PES 2016 News & Discussion Thread

I see the thread has gone down the toilet again. Was fine right until Konami fucked things up with the announcement l. It's as if people sit and wait for a Konami miss step then jump out the closet with daggers ready to pounce and ridicule.

Why must they always be subject to this level of hate. I can't stand fifa but lack the motivation to display this much vile and vitriol

The game hasn't changed overnight because Konami fucked up it still is plays a stupendous game of football. If you don't like dont play it. There is another option for you.

I can only shake my head at 2015.15 jibe. If you expecting a total rewrite of a game year to year you are either naive or just plain stupid.

Also hoping pes die a altogether come on guys this isn't preschool grow the fuck up
Wasnt there a evo webber that got a job at Konami PES to work on player stats etc? Anyone remeber who that was? Maybe we can ask them what the **** is going on?
Why must they always be subject to this level of hate. I can't stand fifa but lack the motivation to display this much vile and vitriol
For me (who had no hate or vitriol until the rosters fuck-up), it's because a part of me is utterly desperate for the game to reach the potential it's had since the early 2000s.

I don't know of many other games that change so very little off-the-pitch stuff (including fixing errors like the all-ML-games-at-night thing), and do so little to game modes. The experience outside of the gameplay never changes, except now we've got MyClub - and that wasn't because they were "listening to us", that's because they saw a microtransactions opportunity.

It's the thought of what PES would be if, ten years ago, everything but the gameplay had been outsourced to the right company, who listened to its customers and that evolved the off-the-pitch stuff as much as the gameplay. We'd have a stunning package, then.

The vitriol comes from passion for the game, not trolling (although with some posters it turns into that, certainly). It comes from that place of misplaced hope.

Saying "it's just a game" is true but for a lot of us, those of us who (as Gerd rightly said) have little else to worry about in our first-world-problems existence, it feels like a repeated slap in the face.

I think it's also the belief that, if all the vitriol was harnessed and Konami actually heard it (instead of just the fans hearing it amongst themselves), maybe something would change. For a game with such an active community, it doesn't seem like we're listened to when it comes to criticism. At all.

People rage at Bhatti (wrongly, of course, especially the stuff from this week)... But he reflects the company's attitude of we'll accept your praise, but fuck your criticism; don't like it, don't buy it, we're not listening.

Then people defend them, or repeat that "don't like it, don't buy it" mantra, when taking care over non-gameplay parts of the game would benefit EVERYBODY - and this results in no evolution off-the-pitch whatsoever, because they know they can get away with it (with an over-accepting fanbase and glowing reviews).

(The reviews are pointless to you and I but remember, CEOs use Metacritic to make decisions - and those same CEOs apply basic business rules of "if we can spend very little on staff and make a game that still sells well, profit margin is huge, so let's keep it this way - they'll wait until October for this year's rosters, because we'll tell them to".)
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Not if u play with manual settings and set to "similar settings"! (Yep, I'm on a mission...;))

Have you actually connected with anyone?

I haven't tried it myself this year, but previously nobody was using 'similar settings', so I'd never get a game when I filtered by manual controls. I did try many times and waited aaaages, but never once connected. :)

Without 'similar settings' the game was a mess anyway. Those ridiculous exploits! :CRY:
(thankfully none yet seen this year, fingers crossed).
I see the thread has gone down the toilet again. Was fine right until Konami fucked things up with the announcement l. It's as if people sit and wait for a Konami miss step then jump out the closet with daggers ready to pounce and ridicule.

Why must they always be subject to this level of hate. I can't stand fifa but lack the motivation to display this much vile and vitriol

The game hasn't changed overnight because Konami fucked up it still is plays a stupendous game of football. If you don't like dont play it. There is another option for you.

I can only shake my head at 2015.15 jibe. If you expecting a total rewrite of a game year to year you are either naive or just plain stupid.

Also hoping pes die a altogether come on guys this isn't preschool grow the fuck up

A buddy from another forum said he was just playing the new NBA2k16 and to his surprise it felt like a huge step not minor update. I believed that in sports games there is only small changes (like an update) every year and only huge steps when a new console generation or new game engine is launched. He says this thinking is dead when u have played nba2k16. I'll see myself next week.
Have you actually connected with anyone?

I haven't tried it myself this year, but previously nobody was using 'similar settings', so I'd never get a game when I filtered by manual controls. I did try many times and waited aaaages, but never once connected. :)

Without 'similar settings' the game was a mess anyway. Those ridiculous exploits! :CRY:
(thankfully none yet seen this year, fingers crossed).

Yes of course, the manual community is growing! :) I haven't had any trouble finding opponents during the evening/night. I tried yesterday around 16 in the afternoon and that was the first time I had to wait to find someone (I had 2 "unable to find opponent"in row) but that took around 5-6 min. Worth the wait though...
For me (who had no hate or vitriol until the rosters fuck-up), it's because a part of me is utterly desperate for the game to reach the potential it's had since the early 2000s.

I don't know of many other games that change so very little off-the-pitch stuff (including fixing errors like the all-ML-games-at-night thing), and do so little to game modes. The experience outside of the gameplay never changes, except now we've got MyClub - and that wasn't because they were "listening to us", that's because they saw a microtransactions opportunity.

It's the thought of what PES would be if, ten years ago, everything but the gameplay had been outsourced to the right company, who listened to its customers and that evolved the off-the-pitch stuff as much as the gameplay. We'd have a stunning package, then.

The vitriol comes from passion for the game, not trolling (although with some posters it turns into that, certainly). It comes from that place of misplaced hope.

Saying "it's just a game" is true but for a lot of us, those of us who (as Gerd rightly said) have little else to worry about in our first-world-problems existence, it feels like a repeated slap in the face.

I think it's also the belief that, if all the vitriol was harnessed and Konami actually heard it (instead of just the fans hearing it amongst themselves), maybe something would change. For a game with such an active community, it doesn't seem like we're listened to when it comes to criticism. At all.

People rage at Bhatti (wrongly, of course, especially the stuff from this week)... But he reflects the company's attitude of we'll accept your praise, but fuck your criticism; don't like it, don't buy it, we're not listening.

Then people defend them, or repeat that "don't like it, don't buy it" mantra, when taking care over non-gameplay parts of the game would benefit EVERYBODY - and this results in no evolution off-the-pitch whatsoever, because they know they can get away with it (with an over-accepting fanbase and glowing reviews).

(The reviews are pointless to you and I but remember, CEOs use Metacritic to make decisions - and those same CEOs apply basic business rules of "if we can spend very little on staff and make a game that still sells well, profit margin is huge, so let's keep it this way - they'll wait until October for this year's rosters, because we'll tell them to".)

Gotta agree here.

Going on all personal and just slating and trolling without any reason is certainly not the right thing.

But we have to accept and cope so many things with KONAMI and PES and it has to be enough some time.

We have to edit around, some of us are forced into game settings to enjoy it (like me with full manual), have to install this, wait for that to be patched etc etc.

And imo most importantly:
Every year we have to HOPE!
We have to hope that the game is good.

It´s not like from another brand like for instance, take Call of duty or any other series where you know you like it because of what it is, even every release is a smaller update with some little extra touches.
But you are fine with the core and can enjoy it.

But here we have to HOPE that they get this thing right, they don´t fuck up that thing and also don´t cut out any feature from last years you liked!

For an anniversary...all this is truly quite disappointing.
Wasnt there a evo webber that got a job at Konami PES to work on player stats etc? Anyone remeber who that was? Maybe we can ask them what the **** is going on?

Simcut.. i have a feeling the people outside core team of japan pes production will have very little information until they are allowed to hear.. :P
I'm glad Eurogamer have reported it - PES 2016 Players Up In Arms Over Roster Update Delay. The more it's reported, the more the message that people are unhappy gets through to Konami (which I genuinely believe is half the problem).

No new info and the usual extremes of "you guys are whinging wankers" / "I want to stab Konami works in the face" in the comments section.

EDIT: Regarding the "live update available from October 1st" stuff...

Does that not just mean that if a player plays great in real life (e.g. Gerrard has a great game in the MLS), he gets a form boost in the game (where he plays for Liverpool)?
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Hi Chris,

First of all i signed this petition. Most people buy the game for the updated rosters. If they can't update the rosters, it makes no sense to have a different game each year. Peole have every right to be outraged.

I also sort of agree with what you write: we'll accept your praise, but fuck your criticism.
The problem is that 'fuck your critcism' imo is a reaction to the manner in which tihis criticism is expressed by lots of people (often the most verbal, not what Reagan called the silent majority). Just take a look at this thread; The outrage is justified, but the manner in which is expressed by some people is way over the top.

If you criticize something, i think you do this beacuse you expect a result, here a better game. To have a result people (in this case Konami) have to prepared to listen to what you say or write. If a (large?) (but certainly very) vocal part is abuse...IMO it is very logic that people will not listen...

PS:what i told about having no worries is inspired by my current situation. At the moment i do have serious worries about one of my childeren and PES helps me to relax a litle bit and to forget all my worries. I can assure you that having up to date rosters is the least of my worries at the moment and it doesn't spoil pes as escapism for me, not in the least. On the other hand,

People who are turning this thread in a garbage can are imo also responsible for Konami's reaction.

About Bhatti: i have no heroes, and he certainly is not one of my heroes...but imo he had a very positive influence on the PES franchise...he doesn't deserve the abuse he gets and certainly not the abuse his family gets...that is disgusting.
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I'm glad Eurogamer have reported it - PES 2016 Players Up In Arms Over Roster Update Delay. The more it's reported, the more the message that people are unhappy gets through to Konami (which I genuinely believe is half the problem).

No new info and the usual extremes of "you guys are whinging wankers" / "I want to stab Konami works in the face" in the comments section.

EDIT: Regarding the "live update available from October 1st" stuff...

Does that not just mean that if a player plays great in real life (e.g. Gerrard has a great game in the MLS), he gets a form boost in the game (where he plays for Liverpool)?

I also think, but may be wrong, that the live update sorts out squads online and in exhibition mode but not for the other modes eg master league.

From a waiting point of view Id rather is be at the end of october and good than rushed and pointless. If they can address the keepers which they should be able to do as giving them a stat increase seems to work, and fouls and maybe tweak shooting power down then it will be a success.

What they should give us is some form of global editor, which essentially would be a slider I suppose to edit quickly
from what i gathered, winning eleven 16 japanese version is due octber 1st. what a coincidence!

Which makes sense, they releae an update version for the asian markets with perfect rosters and main transfers for on line purposes (my guess asian releases don't have full european league but i might be mistaken), and then very slowly they work on the european rosters.

So it basically says "fuck you europe".

No. WE 2016 is released October 1st. The DLC is released October 29th. That's almost a month wait..
Its clear Konami released the game early before it was finished 100%. It feels 85-90% done but interestingly they put the release date out for last week because the knew myclub would be ready to go.

This first 6-8 weeks is all about myclub. Offline master league aint ready at all.

I guess the january transfer update is expected for May.
Yes of course, the manual community is growing! :) I haven't had any trouble finding opponents during the evening/night. I tried yesterday around 16 in the afternoon and that was the first time I had to wait to find someone (I had 2 "unable to find opponent"in row) but that took around 5-6 min. Worth the wait though...

That's great to hear! I will be jumping back-in this weekend. Perhaps we shall cross paths (Jarlathzinho).
Why must they always be subject to this level of hate. I can't stand fifa but lack the motivation to display this much vile and vitriol
I don't know if you followed the systematic demise of 2K over the past decade, but this has all the same earmarks:

- 2K releases essentially the same game with the same bugs and broken gameplay, year after year.

- After a time they don't even update the game or rosters, they just release last year's version, then release patches and update rosters after the game is released.

- After a time they don't even bother with updates or patches, they just release last's years game, and that's the last we hear from them for the year.

Meanwhile with every passing year, their support base grew smaller and smaller as former 2K gamers drifted away and started playing EA's games. The anti-2K hate and vitriol grew to insane levels on internet forums. People were pissed off and disgusted.

If you look at all this honestly - and especially given the exact same thing happened to 2K as is happening now with Konami - you have to ask yourself how much of this "vile and vitriol" is in fact deserving.

FYI, I'm enjoying PES 2016 a lot, but boy is it ever a sub-par effort on a lot of levels, really poor.
I don't know if you followed the systematic demise of 2K over the past decade, but this has all the same earmarks:

- 2K releases essentially the same game with the same bugs and broken gameplay, year after year.

- After a time they don't even update the game or rosters, they just release last year's version, then release patches and update rosters after the game is released.

- After a time they don't even bother with updates or patches, they just release last's years game, and that's the last we hear from them for the year.

Meanwhile with every passing year, their support base grew smaller and smaller as former 2K gamers drifted away and started playing EA's games. The anti-2K hate and vitriol grew to insane levels on internet forums. People were pissed off and disgusted.

If you look at all this honestly - and especially given the exact same thing happened to 2K as is happening now with Konami - you have to ask yourself how much of this "vile and vitriol" is in fact deserving.

FYI, I'm enjoying PES 2016 a lot, but boy is it ever a sub-par effort on a lot of levels, really poor.

You can take football or hockey (where EA is king, even if hockey is not that good as madden) but the nba franchise is the best sports game on the market! Fact!
I'm glad Eurogamer have reported it - PES 2016 Players Up In Arms Over Roster Update Delay. The more it's reported, the more the message that people are unhappy gets through to Konami (which I genuinely believe is half the problem).

Sure, report about it, but it is also worth reporting on some of the consumer base who have been posting sickening bile and subjecting an employee to threats because Schweinsteiger and Martial won't be assigned to Manchester United until late October.
You can take football or hockey (where EA is king, even if hockey is not that good as madden) but the nba franchise is the best sports game on the market! Fact!
Yes, sure, so maybe in a couple more years Konami will have one single game they develop and release every year, but nothing else, just like 2K Sports. Not sure though what that has to do with what I wrote.
Sure, report about it, but it is also worth reporting on some of the consumer base who have been posting sickening bile and subjecting an employee to threats because Schweinsteiger and Martial won't be assigned to Manchester United until late October.
Absolutely. Can't argue with that, and that has been reported within the article I mention (in a rather flippant fashion I admit). No excuse for personal threats when it comes to a game.
Sure, report about it, but it is also worth reporting on some of the consumer base who have been posting sickening bile and subjecting an employee to threats because Schweinsteiger and Martial won't be assigned to Manchester United until late October.
Really though, isn't that bile directed at you know who, in large part a result of his lies and general f-u attitude and behavior? Not condoning it, but he does bring this on himself, he's completely unprofessional and behaves like an internet troll in many ways.
Before this starts to get out of hand, can we just say that death threats and personal abuse because of a video game are totally not okay (that's an understatement - I hope the police get hold of them, especially considering that they supposedly involved his family) - but that Adam's attitude towards criticism makes him a target (a target for the type of troll that threatens someone over a video game).

He's a decent guy who has a genuine love for the game and, if anything, he's helping point the series in the right direction. He doesn't deserve shit, and more to the point, the roster situation is nothing to do with him.
I see the thread has gone down the toilet again. Was fine right until Konami fucked things up with the announcement l. It's as if people sit and wait for a Konami miss step then jump out the closet with daggers ready to pounce and ridicule.

Why must they always be subject to this level of hate. I can't stand fifa but lack the motivation to display this much vile and vitriol

The game hasn't changed overnight because Konami fucked up it still is plays a stupendous game of football. If you don't like dont play it. There is another option for you.

I can only shake my head at 2015.15 jibe. If you expecting a total rewrite of a game year to year you are either naive or just plain stupid.

Also hoping pes die a altogether come on guys this isn't preschool grow the fuck up

Well said. .. they're loving this!
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