rosters fuck-up), it's because a part of me is utterly desperate for the game to reach the potential it's had since the early 2000s.

I don't know of many other games that change so very little off-the-pitch stuff (including fixing errors like the all-ML-games-at-night thing), and do so little to game modes. The experience outside of the gameplay never changes, except now we've got MyClub - and that wasn't because they were "listening to us", that's because they saw a microtransactions opportunity.

It's the thought of what PES would be if, ten years ago, everything but the gameplay had been outsourced to the right company, who listened to its customers and that evolved the off-the-pitch stuff as much as the gameplay. We'd have a stunning package, then.

The vitriol comes from passion for the game, not trolling (although with some posters it turns into that, certainly). It comes from that place of misplaced hope.

Saying "it's just a game" is true but for a lot of us, those of us who (as Gerd rightly said) have little else to worry about in our first-world-problems existence, it feels like a repeated slap in the face.

I think it's also the belief that, if all the vitriol was harnessed and Konami actually heard it (instead of just the fans hearing it amongst themselves), maybe something would change. For a game with such an active community, it doesn't seem like we're listened to when it comes to criticism. At all.

People rage at Bhatti (wrongly, of course, especially the stuff from this week)... But he reflects the company's attitude of we'll accept your praise, but fuck your criticism; don't like it, don't buy it, we're not listening.

Then people defend them, or repeat that "don't like it, don't buy it" mantra, when taking care over non-gameplay parts of the game would benefit EVERYBODY - and this results in no evolution off-the-pitch whatsoever, because they know they can get away with it (with an over-accepting fanbase and glowing reviews).

(The reviews are pointless to you and I but remember, CEOs use Metacritic to make decisions - and those same CEOs apply basic business rules of "if we can spend very little on staff and make a game that still sells well, profit margin is huge, so let's keep it this way - they'll wait until October for this year's rosters, because we'll tell them to".)

This x 1,000,000 :APPLAUD::APPLAUD:
I started my first ML season 2 days ago leading Watford to victory. :) ...I wish.
As the season starts Liverpool is my first opponent. BAM!! Lost 5:0. Next was Manchester United. BAM! Lost 5:0! :lol: a tough start that is. But I'm having fun!
Let's see if we can stay in the Premier League!

2nd round FA cup against west ham! The new defense tactics I set work flawless :) and then the 60th minute comes up... It started to rain 5 minutes before. Vydra takes the chance in an one one against Ried and shots from 20 meter (full manual). OH MY WORDS...!!! The crowd goes mad!!! Watford is leading this game!! 5 season matches and not victorious yet but nearly entering round 3 of the FA cup...! Tense atmosphere!!
It is still raining as the ref blows for full time. Players hugging each other partying in the rain!! Watford wins this 2nd round knockout match against West Ham! Brilliant stuff!! :D
next up is Tottenham! :|

Today: Watford is giving me headache. Maybe I'm not the right person for this club or my soccer philosophy is different. I think I move on and accept that manager offer from Palace. ;)
Always lags for me, if only....

are you on the US servers? if yes add me we could try. I find when I play people I know it works fine, i'ts online divisions that has the issue. I'm sure part of the lag I encounter on the online divisions is ppl cheating, i'm convinced this has to be a big issue, or with crap internet connections.

PSN :dieci
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are you on the US servers? if yes add me we could try. I find when I play people I know it works fine, i'ts online divisions that has the issue.

PSN :dieci

I got the us version but im in oz, i dunno which server i am in haha. Ill add u tomiz and we can try. Currently 1am now, in bed
Tip for those who like to dabble with stats:

Boost the reflex and range stat on keepers considerably. Played four matches in a row as Verona against Juve with these stats (can't remember if Top Player or Superstar) three finished 0-0, Juve won the last 1-0. Exhibition mode with manual passing (which I need MUCH more practice at) and a camera angle similar to that in that goalkeeper saves vid which was posted a while ago. What camera setting is that?
Whoever mentioned the need for a global editor a few pages back, yes, I've thought the same for years. Two examples, the ability to boost every keeper's reflex stat by x amount or to lower everyone's injury resistance by one would be very helpful.
Whoever mentioned the need for a global editor a few pages back, yes, I've thought the same for years. Two examples, the ability to boost every keeper's reflex stat by x amount or to lower everyone's injury resistance by one would be very helpful.
Agree that a global editor should be in place, especially if stats have such a considerable impact. I appreciate that it can muddy the waters and perhaps give developers free reign to not optimise the out of the box product properly, but to use keepers as an example, why not just put a an option in place that allows you to increase keeper key stats by 5 or 10? Especially as the opinion on them proves so divisive.
One reaction to all these posts, if people continue fishing like nowadays, soon there will be no more fish in the sea. So a sushi restaurant is arguably worse than a Burger joint.
Tip for those who like to dabble with stats:

Boost the reflex and range stat on keepers considerably. Played four matches in a row as Verona against Juve with these stats (can't remember if Top Player or Superstar) three finished 0-0, Juve won the last 1-0. Exhibition mode with manual passing (which I need MUCH more practice at) and a camera angle similar to that in that goalkeeper saves vid which was posted a while ago. What camera setting is that?

I said this a few pages back. Reflex plays a big role in stopping shots in the box
Deco and zeemeister have "I heart Konami" tattoed on their chest. I am sure. I mean, you guys are the opposite of trolls, the exact opposite. You would defend Konami at all cost and tell ppl who are disappointed with any aspect of the game, or point out any negative issues, to grow the fuck up.

Chris Davies, man you feel exactly the way i do, love your posts, i wish i had the patience and eloquence to type as you do. Respect

Really... This shit again

So I am a fan boy and anyone who agrees with you is right

My god where do we find these people are they sent here or do they just arrive?
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Hey, quick question. If I edit formations and tactical settings of all the teams now, will this be overwritten in the forthcoming update on the 29th? Obviously, the personnel will change, but the actual formations/tactics?
So I am trying to learn manual shooting. It really gives back the satisfaction when scoring a goal. There is more failure, more variation.

Since stats doesn't matter at both manual and assisted at least scoring goals take more effort by choosing manual.

Yet easy tap ins seem to be the most difficult things, even more from a tight angle.
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