This works like charmeFor me I found a workaround of the limitation for inserting kits etc.
Therefore it is usefull, that the images you import are just LINKED to the teams - the same goes for the emblems (and aswell competition logos and managers)
First of all I imported all emblems and kits. I started with the national teams, than sassuolo, premier league and bundesliga kits.
Now I thought about making a seperate file on a second account to import kits for all european leagues, but this would mean editing a lot of things twice.
This made me thinking of some kind of alternativ OF, but as the images are just linked and not saved, it would make no sense.
The solution is a second collection of images.
Therefore I changed the names of the images in each categorie and put numbers upfront - the same order like they are now stored onto my PS4. It starts with argentina kits = 001argentinagk1, 002argentinap1 & 003argentinap2. next is bolivia with 004boliviag1, 005bolivivap1 and 006boliviap2. Right now the last ones are Werder bremen kits with 327bremeng1, 328bremenp1 and 329bremenp2.
I did the same for the teamemblems. So far so good.
Next step will be to delete all NATIONAL kit graphics in PES 2016 through datamanagement.
Then I will insert all emblems of sky bet championship, serie b, Liga NOS (and maybe aprox 13 other teams). Those files are also named with 000, 001, 002 etc infront of the name, just to make sure thy are imported in the correct sequence.
Afterwards I will import the kits belong to the teams in the leagues mentioned above. Then I will edit the teams with the emblems and the kits.
This will lead to following situation:
All National Teams and all other club teams except sassuolo, premier league and bundesliga, will share the same slots for kits.
Ok, more or less, because I will lose aprox 7-8 kit slots due to the additional teamemblems that will be inserted.
This means while I use the set of ONLY club teams, ALL national teams will have aswell kits of those clubs, as they are still linked to the same slot. And if I use the National kit files the serie b, NOS, sky bet championship teaams will be equipped with national team kits.
I will prepare two USB sticks, No.1 containing the files for the NT teams and the No.2 for the club teams.
When I want to play eg a World cup with my friends, I will delete all kits and emblems in PES2016, and import the ones from stick No.1. And if I want to play with club teams only, I will only delete all National kits and import the files from stick no.2
At first, this sound a little bit complicated, but this should work. I will test this at the upcoming weekend.
The only thing is, that it will take some minutes for deleting and copying the files.
If you make sure that everything is named and imported correctly, this should be a good way to use as much licensed kits end emblems as possible.
I think about doing this aswell for argentina and chile league and maybe the PLA and PAS League aswell. But this I will decide in a few weeks, when i finished editing for my initial plan
I did the Championship as well. Looking for more kits of Serie B to edit them also.
I am going to edit all teams of the game with correct kits and will prepare 3 sticks with all the images to switch.
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