PES 2016 News & Discussion Thread

a bit offtopic, but anyway. i've spent last few days playing pes 2013 as klashman69 suggested to me, and i loved it instantly. game is so much more satisfying copared to 2016 (so far). see, in order to enjoy pes 2016, i have to make myself play realistic football ignoring easy ways the game lets you score again and again, but in 2013 it just makes you really think and vary your playstyle, and for me that's the best thing a football simulation game can offer. also the individuality is great, passing is nice and doesn't feel like it's on rails for every player like in 2016 (1 bar assistance), shooting is also decent, reminds me of pes 5\6. of course animations are often pathetic and outdated even for 2012 and i really miss pes 2016 dribbling mechanics, but the flow of the game is amazing. someone here said about that "one more game" factor, and 2013 feels among the greatest i've played in that regard even if i only had 3 or 4 days with it.

now the question is why did the need again to fuck things up so much with 2014? if 2013 gameplay was the base for 2016 we'd have the best football game ever by now
i'm not saying pes 2016 is bad, in fact i really like it in many ways, with the right fixes it could be even great, but 2013 experience is, well, just more enjoyable for me so far
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i've spent last few days playing pes 2013 as klashman69 suggested to me, and i loved it instantly....

now the question is why did the need again to fuck things up so much with 2014?
Aren't you like two years late to the party? :)
There should be a slider in the settings, where you can define how many matches should be played in daylight.

The slider should go from 0 to 100%. And this setting should be applicable to all competition games, be they league, cup or masterleague..
There should be a slider in the settings, where you can define how many matches should be played in daylight.

The slider should go from 0 to 100%. And this setting should be applicable to all competition games, be they league, cup or masterleague..
I'd rather they loosen up on the obvious customization restrictions first, like let us choose ANY stadium for ANY team's home ground. What is THAT about?
Given that you went on a rant against my manual shooting post a few minutes ago and now complained again, that's why I called you angry.

I made one post as a comparison. You made one post complaining about it...not exactly PES 16 related from your end either champ...
not exactly PES 16 related from your end either champ...
Oh dear, the passive-aggressive "champ" rears its head. I've ticked you off somehow, sorry, I don't know how, what I did is comment on the FIFA vs PES thread about how easy manual shooting is in both games, so very on-topic it's rather staggering really.
Aren't you like two years late to the party? :)
well yeah, but a few days ago in this thread klashman reccommended pes 2013 so i didn't know where else to post my thoughts about it
anyway i'm comparing it to 2016 so it's kinda on-topic, and the thread is already 200 pages long so i feel it's not breaking the discussion really
It's only passive agressive if you stick it in quotes.
Well I implied some people might be uncomfortable with manual shooting and you said you'd have to be an absolute football game rookie to not be comfortable with manual shooting. I was trying to be helpful - don't think you needed to imply people are crap at gaming if they don't like manual.

Telling me to look for a memory lane is that "on topic?"
I dont see what is hard about letting us select a stadium and time of kick off in the master league before kick off..frustrating

+1. I have been wondering about that for the past 15 years.

Add to that the ability to select away stadium since very often i forget to assign stadia for specific teams and gotta restart master league from scratch after i played 5 away games on the same ugly one.

And i wish the old replays system was still in use, i never ever watch a single replay or highlight these days.

Lack of current roster is still shocking tbh.
You can tell what functionality would be loved by the community by looking at things people make for the PC version and a stadium server which allows you to select a stadium for each match in any mode is always very popular.

If you play the master league the most, you’re playing the game for the most part, looking only a fraction of how good it can look, no other games do this. In previous years I have tried to play a world cup, but have never finished it as night games in random stadiums sucks the enjoyment out of it

If enough people tweet or feedback about this, it might get done as it would be such an easy change

I reckon when this roster change arrives there will be some small game play changes, some new teams and maybe a couple of stadiums
So, the release date of the roster update is october 29. How can it take them over a month to update the transfers?!
Just let me do them, and they would be out within a couple of Days.

Looks like I have to get FIFA instead.
THE END OF OCTOBER for the roster update?

That's a disgrace, the rosters are so far out-of-date that it's like playing a patched PES 2015.

I'd say they should have delayed the game but there's no way they'd have given EA the head-start, but they clearly weren't ready for release were they.

This is Konami in a nutshell though. Absolutely in a nutshell, and it's the reason why so many of us have become bitter.

If it wasn't for the gameplay, the game and the brand would be dead in the water. ML games all at night, no option to change it, no fouls, and now a month's wait (over a month's wait) for the data editors (or is it data editor) to DO THE JOB THEY SHOULD HAVE DONE MONTHS AGO (those rosters aren't "slightly" out of date, they're WAY out of date)?

There's no defending that. Surely.

It literally is like they've got one person doing the data for the whole game.

Next year, Konami, do us a favour. Create a roster-sharing system within the game, and let the community do it all for you. Like they have to do everything fucking else.

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Add to that the ability to select away stadium since very often i forget to assign stadia for specific teams and gotta restart master league from scratch after i played 5 away games on the same ugly one.

If you save the Master League, go to edit mode, re-assign the stadia and then go back into ML, the changes will now show up in your Master League. You don't have to restart from scratch.

The problem is trying to find a stadium that vaguely resembles the real-life stadium of that team, because there are so few of them - even fewer when the region restrictions kick in - and most of them look the same anyway. On poor old PS3, every team in Europe has to have one of eight or nine stadia, two of which are the San Siro, and none of which are small (like the Santos stadium, which you're not allowed to use) or have a running track (like the Sao Paolo stadium, which you're also not allowed to use). No English-style stadia, either. No Spanish or South American style open stadia without a roof. Not even generics (we have far fewer than on PS4).

Sorry to moan - aside from a few old niggles I don't have much to moan about with the gameplay at the moment. I'm having a really good time. But every year it gets more and more obvious how shoddy and poorly-maintained the rest of the game is. How many licences did Konami lose this year??
Reviewers should pull their reviews imo

Its not a finished product and as such, should be reviewed in that way.

1 month is a disgrace, the game is great but Konami and its support is a joke.

There are no excuses, id defend the game to anyone, but I wont defend this tbh
I think the Oct. 29th update should be a patch to make it an ipad game, Replace the goalies with traffic cones. And remove all licensed teams an replace them with teams from the backyard soccer game.

Let that clown keep smoking hooka and the corrupted reviewers give t an excellent rating.

Anybody have any idea why they removed tight kit settings for players in Edit Mode?.

why have they removed training ground after 2013?
why have they removed favourite player for the main menu all of a sudden after its introduction in 2014?
why have they removed b/g/r colour setting after 2013?
why have they removed goal cam replay after 2009?
why have they removed change player for quick n easy subs?

we could go on till christmas, man... :)
Er... just saw that date.

October 29th?

OCTOBER 29th???????

I'm enjoying the game all right, but in terms of general shitness that might actually be the final straw. I've been waiting for the update before getting properly stuck in, but...

Nah, this is a joke. I genuinely can't believe they're serious.

I was going to make a joke a few days ago, like "huh, don't get excited, transfers probably won't be done until October", but then I thought "no, don't be so cynical."


Looks like I won't be playing much PES for the next month, then. Or possibly at all. Might just flog it. What's the point?
So, is the transfers gonna be done for Online modes on october first but not offline? Is that correct? In that case, WHY THE HELL NOT?
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