PES 2016 News & Discussion Thread

So, is the transfers gonna be done for Online modes on october first but not offline? Is that correct? In that case, WHY THE HELL NOT?

live update works offline too but not for Competition and Football Life modes

hmmm those wise mighty bastards who didnt buy the game yet, will get a full game for half a price at the end of october :D no one will preorder buy it day one next year i guess
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Umm... didn't I go into training ground mode last night around 11 pm while staying up playing PES 2016? If not, what was that? I wasn't THAT tired was I?

No, in PES 2016 you train on the pitch of your actual stadium, like it was 1936.

Maybe Konami lost their tape of birdsong and traffic noise?
No, in PES 2016 you train on the pitch of your actual stadium, like it was 1936.

Maybe Konami lost their tape of birdsong and traffic noise?
So the complaint is that you have to train in your stadium and not on some generic training pitch. Now that's what I call an idle complaint, lol.
still dont get it how come there is live update next week but no data pack with it. because of the new teams creating 200 players and 21 kits in full time job when there are no new graphic updates planned takes more than 1 month? im really curious how many people working on this product, about 5?
Really don't know how to respond if you honestly believe that having to train your players in a real stadium vs a training pitch is somehow an actual and valid issue.

I wouldn't give a toss, if it wasn't part of the same malaise of laziness and contempt for the customer which gives us transfer updates two months after the window closes and seven weeks after the game is released, 6 home games in a row in Master League and 250 players with the same bloody face.
haha. funny how some people get incensed aboiut different things, some get angry about nets, others about the lack of training pitches, others about how unplayable it is online, others about ML night games, etc, etc,etc

For the life of me how this game got reviewed at the level it did is beyond me. Yes, the gameplay is pretty good (animations still suck though, whoever plays football IRL can see that) but the rest of the package is absolutely rubbish. That the online part of the game is so bad (ping pongy, laggy, too easy to score, cant customise cameras, etc, etc) is nigh unforgivable in 2015.

Think about it, all they updated was the gameplay and the ability to edit kits. THATS IT...even the interface looks the bloddy same as PES 2015...All the praise from the community and the reviewers can only make Konami even more complacent, they are laughing all the way to the bank from suckers like us who pre ordered/ paid full price for this unfinished product...every year is the same, next year will be no different, yet we keep hoping...
Disappointing news. I'd even bought loads of malt loaf for quick snackage this weekend. Will it last? So, this is how when PES2015 dropped on Nov. 11th the transfers were updated on day one. The shame is that I'm sat here ready and willing to take the ML length, but I'll instead play some more of other games whilst I wait for the end of October. Literally have loads to start or finish.

Twenty-eight days between an online update and an offline update is a stinker. The arse end of the deal often goes to offline players now following a game's launch. Much like GTAV's story mode DLC being shelved recently because all staff are working on keeping the online mode fresh. I've had buckets more fun out of single-player.
Oh Konami do you have any feet left to shoot.

Fuck me that is a hard ask. Guess I will be dawdling around with editing kits and competitions till then. No way am I starting an ML with these severely outdated teams.

Lol at pulling reviews comment it really got to people that this game scored so well and for good reason.
Oh Konami do you have any feet left to shoot.

Fuck me that is a hard ask. Guess I will be dawdling around with editing kits and competitions till then. No way am I starting an ML with these severely outdated teams.

Lol at pulling reviews comment it really got to people that this game scored so well and for good reason.

Ok so we accept a half finished game is excellent even though it is half assed just because the gameplay is good?

Fair enough, but for me a game needs to be the complete package to be excellent and worth of 90+ scores...

I think it really gets to people (like me) because we are frustrated that such good gameplay cannot be supplemented by great bells and whistles, or not even bells and whistles but fundamental parts of the game that are not done properly. (online, ML, transfers, etc, etc, etc)
I literally just went to 2 shops today to get my copy and both were sold out. I couldn't believe it! I get back to my desk and read this news and I am in even more shock haha. Jesus I am a huge defender of the game and konami but this is hilariously bad. At least that's more MGS time for me...
Also I must be going mad. If the data is available for update on the first for online modes, why on earth is it going to take another month for offline??
Half a game lads.
But what a half a game!
...please, please no.

Can we all please get on the "let's give Konami a load of shit on Twitter" bus with this one please so that they learn?

Nobody who says "I'm taking my game back and buying FIFA" is actually serious, and we all know that (despite that being the only real way to show disapproval). So can we all just agree to hammer them on social media, please?!

So you don't care about the ML games all being at night. Okay. You don't mind all the editing we have to do. Fine. It doesn't bother you that there's no kit-mixer, or any of the other countless things Konami have implemented and then got shut of the following year. Okay. And you don't care that we can't share option files (which they could have done by creating a roster sharing system in the game itself, no "outside" - hardware-wise - involvement needed).

But on this one, can we all agree that they need fucking bollocking, and that we need to get the message home that their laziness has reached a new low, releasing a game with the previous game's rosters and making us wait A MONTH AND A HALF before we can play the game we've paid for (if you happen to be largely interested in playing offline)?

Really, we're going to let them off with this too?

Why, guys?

We deserve this...
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IMO the problem is that too many people have complained (read: moaned) about litle things.
I don't care about nets and about a training ptich, but there are things which are important to me and that others don't care about.

Concerning the transfer updat that takes so long, of course this is infuriating.
But if i remember well, i few years ago Konmai has said that this has something to do with the (absence of or limited) licenses. People will say that last year the game had a day one update, yes but that was around the date this one is coming out (it's earlier, i know).

I'm known as one of the 4 biggest fanboys, so i shouldn't have written this, but i hoenstly don't care anymore.

Did Konami make a huge mistake? YES.

If the licensing story is true (if), then they should have postponed the game.

If the licensing story is true, then they should mention this as the reason why the update is that late (did they mention a reason?).

Meanwhile the game is growing on me, but it is difficult...i play it on the highest difficulty and full manual (except the shooting) and especially the defending is a majar heart ache for me...
Soooooo, Pes 15.5 until the end of October?

I was so close to converting some FIFAites I know, the editing options really opened their eyes this year, full Premiership and Championship; I had also stated the task of adding the Bundesliga (trudging through the squad rosters).

But this, this inexplicable delay in just updating the transfers? FIFA will be guaranteed to be on their shelves now instead of Pes.

Anyone who is annoyed at this is damn right too, I understand that the game released early, so early that the transfer window would have still have been well open, and that final transfers could not have been completed on the game when the development finished. Completely understandable and acceptable. One and a half months after release of the game? Fucking retarded. Why release the roster update at the same time as the stadiums, faces and boots? Sure, I would like some more stadiums and additional faces, thats a nice update to get, but sort your fucking database out first. By the time this update drops I'm going to have updated all the squads, created a whole new league along with several hundred players on my own.

Embarrassing really does some this up. Suppose I could play MGSV until the end of October instead :P
Why the hate? Transfer updates take years and years of hard work as opposed to customizing gameplay and tweaking a new engine.
Imagine that the game had a "14/15 Rosters" sticker on the box. Imagine the sales figures. "Cheeky" isn't the word. I genuinely think they should have been forced to do that when it became clear that the transfer update was more than a month away, and a month is long enough when you've just spent £40 on their "latest" game. It's not exactly fit for purpose if you've bought it to play a 15/16 Master League, is it.

If it says 2016, you expect 2015/2016 players.

Konami, fuck you, seriously.
Stadiums in fifa 75, pes 19, balls in fifa 120+, pes 20 ( out of which only 4 are playable), i could go on but can't be bothered u get the gist. Gameplay better in pes? Marginally, this year, and inly in full manual, assisted sux major dick
I'm lost for words on the roster issue.

To announce you have a 2015 game profile for over a month on the day your biggest competitor release their game is just difficult to comprehend.
Adam replied to me on twitter and said that there was an issue that they found regarding the update that they have had to fix
I'm lost for words on the roster issue.

To announce you have a 2015 game profile for over a month on the day your biggest competitor release their game is just difficult to comprehend.

Loool the folks at EA must be rofling hard right now. I sometimes wonder if konami are so shit on purpose when it comes to pes PR
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